Birth weight and gestational age distributions in a rural Kenyan population

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Study Justification:
– The study aimed to characterize the association between fetal growth and birth weight in a rural Kenyan population.
– This is important because fetal growth curves and birthweight charts are often used as indicators of health, and understanding the association in different global settings can improve the accuracy of these indicators.
Study Highlights:
– The study was conducted in 8 geographical clusters across 3 counties in Western Kenya.
– It included 1291 infants from nulliparous women carrying singleton pregnancies.
– Ultrasound was used to establish accurate gestational age, and birth weights were measured at delivery.
– The study compared the birthweight percentiles of the Kenyan population to those reported in the INTERGROWTH-21st study, a global population reference.
Study Recommendations:
– The study found slight differences in birthweight percentiles between the Kenyan population and the INTERGROWTH-21st study.
– These differences were most significant at 36 and 37 weeks gestation.
– The study recommends further research to explore the factors contributing to these differences and their implications for using global reference charts in local populations.
Key Role Players:
– Researchers and scientists: Conduct further research to explore the factors contributing to the differences in birthweight percentiles.
– Healthcare providers: Implement the findings of the study in prenatal care and monitoring of fetal growth.
– Policy makers: Consider the implications of the study’s findings when developing guidelines and policies related to prenatal care and birthweight monitoring.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Research funding: Allocate resources for further research on the factors contributing to differences in birthweight percentiles.
– Training and education: Provide training and education to healthcare providers on the implications of the study’s findings and how to implement them in practice.
– Equipment and technology: Ensure access to ultrasound machines and accurate weighing scales for prenatal care and birthweight measurement.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is moderately strong. The study was conducted as part of a randomized control trial and included a total of 1291 infants. The researchers compared the birthweight percentiles of the Kenyan sample to those reported in the INTERGROWTH-21st study. The results showed close alignment between the two datasets, with significant differences at 36 and 37 weeks. However, the study has limitations such as a small sample size and potential digit preference bias. To improve the evidence, future studies could consider increasing the sample size and addressing potential biases.

Background: With the increased availability of access to prenatal ultrasound in low/middle-income countries, there is opportunity to better characterize the association between fetal growth and birth weight across global settings. This is important, as fetal growth curves and birthweight charts are often used as proxy health indicators. As part of a randomized control trial, in which ultrasonography was utilized to establish accurate gestational age of pregnancies, we explored the association between gestational age and birthweight among a cohort in Western Kenya, then compared our results to data reported by the INTERGROWTH-21st study. Methods: This study was conducted in 8 geographical clusters across 3 counties in Western Kenya. Eligible subjects were nulliparous women carrying singleton pregnancies. An early ultrasound was performed between 6 + 0/7 and 13 + 6/7 weeks gestational age. At birth, infants were weighed on platform scales provided either by the study team (community births), or the Government of Kenya (public health facilities). The 10th, 25th, median, 75th, and 90th BW percentiles for 36 to 42 weeks gestation were determined; resulting percentile points were plotted, and curves determined using a cubic spline technique. A signed rank test was used to quantify the comparison of the percentiles generated in the rural Kenyan sample with those of the INTERGROWTH-21st study. Results: A total of 1291 infants (of 1408 pregnant women randomized) were included. Ninety-three infants did not have a measured birth weight. The majority of these were due to miscarriage (n = 49) or stillbirth (n = 27). No significant differences were found between subjects who were lost to follow-up. Signed rank comparisons of the observed median of the Western Kenya data at 10th, 50th, and 90th birthweight percentiles, as compared to medians reported in the INTERGROWTH-21st distributions, revealed close alignment between the two datasets, with significant differences at 36 and 37 weeks. Limitations of the current study include small sample size, and detection of potential digit preference bias. Conclusions: A comparison of birthweight percentiles by gestational age estimation, among a sample of infants from rural Kenya, revealed slight differences as compared to those from the global population (INTERGROWTH-21st). Trial registration: This is a single site sub-study of data collected in conjunction with the Aspirin Supplementation for Pregnancy Indicated Risk Reduction In Nulliparas (ASPIRIN) Trial, which is listed at, NCT02409680 (07/04/2015).

The data presented in this paper were acquired at the Kenya site as part of the Global Network for Women’s and Children’s Health Research ASPIRIN trial. Detailed study methods are described in Hoffman et al. [14, 18]. The Kenyan site (Fig. 1) is situated within the malaria holoendemic Lake region of Western Kenya, specifically the counties of Busia, Kakamega, and Bungoma [19]. The eight geographical clusters within the Kenyan site are served by over 20 health facilities, most operated by the government and staffed by nurse-midwives, clinical officers, and a single medical officer. Three hospitals in the area function as county referral hospitals [20]. There is one tertiary teaching and referral hospital based in Eldoret for the western region with a newly established training program in maternal fetal medicine. Most physicians are generalists, with some trained obstetricians and pediatricians [20]. Map of the study region, located in Busia, Bungoma, and Kakamega counties of western Kenya. Study clusters are outlined in gray. County locations within Kenya are depicted in the inset map Eligible subjects were pregnant nulliparous women carrying singleton pregnancies. An early ultrasound was performed between 6 + 0/7 and 13 + 6/7 weeks gestational age for accurate pregnancy dating. From this ultrasound, the estimated day of delivery was determined using the ACOG algorithm [21, 22], which was programed onto a handheld android device. Eligible women were then randomized to a daily regimen of low dose aspirin or placebo and followed to 42 days post pregnancy completion. Randomization was performed by site, with the randomization sequence for each site provided by the data coordinating center (RTI) using a computer algorithm based on a randomly permuted block design with varied block sizes. The primary analysis included data from Kenya and 5 other countries (India, Pakistan, Guatemala, Zambia, and Democratic Republic of Congo) and found that the aspirin intervention reduced delivery < 34 weeks; no impact on birthweight was observed [14]. Within the Kenya population, mean birthweight and gestational age were comparable by treatment arm. The analysis of variance was statistically significant for birthweight (p = 0.0167), but the difference of means was not clinically significant (~ 63 g). The analysis of variance for gestational age was not statistically or clinically significant. Infants born to subjects were weighed on platform scales either at a delivery in a health facility, or if born outside of a facility, at the home of the local village elder [23]. For infants delivered at participating public health facilities, the weighing scales used were those provided by the Government of Kenya; our study team did not have control over the make or model of infant weighing scales utilized. The weights of infants born within the community-setting, and weighed by village elders, were obtained using scales (Perlong Medical Equipment Co., Ltd.RGZ-20 Nanjing, China) provided by our research team. Only infants with a measured birth weight (BW) were included in this analysis. For subjects experiencing either a stillbirth or an infant death before the 42-day follow-up period, the assumed cause of death was determined using a previously published algorithm [24, 25]. Estimated gestational age (EGA) in days at time of delivery or stillbirth was defined as (Date of delivery – Estimated Date of Delivery by ultrasound) + 280. EGA in weeks was defined as EGA Days/7. Completed weeks of gestation was calculated by rounding the EGA weeks to the next larger integer. Statistical analyses were performed using JMP software and SAS version 9.4 (SAS Inc, Cary, NC USA). The 10th, 25th, median, 75th, and 90th BW percentiles for 36 and 43 completed weeks gestation were determined, the resulting percentile points were plotted, and curves determined using a cubic spline technique. Percentile curves for gestational ages less than 36 weeks (n = 57) or greater than 43 weeks (n = 9) were not plotted due to paucity of data for these groups. A signed rank test was used to quantify the comparison of the percentiles generated in this study with those of the INTERGROWTH-21st study. This test was performed twice within each gestational week – once testing the null hypothesis that the Kenya Male median equals the reported median of the INTERGROWTH-21st Male data, and once testing the null hypothesis that the Kenya Female median equals the reported median of the INTERGROWTH-21st Female data. This analysis was non-directional and performed at the alpha = 0.05 significance level.


Based on the information provided, here are some potential innovations that can be used to improve access to maternal health:

1. Prenatal Ultrasound: The increased availability and utilization of prenatal ultrasound in low/middle-income countries can help establish accurate gestational age of pregnancies. This can aid in monitoring fetal growth and identifying any potential complications early on.

2. Mobile Technology: The use of handheld android devices programmed with algorithms for estimating the day of delivery can improve access to accurate pregnancy dating. This technology can be used in remote areas where access to healthcare facilities may be limited.

3. Community-Based Weighing Scales: Providing accurate and reliable weighing scales to village elders or community health workers can enable the measurement of birth weight in infants born outside of healthcare facilities. This can help track the growth and development of newborns and identify any potential issues.

4. Data Analysis and Comparison: Conducting studies and analyzing data from different populations can help identify variations in birth weight and gestational age distributions. Comparing these results to global standards, such as the INTERGROWTH-21st study, can provide insights into the health indicators of specific populations and inform targeted interventions.

5. Training Programs: Establishing training programs in maternal fetal medicine for healthcare professionals in rural areas can improve their skills and knowledge in managing maternal health. This can enhance the quality of care provided to pregnant women and contribute to better maternal and neonatal outcomes.

It’s important to note that these recommendations are based on the information provided and may not encompass all possible innovations for improving access to maternal health.
AI Innovations Description
Based on the information provided, the recommendation to improve access to maternal health is to utilize prenatal ultrasound in low/middle-income countries to accurately determine gestational age and monitor fetal growth. This can be done by implementing the following steps:

1. Increase availability: Ensure that prenatal ultrasound services are accessible in health facilities in rural areas of low/middle-income countries. This may involve training healthcare providers on how to perform ultrasounds and interpret the results.

2. Establish accurate gestational age: Use ultrasound to accurately determine gestational age of pregnancies. This will help healthcare providers monitor fetal growth and identify any potential issues early on.

3. Develop local birth weight charts: Collect data on birth weights of infants in the specific population and create birth weight charts that are specific to the local population. This will provide more accurate reference points for monitoring fetal growth and identifying any deviations from the norm.

4. Compare with global standards: Compare the local birth weight charts with international standards, such as the INTERGROWTH-21st study, to identify any differences or similarities. This will help healthcare providers understand how the local population compares to global norms.

5. Continuous monitoring and evaluation: Regularly monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of prenatal ultrasound and the use of local birth weight charts. This will help identify any areas for improvement and ensure that the intervention is achieving its intended goals.

By implementing these recommendations, healthcare providers can improve access to maternal health by accurately monitoring fetal growth and identifying any potential issues early on. This can lead to better health outcomes for both mothers and infants.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the provided information, here are some potential recommendations for improving access to maternal health:

1. Increase availability and accessibility of prenatal ultrasound: Prenatal ultrasound plays a crucial role in accurately determining gestational age and monitoring fetal growth. By increasing the availability and accessibility of prenatal ultrasound in low/middle-income countries, more pregnant women can benefit from accurate gestational age estimation and appropriate prenatal care.

2. Strengthen healthcare infrastructure: Improving access to maternal health requires a strong healthcare infrastructure. This includes increasing the number of health facilities, ensuring they are well-equipped with necessary resources, and training healthcare professionals to provide quality maternal care.

3. Implement community-based interventions: Community-based interventions can help reach pregnant women in remote areas with limited access to healthcare facilities. This can involve mobile clinics, community health workers, and telemedicine to provide prenatal care, education, and support.

4. Enhance health education and awareness: Educating pregnant women and their families about the importance of prenatal care, nutrition, and healthy behaviors can improve maternal health outcomes. This can be done through community workshops, educational campaigns, and targeted messaging.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could include the following steps:

1. Define the target population: Identify the specific population or region where the recommendations will be implemented. This could be a rural area in a low/middle-income country with limited access to maternal health services.

2. Collect baseline data: Gather data on the current state of maternal health in the target population, including indicators such as maternal mortality rates, access to prenatal care, and birth outcomes.

3. Develop a simulation model: Create a simulation model that incorporates the recommended interventions and their potential impact on maternal health outcomes. This could involve using statistical modeling techniques to estimate the expected changes in key indicators based on the implementation of the recommendations.

4. Validate the model: Validate the simulation model by comparing its predictions with real-world data from similar interventions or studies conducted in other settings. This will help ensure the accuracy and reliability of the model.

5. Run simulations: Use the validated simulation model to run multiple scenarios that simulate the impact of the recommendations on improving access to maternal health. This could involve varying parameters such as the coverage of prenatal ultrasound, the number of healthcare facilities, or the level of community engagement.

6. Analyze results: Analyze the simulation results to assess the potential impact of the recommendations on maternal health outcomes. This could include evaluating changes in maternal mortality rates, improvements in access to prenatal care, and reductions in adverse birth outcomes.

7. Refine and iterate: Based on the simulation results, refine the recommendations and iterate the simulation model if necessary. This iterative process allows for continuous improvement and optimization of the interventions.

By following this methodology, policymakers and healthcare providers can gain insights into the potential impact of innovations and interventions on improving access to maternal health, helping them make informed decisions and allocate resources effectively.

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