Mediclinic Ermelo Hospital

ID do serviço:52355

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Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours

Service Facility Name: Mediclinic Ermelo Hospital

Address: 25 Mel Mentz St, Ermelo, 2351, South Africa

Service ID: 52355

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Deixe uma avaliação

3,5 out of 5 stars (based on 30 reviews)

Zanele Dlamini's Review

Maio 17, 2021

This hospital is always crowded especially on the OPD side and the pharmacy. You have to bring your lunch and be prepared to wait.

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Zanele D

Michélle van Wyk's Review

Abril 2, 2021

No service at emergency room, waiting at the door to get in but no one opens, no receptionist, only 1 doctor and no one informs you of what is happening with the patient as no one is allowed in the room with the patient you sit and wait and wonder … I could have driven to Middelburg Hospital and got helped faster .Worst ER hospital service

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Michélle W

Enitte Dube's Review

Janeiro 29, 2021

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Enitte D

Mr. NE Mlangeni's Review

Janeiro 7, 2021

Service is average

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Mr M

Wendy Lourens's Review

Dezembro 14, 2020

So last Tuesday I landed up Ermelo Hospital Emergency for the first time ever. Alone and not sure what to expect I was pleasantly supprised. Opened a file at Admissions the guy was friendly and jokey…took all of 10 minutes. The Sister was fantastic. (Wish I had gotten both their names). Dr Meyer was on duty and was amazing. I’ve had to go back twice so far for injections and although the hospital is pretty busy during the week it’s not a big deal to wait and so far I’ve found the staff friendly. I’ve only experienced one grumpy person and I just smiled and walked away. You’ll always get that one ‘special’ person that just can’t help themselves. 🤭

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Wendy L
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