Household food insecurity, maternal nutrition, environmental risks and infants’ health outcomes: Protocol of the IMPALA birth cohort study in Uganda

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Study Justification:
– Food insecurity and undernutrition disproportionately affect women of reproductive age, infants, and young children in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).
– The disease burden from undernutrition in these vulnerable populations is a major concern in LMICs.
– Biomass fuel use for cooking is common in LMICs, but data on the effects of early life nutritional and environmental exposures on infant lung function in sub-Saharan Africa are scarce.
Study Highlights:
– The study aims to estimate the association between infant lung function and household food insecurity, energy poverty, and maternal dietary diversity.
– Pregnant women will be recruited in an existing Health and Demographic Surveillance Site in South-West Uganda.
– Data on household food insecurity, energy sources, economic measures, and maternal dietary diversity will be collected during pregnancy and after birth.
– Primary health outcomes will be infant lung function, weight, and length at 6-10 weeks of age.
– The study will also estimate the cost of dietary diversity based on the Minimum Dietary Diversity for Women (MDD-W) indicator.
Study Recommendations:
– The study recommends addressing household food insecurity, energy poverty, and improving maternal dietary diversity to improve infant lung function and health outcomes.
– Policy interventions should focus on improving access to nutritious food, promoting clean energy sources, and supporting women’s dietary diversity during pregnancy and after birth.
Key Role Players:
– Researchers and research team
– Pregnant women and their infants
– Health facilities providing maternity services
– Community leaders and members
– Policy-makers and government agencies
– Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working on nutrition and health issues
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Data collection and analysis
– Research staff salaries and training
– Recruitment and enrollment of pregnant women
– Equipment and supplies for lung function testing
– Community sensitization and engagement activities
– Publication and dissemination of study results
– Monitoring and evaluation of intervention implementation
– Collaboration and coordination with health facilities and stakeholders

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 8 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is strong because it describes a prospective cohort study design, provides details on data collection methods, and mentions ethical approvals. However, to improve the evidence, the abstract could include information on the sample size calculation, statistical analysis plan, and potential limitations of the study.

Introduction In low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), food insecurity and undernutrition disproportionately affect women of reproductive age, infants and young children. The disease burden from undernutrition in these vulnerable sections of societies remains a major concern in LMICs. Biomass fuel use for cooking is also common in LMICs. Empirical evidence from high-income countries indicates that early life nutritional and environmental exposures and their effect on infant lung function are important; however, data from sub-Saharan Africa are scarce. Aim To estimate the association between infant lung function and household food insecurity, energy poverty and maternal dietary diversity. Methods and analysis Pregnant women will be recruited in an existing Health and Demographic Surveillance Site in South-West Uganda. Household food insecurity, sources and uses of energy, economic measures and maternal dietary diversity will be collected during pregnancy and after birth. Primary health outcomes will be infant lung function determined by tidal breath flow and volume analysis at 6-10 weeks of age. Infant weight and length will also be collected. A household Food Consumption Score and Minimum Dietary Diversity for Women (MDD-W) indicator will be constructed. The involved cost of dietary diversity will be estimated based on MDD-W. The association between household level and mothers’ food access indicators and infant lung function will be evaluated using regression models. The Multidimensional Energy Poverty Index (MEPI) will be estimated and used as an indicator of households’ environmental exposures. The association between household MEPI and infant lung function will be assessed using econometric models. Ethics and dissemination Ethical approvals have been obtained from Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (18-059), the Uganda Virus Research Institute Ethics Committee (097/2018) and Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (SS 4846). Study results will be shared with participants, policy-makers, other stakeholders and published in peer-reviewed journals.

The study will use a prospective cohort design to measure exposures and outcomes among pregnant women and their infants. Data on household food consumption, energy sources, maternal demographics and dietary diversity will be collected during pregnancy and 6–10 weeks after birth. Infant lung function and other health outcome data will also be collected at 6–10 weeks of age. Data collection at 6–10 weeks will enable comparisons with other similar studies21 and is conveniently the time mothers take their infants to clinics for vaccination. This study, is part of a larger, multicountry research programme, the International Multidisciplinary Programme to Address Lung Health and TB in Africa (IMPALA).35 The study will be conducted in the General Population Cohort (GPC), which is a Health and Demographic Surveillance Site (HDSS) in Kyamulibwa subcounty of Kalungu district in South-Western Uganda. The GPC is a population-based open cohort study, established in 1989 by the UK Medical Research Council in collaboration with the Uganda Virus Research Institute to examine trends in the prevalence and incidence of HIV and its determinants in rural South-Western Uganda.36 The HDSS comprises 25 rural villages, and a small township of Kyamulibwa Town Council. Annual census and medical surveys have been conducted in this population since 1989.37 The main economic activity in the site is agriculture characterised by small farms of bananas, coffee, legumes, vegetables, cassava and potatoes. There is also small-scale cattle, goat and pig farming. A few residents are engaged in small scale trading, selling coffee, food crops and fish. The education level of inhabitants is generally low, with only a third attaining secondary level schooling. There are no special health, economic and social support programmes in the HDSS. The livelihoods and challenges of the residents are generally considered to be typical of rural populations in Uganda. Five health facilities serve the population with basic medical care, of which three facilities offer maternity services, antenatal care (ANC), deliveries and postnatal care. The HDSS has a pregnancy and birth registration system, whereby pregnant women are registered and followed up until delivery to document birth outcomes. Births are notified to the HDSS administration within 24–48 hours. In Uganda, 97% of pregnant women attend at least one antenatal clinic visit.38 The existing systems within the HDSS are favourable for conducting cohort studies, including the established birth notification and registration system, periodic censuses and medical surveys. This facilitates the tracking of women through pregnancy, delivery and postpartum, minimising loss to follow-up, and allowing future studies. The study will recruit pregnant women, their infants and households. This cohort study will be conducted at the three health facilities that offer maternity services in the HDSS. Recruitment will be preceded by a comprehensive programme of community sensitisation. Pregnant women will be identified while attending the antenatal clinics. Consecutive pregnant women will be approached to participate in the study. Written informed consent will be obtained from all participants. Same day recruitment will be performed if potential participants wish, to minimise inconvenience and costs of repeat travel for participants. However, if potential participants wish to take time to consider participation and/or discuss with members of their family, this will be facilitated. The sample size estimation is based on estimation of the association between the primary exposures (maternal dietary diversity and household food security) with infant lung function (MV mL/min). The primary outcome will be infant MV, and study power is based on a birth cohort study that related air pollution during pregnancy to infant lung function in which maternal air pollution (PM10) exposure measurements were significantly associated with MV in infants aged 6–10 weeks, and reported a mean (SD) MV of 1401 (242) mL/min.21 Maternal dietary diversity is measured by a dichotomous indicator, while household food insecurity is a three-scale categorical variable. The proposed study will have 80% power to detect a 5% difference in minute volume between high and low maternal dietary diversity groups and a 6% difference across the thirds of household food insecurity at the 5% level of significance. With a minimum sample size of 360 (complete data), we will have at least 80% power to estimate moderate effect sizes (OR≥1.5) under a logistic regression model, and>90% power to estimate differences of 5% in continuous infant lung function outcomes with 95% CI, under a linear regression model. We therefore aim to recruit 560 pregnant women to compensate for an anticipated 10% loss to follow-up, a 5% rate of miscarriages, still births and neonatal deaths, and failure to obtain valid lung function test results in 25% of infants. All pregnant women, irrespective of gestational age, presenting for ANC services at the selected health facilities and residing within the HDSS will be eligible to participate. Women who will not be available throughout the entire study period (such as those intending to go to another area for delivery of their babies or other reasons) and/or unwilling to participate in the study will be excluded. All singleton infants will be eligible. It will not be possible to conduct lung function tests for infants with congenital abnormalities of the upper airway for obvious reasons. Therefore, these infants (likely to be very few) will be excluded at analysis of the primary outcome (MV). The data collection process will follow a number of steps. The data will be collected at four-time points: A summary of participant contacts and required data to be collected at each of the four-time points is presented in flowchart (figure 1). Details of data collection and analytical methods are presented under each of the substudy topics. There will be three substudies as listed below. Flowchart for summary of data collection process and required data at each of data collection steps. The main aim of this substudy is to characterise households’ food insecurity and dietary diversity for participating pregnant women. Closely related to dietary diversity of pregnant women, the CoDD will be estimated. Socioeconomic determinants of household food insecurity and women’s dietary diversity will also be identified. Household level food consumption and expenditure data will be collected using the World Bank’s living standard questionnaire that has been used in many African countries, including Uganda. Consumption questionnaire will be mapped with Food Consumption Score (FCS) food items and groups. The FCS is a validated tool to assess household level food insecurity. It combines data on dietary diversity and food frequency using 7 days recall data.39 The main advantage of this tool is that it captures dietary diversity and household food access. It also enables an understanding of the usual consumption behaviour of households.40 41 FCS will be used to assess household level food insecurity during pregnancy (and after birth). Data on household’s food insecurity coping strategies will also be collected. In addition, separate data will be collected using the Minimum Dietary Diversity for Women (MDD-W) questionnaire, a validated tool,3 to assess pregnant women’s dietary diversity. We will do adaptation work for the MDD-W questionnaire based on local context. Adaptation of the MDD-W questionnaire is helpful for adequate listing of locally available food items, contents of mixed food and food items that are consumed in trivial amounts and to reflect cultural norms, vocabulary and usage of words and phrases that will be easily understood. Nationally, representative monthly food price data will be obtained from Uganda Bureau of Statistics to estimate the CoDD for women of reproductive age. CoDD is a price index defined around the MDD-W. It is an indicator that provides the least expensive way of meeting the MDD-W.42 Anthropometric (weight, height and mid upper arm circumference) and demographic data (including age) will be collected from pregnant women. The same anthropometric measuring equipment will be used across the clinics. As described above, women’s anthropometric measurements will be taken at clinics during pregnancy check-up visits. Data on household asset ownership will be collected. These data will include education, access to land, livestock holdings, type of crops grown, farm and other household assets, non-farm activities of the household. This data will be used to construct household asset index. Data will be analysed using both descriptive and multivariable regression models. The household level FCS will be obtained from frequency of consumption of each food group in the household and by assigning standard weight for each food groups. This score will be used to categorise households into three levels of food insecurity status: poor, borderline and acceptable following the standard cut-off points.39 40 43 44 To construct the MDD-W indicator, food groups and sub-food groups will be aggregated into 10 MDD-W food groups. Woman’s dietary diversity will be categorised into two based on standard threshold: scoring≥5 and below the threshold.3 45 46 The CoDD will be estimated based on rank order optimisation based on food prices within group as described by Masters et al.42 In this technique, the cheapest food items will be selected from each of the 10 food groups then the 5 cheapest food items will be selected. This identifies the cheapest way to achieve MDD-W. This will be done on monthly basis and will be linked with monthly dietary diversity of pregnant women. Associations of household level food insecurity and women’s dietary diversity will be assessed using parametric or non-parametric statistical tests, depending on distribution of the variables. Determinants of household food insecurity, and dietary diversity among women will be assessed using discrete choice based regression models. The household level food insecurity, the dependent variable, is an ordered categorical variable. This suggests the natural choice will be the ordered logit (or probit) regression model. Maternal dietary diversity takes dichotomous variables. Therefore, a multivariable logit (or probit) regression model will be used to identify determinants of dietary diversity in women. Principal component analysis (PCA) will be used to construct households socioeconomic status index, using asset data, to categorise households into socioeconomic quintiles and the method is explained elsewhere.47 48 Then, distribution of household food insecurity and women’s dietary diversity across socioeconomic status will be assessed. The dynamics of household food insecurity during pregnancy and after birth and its impacts on lung function and the nutritional outcomes measures (birth weight and length) of infants will be assessed. Changes in mothers’ dietary diversity during pregnancy and after birth will be thoroughly assessed. Data collection from study 1 will be repeated in the same individuals 6–10 weeks after birth. In addition, infant anthropometric measures (weight and length) will be collected. We will also collect data on method of delivery. Preterm babies will also be identified during data collection. Maternal lung function (spirometry) and anthropometric data (weight and height) will also be collected. In addition, infant lung function will be measured. Infant lung function testing will be performed during quiet unsedated breathing using the tidal breath analysis method performed by clinical sciences research team in IMPALA programme. Tidal breathing will be taken as the natural physiological state of undisturbed regular breathing, according to the European Respiratory Society (ERS)/American Thoracic Society (ATS) standards of infant lung function testing.49 With the sleeping infant is a supine position and neck slightly extended, a face mask will be carefully and gently applied onto his/her mouth and nose. The infant will be given 2–5 min to adapt to the mask before actual measurement of the tidal breaths starts. Tidal breathing will be recorded for a total of 10 min. This time is deemed sufficient to obtain valid information regarding the lung functioning. Tidal breathing measures of MV, VT, respiratory rate (RR) and expiratory flow ratios (tPEF:tE) will be collected using the Exhalyser D with ultrasonic flow metre (Ecomedics, Duernton, Switzerland). The tests will be conducted using the Exhalyser D with ultrasonic flow metre and interpreted using Spiroware V.3.2. Household level food insecurity and maternal dietary diversity will be measured using the techniques discussed under study 1. The dynamics in household food insecurity and women’s dietary will be analysed using descriptive statistics. The association between household level and mothers’ food access indicators and infant lung function (measured by using MV, VT, RR, tPEF:tE) and nutritional outcomes (weight for age and length for age) of infants will be evaluated using appropriate econometric models. We propose to use multiple linear regression model to estimate the association. Household socioeconomic status will be categorised based on asset index. PCA will be used to construct household socioeconomic status index. Distributions of lung function and other health outcome across socioeconomic status of households will be examined using a concentration curve.50 51 The concentration curve gives a more complete picture of socioeconomic inequality in health outcomes. However, it does not give a measure of the magnitude of inequality.47 Therefore, concentration index, which quantifies the degree of socioeconomic related inequality in a health variable,50–52 will be used to measure the degree of socioeconomic-related inequality in infant’s and mother’s lung function and other health outcomes. These analyses will lead us to identify socioeconomic determinants of infants’ lung function and other health outcome (nutritional status of infants). This substudy aims to assess the association between household energy poverty and the lung function of infants and their mothers. The sources of energy used by households, available/alternative energy sources and households’ access to alternative energy sources and implication for risk of respiratory diseases will be explored. Inequalities in infant lung function and nutritional outcomes across socioeconomic status of households will be explored. Data on household energy source and use will be collected. Attention will be given to energy sources used by households, access to different sources of energy and energy by category of use. We will also collect data on ownership of appliances, entertainment and communication equipment that rely on access to electricity. The lung function of infants will be measured at 6–10 weeks after birth using methods described under substudy 2. The lung function of the mothers will be assessed using Spirometry, performed according to the ERS/ATS standards for Spirometry.53 Up to eight forced expiratory manoeuvres will be recorded using EasyOn spirometer (ndd, Switzerland), with quality control performed by an experienced clinician. Additional external review will take place for 10% of traces by a respiratory specialist. MEPI will be estimated from household energy use and sources data. The MEPI captures and evaluates a set of energy deprivations that affect households. Following Nussbaumer et al,30 the MEPI that is composed of five dimensions representing basic energy services and six indicators of these dimensions will be estimated. Essentially, a household is identified as energy poor if the respective set of deprivation exceeds a predefined threshold. However, there is no standard and agreed threshold. We will categorise households into quintiles based on MEPI and assess the distribution of infants’ and women’s lung function along the quintiles. Inequalities in nutritional outcome of infants will be assessed using method discussed under substudy 2. The association between energy poverty and infants’ lung function will be evaluated using multivariable regression models. We appreciate movement towards involvement of patients and the public as coproducers of research. The communities and community leaders were involved in community-level sessions. Patient representatives were not directly involved in the development of this research project. We will seriously consider this in future studies.

Based on the provided description, here are some potential innovations that could improve access to maternal health:

1. Mobile Health (mHealth) Solutions: Develop mobile applications or text messaging services to provide pregnant women with information on nutrition, prenatal care, and maternal health. These tools can also be used to schedule appointments, send reminders, and provide access to telemedicine consultations.

2. Community Health Workers: Train and deploy community health workers to provide education, support, and basic healthcare services to pregnant women in remote or underserved areas. These workers can conduct home visits, assist with prenatal care, and refer women to appropriate healthcare facilities when needed.

3. Telemedicine: Establish telemedicine programs to connect pregnant women in rural or remote areas with healthcare providers. This allows women to receive prenatal care, consultations, and monitoring without the need for extensive travel.

4. Maternal Health Vouchers: Implement voucher programs that provide pregnant women with financial assistance to access prenatal care, skilled birth attendants, and emergency obstetric care. These vouchers can be distributed through healthcare facilities or community-based organizations.

5. Maternal Health Insurance: Develop and promote affordable health insurance options specifically tailored to cover maternal health services. This can help reduce financial barriers and ensure that pregnant women have access to necessary care.

6. Maternal Health Clinics: Establish dedicated maternal health clinics that provide comprehensive prenatal care, skilled birth attendants, and postnatal care. These clinics can be equipped with necessary medical equipment and staffed by trained healthcare professionals.

7. Public-Private Partnerships: Foster collaborations between government agencies, non-profit organizations, and private sector entities to improve access to maternal health services. This can involve sharing resources, expertise, and funding to expand healthcare infrastructure and services.

8. Maternal Health Education Programs: Develop and implement educational programs that focus on maternal nutrition, hygiene, and self-care during pregnancy. These programs can be delivered through community workshops, radio broadcasts, or digital platforms.

9. Maternal Health Monitoring Systems: Implement electronic health record systems or mobile applications to track and monitor the health of pregnant women. This can help healthcare providers identify high-risk pregnancies, ensure timely interventions, and improve overall maternal health outcomes.

10. Maternal Health Research: Conduct research studies, like the IMPALA birth cohort study mentioned in the description, to gather evidence on the impact of various factors on maternal health outcomes. This research can inform the development of targeted interventions and policies to improve access to maternal healthcare.
AI Innovations Description
The study described aims to improve access to maternal health by investigating the association between household food insecurity, maternal nutrition, environmental risks, and infants’ health outcomes. The study will be conducted in Uganda and will use a prospective cohort design to collect data on pregnant women and their infants.

The study will collect data on household food consumption, energy sources, maternal demographics, and dietary diversity during pregnancy and 6-10 weeks after birth. Infant lung function and other health outcome data will also be collected at 6-10 weeks of age. The study will be conducted in collaboration with the International Multidisciplinary Programme to Address Lung Health and TB in Africa (IMPALA).

The study will recruit pregnant women from health facilities in the study area. Written informed consent will be obtained from all participants. The sample size estimation aims to recruit 560 pregnant women to account for potential loss to follow-up and other factors.

Data analysis will involve descriptive and multivariable regression models to assess the association between household food insecurity, maternal dietary diversity, and infant lung function. The study will also explore the association between household energy poverty and infant lung function. Socioeconomic determinants of household food insecurity, dietary diversity, and energy poverty will be identified.

The study aims to provide valuable insights into the relationship between maternal health, household food insecurity, and environmental risks in Uganda. The findings can inform interventions and policies to improve access to maternal health and reduce the burden of undernutrition in vulnerable populations. The study results will be shared with participants, policy-makers, stakeholders, and published in peer-reviewed journals.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the provided description, here are some potential recommendations to improve access to maternal health:

1. Increase availability of nutritious food: Implement programs that focus on improving food security and increasing access to nutritious food for pregnant women. This can include initiatives such as community gardens, food banks, and nutrition education programs.

2. Promote clean cooking technologies: Encourage the use of clean cooking technologies, such as improved cookstoves or alternative energy sources, to reduce exposure to harmful smoke and indoor air pollution. This can help improve maternal respiratory health and reduce the risk of adverse health outcomes for infants.

3. Enhance antenatal care services: Strengthen antenatal care services by ensuring that pregnant women have access to regular check-ups, screenings, and health education. This can help identify and address any potential health issues early on and improve overall maternal and infant health outcomes.

4. Improve access to healthcare facilities: Enhance access to healthcare facilities, particularly in rural areas, by establishing mobile clinics or providing transportation services for pregnant women. This can help overcome geographical barriers and ensure that women receive timely and appropriate care during pregnancy and childbirth.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could include the following steps:

1. Define the indicators: Identify specific indicators that can measure the impact of the recommendations, such as the percentage of pregnant women with access to nutritious food, the reduction in indoor air pollution levels, the increase in the number of antenatal care visits, or the improvement in the availability of healthcare facilities.

2. Collect baseline data: Gather data on the current status of the indicators before implementing the recommendations. This can involve surveys, interviews, or data analysis from existing sources.

3. Implement the recommendations: Put the recommendations into action, ensuring that they are implemented effectively and consistently.

4. Monitor and evaluate: Continuously monitor the progress and evaluate the impact of the recommendations on the chosen indicators. This can involve collecting data at regular intervals, conducting surveys or interviews with the target population, and analyzing the data to assess any changes or improvements.

5. Analyze the data: Use statistical analysis techniques to analyze the collected data and determine the impact of the recommendations on improving access to maternal health. This can involve comparing the baseline data with the post-implementation data to identify any significant changes or trends.

6. Communicate the findings: Share the results of the impact assessment with relevant stakeholders, including policymakers, healthcare providers, and the community. This can help inform future decision-making and guide further efforts to improve access to maternal health.

It is important to note that the methodology may vary depending on the specific context and resources available.

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