Life Bay View Private Hospital

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Open 24 hours
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Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours

Service Facility Name: Life Bay View Private Hospital

Address: Ryk Tulbach St, Da Nova, Mossel Bay, 6506, South Africa

Service ID: 85333

DIMA Weather Forecast System

Over the next few days, temperatures will range from a low of 17.63°C to a high of 26.06°C. Clear skies and light breezes create favorable travel conditions. Minimal rain is expected, with the highest chance (20%) on December 27. For patients scheduling hospital visits, the safest and most comfortable times to travel are during daylight. Mornings, especially, offer lower temperatures and reduced UV exposure. Notably, December 27 sees a slight increase in wind and precipitation risk, so consider scheduling appointments before noon on that day to avoid potential discomfort. Overall, the coming days provide generally safe weather for hospital commutes.

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Deixe uma avaliação

3,1 out of 5 stars (based on 30 reviews)

Elsolet Joubert's Review

Agosto 17, 2024

I had a deeply disappointing experience at Life Bayview in Mossel Bay. We waited over four hours for my friend’s 6-year-old child to receive stitches after a hockey accident. This level of delay is unacceptable for a private hospital, especially considering the urgency of pediatric care. The lack of timely attention and communication was frustrating and concerning. I expected far better from a facility of this caliber.

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Elsolet J

Ray Kinsman's Review

Agosto 11, 2024

Excellent medical care

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Ray K

Corbett Miles's Review

Julho 29, 2024

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Corbett M

Elmari van Wyk's Review

Julho 4, 2024

Terrible staff, unhelpful, unfriendly, unprofessional,do not send your family there

Avatar for Elmari W
Elmari W

Harties_Sea in Hartenbos's Review

Junho 18, 2024

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Harties_Sea H
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