Mediclinic Ermelo Hospital

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Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours

Service Facility Name: Mediclinic Ermelo Hospital

Address: 25 Mel Mentz St, Ermelo, 2351, South Africa

Service ID: 52355

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3,5 out of 5 stars (based on 30 reviews)

Nikita Lottering's Review

Outubro 9, 2023

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Nikita L

Buhle Khaba's Review

Julho 12, 2023

Mediclinic I received the worst service ever. The midwives there made my life miserable as a first time mom, even now am still waiting for a call from management about case. The midwives were so racist in such a way that i almost requested to Leave immediately after giving birth. Not a good experience for a first time mom. Because there isn’t competition doesn’t mean you have to treat people like trash!

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Buhle K

Teresa Badenhorst's Review

Junho 28, 2023

Realy bad admin service.

Never informed my daughter who is a school student that medi clinic is not part of Discovery Delta admitted her and called me after two months with a R9000 bill

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Teresa B

Marissa Pienaar's Review

Maio 31, 2023

I received the utmost care yesterday evening at the Emergency department. The receptionist was quick to assist me with opening a file. The friendly radiographer who insisted on waiting to take my chest x-ray, even though her shift was finished. Despite having a high case load and being short staffed, Dr Suzaki and Sr Maloney treated me swiftly. I am grateful that they were the ones on duty yesterday evening! Thank you goes a long way. Put yourself in their shoes just for a moment and remember the sacrifices they make to serve our community. Ngiyabonga Udokotela! Baie dankie Suster!

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Marissa P

vusi khoza's Review

Abril 25, 2023

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vusi K
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