Life Bay View Private Hospital

ID do serviço: 85333

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Horário de funcionamento:

Monday: Open 24 hours
Tuesday: Open 24 hours
Wednesday: Open 24 hours
Thursday: Open 24 hours
Friday: Open 24 hours
Saturday: Open 24 hours
Sunday: Open 24 hours

Resumo gerado por IA da revisão e recomendações dos usuários


Generating Recommendations...

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Este resumo é gerado a partir de comentários recentes submetidos por usuários desta instalação e compilado usando inteligência artificial.
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Este resumo fornece uma visão geral das avaliações e classificações, mas é responsabilidade do provedor de serviços analisar cada comentário individualmente e tomar as medidas apropriadas.

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Deixe uma avaliação

3,1 out of 5 stars (based on 30 reviews)

Daniel Prins's Review

Dezembro 25, 2023

You really need to do something about the waiting period at the ER section. You know that during holidays there’s a huge influx of people, not to talk about the normal influx of permanent residents. One doctor on duty! You must be kidding me!

Friendly reception but the system needs serious re-thinking!

Avatar for Daniel P
Daniel P

Jan Nel's Review

Novembro 23, 2023

Had a visit to emergency last night. Special thanks to Str Pretorius and Dr Barnard and all the other personnel for their excellent services

Avatar for Jan N
Jan N

Rusty Demmer's Review

Novembro 14, 2023

Want to thank the doctor and staff which were on duty Friday 9th November who helped my husband very friendly and professional. Thank you.

Avatar for Rusty D
Rusty D

Bonita Coetzer's Review

Novembro 9, 2023

Never before in my life did a hospital care enough to phone 6 months after my operation to find out how I was doing and if I still have any pain. Impressive and so refreshing

Avatar for Bonita C
Bonita C

Marí Stebbing's Review

Setembro 30, 2023

Very professional and friendly staff.

Avatar for Marí S
Marí S
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