Lenmed: Ethekwini Hospital and Heart Centre

ID do serviço: 52873

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3,6 out of 5 stars (based on 30 reviews)

Lulu Ngcobo's Review

Março 21, 2024

I HAD THE WORST EXPERIENCE AT THE PEDIATRIC WARD! I brought my 1 year old as she was really sick. She was seen by Dr Vinesh Moodley and he said she has gastroenteritis. I felt as if it was a misdiagnosis as my daughter was really sick and after 3 days of being on antibiotics via a drip, she was not making progress. I brought this up and he told me that I’m asking for a miracle as the antibiotics take a while to work. I told him that I feel as though he has misdiagnosed my daughte because she was getting worse, she had developed new symptoms like a red rash and her lips , tongue and throat were bloodshot red and I told him that might be the reason why she isn’t eating cause she has pain and there might be an inflammation of some sort, he said theres nothing wrong with her lips, they just dry and cracked because she isn’t eating and I should apply Vaseline. I insisted there’s something wrong and he said I’m just thinking like an anxious and emotional mother and he has 18 years of experience , he is skilled and he knows what he’s talking about. I asked for another doctor , and I was given DR ANNAMALAI, they were basically cut from the same cloth as she echoed every thing Dr Vinesh Moodley said and I felt so stupid but was so sure in my heart that my baby was seriously ill and is being given antibiotics that aren’t working because there has clearly been a misdiagnosis. They ended up discharging us after being there for 5 days , and my daughter was still ill , but I was happy we were going home cause I knew that the longer we there, the more my daughter’s health will deteriorate. We left the hospital , went to her Pediatrician Dr Gcaba and she was able to assist. It turned out my daughter had a serious illness called Kawasaki’s disease that affects the coronary arteries and the heart . As a result , my daughter was admitted in ICU at City Hospital and received treatment and within two days the antibiotics were working and she was getting back to her old , playful self. For a hospital that specializes in heart treatment, they did such a pathetic job with my daughter . We wasted a lot of time and money at that hospital and the Dr’s don’t listen to us moms . It was so obvious, you didn’t need to have a medical background to realize the severity of my daughter’s health and the fact that she was misdiagnosed. I used to argue with nurses and doctors all day trying to get them to see the seriousness of the situation but they didn’t. I almost lost my daughter because of their incompetence. I regret ever setting foot in that hospital. Gone are the days where we had real doctors who actually knew what they were doing and had the passion and time for it.

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Lulu N

Bhekani Patrick's Review

Março 15, 2024

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Bhekani P

E J van Biljon (Emmie)'s Review

Março 13, 2024

The hospital personal takes care of you from the moment you enter at reception and the exceptional excellent services does not stop there. Well done.

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Rob Tamblyn's Review

Março 6, 2024

Quality care!

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Rob T

P N's Review

Fevereiro 29, 2024

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