Busamed Gateway Private Hospital

ID do serviço: 52848

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Monday: Open 24 hours
Tuesday: Open 24 hours
Wednesday: Open 24 hours
Thursday: Open 24 hours
Friday: Open 24 hours
Saturday: Open 24 hours
Sunday: Open 24 hours

Resumo gerado por IA da revisão e recomendações dos usuários


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Este resumo é gerado a partir de comentários recentes submetidos por usuários desta instalação e compilado usando inteligência artificial.
Embora nos esforcemos pela precisão, erros ou omissões ocasionais podem ocorrer.
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Este resumo fornece uma visão geral das avaliações e classificações, mas é responsabilidade do provedor de serviços analisar cada comentário individualmente e tomar as medidas apropriadas.

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Deixe uma avaliação

2,5 out of 5 stars (based on 30 reviews)

sharon mohanlal's Review

Junho 10, 2024

Poor service, from the specialist to the X Ray department.

only person that receives you with a smile is the Door man.

Avatar for sharon M
sharon M

Tiffany Elese Ramiah's Review

Junho 9, 2024

Pathetic service and nurses are racist!!!

Avatar for Tiffany R
Tiffany R

Pooja Dooken's Review

Junho 7, 2024

The doctors are good. Nursing staff is pathetic to say the least. Rude and unethical as well as fraudulent documentation.

I warn that you don’t rely on nurses/ in ward staff for help. If you choose to get post-op care from here, have a good relationship with your doctor directly, as you risk complicating/ death if you rely on the other staff.

Avatar for Pooja D
Pooja D

J ML's Review

Maio 26, 2024

Do not pay for any operations here. Six months after a hip replacement I am still waiting for my refund of 21,000 Rand overpayment. Emails not answered and fraud obviously being perpetrated there.

Avatar for J M

Ashley Augustine's Review

Abril 29, 2024

Avatar for Ashley A
Ashley A
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