Life Bay View Private Hospital

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Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours

Service Facility Name: Life Bay View Private Hospital

Address: Ryk Tulbach St, Da Nova, Mossel Bay, 6506, South Africa

Service ID: 85333

DIMA Weather Forecast System

Over the next few days, expect mild and relatively stable weather, making it safe for scheduling hospital appointments. Maximum temperatures will range from 20.98°C to a pleasant 25.99°C, with minimums staying between 18.38°C and 21.65°C. Rain chances remain low, under 10%, ensuring mostly dry conditions. Winds are moderate but nothing too concerning. For the best travel conditions, plan your appointment in the mornings or late afternoons to avoid potential discomfort from peak daytime temperatures, especially on the warmer days like December 26 and 27. Overall, the upcoming days are favorable for travel to and from appointments.

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Deixe uma avaliação

3,1 out of 5 stars (based on 30 reviews)

Sonja Du Buisson's Review

Junho 6, 2024

I am very satisfied with this hospital. From the helpful guard at the entrence, admissions, the doctors, the theater staff, the sisters and nurses, the physiotherapist, the cleaners. They all are friendly and very helpful. Professional. The rooms and hospital are clean. I was in a room with a beautiful view over the sea. I would have give them 5/5, but the catering needs to upgrade a bit. The tea trolly was not always on the same time and sometimes it did not show up. Sometimes the person who brings the food, does not come to fetch the dishes afterwards and the nurses have to take it away.

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Sonja B

marna corver's Review

Junho 6, 2024

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marna C

Lydia De Lange's Review

Junho 4, 2024

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Lydia L

Marius G Dalton's Review

Maio 19, 2024

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Marius D

Terance Stevens's Review

Maio 8, 2024

We brought and older gentalmen (89) from Stillbay old age home for operation.

He was told to be at the hospital at 7AM.

He was up at 4AM and we drove through at 5AM to be in time.

We arrived at 6:30AM to sign him in at reception. 3.5 Hours later we are still sitting waiting for them to find a bed for him.

This is disgraceful. How do you treat older people?

Avatar for Terance S
Terance S
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