Cessation of exclusive breastfeeding and seasonality, but not small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, are associated with environmental enteric dysfunction: A birth cohort study amongst infants in rural Kenya

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Study Justification:
This study aimed to investigate the development of Environmental Enteric Dysfunction (EED) and its potential risk factors among infants in rural Kenya. EED is a chronic intestinal inflammatory disorder prevalent in low-income settings and is associated with stunting. Understanding the factors contributing to EED can help inform interventions to prevent and manage this condition.
1. The study found that cessation of exclusive breastfeeding and seasonality were associated with EED. During the rainy season, linear growth was slower and the urinary lactulose mannitol (LM) ratio, a marker of intestinal function, was higher.
2. The increase in LM ratio, as well as the biomarkers myeloperoxidase and neopterin, occurred after discontinuation of continuous-since-birth exclusive breastfeeding. This increase in LM ratio was specifically observed during the rainy season.
3. The study did not find associations between EED markers and antibiotics, acute illnesses, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), or gut microbiota diversity.
4. The findings suggest that promoting uninterrupted exclusive breastfeeding during the rainy season may help prevent EED. However, therapeutic strategies targeting SIBO are unlikely to impact EED in this setting.
5. The study highlights the need for further development of non-invasive diagnostic methods for SIBO.
1. Intensify promotion of uninterrupted exclusive breastfeeding among infants under six months during the rainy season in order to prevent EED.
2. Further research and development of non-invasive diagnostic methods for SIBO should be prioritized.
3. Explore additional interventions and strategies to address EED beyond SIBO, considering the lack of association found in this study.
Key Role Players:
1. Researchers and scientists specializing in pediatric nutrition and gastrointestinal health.
2. Healthcare providers, including doctors, nurses, and community health workers, who can promote and support exclusive breastfeeding practices.
3. Policy makers and government officials responsible for implementing and funding public health programs targeting infant nutrition and gastrointestinal health.
4. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and community-based organizations (CBOs) involved in maternal and child health initiatives.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
1. Research funding for further studies on EED prevention and management, including the development of non-invasive diagnostic methods for SIBO.
2. Budget allocation for public health programs promoting exclusive breastfeeding, including training and capacity-building for healthcare providers.
3. Investment in community education and awareness campaigns on the importance of exclusive breastfeeding and its role in preventing EED.
4. Resources for monitoring and evaluation of interventions, including data collection and analysis to assess the impact of breastfeeding promotion programs on EED rates.
5. Collaboration and coordination between different stakeholders, which may require funding for meetings, workshops, and communication platforms.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is based on a prospective observational birth cohort study, which provides valuable data. The study includes a sample size calculation and statistical analysis methods. However, the evidence could be strengthened by providing more details on the study design, participant characteristics, and specific results. Additionally, the abstract could benefit from a clearer description of the limitations and implications of the findings.

Background: Environmental Enteric Dysfunction (EED) is a chronic intestinal inflammatory disorder of unclear aetiology prevalent amongst children in low-income settings and associated with stunting. We aimed to characterise development of EED and its putative risk factors amongst rural Kenyan infants. Methods: In a birth cohort study in Junju, rural coastal Kenya, between August 2015 and January 2017, 100 infants were each followed for nine months. Breastfeeding status was recorded weekly and anthropometry monthly. Acute illnesses and antibiotics were captured by active and passive surveillance. Intestinal function and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) were assessed by monthly urinary lactulose mannitol (LM) and breath hydrogen tests. Faecal alpha-1-antitrypsin, myeloperoxidase and neopterin were measured as EED biomarkers, and microbiota composition assessed by 16S sequencing. Findings: Twenty nine of the 88 participants (33%) that underwent length measurement at nine months of age were stunted (length-for-age Z score <-2). During the rainy season, linear growth was slower and LM ratio was higher. In multivariable models, LM ratio, myeloperoxidase and neopterin increased after cessation of continuous-since-birth exclusive breastfeeding. For LM ratio this only occurred during the rainy season. EED markers were not associated with antibiotics, acute illnesses, SIBO, or gut microbiota diversity. Microbiota diversified with age and was not strongly associated with complementary food introduction or linear growth impairment. Interpretation: Our data suggest that intensified promotion of uninterrupted exclusive breastfeeding amongst infants under six months during the rainy season, where rainfall is seasonal, may help prevent EED. Our findings also suggest that therapeutic strategies directed towards SIBO are unlikely to impact on EED in this setting. However, further development of non-invasive diagnostic methods for SIBO is required. Funding: This research was funded in part by the Wellcome Trust (Research Training Fellowship to RJC (103376/Z/13/Z)). EPKP was supported by the MRC/DfID Newton Fund (MR/N006259/1). JAB was supported by the MRC/DFiD/Wellcome Trust Joint Global Health Trials scheme (MR/M007367/1) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (OPP1131320). HHU was supported by the NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre (IS-BRC-1215-20008).

For this prospective observational birth cohort, infants from the 10 closest villages surrounding Junju dispensary, Kilifi County, Kenya (3·85°S 39·73°E), were recruited within 14 days of birth and followed until the tenth month of life. Sample size was based on a statistical significance test comparing a continuous outcome (LM ratio at six months) between two groups: exposed and unexposed to SIBO (at least one positive GBHT). Predicted mean LM ratio ranged from 0.17 to 0.38 with standard deviation 0.15 to 0.30 and SIBO prevalence 10 to 30%.21, 22, 23, 24 74 participants yielded 95% power to detect a two-fold difference in mean LM ratios between SIBO-exposed and SIBO-unexposed groups (alpha 0.05; mean LM ratios 0.2 and 0.4). This number was increased by 15% to allow for non-parametric testing25 and by 15% for loss to follow-up. 100 participants were therefore enrolled. At enrolment, household, maternal, and participant characteristics were elicited. Length, weight, and mid upper arm circumference (MUAC) measurement and GBHT and LM testing were carried out monthly, within 1–3 days of each other. See Supplementary Text for detailed LM and GBHT methods. To assess inter-observer variability, on one occasion, 20 participants underwent repeated measurement. Between 5·5 and 6·5 months of age, participants underwent timed venesection targeting 90 min after ingestion of oral LM solution.26 Complete blood count was also performed and participants with haemoglobin 5 ppm were deemed ‘indeterminate’.28 To examine factors associated with linear growth impairment, a nested cross-sectional mixed effects linear regression analysis was undertaken where each observation was a two-month period of linear growth (change in LAZ) and its preceding and contemporaneous events. Fixed effects were selected prospectively based on upstream proximity to stunting in the hypothesised causal framework (Figure 1). Clustering of repeated observations by participant was adjusted for by random effects. To determine factors associated with EED, a second nested cross-sectional multivariable mixed effects linear regression analysis was employed where each observation (outcome) was an LM test or stool EED biomarker result. A priori testing for interaction between season and exclusive breastfeeding status was done. 16S analyses were performed at a rarefaction depth of 30,000 sequences. Ribosomal Sequence Variant (RSV) count and Shannon index served as covariates in EED and linear growth impairment models. Variation in beta diversity was explored via permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) using one sample per infant across three age strata (0–3, 4–6 and 7–9 months), with sequencing run as a permutation constraint. Random Forests were used to determine changes in RSV-level microbiota composition associated with age, linear growth impairment, and EED biomarkers (see Appendix for details). Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients were used to determine associations (false discovery rate (FDR) p < 0.1) between RSV abundance and age. Further detail on 16S analysis methods are given in the Supplementary Text. Approval was granted by Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) Scientific & Ethics Review Unit (2983) and Oxford Tropical Research Ethics Committee (37-15, 566-15). Local language written informed consent was obtained from parents/guardians for all participants by fieldworkers trained in Good Clinical Practice. The funder played no role in the writing of the manuscript or in the decision to submit for publication. The authors have not been paid to write this article by any agency. All authors had access to the data and accept responsibility to submit for publication.

Based on the provided information, here are some potential innovations that could improve access to maternal health:

1. Mobile Health (mHealth) Applications: Develop mobile applications that provide pregnant women and new mothers with access to information, resources, and support for maternal health. These apps could include features such as tracking pregnancy milestones, providing educational content, connecting users with healthcare professionals, and sending reminders for prenatal and postnatal care appointments.

2. Telemedicine Services: Implement telemedicine services that allow pregnant women in rural areas to consult with healthcare professionals remotely. This would enable them to receive medical advice, guidance, and support without the need for travel, making healthcare more accessible and convenient.

3. Community Health Workers: Train and deploy community health workers in rural areas to provide maternal health education, conduct regular check-ups, and facilitate referrals to healthcare facilities when necessary. These workers can act as a bridge between the community and healthcare system, ensuring that pregnant women receive the care they need.

4. Mobile Clinics: Establish mobile clinics that travel to remote areas, providing comprehensive maternal health services including prenatal care, vaccinations, and postnatal care. This would bring healthcare services closer to the communities, reducing barriers to access.

5. Health Education Campaigns: Conduct targeted health education campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of maternal health and the available services. These campaigns can be conducted through various channels such as radio, community meetings, and informational materials, ensuring that women are informed about their rights and the resources available to them.

6. Maternal Health Vouchers: Introduce voucher programs that provide pregnant women with financial assistance to access maternal health services. These vouchers can cover costs such as prenatal care visits, delivery expenses, and postnatal care, making healthcare more affordable and accessible.

7. Public-Private Partnerships: Foster collaborations between the public and private sectors to improve access to maternal health services. This can involve leveraging private sector resources and expertise to enhance healthcare infrastructure, expand service coverage, and improve the quality of care provided.

8. Maternal Health Hotlines: Establish toll-free hotlines staffed by trained healthcare professionals who can provide information, counseling, and support to pregnant women and new mothers. This would enable women to seek guidance and advice whenever they have questions or concerns about their maternal health.

These innovations have the potential to address the challenges faced in accessing maternal health services, particularly in rural areas, and improve the overall health outcomes for pregnant women and their babies.
AI Innovations Description
The study mentioned in the description focuses on Environmental Enteric Dysfunction (EED), a chronic intestinal inflammatory disorder prevalent among children in low-income settings, and its potential risk factors among rural Kenyan infants. The study found that cessation of exclusive breastfeeding and seasonality, but not small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), were associated with EED.

Based on these findings, a recommendation to improve access to maternal health and prevent EED could be to intensify the promotion of uninterrupted exclusive breastfeeding among infants under six months, particularly during the rainy season. This recommendation is based on the observation that linear growth was slower and the urinary lactulose mannitol (LM) ratio, a marker of intestinal function, was higher during the rainy season. Additionally, the study found that LM ratio, myeloperoxidase, and neopterin increased after cessation of continuous-since-birth exclusive breastfeeding.

It is important to note that the study did not find a significant association between EED and antibiotics, acute illnesses, SIBO, or gut microbiota diversity. Therefore, the recommendation does not involve therapeutic strategies directed towards SIBO. However, further development of non-invasive diagnostic methods for SIBO is suggested.

Overall, the recommendation is to prioritize and support exclusive breastfeeding practices, especially during the rainy season, as a potential strategy to prevent EED and improve maternal health outcomes.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the provided description, here are some potential recommendations for improving access to maternal health:

1. Intensified promotion of uninterrupted exclusive breastfeeding: The study suggests that uninterrupted exclusive breastfeeding during the rainy season may help prevent Environmental Enteric Dysfunction (EED). Therefore, promoting and supporting exclusive breastfeeding practices among infants under six months during the rainy season could be an effective strategy to improve maternal health.

2. Non-invasive diagnostic methods for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO): The study found that therapeutic strategies directed towards SIBO are unlikely to impact EED in this setting. However, further development of non-invasive diagnostic methods for SIBO is required. Investing in research and development to create accurate and accessible diagnostic tools for SIBO can help identify and treat the condition more effectively.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could include the following steps:

1. Define the target population: Identify the specific population or community that will be the focus of the simulation. This could be based on geographical location, socio-economic factors, or other relevant criteria.

2. Collect baseline data: Gather information on the current status of maternal health in the target population. This could include data on breastfeeding practices, prevalence of EED and SIBO, healthcare access and utilization, and other relevant indicators.

3. Define the simulation parameters: Determine the specific variables and parameters that will be used to simulate the impact of the recommendations. This could include factors such as the percentage of mothers practicing exclusive breastfeeding, the prevalence of SIBO, and the availability of non-invasive diagnostic methods.

4. Develop a simulation model: Use statistical or computational modeling techniques to create a simulation model that incorporates the baseline data and the defined parameters. This model should be able to simulate the potential impact of the recommendations on maternal health outcomes, such as the reduction in EED prevalence or the improvement in breastfeeding rates.

5. Run the simulation: Implement the simulation model using the collected data and the defined parameters. Run multiple iterations of the simulation to account for variability and uncertainty.

6. Analyze the results: Evaluate the outcomes of the simulation to assess the potential impact of the recommendations on improving access to maternal health. This could include measuring changes in EED prevalence, breastfeeding rates, or other relevant indicators.

7. Interpret and communicate the findings: Interpret the simulation results and communicate the findings to relevant stakeholders, such as healthcare providers, policymakers, and community members. Highlight the potential benefits and challenges of implementing the recommendations and provide recommendations for further action.

It’s important to note that the methodology for simulating the impact of these recommendations may vary depending on the specific context and available data. Therefore, it’s recommended to consult with experts in the field of maternal health and simulation modeling to ensure the accuracy and validity of the methodology.

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