RoadMApp: A feasibility study for a smart travel application to improve maternal health delivery in a low resource setting in Zimbabwe

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Study Justification:
– The study aims to address the critical determinants of quality maternal healthcare in low resource settings, specifically travel time and healthcare financing.
– There is a lack of evidence on the usage of mHealth and smart travel applications for accessing healthcare facilities in low resource settings.
– The feasibility of implementing a custom-made mobile technology-based tool (RoadMApp) to improve maternal healthcare in Kwekwe District, Zimbabwe needs to be explored.
Study Highlights:
– The study used an exploratory case study design and Participatory Learning Approaches (PLA) with stakeholders to gather information.
– Data was collected through focus group discussions, in-depth interviews, and the use of visual techniques such as maps.
– The study found that rural areas in Kwekwe District face challenges such as poor road network, poor phone network, and high transportation costs, which may affect the implementation of RoadMApp.
– Despite the challenges, the community showed interest in embracing the RoadMApp application.
Study Recommendations:
– Investigate the social determinants of access to maternity services to inform the implementation of RoadMApp.
– Address barriers such as poor road network, poor phone network, and high transportation costs to ensure the feasibility of implementing RoadMApp.
– Engage local authorities and participants to verify the accuracy of the study findings and gather their input on the implementation of RoadMApp.
Key Role Players:
– Community members
– Health care service providers
– Pregnant women
– Transport operators
– Local authorities
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Infrastructure improvement (road network, phone network)
– Transportation subsidies or incentives
– Training and capacity building for health care service providers
– Awareness campaigns and community engagement activities
– Research and development for the custom-made mobile technology-based tool (RoadMApp)

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is moderately strong. The study design is described, including the use of an exploratory case study design and Participatory Learning Approaches (PLA) with stakeholders. The number of participants is also mentioned. However, the abstract does not provide specific details about the data analysis methods used, such as how the data were thematically analyzed using Nvivo Pro 12. To improve the evidence, the abstract could include more information about the data analysis process, including any coding frameworks or analytical techniques used. Additionally, it would be helpful to provide more details about the selection criteria for study sites and participants, as well as the steps taken to ensure the credibility and transferability of the findings.

Background: Travel time and healthcare financing are critical determinants of the provision of quality maternal health care in low resource settings. Despite the availability of pregnancy-related mHealth and smart travel applications, there is a lack of evidence on their usage to travel to health facilities for routine antenatal care and emergencies. There is a shortage of information about the feasibility of using a custom-made mobile technology that integrates smart travel and mHealth. This paper explores the feasibility of implementing a custom-made geographically enabled mobile technology-based tool (RoadMApp) to counter the adverse effects of long travel times for maternal care in Kwekwe District, Zimbabwe. Methods: We frame the paper using the first two steps (listen and plan) of the Spiral Technology Action Research (STAR model). The paper uses an exploratory case study design and Participatory Learning Approaches (PLA) with stakeholders (community members) and in-depth interviews with key informants (health care service providers, pregnant women, transport operators). One hundred ninety-three participants took part in the study. We conducted focus group discussions with pregnant women, women of childbearing age, men (household heads), and elderly women. The discussion questions centered on travel time, availability of transport, cellular network coverage, and perceptions of the RoadMApp application. Data were analysed thematically using Nvivo Pro 12. Results: Most parts of rural Kwekwe are far from health facilities and have an inefficient road and telecommunications network. Hence, it is hard to predict if RoadMApp will integrate into the lives of the community – especially those in rural areas. Since these issues are pillars of the design of the RoadMApp mHealth, the implementation will probably be a challenge. Conclusion: Communities are keen to embrace the RoadMApp application. However, the feasibility of implementing RoadMApp in Kwekwe District will be a challenge because of maternal health care barriers such as poor road network, poor phone network, and the high cost of transport. There is a need to investigate the social determinants of access to maternity services to inform RoadMApp implementation.

The case study research design suits the investigation of the complexity of community concerns. We chose Participatory Learning for Action (PLA) methods to engage the community in line with the STAR model. PLA combines action and participatory action research with several techniques borrowed from qualitative social research (participatory, visual techniques such as maps, transect walks, and problem trees) [22]. The discussion questions centred on travel time, availability of transport, cellular network coverage, and participants’ perceptions of the RoadMApp application (see Additional file 1, showing the research instrument). We used registers and maps at the provincial level for the selection of study sites. We purposively sampled two hospitals (rural and urban), four rural health centres, two peri-urban clinics, and two urban clinics to get information-rich cases in the communities (see Fig. 2). Showing the map of the data collection sites [18] We based the selection criteria on health facilities providing obstetric care services, distance to the health facilities, and availability of mothers’ waiting shelters. We treated a radius of 40 km as the catchment area of each rural clinic. We then looked for representative cases (i.e., Kwekwe residents with experience and knowledge of travelling to institutional birth facilities) at each health centre. This purposive sampling strategy accounts for participants’ clinical variation (parity), demographic groups, geographical spread (i.e., rural, peri-urban, and urban). This is consistent with the goals of qualitative research to achieve credibility and transferability as opposed to validity and generalization used in quantitative studies [23]. We asked health workers to help identify people whose experiences could significantly contribute to the study (snowballing). An interview guide was used to solicit information from the participants. The participants included pregnant women, women of childbearing age (WOCBA), community members, older women (50 years and above), and men (i.e., their roles as household decision-makers) and health care providers. Participants provided written or verbal (particularly for the less literate) informed consent. Data from the audio voice recorders were transcribed verbatim and later translated into English. Two translators verified the transcripts for authenticity. We imported the anonymized transcripts into Nvivo Pro 12™ to generate codes to aid in the analysis process. ZNJ and IMD performed first-cycle coding using elemental methods (i.e., descriptive and in vivo coding) [24]. They shared the coded data with the rest of the team to identify emerging themes. After the first-cycle, a thematic analysis summarized the data to identify and interpret the key features of the data, guided by the initial research questions [25]. Three authors cross-checked the themes with the transcripts and field notes to ensure consistency. We disseminated the preliminary findings to local authorities and the participants to verify if we had accurately represented their views.

The recommendation to improve access to maternal health in Kwekwe District, Zimbabwe is the development and implementation of a custom-made geographically enabled mobile technology-based tool called RoadMApp. This tool aims to address the challenges of long travel times for maternal care in low resource settings.

A feasibility study was conducted for RoadMApp using the Spiral Technology Action Research (STAR) model, focusing on the first two steps: listening and planning. The study employed an exploratory case study design and Participatory Learning Approaches (PLA) with stakeholders, including community members, health care service providers, pregnant women, and transport operators.

The study found that rural areas in Kwekwe District face challenges such as poor road network, poor phone network, and high transport costs, which may hinder the implementation of RoadMApp. However, the community showed interest in embracing the application.

To gather data, focus group discussions and in-depth interviews were conducted, addressing topics such as travel time, availability of transport, cellular network coverage, and perceptions of RoadMApp. The data were analyzed thematically using Nvivo Pro 12 software.

The selection of study sites was based on health facilities providing obstetric care services, distance to the facilities, and availability of mothers’ waiting shelters. Purposive sampling was used to ensure representation of different demographic groups and geographical areas.

The findings of the study were shared with local authorities and participants to verify the accuracy of the representation of their views.

The publication of this feasibility study can be found in BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, Volume 20, No. 1, Year 2020.
AI Innovations Description
The recommendation to improve access to maternal health is the development and implementation of a custom-made geographically enabled mobile technology-based tool called RoadMApp. This tool aims to address the challenges of long travel times for maternal care in low resource settings, specifically in Kwekwe District, Zimbabwe.

The feasibility study conducted for RoadMApp involved using the Spiral Technology Action Research (STAR) model, focusing on the first two steps: listening and planning. The study employed an exploratory case study design and Participatory Learning Approaches (PLA) with stakeholders, including community members, health care service providers, pregnant women, and transport operators.

The study found that rural areas in Kwekwe District face challenges such as poor road network, poor phone network, and high transport costs, which may hinder the implementation of RoadMApp. However, the community showed interest in embracing the application.

To gather data, focus group discussions and in-depth interviews were conducted, addressing topics such as travel time, availability of transport, cellular network coverage, and perceptions of RoadMApp. The data were analyzed thematically using Nvivo Pro 12 software.

The selection of study sites was based on health facilities providing obstetric care services, distance to the facilities, and availability of mothers’ waiting shelters. Purposive sampling was used to ensure representation of different demographic groups and geographical areas.

The findings of the study were shared with local authorities and participants to verify the accuracy of the representation of their views.

The publication of this feasibility study can be found in BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, Volume 20, No. 1, Year 2020.
AI Innovations Methodology
The methodology used in this study to simulate the impact of the recommendations on improving access to maternal health involved the following steps:

1. Framing the study: The study was framed using the first two steps of the Spiral Technology Action Research (STAR) model, which are listening and planning. This model provides a framework for conducting research on the feasibility of implementing a custom-made geographically enabled mobile technology-based tool called RoadMApp.

2. Study design: The study used an exploratory case study design, which allowed for an in-depth investigation of the complexity of community concerns related to maternal health access. Participatory Learning Approaches (PLA) were employed to engage stakeholders, including community members, health care service providers, pregnant women, and transport operators.

3. Data collection: Data were collected through focus group discussions and in-depth interviews. Focus group discussions were conducted with pregnant women, women of childbearing age, men (household heads), and elderly women. The discussions focused on topics such as travel time, availability of transport, cellular network coverage, and perceptions of the RoadMApp application. In-depth interviews were conducted with key informants, including health care service providers, pregnant women, and transport operators.

4. Data analysis: The collected data were analyzed thematically using Nvivo Pro 12 software. Thematic analysis involved identifying and interpreting key themes and patterns in the data to gain insights into the feasibility of implementing RoadMApp in Kwekwe District.

5. Selection of study sites: Study sites were selected based on criteria such as health facilities providing obstetric care services, distance to the facilities, and availability of mothers’ waiting shelters. Purposive sampling was used to ensure representation of different demographic groups and geographical areas.

6. Verification of findings: The findings of the study were shared with local authorities and participants to verify the accuracy of the representation of their views.

The publication of this feasibility study can be found in BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, Volume 20, No. 1, Year 2020.

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