ID do serviço:44894
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Service Facility Name: Zuid-Afrikaans Hospital.
Address: 255 Bourke St, Muckleneuk, Pretoria, 0002, South Africa
Service ID: 44894
smsto:+27600426346:44894, Rating (1 to 5), Your Revie
Booking Options
Online Walk-ins Phone SMS-BasedTypes of Services
Outpatient Diagnostic and Imaging Services A 24-hour emergency unit Emergency ServicesSpoken Languages
English Swati (siSwati) Venda (Tshivenda) Tsonga (Xitsonga) Sesotho (Southern Sotho) Xhosa (isiXhosa) Zulu (isiZulu)Specializations
Emergency centre Baby Wellness Clinic Surgery CT Scan AnaesthesiologyDiagnostics & Laboratory Services
PathologyDigital Services
Patient Portals EHR SystemsCapacity
No. of Beds: 200 No. of Healthcare Workers: 50Average Waiting Time
0 hours 20 minutesAverage Consultation Time
0 hours 30 minutesPublic Transport Access
YesGenerating Recommendations...
Este resumo é gerado a partir de comentários recentes submetidos por usuários desta instalação e compilado usando inteligência artificial. Embora nos esforcemos pela precisão, erros ou omissões ocasionais podem ocorrer. O conteúdo não representa os pontos de vista ou opiniões deste site, suas organizações afiliadas ou patrocinadores. Este resumo fornece uma visão geral das avaliações e classificações, mas é responsabilidade do provedor de serviços analisar cada comentário individualmente e tomar as medidas apropriadas.
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My elderly mother had a hip replacement after a bad fall. We have experience of all the hospitals in Pretoria, but he level of care and commitment we experienced in this hospital was exceptional. The nursing staff in Ward B were attentive, friendly, professional and really caring, and so were the staff in Emergencies. After numerous bad experiences at a number of other hospitals in Pretoria, I can strongly recommend ZAH. I will not go to any other hospital.
Since I reviewed the hospital two years ago, we have had another great experience with replacement surgery in Ward B. The ZAH hospital is still the best. I can also highly recommend orthopaedic surgeon Dr Rian Steyn.
We as family would like to thank the ICU Cardio Thorasic unit for taking exceptionally good care of our mother up untill se sadly passed away. Your support to our family during this difficult time was truly exceptional. We appreciate you more than words can say