Mediclinic Louis Leipoldt Hospital

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Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours

Service Facility Name: Mediclinic Louis Leipoldt Hospital

Address: Broadway St, Bellville West A, Cape Town, 7530, South Africa

Service ID: 81878

DIMA Weather Forecast System

For the next few days, weather conditions are ideal for planning safe travel to the hospital, with clear skies and no expected rain. Maximum temperatures will range from 22.75°C to 34.57°C, while minimums will be between 15.97°C and 18.37°C. - December 22: 17.25°C to 25.5°C, calm winds. Safe all day. - December 23: Cooler, 16.44°C to 22.75°C. Safe all day. - December 24 and 25: Warmer, reaching up to 34.57°C in the late afternoon. Morning appointments are advised. - December 26: Remains warm, 18.37°C to 32.53°C. Early day appointments recommended. - December 27: A slight chance of rain, 18.01°C to 24.25°C. Morning to midday is safest. Schedule morning appointments on warmer days for comfort and safety.

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Deixe uma avaliação

3,0 out of 5 stars (based on 30 reviews)

Alvin Vurayai's Review

Junho 24, 2024

How can i leave zero stars

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Alvin V

Aneka Bosman's Review

Junho 22, 2024

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Aneka B

Leslie Beeselaar's Review

Junho 14, 2024

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Leslie B

Adrian Johnson's Review

Junho 7, 2024

ER giving public hospital vibes with the long waiting times.

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Adrian J

Karin van Schalkwyk's Review

Junho 6, 2024

My mother was in the hospital and was treated inhumainley, humilated and mistreated. I will never recommend anybody to go to this hospital. She said she will rather die at home as to go to the hospital again, she is still tramitised

Avatar for Karin S
Karin S
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