Busamed Gateway Private Hospital

ID do serviço: 52848

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Horário de funcionamento:

Monday: Open 24 hours
Tuesday: Open 24 hours
Wednesday: Open 24 hours
Thursday: Open 24 hours
Friday: Open 24 hours
Saturday: Open 24 hours
Sunday: Open 24 hours

Resumo gerado por IA da revisão e recomendações dos usuários


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Este resumo é gerado a partir de comentários recentes submetidos por usuários desta instalação e compilado usando inteligência artificial.
Embora nos esforcemos pela precisão, erros ou omissões ocasionais podem ocorrer.
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Este resumo fornece uma visão geral das avaliações e classificações, mas é responsabilidade do provedor de serviços analisar cada comentário individualmente e tomar as medidas apropriadas.

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Deixe uma avaliação

2,5 out of 5 stars (based on 30 reviews)

Akshar Authar's Review

Janeiro 6, 2024

Worst hospital ever. Patient was transferred from Newcastle with a heart condition and they treated him so badly.

Avatar for Akshar A
Akshar A

Kiran Megnath's Review

Janeiro 1, 2024

I was there last week at Emergency Room.I encountered a very arrogant and rude Night Matron named Surprise Ndo.She pathetic and has no bedside manners.I needed help tried to explain the situation.Pathetic she is.She will surprised if she loses her job

Avatar for Kiran M
Kiran M

Lugasen Naicker's Review

Dezembro 7, 2023

Avatar for Lugasen N
Lugasen N

Montsi Manyatsa's Review

Dezembro 6, 2023

The service was fine but definitely not efficient. I came to the hospital with pains and they misdiagnosed my illness. The doctors did not perform thorough tests when trying to diagnose my illness. Also the drip they gave me was way more painful than any I’ve ever had. Not satisfied. I had to go to another hospital to get a proper diagnosis. Would not come back.

Avatar for Montsi M
Montsi M

Dudley Reid's Review

Novembro 19, 2023

Went in for biopsy and tests… We now await the results

Staff pleasant and helpful

Avatar for Dudley R
Dudley R
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