Busamed Gateway Private Hospital

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Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours

Service Facility Name: Busamed Gateway Private Hospital

Address: 36-38 Aurora Dr, Umhlanga Rocks, uMhlanga, 4319, South Africa

Service ID: 52848

DIMA Weather Forecast System

Over the next few days, temperatures will range from a low of 19.78°C to a high of 27.94°C. The best days for hospital visits are December 22nd and 24th, with lower chances of rain (15%) and average wind speeds below 4 km/h, ensuring safer travel. December 23rd has a 50% chance of rain and higher winds, making it less ideal. The 25th and 26th offer clear skies but higher wind speeds of around 5-8 km/h. December 27th sees a return to moderate rain risk (40%) and similar wind conditions. For comfort and safety, plan appointments in the mornings when temperatures are cooler and conditions are calmer.

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Deixe uma avaliação

2,5 out of 5 stars (based on 30 reviews)

nadia versteijnen's Review

Abril 24, 2024

If I could give a 0 I would ,they dont even deserve a 1 star, absolutely the WORST hospital I have ever had to deal with from reception, tonthe wards ,nurses and admin staff ,the definition of incompetent!!!! Will NEVER set foot in the hospital ever again!!!!!

Avatar for nadia V
nadia V

Ebrahim Ali's Review

Abril 22, 2024

Have had four surgeries here, one major surgery, best nursing and overall service. Food also as per dietary requirements. Excellent hospital.

Avatar for Ebrahim A
Ebrahim A

Elizabeth Carr's Review

Abril 8, 2024

My grandfather was admitted here and not once did the staff contact any of the family members to give them an update, every time my dad tried to phone the doctors to get information they just ignored him. The nurses never checked up on him and were extremely rude. When my grandfather died they phoned my dad and told him he should collect the dead body immediately, my dad told them we leave 6 hours away but would be there early the next morning to sort everything out. The staff refused this proposal saying they had no where to store the body. They insisted the body needed to be removed immediately.

Avatar for Elizabeth C
Elizabeth C

Richard Berry's Review

Março 31, 2024

My wife has been to this hospital twice now and the wards are absolutely shocking. They admit you, and then forget about you. She was admitted with viral pneumonia, but 24hrs later, no drips for the issue… pain meds are not allowed unless from the doctor. The doctor only saw her about 18hrs after being admitted…. shocking, we will definitely not be using them again if we need any kind of stay in the wards. The ward nurses are simply useless, they don’t care. Very sad, made my sick wife really suffer for no reason. Not happy.

Avatar for Richard B
Richard B

Patrick Viljoen's Review

Março 19, 2024

A very well run hospital which is home to many top class doctors and surgeons.

Avatar for Patrick V
Patrick V
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