Lenmed: Ethekwini Hospital and Heart Centre

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Service Facility Name: Lenmed: Ethekwini Hospital and Heart Centre

Address: Riverhorse Valley Business Est, Cnr Riverhorse & Queen Nandi Drive, Newlands East, 4037, South Africa

Service ID: 52873

DIMA Weather Forecast System

The upcoming weather forecast suggests favorable conditions for scheduling hospital appointments, particularly in the mornings. Over the next few days, the maximum temperatures will range from 25.44°C to 29.31°C, while minimum temperatures will be between 19.63°C and 22.94°C. The highest chance of rain is 50% on December 23, making this day less ideal for travel. Other days show lower precipitation probabilities and gentle winds. December 26, with 0% rain probability, is excellent for visiting the hospital. Mornings are consistently the safest time with clear skies expected and moderate temperatures, ensuring comfortable travel. Try to avoid late evenings, as visibility might reduce post-sunset.

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3,6 out of 5 stars (based on 30 reviews)

Judanne Premlall's Review

Maio 31, 2024

If I could rate a zero for the peads ward nurse I would have. Just ridiculous to now move a sick child to a different ward who just managed to fall asleep. An absolute inconvenience just so nurses can do less work.

The resting chairs for the parent are the worse by far, how do you expect someone nursing a sick child to rest on these chairs let alone try and get some sort of sleep on it at night. Who evers idea this was please get them to sit on this chair for a minimum 2 days and nights.

Had it not been for the amazing doctor I would off not chosen to come to this terrible hospital.

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Judanne P

Pierry K Kabongo's Review

Maio 26, 2024

Decent hospital

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Pierry K

Linda Leathart's Review

Maio 23, 2024

If I could give them a negative star I would. I questioned my Mother being drugged out and on dementia meds when she was fine mentally before admission. I could not communicate with her at all. They told me she caused a scene when they walked her in the morning through ICU and she say AIive, Alive HO. I can imagine she did. I never got to speak to her at all and never saw her walk… she was always asleep and drugged out. I think they did not want her to speak. I questioned it and what happened>?>>>>>>>

They took her off ALL her meds from one day to the next and said that’s what I wanted. She was unable to talk to me anytime I visited and they said she would be discharged to the general ward the following week. Her treatment in the beginning was diabolical and I think that’s why they tried to keep her quiet. My Mom crashed and died the following day after being taken off all her meds. STAY AWAY!

Avatar for Linda L
Linda L

Sthembiso Hlatshwayo's Review

Maio 8, 2024

This is the best hospital in KZN. Dr Kessene our Gynae is the best and I would recommend him to anyone who is expecting a baby. Being a doctor is a calling to him and not a business, ensures the greatest care for everyone.

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Sthembiso H

Samiha Adam's Review

Maio 3, 2024

I took my husband to the ER today after 2 pm @ 5.45pm we were still waiting to see a doctor, only 2 doctors in an emergency room. It’s totally ridiculous to wait for hours whilst person who’s really ill suffers . Out of frustration my husband who could not manage decided to leave. I have taken him to Ahmed Al-Kadi ER and within 30 minutes he was seen too by a doctor even though it was busy. He is admitted. eThekwini Lenmed surely needs to prioritise having more doctors serving the ER especially since it’s the busiest department of the hospital. A person who visits the ER means they need immediate attention or they could have simply visited a GP. Will not be visiting ER in the future as this was our second bad experience. 2014 my son who then was just a baby 1yr and few months old was misdiagnosed by a Casualty doctor when he was actually having an acute asthma attack and but thankfully I took him to Westville hosp and the doctor diagnosed him correctly and treated him on time. Thought in the last few years ER department will improve in their quality of service and efficiency but I guess I was wrong.


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Samiha A
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