User-centered design: Developing the reli delivery system – a low-cost, non-electric, pneumatic infusion pump

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Study Justification:
– Infusion pumps are essential tools in health facilities for delivering drugs and fluids intravenously.
– However, their high cost, complexity, and reliance on electricity limit their widespread use in low- and middle-income countries.
– The study aims to address these challenges by developing the RELI Delivery System (RELI), a low-cost, non-electric infusion pump.
– Input was collected from newborn and maternal care providers and national-level decision makers in Uganda to guide product development.
– Stakeholders provided critical input on the RELI prototype design features, safety criteria, and contexts of use.
– The study confirmed the need for robust, affordable infusion pumps that meet the requirements for use in low-resource settings.
– The RELI is a portable, non-electric, pneumatic infusion pump powered by an air tank pressurized by a built-in hand pump.
– It features precise flow control and adjustment without the need for a software-based user interface, addressing common safety issues.
– The study used a user-centered design approach to ensure the RELI meets user needs and supports successful introduction of the innovation.
– Further design refinements based on input from respondents should be implemented.
– The RELI should be designed to assure the administration of safe infusions and address human factors requirements.
– The final design should prioritize appropriateness, affordability, availability, and awareness.
Key Role Players:
– Health care providers and experts in Uganda
– PATH (Seattle, Washington, USA)
– Jinja Referral Hospital, Iganga District Hospital, Bundondo level IV health center, Naguru District Hospital, Mulago National Referral Hospital
– Medical officers, nurses, nurse midwives, attending physicians, obstetricians, gynecologists, anesthesiologists, neonatologists, biomedical engineers, government officials, National Advisory Committee on Medical Equipment (NACME)
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Research and development costs
– Prototype development and testing
– Manufacturing and production costs
– Regulatory compliance and certification
– Training and capacity building
– Distribution and supply chain management
– Marketing and awareness campaigns
– Monitoring and evaluation

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 8 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is strong, as it includes input from end users, stakeholders, and experts. The study used a mixed methods approach, including focus group discussions, stakeholder interviews, and observations, to collect data. The results provided important guidance for design refinements based on input from respondents. To improve the evidence, the abstract could include more specific details about the sample size and demographics of the participants, as well as the methodology used for data analysis.

Purpose: Infusion pumps are the preferred method for intravenous delivery of drugs and fluids, and an essential tool in health facilities. Their high cost, complexity and reliance on electricity pose serious challenges to wide-spread use, availability and access in low-and middle-income countries. PATH developed the RELI Delivery System (RELI), a low cost, non-electric infusion pump to address these challenges. Input collected from fifty-nine newborn and maternal care providers and from seven national level decision makers in Uganda was used to guide product development, further informing product design require-ments, and optimal design features to best serve their needs. Methods: A formative evaluation following a mixed methods approach including focus group discussions (FGDs), stakeholder interviews, and observations was used to collect data from end users. Results: Stakeholders provided critical input on the RELI prototype design features, safety criteria, and contexts of use of infusion pumps, as well as recommendations for design refine-ments. Infusion systems are greatly needed but not readily available and their use is limited to well-resourced higher level facilities, even though the need is high in non-tertiary care hospital where patient volume is high, resources are scarce, power is inconsistent, and facilities are understaffed and overcrowded. Users expressed a need for an affordable and simple device with an intuitive user interface, clear instructions for use, and basic safety features. Conclusion: The study provided important guidance for further design refinements based on input from respondents and confirmed the need for robust, affordable, infusion pumps that meet the requirements for use in low-resource settings.

Implementing a user-centered design approach that relied on expert advice and context analysis PATH (Seattle, Washington, USA) developed the RELI to be a robust, portable, non-electric, pneumatic infusion pump designed specifically for use in LRS. The RELI is powered by an air tank pressurized by a built-in hand pump. The output pressure from the tank is controlled by a precision regulator. The regulated air drives a piston that pushes the syringe, delivering the medicine or fluid. The combined effects of the input air pressure to the piston and the resistance provided by the movement of hydraulic fluid through the flow-restricting tubing controls the rate at which the piston moves and hence the flow rate of the fluid delivered by the syringe.12 The user controls the flow rate by adjusting the precision regulator with the flow rate adjustment knob. The air pressure in the tank and the air pressure applied to the piston are read from two dial gauges on the front of the device. Initiation and cessation of the infusion are controlled by a pneumatic start/stop switch. A reset valve allows the user to adjust the position of the syringe pusher before the start of infusion. (See Figure 1.) Illustration of a prototype of the RELI Delivery System. Similar to conventional infusion systems, the RELI features precise flow control and adjustment. Unlike the conventional systems, it does not require a software-based user interface (Figure 2), sidestepping the most common safety issues related to user interactions with infusion pumps.13 Furthermore, by not using electronic components, software, or sources of electricity (such as batteries or mains power), or requiring specialized tubing, this non-electric RELI device could cost significantly less than an electric device while overcoming the challenges posed by non-electric infusion systems. Key features of infusion pump categories. The primary objective of the study was to gather input from health care providers and experts in Uganda on the key features of the RELI prototype and its appropriateness for use cases identified by the stakeholders. An iterative, user-centered approach from concept development through this user evaluation phase informed our understanding of those primarily responsible for administering infusions in health facilities, challenges they currently face, and how the RELI can best be designed to support these needs. Using this approach throughout the product development lifecycle is intended to result in a final design that assures the administration of safe infusions while addressing human factors requirements. The ultimate goal is to design a product that meets user needs and addresses the four “A’s”—appropriateness, affordability, availability, and awareness—which will support successful introduction of this innovation. A formative evaluation following a mixed methods approach was used to collect information and feedback from end users, including focus group discussions (FGDs), stakeholder interviews, device demonstrations, and secondary document reviews. Data were collected from April 2018 through May 2018. Data were collected in two districts in Uganda: Jinja and Kampala. The Jinja District is located in the eastern region of the country. Administrative units in the district include 200 counties, 11 sub-counties, and 69 parishes. The population was approximately 470,000 in 2014, of which nearly 300,000 reside rural areas, with farming as the main source of income.14 FGDs and interviews were conducted with staff at Jinja Referral Hospital, Iganga District Hospital, and the Bundondo level IV health center. The Kampala District, located north of Lake Victoria, has five sub-counties and 76 parishes and encompasses Kampala City, the capital of Uganda. The population was approximately 7 million in 2020.15 Feedback was collected from staff of Naguru District Hospital and Mulago National Referral Hospital. The targeted facilities were identified as government facilities representative of rural and urban areas and of different levels of public-sector health care in Uganda. All participating facilities had infusion therapy capacity and expertise at the time of the study. Medical officers, nurses, nurse midwives, and attending physicians providing care to women, newborns, and children and who were familiar with infusion systems, were selected for participation. A convenience sampling approach was used to recruit providers present at the facility at the time of the planned visits. The FGDs were held at Jinja Regional Referral Hospital in Jinja District and Naguru District Hospital in Kampala District. Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with medical specialists, product development experts, and officials with expertise in regulatory requirements and supply chain processes in Kampala District. Medical specialists included obstetricians and gynecologists, anesthesiologists, and neonatologists. All respondents provided written consent prior to participation in the FGDs and the interviews. Verbal consent to record the FGD sessions and take pictures was obtained from all participants. In all, 48 health care providers participated in the FGDs, and interviews were conducted with 11 physicians at Mulago National Referral Hospital in Kampala, three biomedical engineers at Makerere University, three government officials at the Ministry of Health, and one member of the National Advisory Committee on Medical Equipment (NACME), based in Kampala. The purpose of the data collection was to learn about current infusion pump use in the health facilities in Uganda, and to gather end user input on the RELI features and form factor to inform design optimization and ensure the syringe driver is acceptable, easy to use, feasible, and meets the needs of both providers and the health system. Guides for conducting FGDs and semi-structured interviews were developed for use in gathering information. Prior to the start of the FGDs and the individual interviews, the research team described the device and demonstrated how it functions. Participants were invited to handle the device and comment, following the group discussions and the interviews. The FGDs were conducted by a trained facilitator and lasted between 60 and 70 minutes. The interviews took between 60 and 90 minutes each. Prior to the start of the study, an extensive review of key documents pertaining to medical devices in Uganda was undertaken. These included a review of the national Essential Medicines and Health Supplies List for Uganda (2016), the national functional inventory for medical equipment, the Health Sector Development Plan 2015/16–2019/20, the National Medical Equipment Policy, the lists of approved medical devices by level of health facility (2015), the Roadmap for Accelerating the Reduction of Maternal and Neonatal Mortality and Morbidity in Uganda (2007–2015), the Annual Health Sector Performance Report: Financial Year 2015/2016, and the lists of approved medical equipment for public procurement and reimbursement (2015–2016). The document review provided insight into current procurement and regulatory requirements for infusion pump use, as well as policy around certification, training, and which cadres of workers are allowed to administer drugs using infusion systems. For the assessment in Uganda, PATH brought a working RELI prototype to demonstrate functionality and collect user feedback on the device design.


The recommendation to improve access to maternal health is the development and implementation of the RELI Delivery System (RELI), a low-cost, non-electric, pneumatic infusion pump. This innovation was developed by PATH to address the challenges posed by high-cost, complex, and electricity-dependent infusion pumps in low- and middle-income countries.

The RELI pump is designed to be robust, portable, and powered by an air tank pressurized by a built-in hand pump. It features precise flow control and adjustment, allowing for the safe and accurate delivery of drugs and fluids. Unlike conventional infusion systems, the RELI does not require a software-based user interface, eliminating common safety issues related to user interactions with infusion pumps. By not relying on electricity or specialized tubing, the RELI is significantly more affordable and suitable for use in low-resource settings.

To develop the RELI, input was collected from newborn and maternal care providers, as well as national-level decision-makers in Uganda. This user-centered design approach ensured that the product met the needs and requirements of end-users. The feedback received guided the design refinements and confirmed the need for a robust, affordable infusion pump that is intuitive to use, has clear instructions, and basic safety features.

The implementation of the RELI pump would improve access to maternal health by making infusion systems more readily available in non-tertiary care hospitals, where patient volume is high, resources are scarce, power is inconsistent, and facilities are understaffed and overcrowded. The RELI pump addresses the four “A’s” – appropriateness, affordability, availability, and awareness – necessary for successful introduction and adoption of this innovation.

This recommendation is based on a study published in the Medical Devices: Evidence and Research journal, Volume 14, Year 2021.
AI Innovations Description
The recommendation to improve access to maternal health is the development and implementation of the RELI Delivery System (RELI), a low-cost, non-electric, pneumatic infusion pump. This innovation was developed by PATH to address the challenges posed by high-cost, complex, and electricity-dependent infusion pumps in low- and middle-income countries.

The RELI pump is designed to be robust, portable, and powered by an air tank pressurized by a built-in hand pump. It features precise flow control and adjustment, allowing for the safe and accurate delivery of drugs and fluids. Unlike conventional infusion systems, the RELI does not require a software-based user interface, eliminating common safety issues related to user interactions with infusion pumps. By not relying on electricity or specialized tubing, the RELI is significantly more affordable and suitable for use in low-resource settings.

To develop the RELI, input was collected from newborn and maternal care providers, as well as national-level decision-makers in Uganda. This user-centered design approach ensured that the product met the needs and requirements of end-users. The feedback received guided the design refinements and confirmed the need for a robust, affordable infusion pump that is intuitive to use, has clear instructions, and basic safety features.

The implementation of the RELI pump would improve access to maternal health by making infusion systems more readily available in non-tertiary care hospitals, where patient volume is high, resources are scarce, power is inconsistent, and facilities are understaffed and overcrowded. The RELI pump addresses the four “A’s” – appropriateness, affordability, availability, and awareness – necessary for successful introduction and adoption of this innovation.

This recommendation is based on a study published in the Medical Devices: Evidence and Research journal, Volume 14, Year 2021.
AI Innovations Methodology
The methodology used in the study to simulate the impact of the recommendations on improving access to maternal health involved a user-centered design approach. The study collected input from newborn and maternal care providers, as well as national-level decision-makers in Uganda, through focus group discussions, stakeholder interviews, device demonstrations, and secondary document reviews.

The data collection took place in two districts in Uganda: Jinja and Kampala. The participating facilities were government facilities representative of rural and urban areas and different levels of public-sector healthcare. Medical officers, nurses, nurse midwives, and attending physicians providing care to women, newborns, and children, and who were familiar with infusion systems, were selected for participation.

A convenience sampling approach was used to recruit providers present at the facilities during the planned visits. The study conducted focus group discussions and individual semi-structured interviews to gather information about current infusion pump use in the health facilities in Uganda and to gather end-user input on the RELI features and form factor.

The study also included a review of key documents pertaining to medical devices in Uganda, such as the national Essential Medicines and Health Supplies List, the Health Sector Development Plan, and the National Medical Equipment Policy. This document review provided insight into current procurement and regulatory requirements for infusion pump use, as well as policy around certification, training, and the administration of drugs using infusion systems.

The feedback and input collected from the end users and stakeholders guided the design refinements of the RELI pump. The study aimed to develop a product that meets user needs and addresses the four “A’s” – appropriateness, affordability, availability, and awareness – necessary for successful introduction and adoption of the innovation.

Overall, the methodology used in the study involved a comprehensive approach to gather input from end users and stakeholders, analyze the current healthcare landscape in Uganda, and refine the design of the RELI pump to meet the specific needs and requirements of low-resource settings.

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