Life Fourways Hospital

ID do serviço: 45178

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Horário de funcionamento:

Monday: Open 24 hours
Tuesday: Open 24 hours
Wednesday: Open 24 hours
Thursday: Open 24 hours
Friday: Open 24 hours
Saturday: Open 24 hours
Sunday: Open 24 hours

Resumo gerado por IA da revisão e recomendações dos usuários


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Deixe uma avaliação

2,5 out of 5 stars (based on 30 reviews)

Steve Simmonds's Review

Junho 9, 2024

I am not a fan of hospitals, but this one really made me feel at home. The only negative was the person at admissions who needs to improve on their customer service and paying more focus and attention on the person being admitted that can for some be a bit nerve racking

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Steve S

Anezka Grove's Review

Junho 4, 2024

Avatar for Anezka G
Anezka G

Aaisha Saloojee's Review

Junho 3, 2024

Avatar for Aaisha S
Aaisha S

Nathan's Review

Junho 1, 2024

Service was great until I was left with drip on and after I shouted sitting with a finished drip to be told they are waiting for results from the lab as I might need another drip so that I wouldn’t need to reinstate the drip from scratch. Fine. I waited for my results after I was told were going to be sent to me with no help from the phone when i troed calling the hospital. I had to come all the way to the hospital to collect my results. I am going there again today I’ll see how it goes.

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Abby Warren's Review

Junho 1, 2024

Most amazing Emergency department! I was treated by an amazing doctor and nurse.

Avatar for Abby W
Abby W
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