Welcome to Dima Health​

Transforming Africa's Maternal Care Landscape.

DIMA Health envisions a future where advanced technologies and collaborative networks enhance maternal health across sub-Saharan Africa. Leveraging AI-driven insights and fostering innovation, we hope to promote timely delivery of actionable solutions. Our platforms, including DIMA Link and the Ma’ambassadors Program, support personalized care, community engagement, and sustainable healthcare improvements.

DIMA Health aims to drive transformative, evidence-based decisions and create a lasting impact in maternal health by continuously enhancing our data analysis tools and expanding stakeholder networks.

Experts Online
Funding Awards


Teamwork & Information Exchange

Fostered teamwork and information dissemination, paving the way for collective breakthroughs in women's health issues.

Intuitive & Advanced Functions

An easy-to-navigate platform with location-based services, effortless appointment scheduling, tailored alerts, and trustworthy transaction methods for an uninterrupted user journey.

Resource Availability

Tap into invaluable assets, from funding avenues and scholarly articles to seasoned guidance, all aimed at bolstering women's health endeavors.

Enhanced Healthcare Reach

Broadened access to premium healthcare for women, leading to fewer maternal casualties and enhanced health achievements.

Expanded Recognition & Networking

Elevated presence and chances for engagement in the healthcare domain, promoting stronger ties between healthcare specialists and institutions.


what people say

Amazing platform! It's a game-changer for maternal health innovation.

Truly inspiring!

Empowered Innovator

Joined DIMA and found incredible resources and networks.

Highly recommended!

Healthcare Provider

Valuable information and collaboration!

Made my research journey much smoother.

Research Advocate

DIMA's resources have been pivotal in informing sound health policies.

A must-join!

Policy Maker

Easy to use, with impactful services for women's health.

I'm so grateful for DIMA!

Expecting Mother

Love the sense of community here.

Great for anyone serious about improving healthcare!

Community Contributor

Empowering Excellence