Community-level chlamydial serology for assessing trachoma elimination in trachoma-endemic Niger

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Study Justification:
– Antibody tests may provide additional information on the epidemiology of trachoma, particularly in regions where it is disappearing or elimination targets have been met.
– The study aimed to assess the correlation between seropositivity to Chlamydia trachomatis antigens and clinical signs of trachoma, as well as ocular chlamydia infection prevalence in a trachoma-endemic region of Niger.
Study Highlights:
– A cluster-randomized trial of mass azithromycin distribution strategies for trachoma elimination was conducted over three years in a mesoendemic region of Niger.
– Dried blood spots were collected from a random sample of children aged 1-5 years in each of 24 study communities at 36 months after initiation of the intervention.
– Antibodies to two Chlamydia trachomatis antigens, Pgp3 and CT694, were tested using a multiplex bead assay.
– Seropositivity to Pgp3 and CT694 was significantly associated with clinical signs of trachoma and ocular chlamydia infection at both individual and community levels.
– Older children were more likely to be seropositive than younger children.
Recommendations for Lay Reader:
– Antibody tests can provide valuable information on the epidemiology of trachoma, especially in areas where trachoma is disappearing or elimination targets have been met.
– Seropositivity to specific Chlamydia trachomatis antigens, Pgp3 and CT694, is correlated with clinical signs of trachoma and ocular chlamydia infection.
– The findings suggest that serology testing can be a useful tool for assessing trachoma elimination efforts in trachoma-endemic regions.
Recommendations for Policy Maker:
– Consider incorporating antibody tests, specifically for Pgp3 and CT694 antigens, into trachoma elimination programs to gather additional epidemiological data.
– Use seropositivity to Pgp3 and CT694 as an indicator for assessing the success of trachoma elimination efforts.
– Allocate resources for implementing serology testing in trachoma-endemic regions to enhance the accuracy of trachoma surveillance and guide intervention strategies.
Key Role Players:
– Researchers and scientists specializing in trachoma and infectious diseases
– Public health officials and policymakers
– Healthcare providers and community health workers
– Laboratory technicians and personnel for conducting serology testing
– Community leaders and stakeholders for community engagement and participation
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Development and production of serology testing kits
– Training and capacity-building for healthcare providers and laboratory personnel
– Logistics and transportation for sample collection and testing
– Data management and analysis
– Community engagement and awareness campaigns
– Monitoring and evaluation of trachoma elimination programs
– Integration of serology testing into existing healthcare systems and infrastructure

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 8 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is strong because it presents the results of a cluster-randomized trial conducted over three years in a trachoma-endemic region of Niger. The study collected data on clinical signs of trachoma, ocular chlamydia infection, and seropositivity to Chlamydia trachomatis antigens. The results show significant associations between seropositivity and clinical signs and ocular chlamydia infection. The study also provides information on the prevalence of clinical signs, ocular chlamydia infection, and seropositivity. To improve the evidence, the abstract could include more details on the study design, sample size, and statistical analysis methods used.

Background: Program decision-making for trachoma elimination currently relies on conjunctival clinical signs. Antibody tests may provide additional information on the epidemiology of trachoma, particularly in regions where it is disappearing or elimination targets have been met. Methods: A cluster-randomized trial of mass azithromycin distribution strategies for trachoma elimination was conducted over three years in a mesoendemic region of Niger. Dried blood spots were collected from a random sample of children aged 1-5 years in each of 24 study communities at 36 months after initiation of the intervention. A multiplex bead assay was used to test for antibodies to two Chlamydia trachomatis antigens, Pgp3 and CT694. We compared seropositivity to either antigen to clinical signs of active trachoma (trachomatous inflammation—follicular [TF] and trachomatous inflammation—intense [TI]) at the individual and cluster level, and to ocular chlamydia prevalence at the community level. Results: Of 988 children with antibody data, TF prevalence was 7.8% (95% CI 6.1 to 9.5) and TI prevalence was 1.6% (95% CI 0.9 to 2.6). The overall prevalence of antibody positivity to Pgp3 was 27.2% (95% CI 24.5 to 30), and to CT694 was 23.7% (95% CI 21 to 26.2). Ocular chlamydia infection prevalence was 5.2% (95% CI 2.8 to 7.6). Seropositivity to Pgp3 and/or CT694 was significantly associated with TF at the individual and community level and with ocular chlamydia infection and TI at the community level. Older children were more likely to be seropositive than younger children. Conclusion: Seropositivity to Pgp3 and CT694 correlates with clinical signs and ocular chlamydia infection in a mesoendemic region of Niger. Trial registration: NCT00792922.

The study methods have been previously reported in detail elsewhere [11–13]. Briefly, a cluster randomized trial of annual versus biannual mass azithromycin distribution for trachoma control was conducted in the Matameye district of the Zinder region of Niger from May 2010 until August 2013 [4–6]. Data on active trachoma and ocular infection were collected biannually on children aged 0–5 years; dried blood spots for serological analysis were collected only at the 36-month time point and only from children aged 1–5 years. Dried blood spots were shipped to CDC at ambient temperature and tested for antibodies from July to August 2014. Communities were chosen from among six different catchment areas for primary health care facilities and were eligible for inclusion if they met the following criteria: (1) contained a population between 250 to 600 persons, (2) were located more than 4 kilometers from the center of any semi-urban area, and (3) had a prevalence of active trachoma more than 10% in children aged 0–5 years [11]. 235 communities in the 6 health centers were deemed eligible, of which 48 were randomly selected for inclusion in the trial. Children aged 1–5 years were included in this analysis, due to the inability of antibody tests to differentiate between maternal-child antibodies in 0.5 mm in diameter and TI as inflammation severe enough to obscure 50% of deep tarsal vessels in one or both eyes [14]. Prior to swabbing, a trained photographer took at least 2 photographs of the right eyelid of all participants using a Nikon D-series camera and a Micro Nikon 105 mm; f/2.8 lens (Nikon, Tokyo, Japan). After conjunctival examination, a Dacron swab was passed 3 times over the right upper tarsal conjunctiva, rotating the swab approximately 120 degrees between each pass. All samples were placed immediately on cold packs in the field and transferred to -20°C within 10 hours, then shipped on cold packs to University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA where they were stored in -80°C freezers until processing. PCR testing was performed for children aged 0–5 years. Samples from the same village, age in years, and visit were randomly pooled into groups of five for group testing, with a possible remainder pool of one to four samples [15]. Pooled samples were tested for the presence of Ct DNA using the Roche Amplicor qualitative PCR assay (Roche Molecular Systems, Indianapolis, IN, USA). Community prevalence was estimated from the pools as previously described [11,15]. In communities randomized to annual treatment, study participants age 6 months of age and older received a directly observed dose of oral azithromycin (20 mg/kg up to a maximum dose of 1 g in adults). In biannually treated communities, only children up to 12 years of age were offered treatment. Children under 6 months of age in all communities were offered topical tetracycline ointment (1%) to be applied to both eyes twice a day for six weeks. Pregnant women in the annual arm and individuals allergic to macrolides were offered topical tetracycline. All communities were visited up to four days in order to achieve 90% treatment coverage [12,13]. Children under 5 years of age were selected randomly in each village for blood sample collection via finger stick or heel stick, with a goal of 50 children per village. Blood spots were analyzed for antibody to Ct antigens Pgp3 and CT694 using a multiplex bead array assay on a Luminex 200 platform, as previously described [7]. Results were reported as median fluorescence intensity minus background (MFI-BG) where background is the signal from beads run with buffer only. Positivity cut-off for Pgp3 was greater than or equal to 1083, and CT694 cutoff was greater than or equal to 496 as determined by receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve analysis from a pediatric U.S.-based negative panel (N = 117) and Tanzania based positive panel from children with ocular Ct infection (N = 40) [7]. Data were entered into a customized database (Microsoft Access v2007) developed at the Dana Center, Johns Hopkins University. To estimate associations between seropositivity, clinical trachoma, and age at the individual level, we used generalized linear models with a binomial distribution and log link to estimate prevalence ratios (PR). All standard errors were clustered at the community level, which was the randomization unit of the study. As individual-level PCR data were not available, associations between seropositivity to the Ct antigen and ocular chlamydia infection were conducted only at the community level. We additionally analyzed the association between seropositivity and clinical trachoma at the cluster level. We used linear regression models to evaluate relationships between trachoma indicators at the community level. All analyses were conducted in Stata 14.1 (StataCorp, College Station, TX). All procedures and protocols for this study were approved by the Committee for Human Research of UCSF, and le Comité Consultatif National d’Ethique du Minstère de la Santé Publique, Niger (Ethical Committee, Niger Ministry of Health). The study’s Data Safety and Monitoring Committee observed the study implementation during annual reviews of quality assurance, as appointed by the PRET study Executive Committee. All village leaders of communities within the study agreed to participate in the trial with written (thumbprint) consent. For children under the age of 16, consent was given by a parent or a guardian. All persons participating in the trial were given the opportunity to be treated according to their community’s random treatment assignment. Communities not included in the study were offered treatment through the national treatment program. CDC personnel did not have access to personal identifying information and were determined to be non-engaged in the study.

Based on the information provided, it is difficult to identify specific innovations for improving access to maternal health. The study described focuses on trachoma elimination and does not directly address maternal health. To recommend innovations for improving access to maternal health, it would be helpful to have more information on the specific challenges or areas of improvement needed in maternal health access.
AI Innovations Description
The recommendation that can be used to develop an innovation to improve access to maternal health is the use of community-level chlamydial serology for assessing trachoma elimination in trachoma-endemic areas. This recommendation is based on a cluster-randomized trial conducted in a mesoendemic region of Niger. The study collected dried blood spots from children aged 1-5 years in 24 study communities and tested for antibodies to two Chlamydia trachomatis antigens, Pgp3 and CT694. The results showed that seropositivity to these antigens correlated with clinical signs of active trachoma and ocular chlamydia infection at both the individual and community level.

By implementing community-level chlamydial serology, healthcare providers can gain additional information on the epidemiology of trachoma, particularly in regions where it is disappearing or elimination targets have been met. This information can help inform program decision-making for trachoma elimination and improve access to maternal health by identifying areas that still require intervention. Additionally, the use of dried blood spots for serological analysis allows for easier and less invasive sample collection, making it more accessible for communities.

Overall, the recommendation to use community-level chlamydial serology can be developed into an innovation to improve access to maternal health by providing valuable data for trachoma elimination programs and guiding targeted interventions in trachoma-endemic areas.
AI Innovations Methodology
The study described in the provided text focuses on assessing trachoma elimination in a trachoma-endemic region of Niger. The researchers conducted a cluster-randomized trial to evaluate the impact of different mass azithromycin distribution strategies on trachoma elimination. In addition to clinical signs, the study also collected dried blood spots from a sample of children aged 1-5 years to test for antibodies to Chlamydia trachomatis antigens.

To improve access to maternal health, it is important to consider innovations that can address the specific challenges faced by pregnant women in accessing healthcare services. Here are a few potential recommendations:

1. Mobile Clinics: Implementing mobile clinics that travel to remote areas or underserved communities can help bring maternal health services closer to pregnant women. These clinics can provide prenatal care, antenatal check-ups, and other essential services.

2. Telemedicine: Utilizing telemedicine technologies can enable pregnant women to consult with healthcare professionals remotely. This can be particularly beneficial for women in rural or isolated areas who may have limited access to healthcare facilities.

3. Community Health Workers: Training and deploying community health workers who have knowledge and skills related to maternal health can help bridge the gap between healthcare facilities and pregnant women. These workers can provide education, support, and basic healthcare services to pregnant women in their communities.

4. Health Information Systems: Implementing robust health information systems that capture and analyze data related to maternal health can help identify gaps in access and monitor progress in improving maternal health outcomes. This can inform targeted interventions and resource allocation.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could involve the following steps:

1. Define the indicators: Identify key indicators that reflect access to maternal health services, such as the number of prenatal visits, percentage of deliveries attended by skilled birth attendants, or maternal mortality rates.

2. Collect baseline data: Gather data on the selected indicators before implementing the recommendations. This can involve surveys, interviews, or analysis of existing data sources.

3. Implement the recommendations: Introduce the recommended innovations, such as mobile clinics, telemedicine services, or community health worker programs, in the target areas or communities.

4. Monitor and collect data: Continuously monitor the implementation of the recommendations and collect data on the selected indicators. This can involve tracking the number of mobile clinic visits, telemedicine consultations, or the activities of community health workers.

5. Analyze the data: Analyze the collected data to assess the impact of the recommendations on the selected indicators. Compare the post-implementation data with the baseline data to identify any improvements or changes.

6. Evaluate and adjust: Evaluate the findings and assess the effectiveness of the recommendations in improving access to maternal health. Based on the results, make any necessary adjustments or modifications to the implemented innovations.

By following this methodology, it is possible to simulate the impact of the recommended innovations on improving access to maternal health and make informed decisions regarding their implementation and scalability.

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