Mediclinic Ermelo Hospital

ID do serviço:52355

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Open 24 hours

Service Facility Name: Mediclinic Ermelo Hospital

Address: 25 Mel Mentz St, Ermelo, 2351, South Africa

Service ID: 52355

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Deixe uma avaliação

3,5 out of 5 stars (based on 30 reviews)

Beauty Marutla's Review

Fevereiro 25, 2023


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Beauty M

nazir sibda's Review

Dezembro 24, 2022

I had a little slip while away in the area… my initial call to the clinic was a bit sad,thought I was at a government hospital… the receptionist should be the first person to make a good connection especially in an emergency….. when I arrived I was taken in immediately and helped by Dr SD SUKAZI who amongst his nurses sorted me out within an hour…. Doctor SUKAZI was really professional 🙌🏼

I just noticed that he was the only Doctor on site… I would advise Medi Clinic to rally get more DR’s in to assist him and the nurses… he was up and down,I couldn’t even thank him for his thorough care…. Thank you DR SUKAZI 🙏🏼

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nazir S

Zinhle Zee Mbokane's Review

Outubro 1, 2022

I am not happy with the service I received, my baby was admitted on 30rd September in the evening the staff the was working on that evening was very great and doing their job, but I afraid not to say the same about the morning staff that no one ever came to our ward to check the baby even his temperature but on his card it was recorded that the temperature and the BP were taken. The bilirubin test were taken before the evening staff knocked off but when the results got back nobody came to communicate them with me. They only came when they were about to knock off to check my baby sugar level. Ism very much disappointed on how they operate 👎👎👎

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Zinhle M

Nomfundo Gumbi's Review

Julho 19, 2022

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Nomfundo G

Edna Botha's Review

Maio 25, 2022

The staff are always friendly and greet visitors. They take wonderful care of their patients, and the hospital is spotless.

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Edna B
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