Life Bay View Private Hospital

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Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours

Service Facility Name: Life Bay View Private Hospital

Address: Ryk Tulbach St, Da Nova, Mossel Bay, 6506, South Africa

Service ID: 85333

DIMA Weather Forecast System

Over the next few days, expect mild and relatively stable weather, making it safe for scheduling hospital appointments. Maximum temperatures will range from 20.98°C to a pleasant 25.99°C, with minimums staying between 18.38°C and 21.65°C. Rain chances remain low, under 10%, ensuring mostly dry conditions. Winds are moderate but nothing too concerning. For the best travel conditions, plan your appointment in the mornings or late afternoons to avoid potential discomfort from peak daytime temperatures, especially on the warmer days like December 26 and 27. Overall, the upcoming days are favorable for travel to and from appointments.

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Deixe uma avaliação

3,1 out of 5 stars (based on 30 reviews)

Nabeelah Williams's Review

Setembro 25, 2023

I just want to thank the nurses and the Dr for being quick to assit us. We were all the way from Stellenbosch and my little one was sick. Thank you for assisting us we felt like home. thank you for caring and making sure that when we left you all made sure that we leave safe. Thank you to the Dr that could also see us that very moment. Our little one has made progress and it’s always heart warming to see our children to get better. Thank you 💯♥️

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Nabeelah W

Eric Grimbeek's Review

Setembro 22, 2023

This Private Hospital in South Africa is undeniably the most subpar facility I have encountered. While the Pediatrics ward stands out as an exception with its well-trained, compassionate, and professional staff, I must emphatically caution against being admitted to Ward 4. In Ward 4, it is imperative to maintain a constant state of vigilance, as the staff’s lack of concern for patients is deeply concerning. My four-day stay in this ward was marred by moments of genuine fear for my well-being, as it was painfully evident that the staff lacked the necessary care and professionalism. Their audibly disrespectful conversations about patients, frequent use of offensive language, and demeaning behavior only added to the distress.

To compound matters, the hospital’s Accounts department left me thoroughly frustrated and dissatisfied.

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Eric G

H M's Review

Setembro 21, 2023

My father was submitted on Monday via ambulance with very serious pain, vomiting, high fever

After more than 3 hours of waiting in Emergency they found a bed. Started with tests. Yesterday they did more test, camera etc. Last night after 6 they removed his gall blooder which was seriously infected and had stones in. He was in ICU with lots of pain. This morning he was discharged because you needed the bed. Really???? He can’t even walk because of pain. Operation wasn’t even 12 hours old. My mom deep in her 70’s had to help him with her one eye. On the way home the hospital already phone about payment they must make. This is very disappointing.

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Annelise's Review

Setembro 20, 2023

Could you kindly educate yourself re the validity of electronic signed documents. We are in 2023. You expect me (being bedridden) to appear in front of you with a manually signed document iso accepting a electronically signed pdf. All that to get a COPY of MY fully paid invoice.

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Michelle Kruger-Hechter's Review

Setembro 7, 2023

My son was admitted to the pediatric ward. All doctors and nurses were excellent! We are very grateful to all the staff for looking after our son so well.

Avatar for Michelle H
Michelle H
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