Development of a Fetal Weight Chart Using Serial Trans-Abdominal Ultrasound in an East African Population: A Longitudinal Observational Study

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Study Justification:
– The study aimed to develop a fetal weight chart specific to the Tanzanian population.
– The study compared the Tanzanian weight chart to weight charts from Sub-Saharan Africa and the developed world.
– The study assessed the prevalence of small-for-gestational-age (SGA) newborns using different weight charts.
– The study provided evidence for the necessity of developing regional-specific weight charts for accurate identification of SGA.
– The study included 2193 weight measurements from 583 fetuses/newborns.
– The Tanzanian weight chart had lower percentiles compared to other charts.
– The 10th percentiles of the Tanzanian weight chart deviated substantially at the end of pregnancy, leading to an overestimation of the prevalence of SGA newborns if the chart was not used.
– The study emphasized the importance of using the Tanzanian weight chart for clinical risk assessments of newborns and evaluating the effect of intrauterine exposures on fetal and newborn weight.
– Develop regional-specific weight charts for accurate identification of SGA in different populations.
– Use the Tanzanian weight chart as an important tool for clinical risk assessments of newborns.
– Evaluate the effect of intrauterine exposures on fetal and newborn weight using the Tanzanian weight chart.
Key Role Players:
– Researchers and scientists specializing in fetal growth and development.
– Obstetricians and gynecologists.
– Sonographers and ultrasound technicians.
– Policy makers and government health officials.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Research and data collection expenses.
– Equipment and technology costs for ultrasound measurements.
– Training and education for healthcare professionals.
– Data analysis and statistical software.
– Publication and dissemination of findings.
– Monitoring and evaluation of implementation.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 8 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is strong as it is based on a longitudinal observational study with a large sample size. The study received ethical approval and followed good clinical and laboratory practices. The weight chart developed was compared to other charts and showed lower percentiles. However, to improve the evidence, the study could have included a control group and conducted a randomized controlled trial to assess the effectiveness of the weight chart in clinical practice.

Objective: To produce a fetal weight chart representative of a Tanzanian population, and compare it to weight charts from Sub-Saharan Africa and the developed world. Methods: A longitudinal observational study in Northeastern Tanzania. Pregnant women were followed throughout pregnancy with serial trans-abdominal ultrasound. All pregnancies with pathology were excluded and a chart representing the optimal growth potential was developed using fetal weights and birth weights. The weight chart was compared to a chart from Congo, a chart representing a white population, and a chart representing a white population but adapted to the study population. The prevalence of SGA was assessed using all four charts. Results: A total of 2193 weight measurements from 583 fetuses/newborns were included in the fetal weight chart. Our chart had lower percentiles than all the other charts. Most importantly, in the end of pregnancy, the 10th percentiles deviated substantially causing an overestimation of the true prevalence of SGA newborns if our chart had not been used. Conclusions: We developed a weight chart representative for a Tanzanian population and provide evidence for the necessity of developing regional specific weight charts for correct identification of SGA. Our weight chart is an important tool that can be used for clinical risk assessments of newborns and for evaluating the effect of intrauterine exposures on fetal and newborn weight. © 2012 Schmiegelow et al.

The study received ethical approval from the Tanzania Medical Research Coordinating Committee (MRCC) on the 18th of April 2008 with reference number NIMR7HQ/R.8a/Vol. IX/688. MRCC is the National Regulatory Body responsible for the supervision of health research and ethical clearance in Tanzania. All procedures were conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and Good Clinical and Laboratory Practices. All participants gave informed written consent according to Good Clinical Practice guidelines. Women residing in Korogwe District, Tanga Region, Tanzania were followed throughout pregnancy as part of the observational cohort study STOPPAM (Strategies TO Prevent Pregnancy Associated Malaria). Pregnant women attending the Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) clinic at Korogwe District Hospital (KDH) or the Lwengera, Kerenge and Ngombezi Dispensaries were included in the study from September 2008 until March 2010. Follow-up was completed in October 2010. Women with a gestational age (GA) of ≤24 weeks determined by ultrasound, having lived in Korogwe District for the past 6 months, willing to give birth at KDH and living in an accessible area were included in STOPPAM. The following conditions can affect fetal growth and BW and if present in the current pregnancy the woman/newborn was excluded from analysis; twin pregnancy [22], stillbirth, preterm delivery (GA11 mmol/L. It was considered gestational diabetes if the woman did not have pre-pregnancy diabetes. Malnutrition was defined as mid upper arm circumference24 hours after delivery were excluded from analyses [26], but FWs were still included from these newborns. At the inclusion visit, GA was estimated using ultrasound and considered reliable until a GA of 24 weeks [27]. A new estimation was done within two months if the GA was 75 mm head circumference (HC) was measured and converted according to Chitty et al [30]. HC is less affected by head shape and parity [28], [31] and was preferred to biparietal diameter. At the visit at 26, 30 and 36 weeks of gestation HC, abdominal circumference (AC), and femur length (FL) were measured using techniques as described elsewhere [13] and recorded in millimeters. For each parameter, a mean of two measurements was used. If only one acceptable measurement was obtained a single measurement of the parameter was used. FWs were estimated (EFW) using the Hadlock algorithm [32]: Log10(EFW) = 1.326+0.0107*HC+0.0438*AC+0.158*FL – 0.00326*AC*FL. If it was not possible to obtain an acceptable HC, EFW was estimated using the Hadlock algorithm [32]: Log10(EFW) = 1.304+0.05281*AC+0.1938*FL – 0.004AC*FL. To assess the accuracy of the Hadlock algorithm to predict FW in this population, BW estimates based on a projection of the last FW, assuming a weight gain of 24.2 g/day [33], was calculated (method A). For women with a FW measured within 35 days of delivery, BW was also estimated by applying the Hadlock proportionality formula [34], using the ratio between the individuals last EFW and the population median FW to predict the BW at term. As population reference the median FW and BW were extracted from the modified Hadlock chart developed using the method by Mikolajzcyk et al [20] (described below) (method B). BW had a non-parametric distribution and the estimated and the observed BW were compared using median error in grams and median percentage error. The percentage of BW estimates that were predicted accurately to within ±10% and ±15% of the observed BW was calculated [35]. The estimated BWs were only used for comparison and were not included in the development of the weight chart. Ultrasound investigations were done at the RCH clinic at KDH by the first author and a local midwife trained for the study using a Sonosite TITAN®, US High resolution ultrasound system with a 5-2 MHz C60 abdominal probe. A few investigations were performed by a trained Tanzanian medical doctor. To evaluate and diminish inter-observer variability, randomly selected fetuses were measured by two investigators and measurements were compared. All investigations were stored as still pictures using SiteLink Image Manager 2.2. Hybrid weight charts using a combination of EFW and observed BW were produced including only healthy pregnancies. The general weight chart was compared to the Congolese chart by Landis et al [10] and the chart by Hadlock et al [21]. Due to the closer geographic location of Congo to Tanzania, this chart was preferred over the chart from Burkina Faso [11]. The general weight chart was also compared to a modified Hadlock weigth chart using the web-based program by Mikolajzcyk et al [20]. The mean BW and variance (as a percentage) from newborns delivered at a GA of 40 to 40 weeks and 6 days in our cohort were imputed into the program. Using the ratio between the mean BW and the mean weight at term from the Hadlock chart the percentiles at all GA were calculated assuming a constant ratio and variance of the mean throughout pregnancy. The prevalence of SGA in the cohort (weight below the 10th percentile) [3], was evaluated by superimposing the observed BW on all the charts. Data were double entered and validated using Microsoft Access 2007. Growth charts were developed using R 2011, and other statistical analyses performed in STATA 10. SigmaPlot 9.0 was used for graphical presentation. The reference curves were constructed using local linear smoothing techniques [36] on a log-transformed version of the EFW/BW that lead to approximate normality of the residuals from the mean curve. The GA dependent variance was estimated using local linear smoothing of the squared residuals. Subsequently, we constructed the reference curves using the GA dependent mean and variance curves. This simple smoothing approach ignored the dependence in the repeated measurements within each subject, but in reality the smoothing primarily used independent measurements due to the somewhat regular pattern of the sampling ages for each woman. The bandwidth for the smoothing was selected by visual inspection. We further validated the results by random effect modeling using splines to fit the data. For this type of modeling the variance structure was derived from the specified random effects structure. The smoothing based technique and the random effects approach gave very similar results, but we preferred the simple non-parametric approach because of the full flexibility in mean and variance structure.

The innovation described in the study is the development of a fetal weight chart using serial trans-abdominal ultrasound in an East African population. This chart is representative of a Tanzanian population and can be used to assess fetal growth potential and identify small-for-gestational-age (SGA) newborns. The chart was compared to weight charts from Sub-Saharan Africa and the developed world, and it was found to have lower percentiles than all the other charts. This innovation is important for improving access to maternal health by providing a tool for accurate clinical risk assessments of newborns and evaluating the effect of intrauterine exposures on fetal and newborn weight.
AI Innovations Description
The recommendation based on the study is to develop a regional-specific fetal weight chart for the Tanzanian population. This weight chart will be representative of the optimal growth potential for fetuses in Tanzania. By using this chart, healthcare providers will be able to accurately assess the growth of fetuses and identify any potential issues, such as small for gestational age (SGA) newborns. This chart can also be used to evaluate the effect of intrauterine exposures on fetal and newborn weight. Developing regional-specific weight charts is important to ensure correct identification of SGA and improve access to maternal health in Tanzania.
AI Innovations Methodology
The study described above focuses on developing a fetal weight chart specific to a Tanzanian population and comparing it to weight charts from other regions. This innovation can contribute to improving access to maternal health by providing healthcare providers with a tool to accurately assess fetal growth and identify potential risks.

To simulate the impact of this recommendation on improving access to maternal health, a methodology can be developed as follows:

1. Data Collection: Collect data on fetal weights and birth weights from a representative sample of pregnant women in the target population. This can be done through longitudinal observational studies, similar to the one described in the study.

2. Chart Development: Use the collected data to develop a fetal weight chart specific to the target population. This chart should represent the optimal growth potential and consider factors such as gestational age, maternal characteristics, and any relevant regional factors.

3. Comparison: Compare the developed weight chart to existing weight charts from other regions, such as the chart from Congo and charts representing white populations. Assess the differences in percentiles and identify any deviations that may affect the accurate identification of small-for-gestational-age (SGA) newborns.

4. Impact Assessment: Simulate the impact of using the developed weight chart on improving access to maternal health. This can be done by comparing the prevalence of SGA newborns using the developed chart versus using other charts. Evaluate the potential reduction in misclassification of SGA newborns and the implications for clinical risk assessments and evaluation of intrauterine exposures.

5. Validation: Validate the accuracy and reliability of the developed weight chart through further studies and comparisons with actual birth outcomes. This will ensure that the chart is a robust tool for healthcare providers to use in their clinical practice.

By following this methodology, the impact of the innovation, in this case, the development of a fetal weight chart specific to a Tanzanian population, can be assessed and evaluated in terms of its potential to improve access to maternal health.

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