Life Fourways Hospital

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Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours

Service Facility Name: Life Fourways Hospital

Address: Cedar Ave West &, Cedar Rd, Fourways, Johannesburg, 2055, South Africa

Service ID: 45178

Additional Details

Booking Options

Online Walk-ins Phone

Types of Services

Inpatient and outpatient services Rehabilitation

Spoken Languages

Zulu (isiZulu) Tsonga (Xitsonga) Swati (siSwati) Ndebele (isiNdebele) Sesotho (Southern Sotho) Venda (Tshivenda) English


Maternity Baby Wellness Clinic Mental Health

Diagnostics & Laboratory Services


Digital Services

Patient Portals


No. of Beds: 100 No. of Healthcare Workers: 30

Average Waiting Time

0 hours 20 minutes

Average Consultation Time

0 hours 30 minutes

Public Transport Access


DIMA Weather Forecast System

The upcoming days offer generally warm temperatures, with highs ranging from 22°C to 28°C and lows between 15°C and 18°C. On December 22nd and 23rd, skies are clearer with maximum temperatures around 28°C and a low chance of rain. These days are ideal for morning appointments, as conditions are stable. December 24th sees a slight increase in rain likelihood and a dip in temperature to 23°C, suggesting an early appointment could still be feasible. December 25th and 26th are cooler yet manageable, but the increased rain chance on December 27th makes morning schedules riskier. To ensure safety and comfort, opt for morning appointments on clearer days.

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Este resumo fornece uma visão geral das avaliações e classificações, mas é responsabilidade do provedor de serviços analisar cada comentário individualmente e tomar as medidas apropriadas.

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Deixe uma avaliação

2,5 out of 5 stars (based on 30 reviews)

mkhasibe nonduduzo's Review

Maio 31, 2024

This is hospital fails to follow medical aid procedures which results in endless frustrations with the medical aid! Even after I inquired with the medical aid and explained to the Dr,he still did not follow the procedure. This is stressful and frustrating,I am truly disappointed with them!

Avatar for mkhasibe N
mkhasibe N

The Ampersand's Review

Maio 26, 2024

The waiting period at Life Fourways Trauma and Emergency Unit is outright outrageous. I spent a total of 6 and a half hours on a relatively quite afternoon to see a doctor and get a drip. It’s been two days and I am still waiting for my test results.

When I called about it, the call operator said that there is still a number of patients that the doctor needs to call from two days ago.

What’s more is that when I asked for a doctor’s note, I was told that I must come in for a second consultation. This is ludicrous.

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The A

shaun Mccurdy's Review

Maio 25, 2024

Tamzin in the emergency rooms is an absolute superstar. Stayed two hours after her shift to help with patients. Full of energy and an utmost professional in every aspect!

I hope fourways life sees this and values Tamzin like the asset she is your establishment!

Avatar for shaun M
shaun M

Tebogo Moepeng's Review

Maio 20, 2024

Very Poor service

Pls improve, you don’t value the patients

Your landline is ringing continuously with no response!

Avatar for Tebogo M
Tebogo M

Tsebo M's Review

Maio 14, 2024

It’s a clean hospital with good doctors. Unfortunately the cafeteria and food was not a great experience for my stay there.

Avatar for Tsebo M
Tsebo M
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