Busamed Gateway Private Hospital

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Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours

Service Facility Name: Busamed Gateway Private Hospital

Address: 36-38 Aurora Dr, Umhlanga Rocks, uMhlanga, 4319, South Africa

Service ID: 52848

DIMA Weather Forecast System

Over the next few days, temperatures will range from a low of 19.78°C to a high of 27.94°C. The best days for hospital visits are December 22nd and 24th, with lower chances of rain (15%) and average wind speeds below 4 km/h, ensuring safer travel. December 23rd has a 50% chance of rain and higher winds, making it less ideal. The 25th and 26th offer clear skies but higher wind speeds of around 5-8 km/h. December 27th sees a return to moderate rain risk (40%) and similar wind conditions. For comfort and safety, plan appointments in the mornings when temperatures are cooler and conditions are calmer.

Résumé généré par l’IA de l’examen et des recommandations des utilisateurs


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2,5 étoiles sur 5 (selon 30 avis)

Dudley Reid's Review

mars 5, 2024

No hassel, easy book in..

Friendly staff

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Dudley R

Benni Thompson's Review

mars 1, 2024

My sister in law is currently admitted to Busamed Gateway Hospital for a mastectomy. Whilst we cannot fault the excellent service of her surgeon, her physiotherapist and nursing staff in the ICU unit, the nursing staff in the General Ward has been nothing less but pathetic.

It is difficult enough being diagnosed with breast cancer and having to deal with excruciating pain levels, but even worse when patients have to beg for pain relief. She had to ring her bell continuously for assistance and kept being told that they will attend to her in ten minutes. This was repeated until she called me in tears. It was only after I called the ward sister that something was done. Furthermore, her drip has not been working as her veins have collapsed due to her being dehydrated. She has therefore spent the entire evening in agony.

This is not acceptable for a so called private hospital who charges premium rate for their service.

Please sort out your nursing care. Being told that you are short staffed is not the problem of your paying patients. We could well expect this service from a government hospital, not a private hospital.

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Benni T

Kathy Piper's Review

janvier 26, 2024

I have just been in for 3 days and being sick is never nice, but the nurses in d ward were unbelievable. Kind, caring and engaging. Thank you so much Kathy piper

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Kathy P

Dave Borlase's Review

janvier 14, 2024

On the 23 rd December 2023, my wife fell and suffered a suspected broken arm. As it was Saturday we rushed to to Gateway Private Hospital, where we have always had excellent treatment. But not this day. The admitting clerk was not caring, and officious beyond his station in life. The attending doctor, cold have been a lot more passive and understanding that we were in shock. Not a great time.

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Dave B

Andre Maistry's Review

janvier 9, 2024

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Andre M
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