Busamed Gateway Private Hospital

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Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours

Service Facility Name: Busamed Gateway Private Hospital

Address: 36-38 Aurora Dr, Umhlanga Rocks, uMhlanga, 4319, South Africa

Service ID: 52848

DIMA Weather Forecast System

The upcoming week's weather features mild to warm temperatures, with highs ranging from 24.81°C to 27.34°C and lows between 19.78°C and 22.69°C. For planning a hospital appointment, consider the following days: - December 22nd: Low chance of rain, light winds, and warm temperatures (max 27.94°C, min 22.69°C), ideal for morning or afternoon appointments. - December 24th: Cooler, low precipitation probability (15%), and very light winds (max 4.03 km/h); morning appointments are advisable. - December 25th-27th remain relatively stable with slight rain chances, suitable for afternoon appointments when light winds and moderate temperatures ensure comfortable travel. Avoid scheduling on December 23rd due to higher rain probability and stronger winds. Consider planning around these suggestions for the safest and most comfortable commute.

Résumé généré par l’IA de l’examen et des recommandations des utilisateurs


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Bien que nous nous efforcions d’être exacts, des erreurs ou des omissions occasionnelles peuvent survenir.
Le contenu ne représente pas les points de vue ou les opinions de ce site Web, de ses organisations affiliées ou de ses commanditaires.
Ce résumé donne un aperçu général des avis et des notes, mais il est de la responsabilité du fournisseur de services d’examiner chaque commentaire individuellement et de prendre les mesures appropriées.

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2,5 étoiles sur 5 (selon 30 avis)

Akshar Authar's Review

janvier 6, 2024

Worst hospital ever. Patient was transferred from Newcastle with a heart condition and they treated him so badly.

Avatar de Akshar A
Akshar A

Kiran Megnath's Review

janvier 1, 2024

I was there last week at Emergency Room.I encountered a very arrogant and rude Night Matron named Surprise Ndo.She pathetic and has no bedside manners.I needed help tried to explain the situation.Pathetic she is.She will surprised if she loses her job

Avatar de Kiran M
Kiran M

Lugasen Naicker's Review

décembre 7, 2023

Avatar de Lugasen N
Lugasen N

Montsi Manyatsa's Review

décembre 6, 2023

The service was fine but definitely not efficient. I came to the hospital with pains and they misdiagnosed my illness. The doctors did not perform thorough tests when trying to diagnose my illness. Also the drip they gave me was way more painful than any I’ve ever had. Not satisfied. I had to go to another hospital to get a proper diagnosis. Would not come back.

Avatar de Montsi M
Montsi M

Dudley Reid's Review

novembre 19, 2023

Went in for biopsy and tests… We now await the results

Staff pleasant and helpful

Avatar de Dudley R
Dudley R
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