Impact of lipid-based nutrient supplementation (LNS) on children’s diet adequacy in Western Uganda

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Study Justification:
– The study aims to understand the dietary adequacy of children supplemented with lipid-based nutrient supplements (LNS) and household utilization patterns.
– The study focuses on children with moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) in Western Uganda, where stunting prevalence is high.
– The results of the study can inform program strategies to improve LNS targeting and address potential nutrient inadequacies in community-based settings.
– Over 90% of non-breastfed children met their estimated average requirement (EAR) cut-points for all examined nutrients.
– Over 90% of breastfed children met EAR cut-points for nutrient density for most nutrients, except for zinc.
– Fewer than 20% of breastfed children met EAR nutrient-density guidelines for MAM for zinc, vitamin C, vitamin A, and folate.
– Underweight status, the presence of a father in the child’s home, and higher program attendance were associated with greater odds of feeding LNS to targeted children.
– Children in the community-based supplemental feeding program exhibited substantial micronutrient deficiencies given their special dietary needs.
– Improve LNS targeting strategies to ensure that children with MAM receive adequate nutrients, especially zinc, vitamin C, vitamin A, and folate.
– Increase awareness and education among caregivers about the importance of feeding LNS to targeted children, regardless of breastfeeding status.
– Consider additional interventions or supplements to address the identified micronutrient deficiencies in the community-based program.
Key Role Players:
– Program managers and staff from the community-based supplemental feeding program
– Community health workers and health center staff involved in education and distribution of LNS
– Caregivers of children with MAM
– Local government officials and policymakers responsible for nutrition programs
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Training and capacity building for program managers, staff, and community health workers
– Production and distribution of educational materials for caregivers
– Procurement and distribution of LNS supplements
– Monitoring and evaluation activities to assess the impact of interventions
– Coordination and collaboration with local government and other stakeholders

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is strong, but there are some areas for improvement. The study design is well-described, and the sample size is adequate. The authors conducted a diet assessment of 128 Ugandan children and assessed diet adequacy and the quality of complementary foods. They found that over 90% of non-breastfed children met their estimated average requirement (EAR) cut-points for all examined nutrients, but fewer than 20% of breastfed children met EAR nutrient-density guidelines for children with moderate acute malnutrition (MAM). The study provides valuable information on the impact of lipid-based nutrient supplementation (LNS) on children’s diet adequacy in Western Uganda. To improve the evidence, the authors could consider including a control group for comparison and conducting a longer-term follow-up to assess the sustainability of the findings.

Lipid-based nutrient supplements (LNS) can help treat undernutrition; however, the dietary adequacy of children supplemented with LNS, and household utilisation patterns are not well understood. We assessed diet adequacy and the quality of complementary foods by conducting a diet assessment of 128 Ugandan children, ages 6-59 months, who participated in a 10-week programme for children with moderate acute malnutrition (MAM, defined as weight-for-age z-score<-2). Caregivers were given a weekly ration of 650kcalday-1 (126gday-1) of a peanut/soy LNS. Two 24-h dietary recalls were administered per child. LNS was offered to 86% of targeted children at least once. Among non-breastfed children, over 90% met their estimated average requirement (EAR) cut-points for all examined nutrients. Over 90% of breastfed children met EAR cut-points for nutrient density for most nutrients, except for zinc where 11.7% met cut-points. A lower proportion of both breastfed and non-breastfed children met adjusted EARs for the specific nutritional needs of MAM. Fewer than 20% of breastfed children met EAR nutrient-density guidelines for MAM for zinc, vitamin C, vitamin A and folate. Underweight status, the presence of a father in the child's home, and higher programme attendance were all associated with greater odds of feeding LNS to targeted children. Children in this community-based supplemental feeding programme who received a locally produced LNS exhibited substantial micronutrient deficiencies given the special dietary needs of this population. These results can help inform programme strategies to improve LNS targeting, and highlight potential nutrient inadequacies for consumers of LNS in community-based settings.

Bundibugyo is one of four districts in Uganda's Western Region. At the time of the study, Bundibugyo was the only district in the region with no paved roads or electricity. With the Democratic Republic of Congo to the west and the Rwenzori mountains to the east, the district is geographically isolated from the rest of Uganda. The Bakonjo and Babwisi are the two predominant people groups in the 290 000‐person district, which includes 52 500 (18%) children less than 5 years (UBOS and Macro International, Inc. 2012). The stunting prevalence (height‐for‐age z‐score 24 months or who were taller than 65 cm was measured using fixed measuring tapes with a headboard. Scales and length boards were calibrated twice monthly during the course of the programme. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Institutional Review Board (Study # 08–1100) and the Bundibugyo District Health Office approved all study protocol. The BBB programme is managed by World Harvest Mission in the Bundibugyo District of Uganda and operates in two health centres and enrols 50 underweight [weight‐for‐age z‐score (WAZ) < −2] children ages 6–59 months per 10‐week cycle. Deworming medicine is offered at 5‐week intervals during the programme cycle. Anthelminthic treatment has been found to improve appetite when administered quarterly (Stoltzfus et al. 2004). As this population was well covered for de‐worming, the proximity of anthelminthic treatment to the day of dietary recalls was unlikely to influence the level of dietary intake. At each weekly visit, caregivers receive child growth monitoring and promotion, a weekly supply of LNS, children's multivitamin with iron, and nutrition education. Education is delivered by community health workers and health centre staff to emphasise: (1) the impact of early nutrition on school performance later in life; (2) healthy antenatal nutrition; (3) the importance of breastfeeding; (4) healthy complementary feeding practices; (5) using an attentive, responsive child feeding style; (6) feeding children during and after illness; and (7) hygiene practices. Caregivers receive 650 kcal day−1 of a peanut‐ and soy‐based LNS. This high dosage of LNS, particularly for children <2 years, was standard across age strata to simplify distribution logistics. If consumed without wastage or leakage, the daily LNS dose of 650 kcal day−1 would provide 63.5% of the mean total daily energy needs for children under 2 years, and 96.6% for children 1 year of age (FNB & IOM 2005). The LNS formula is fortified with dried moringa leaf powder, but no additional micronutrients. Therefore, children were also given a weekly supply of a children's daily multivitamin with iron at each programme session. The multivitamin was a standard children's chewable vitamin with iron. Parents were instructed to feed children half a tablet per day. Multivitamins contained vitamins A, C, D, E, B6, B12, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, pantothenic acid, sodium and iron. Adherence to the multivitamin was not formally assessed; however, anecdotes from programme staff indicated that adherence might have been low. Further, as the goal of our study was to examine the impact of LNS‐based supplementation on dietary adequacy, the micronutrient contribution from multivitamins was not considered in our analysis. Caregivers were instructed to feed the LNS to the enrolled child only, either directly without cooking or as a thick porridge, at each feeding episode (Jilcott et al. 2010). Although caregivers were not instructed with a specific dosage, the amount of LNS used in demonstration preparations and feedings was 2–4 Tb. LNS was made locally using hand‐powered grinders to prepare two products: (1) roasted groundnut (peanut) paste fortified with dried Moringa oleifera leaf powder (440 g); and (2) roasted soy flour (440 g). Each product was distributed in a plastic bag and was mixed by caregivers into a single bag at the conclusion of each programme session. The resulting product resembles thick peanut butter. To examine the composition of the LNS, three separate samples were analysed at the Department of Food Science and Technology, Makerere University, Uganda in June 2008, for moisture content (oven method), proximate composition (crude fat, crude protein, dietary fiber and ash; AOAC, 1999 method), energy (bomb calorimeter method), vitamin C and A (AOAC 1999 method) and aflatoxin content (VICAM fluorometer method) (Jilcott et al. 2010). The product was found to be free from aflatoxin. The 128 g day−1 ration provides 100% of the estimated average requirement (EAR) for vitamin A, 45% for vitamin C, 120% for folate, 34% for calcium, and 150% for zinc, for children 12–36 months (FNB & IOM 1997, 1998a, 1998b, 2000a, 2000b, 2005). Per 100 g, the LNS product contained 532 kcal. Table 1 summarises the nutrient composition of the LNS product. Nutrient composition of the lipid‐based nutrient supplement, per 100 g World Health Organization (WHO) Indicators for the assessment of IYCF were used to measure whether children ages 6–24 months were fed a ‘minimum acceptable diet’. Breastfed children met this criterion if they were fed four or more food groups and the minimum number of times per day (≥2 for children 6–8 months, ≥3 for children ages 9–23 months). Non‐breastfed children met this criterion if they were fed: (1) four or more food groups (apart from milk); (2) milk or milk‐based products two or more times daily; and (3) four or more times per day (WHO 2008). Breastfeeding status was assessed through self‐report. As the focus of the study was to determine nutrient adequacy of children during supplementation with LNS, the rationale for not breastfeeding was not explored in the present study. A food group was counted if a child consumed at least 1 g from any of the following seven groups: (1) grains, roots, and tubers, including porridge or fortified baby food from grains, including matoke/plantains; (2) legumes and nuts; (3) dairy products, including milk other than breast milk, cheese, yogurt, or other milk products; (4) flesh foods such as meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, organ meats; (5) eggs; (6) vitamin A‐rich fruits or vegetables; and (7) other fruits and vegetables. To draw comparisons among age groups, a dietary diversity score (DDS) was calculated as the sum of foods consumed within these seven food groups, resulting in a 0 = low diversity; 7 = high diversity. The DDS was identical to that used in the WHO IYCF Indicator assessment (WHO 2008). Scores were based on seven food groups and thus range from 0 to 7. These scores are similar, but not identical to FAO DDSs, which range from 0 to 12 for households and 0 to 9 for women (FAO & WHO 2002; WHO 2008). Nutrient values were represented as the mean from the two 24‐h recalls, obtained on non‐consecutive days. Food items were assigned nutrient values from the Tanzania Food Consumption Table (FCT) (Lukmanji et al. 2008), Malawi FCT (Ferguson et al. 2004) and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Nutrient Database (USDA Agricultural Research Service 2009). Portion weights were estimated by multiplying the estimated portion size by the unit weight in grams (obtained from field measurements taken in February 2009, or from the USDA or Tanzania FCT, when available). Total daily nutrient intakes were calculated for selected nutrients that are of particular interest to child growth: energy, protein, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B6, zinc, iron and folate. We conducted two dietary recalls on non‐consecutive days to approximate usual intake of children. We calculated correlation coefficients between the two daily nutrient values. The correlation for macronutrients was moderate for fat (0.50), total energy (0.33) and total protein (0.29). The correlation for micronutrients was high for iron (0.74), moderate for folate (0.41) and low for vitamin C (0.26). Vitamin A (0.24) and calcium (0.24) intakes were least correlated among observations. To estimate the nutrient contribution of LNS to the overall diet, the mean amount of selected nutrients consumed from LNS was divided by the mean total amount consumed of that nutrient over 2 days of recall. The correlation coefficient between total energy intake from LNS on both days of recall was 0.56. While this correlation indicates variation between the amount of LNS consumed over 2 days, the goal of our study was to estimate the average contribution that LNS made to children's overall diets, recognising that intake will vary on a daily basis for a variety of factors. Calculating the mean LNS consumption from non‐consecutive days in a community‐based setting allows us to minimise extreme consumption values that may result from an early depletion of food rations. Dietary adequacy was assessed separately for non‐breastfed and breastfed children, because the breast milk intake for breastfed children in our study population was unknown. For non‐breastfed children, the probability of adequate intake (AI) for each selected nutrient was calculated using the cut‐point method, which compared each child's nutrient consumption with his or her age‐specific EAR or AI, in the case of calcium (FNB & IOM 2000b; Murphy et al. 2006). Dietary reference intake and AI values were obtained from the Food and Nutrition Board and Institute of Medicine guidelines (FNB & IOM 1997, 1998a, 1998b, 2000a, 2000b, 2005). Absorbed calcium was estimated by multiplying the total grams of calcium consumed by an absorption factor of 0.32 for all food groups. Iron absorption was calculated using absorption factors of 0.06 and 0.11 from plant and animal sources, respectively (Working Group on Infant and Young Child Feeding Indicators 2006). For breastfed children whose breast milk intake amount was unknown, we assessed dietary adequacy by examining the nutrient density of complementary foods. Nutrient densities per 100 kcal were calculated as follows: The nutrient density of complementary foods was compared against the age‐specific nutrient densities guidelines that are specified by the WHO standards, including the specific requirements of children with moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) (FAO & WHO 2002; Dewey & Brown 2003; Golden 2009). All data analysis was conducted on Stata 12.0 (Stata Corp, College Station, TX, USA). Potential confounders in the regression models were selected based on findings from an earlier qualitative study (Ickes et al. 2012) and theoretical knowledge of factors that influence children's diets in developing countries (Black et al. 2008). Regression coefficients were considered statistically significant if the 95% confidence interval did not overlap with the null. Comparisons of mean nutrient intakes across age strata were made using a one‐way analysis of variance test. Differences were considered statistically significant if P < 0.05. A multivariate regression model was created to estimate the association of selected socio‐demographic factors with LNS consumption. Because of the substantial proportion of children who did not consume any LNS over the days of observation (14.1%), two separate regression models were used. First, we applied logistic regression to examine the factors associated with no LNS consumption by comparing non‐consumers with consumers among children who consumed a minimum of 1 g of LNS on either day. Second, we applied linear regression to examine the factors associated with the level of LNS consumption (coded continuously), conditional on consuming at least 1 g of LNS in either study day. As the factors associated with no daily consumption may differ markedly from the factors associated with varying levels of LNS consumption, we tested factors separately in each scenario. Both regression models controlled for age, gender, nutritional status (by WAZ score), presence of the father in the home, maternal education and primary means of food acquisition.


Based on the provided information, here are some potential innovations that could improve access to maternal health:

1. Mobile health clinics: Implementing mobile health clinics that can travel to remote areas, such as Bundibugyo, to provide maternal health services. These clinics can offer prenatal care, postnatal care, and family planning services, making it easier for women in isolated areas to access these essential services.

2. Telemedicine: Introducing telemedicine services that allow pregnant women to consult with healthcare professionals remotely. This can be particularly beneficial for women in areas without easy access to healthcare facilities, as they can receive medical advice and guidance without having to travel long distances.

3. Community health workers: Training and deploying community health workers in remote areas to provide basic maternal health services. These workers can educate women about prenatal care, assist with deliveries, and provide postnatal support. They can also act as a bridge between the community and formal healthcare facilities.

4. Health education programs: Implementing health education programs that focus on maternal health and nutrition. These programs can be conducted in schools, churches, and community centers to reach a wider audience. They can provide information on proper nutrition during pregnancy, the importance of antenatal care, and the benefits of breastfeeding.

5. Improved transportation infrastructure: Investing in infrastructure development, such as paved roads and transportation networks, to improve access to healthcare facilities. This can make it easier for pregnant women to reach hospitals or clinics for prenatal and postnatal care, as well as emergency obstetric services.

6. Maternal health subsidies: Introducing subsidies or financial assistance programs to make maternal healthcare services more affordable for women in low-income communities. This can help reduce financial barriers and ensure that all women have access to essential maternal health services.

7. Partnerships with local organizations: Collaborating with local organizations, such as non-governmental organizations (NGOs) or community-based groups, to improve access to maternal health services. These partnerships can help leverage existing resources and knowledge within the community to provide targeted and effective interventions.

8. Maternal health awareness campaigns: Launching awareness campaigns to educate women and their families about the importance of maternal health. These campaigns can use various media channels, such as radio, television, and social media, to reach a wide audience and promote positive health-seeking behaviors.

9. Integration of technology: Utilizing technology, such as mobile apps or SMS messaging, to provide information and reminders about prenatal care appointments, vaccinations, and nutrition. This can help women stay informed and engaged in their own healthcare, even in remote areas.

10. Strengthening healthcare systems: Investing in the overall strengthening of healthcare systems, including training healthcare professionals, improving infrastructure, and ensuring the availability of essential medicines and supplies. This can help create a supportive environment for maternal health services and improve access for all women.
AI Innovations Description
Based on the provided description, the recommendation to improve access to maternal health in Western Uganda is to focus on improving the dietary adequacy and quality of complementary foods for children with moderate acute malnutrition (MAM). This can be achieved through the following strategies:

1. Increase awareness and education: Implement nutrition education programs to educate caregivers about the importance of providing a diverse and nutrient-rich diet for children with MAM. Emphasize the specific nutritional needs of children in this population and provide guidance on how to meet those needs through complementary foods.

2. Improve availability and accessibility of nutrient-rich foods: Work with local communities and stakeholders to increase the availability and accessibility of nutrient-rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, and animal products. This can be done through promoting home gardening, supporting local farmers, and improving market infrastructure.

3. Enhance local production of lipid-based nutrient supplements (LNS): LNS can be an effective tool to improve the dietary adequacy of children with MAM. Encourage the local production of LNS using locally available ingredients, such as peanuts and soy. This can help ensure a sustainable supply of LNS and reduce costs.

4. Strengthen distribution and targeting of LNS: Develop strategies to improve the targeting of LNS to children with MAM. This can include conducting regular screenings and assessments to identify children who would benefit from LNS supplementation. Additionally, establish efficient distribution systems to ensure that LNS reaches the targeted children in a timely manner.

5. Monitor and evaluate the impact: Implement a monitoring and evaluation system to assess the impact of the interventions on improving access to maternal health. Regularly collect data on dietary adequacy, nutritional status, and health outcomes to measure the effectiveness of the strategies and make necessary adjustments.

By implementing these recommendations, it is expected that access to maternal health will be improved by addressing the nutritional needs of children with MAM and promoting healthy dietary practices in Western Uganda.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the provided information, here are some potential recommendations to improve access to maternal health:

1. Improve infrastructure: Since Bundibugyo is geographically isolated with no paved roads or electricity, improving infrastructure can help increase access to maternal health services. This can include building roads, establishing electricity supply, and improving transportation systems.

2. Increase healthcare facilities: Expanding the number of healthcare facilities in Bundibugyo can help ensure that pregnant women have access to prenatal care, delivery services, and postnatal care. This can include building new health centers or upgrading existing ones.

3. Train and deploy more healthcare workers: Increasing the number of trained healthcare workers, such as doctors, nurses, and midwives, in Bundibugyo can help provide essential maternal health services. This can involve training local individuals and incentivizing them to work in the district.

4. Provide mobile health services: Implementing mobile health clinics or telemedicine services can help reach remote areas in Bundibugyo where access to healthcare is limited. This can enable pregnant women to receive prenatal care and consultations with healthcare professionals without having to travel long distances.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology can be developed as follows:

1. Define indicators: Identify key indicators that measure access to maternal health, such as the number of prenatal care visits, percentage of deliveries attended by skilled birth attendants, and maternal mortality rate.

2. Collect baseline data: Gather data on the current status of these indicators in Bundibugyo. This can involve conducting surveys, interviews, and reviewing existing health records.

3. Develop a simulation model: Create a simulation model that incorporates the potential impact of the recommendations on the identified indicators. This can be done using statistical software or specialized simulation tools.

4. Input data and parameters: Input the baseline data and parameters related to the recommendations into the simulation model. This can include information on the number of healthcare facilities, healthcare workers, infrastructure improvements, and mobile health services.

5. Run simulations: Run the simulation model multiple times, varying the input parameters to simulate different scenarios. This can help estimate the potential impact of each recommendation on the indicators of access to maternal health.

6. Analyze results: Analyze the simulation results to determine the potential impact of each recommendation on improving access to maternal health. Compare the different scenarios to identify the most effective combination of recommendations.

7. Make recommendations: Based on the simulation results, make recommendations on which interventions should be prioritized to improve access to maternal health in Bundibugyo. Consider the feasibility, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability of each recommendation.

8. Monitor and evaluate: Implement the recommended interventions and continuously monitor and evaluate their impact on access to maternal health. Adjust the interventions as needed based on ongoing data analysis and feedback from healthcare providers and the community.

By following this methodology, policymakers and healthcare professionals can make informed decisions on how to allocate resources and implement interventions that will have the greatest impact on improving access to maternal health in Bundibugyo.

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