Life Bay View Private Hospital

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Open 24 hours
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Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours

Service Facility Name: Life Bay View Private Hospital

Address: Ryk Tulbach St, Da Nova, Mossel Bay, 6506, South Africa

Service ID: 85333

DIMA Weather Forecast System

Over the next few days, expect mild weather ideal for hospital visits. From December 22-27, temperatures will range between a low of 18.38°C and a high of 25.87°C. December 22 and 25 will have the clearest skies, with virtually no rain forecasted and minimal wind, making these the safest travel days. December 23-24 sees a slight increase in wind speeds and a 10% chance of rain. December 26-27 continues with low rain risk but sees an uptick in temperature and wind. Mornings offer cooler temperatures and calmer conditions, ideal for traveling. Avoid traveling late in the evening due to limited visibility post-sunset.

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Deixe uma avaliação

3,1 out of 5 stars (based on 30 reviews)

Jeanette Andrews's Review

Janeiro 12, 2024

I would just like to express my gratitude to the professional and friendly service I received from everyone at Life View Hospital this past 2 days, with special mention of Donovan, the nursing sister who attended to me from when I was admitted!

g dister who aþended to me from the start!

Avatar for Jeanette A
Jeanette A

Linda De Ruyter's Review

Janeiro 2, 2024

What a pleasant experience. No waiting time at Casualties. They took care of every aspect during the admittance. The attending doctor was very caring and the nurses.

I was discharged the same morning, due to expert caring.

Thank you Life Bayview.

Avatar for Linda R
Linda R

JT Japies's Review

Dezembro 31, 2023

Please don’t come here if you feel like you are dying. I am battling to breathe and have been sitting in ER for 2hours.

This is completely unacceptable. You are better off going to a GP

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Hermiena Roman's Review

Dezembro 30, 2023

My dad had emergency surgery. he went to the ER early in the morning waited hours to see a doctor and to get any answers. My dad Was Harass while sleeping by front desk receptionist for payments everyday. How unprofessional?? Every morning when I called I could never get answers from the nurses and I live in America was up all night to updates on his progress. It was not the first time my dad was admitted there and we always paid cash. It was discussing how he was treated and how unprofessional and cold hearted the staff was. My dad was treated like he wasn’t a paying patient. If there were 0 stars I would give it zero. Thanks to Dr Barnard for taking such good care of my dad second time he operated on him and I’m very great full to him for saving his life.

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Hermiena R


Dezembro 29, 2023

My brother had a stroke at around 12 Christmas day, rushed him to Bayview, had a another seizure in casualty, they admitted him, sent him to ICU, he did well thru the night and the doctor send him home the next day with Cardio disprin, diagnosis a mini stroke. They said a scan and exray was done. After querying yesterday the Scan was never done, as the xray department was closed. His now admitted to George Medi Clinic and will have a scan this morning as his right hand has an issue. Absolutely pathetic, unprofessional and negligent, sorry to say… We will never be back at that institution..and will transfer all our files else were.

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