Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) types Western blot (WB) band profiles as potential surrogate markers of HIV disease progression and predictors of vertical transmission in a cohort of infected but antiretroviral therapy naïve pregnant women in Harare, Zimbabwe

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Study Justification:
– Expensive CD4 count and viral load tests have failed to enable access to HIV therapy in poor resource settings.
– There is a need for simple, affordable, and non-subjective disease monitoring tools to complement clinical staging efforts.
– The sequential appearance of specific bands in the Western blot (WB) test offers a potential tool for monitoring HIV disease progression.
– Among the 64 HIV infected pregnant women in the study, 98.4% had pure HIV-1 infection and 1.7% had dual HIV-1/HIV-2 infections.
– Absence of HIV pol antigen bands was associated with acute infection.
– Lack of antibody reactivity to gag p39 antigen was associated with disease progression, confirmed by the presence of lymphadenopathy, anemia, and higher viral load.
– Women with p39 band missing were 1.4 times more likely to transmit HIV-1 to their infants.
– WB test could be used as a relatively cheaper disease monitoring tool in poor resource settings, in conjunction with simpler tests like full blood counts and patient clinical assessment.
– Develop and implement simple, affordable, and non-subjective disease monitoring tools to complement clinical staging efforts.
– Incorporate the use of WB test in conjunction with simpler tests like full blood counts and patient clinical assessment for monitoring HIV disease progression.
– Consider the role of host-parasite genetics and interactions in disease progression.
Key Role Players:
– Researchers and scientists in the field of HIV/AIDS
– Healthcare professionals and clinicians
– Policy makers and government officials
– Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working in HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Research and development of simple, affordable, and non-subjective disease monitoring tools
– Training and capacity building for healthcare personnel in using the WB test and other monitoring tools
– Implementation and integration of WB test and other monitoring tools into healthcare systems
– Monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness and impact of the new monitoring approach
– Public awareness and education campaigns on the importance of disease monitoring and early treatment access

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is relatively strong, but there are some areas for improvement. The study design is a nested case-control study, which is generally considered to be a strong design. The study population consists of a cohort of pregnant women attending antenatal clinics, which provides a good sample for studying vertical transmission of HIV. The study uses the Western blot (WB) test to characterize HIV types and assess disease progression. The statistical tests used are appropriate for the research questions. However, there are a few areas for improvement. The sample size is relatively small, with only 64 HIV-infected pregnant women included in the study. This may limit the generalizability of the findings. Additionally, the abstract does not provide information on the representativeness of the sample and the recruitment process, which could affect the external validity of the study. To improve the evidence, a larger sample size could be used to increase the statistical power and generalizability of the findings. Additionally, providing more information on the representativeness of the sample and the recruitment process would enhance the transparency and reliability of the study.

Background: Expensive CD4 count and viral load tests have failed the intended objective of enabling access to HIV therapy in poor resource settings. It is imperative to develop simple, affordable and non-subjective disease monitoring tools to complement clinical staging efforts of inexperienced health personnel currently manning most healthcare centres because of brain drain. Besides accurately predicting HIV infection, sequential appearance of specific bands of WB test offers a window of opportunity to develop a less subjective tool for monitoring disease progression.Methods: HIV type characterization was done in a cohort of infected pregnant women at 36 gestational weeks using WB test. Student-t test was used to determine maternal differences in mean full blood counts and viral load of mothers with and those without HIV gag antigen bands. Pearson Chi-square test was used to assess differences in lack of bands appearance with vertical transmission and lymphadenopathy.Results: Among the 64 HIV infected pregnant women, 98.4% had pure HIV-1 infection and one woman (1.7%) had dual HIV-1/HIV-2 infections. Absence of HIV pol antigen bands was associated with acute infection, p = 0.002. All women with chronic HIV-1 infection had antibody reactivity to both the HIV-1 envelope and polymerase antigens. However, antibody reactivity to gag antigens varied among the women, being 100%, 90%, 70% and 63% for p24, p17, p39 and p55, respectively. Lack of antibody reactivity to gag p39 antigen was associated with disease progression as confirmed by the presence of lymphadenopathy, anemia, higher viral load, p = 0.010, 0.025 and 0.016, respectively. Although not statistically significant, women with p39 band missing were 1.4 times more likely to transmit HIV-1 to their infants.Conclusion: Absence of antibody reactivity to pol and gag p39 antigens was associated with acute infection and disease progression, respectively. Apart from its use in HIV disease diagnosis, WB test could also be used in conjunction with simpler tests like full blood counts and patient clinical assessment as a relatively cheaper disease monitoring tool required prior to accessing antiretroviral therapy for poor resource settings. However, there is also need to factor in the role of host-parasite genetics and interactions in disease progression. © 2011 Duri et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

This was a nested case-control study in which the cases and controls were sampled from a cohort of pregnant women attending 3 antenatal clinics around the city of Harare, Zimbabwe. All participants were part of a national Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission (PMTCT) program and were naïve to antiretroviral therapy. The primary end point was an HIV-1 positive mother who transmitted the virus to her infant, transmitting mother (case). Each case was matched to one HIV-1 positive but non-transmitting mother (control). Matching of cases and controls was done with respect to important risk factors of HIV disease progression and vertical transmission notably maternal age, baseline sexually transmitted infections (STIs), clinical signs, the date of last menstruation and single dose nevirapine therapy, see figure ​figure11. Summary of how the 32 Transmitters and 32 non-Transmitters were sampled from a cohort of pregnant mothers attending antenatal clinics around Harare. Pregnant women were enrolled at 36 gestational weeks between April and September 2002. Pre-and post-HIV test counseling services were readily available. HIV-1 positive mother and infant pairs were offered 200 mg single dose nevirapine during labour and 2 mg/kg body weight within 72 hours post delivery, respectively. Mothers were encouraged to exclusively breastfeed during the first six months post-delivery. The study population consisted of two groups of pregnant HIV-1 positive women. The main group consisted of pregnant women who were HIV-1 positive at enrolment, considered to be having chronic HIV-1 infection, and a subgroup of pregnant women who were HIV-1 negative during pregnancy but sero-converted after delivery, thus regarded as having acute HIV-1 infection. Follow-up of HIV-1 negative mothers together with HIV-1 exposed infants was from delivery, 6 weeks, 4 and 9 months and thereafter 3 monthly until 2 years, thus generally coinciding with infant immunization visits. At each subsequent follow-up visit, HIV-1 negative mothers and exposed infants were re-tested for HIV-1 antibodies and antigens, respectively. Besides HIV testing, serum samples of sero-negative mothers and their respective infants were aliquoted and stored for further analysis. At enrolment all mothers answered a structured questionnaire and information regarding their socio-demographics, sexual behavioural, obstetric and reproductive health issues was obtained. A gynecologist performed physical and gynecological examinations. A pediatrician examined infants. Date of birth, birth weight, gender and single dose nevirapine therapy were recorded. Five milliliters of maternal venous blood samples were collected in EDTA tubes at baseline and each follow-up visit in the cases of HIV-1 negative mothers. Two milliliters of venous EDTA whole blood samples were collected at each follow-up visit for HIV-1 negative but HIV-1 exposed infants. Samples were stored at -86°C until tested. Serial HIV-1/-2 algorithm antibody tests were performed on plasma samples using Determine (Abbott Diagnostics, Illinois USA) and Ora-Quick (Abbott Diagnostics, Illinois, USA) rapid kits. Confirmation of screening HIV-1/2 rapid test results was done at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health using the WB test (HIV blot 2.2, MP Diagnostics, Singapore) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Interpretation of the WB test results was done in line with the World Health Organization guidelines [17]. A WB test was considered positive if at least two of the three envelope antigen bands for HIV-1 or glycoprotein (gp) 36 for HIV-2 and any of the four gag antigens or at least any one of the three pol antigens were present. A WB test result was considered to show dual reactivity when sera reacted with at least two env glyco-proteins and one core protein of each virus. Specimens with reactive gp36 antigen were re-run on a WB test specific to HIV-2. Full blood counts were done using Abbott Diagnostic Cell Dyne 3500R SL Hematology Analyser. Plasma samples were shipped on dry ice to the Institute of Microbiology in Oslo to be quantified for HIV-1 RNA load using an automated TaqMan Roche Amplicor 1.5 Monitor Test (Cobas AmpliPrep/Cobas TaqMan, Roche Diagnostics, Branchburg NJ) according to the manufacturer’s instructions as previously described [18]. The first available HIV-1 positive sample was quantified in the cases of sero-converters. Detection of infants’ HIV-1 infections was performed using qualitative 1.5 Roche Amplicor HIV-1 DNA PCR kit (Roche Diagnostics). Since this was a breastfeeding population, the criteria used to determine time of infection was similar to that used by Bertolli et al. [19]. Infants that tested HIV-1 DNA PCR positive on whole blood collected within 10 days of birth were considered to be infected in utero. Infants who had negative HIV-1 DNA PCR results within the first 10 days of life but had positive results at six weeks were regarded as infected during intra-partum and those testing positive thereafter were considered infected after birth. Data were entered and analyzed using STATA version 10. The frequency of WB bands were determined among the pregnant women in general and also after stratifying by the time of HIV infection (acute or chronic) and vertical transmission, as transmitting or non-transmitting mothers. A graph was plotted to show the frequency of different WB gag antigen bands between the two groups of mothers. Student-t test was used to determine differences in mean viral load and maternal hemoglobin between mothers with and those without gag antigen bands. Pearson Chi-square test was used to assess differences in the absence HIV gag antigen bands with vertical transmission and lymphadenopathy. Comparisons of the appearance of the HIV env, pol and gag antigens band profiles of mothers with chronic and those with acute HIV-1 infections were also done. Tests of statistical significance included the 95% confidence intervals of unadjusted relative risks and p values of less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant. The study was approved by the Medical Research Council of Zimbabwe and the Ethical Review Committee of Norway. Written consent to participate in the research study was obtained from the mothers and they were free to discontinue at any given time without any prejudice.


Based on the provided description, here are some potential innovations that could improve access to maternal health:

1. Development of a simple and affordable diagnostic tool: The study suggests that the Western blot (WB) test could be used as a relatively cheaper disease monitoring tool in poor resource settings. Further research and development could focus on simplifying and reducing the cost of this test, making it more accessible to healthcare centers with limited resources.

2. Integration of WB test with other diagnostic tools: The study mentions that the WB test could be used in conjunction with simpler tests like full blood counts and patient clinical assessment. Integrating multiple diagnostic tools into a comprehensive screening process could improve the accuracy and efficiency of maternal health assessments.

3. Training and capacity building for healthcare personnel: The study highlights the importance of having experienced health personnel to accurately interpret and utilize diagnostic tools. Investing in training programs and capacity building initiatives for healthcare personnel in poor resource settings could improve their ability to provide quality maternal healthcare.

4. Strengthening of healthcare infrastructure: The study mentions the challenges of brain drain and inexperienced health personnel in healthcare centers. Strengthening healthcare infrastructure, including improving staffing levels and ensuring the availability of necessary equipment and supplies, could enhance access to maternal health services.

5. Implementation of prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) programs: The study mentions that all participants were part of a national PMTCT program. Expanding and improving PMTCT programs, including increasing access to antiretroviral therapy for HIV-positive pregnant women, could significantly reduce the risk of vertical transmission and improve maternal and child health outcomes.

It is important to note that these recommendations are based on the information provided in the description and may need further research and evaluation for implementation.
AI Innovations Description
The recommendation from the study is to develop a simple, affordable, and non-subjective disease monitoring tool to improve access to maternal health. The study suggests using the Western blot (WB) test, which is commonly used for HIV diagnosis, as a potential tool for monitoring disease progression in HIV-infected pregnant women. The sequential appearance of specific bands in the WB test could provide valuable information about disease progression and the likelihood of vertical transmission of HIV to infants.

By incorporating the WB test into routine monitoring protocols, healthcare providers in poor resource settings can complement clinical staging efforts and make more informed decisions about when to initiate antiretroviral therapy for pregnant women. This would help improve access to timely and appropriate treatment for HIV-infected pregnant women, ultimately reducing the risk of vertical transmission and improving maternal and infant health outcomes.

It is important to note that further research is needed to validate the findings of this study and to explore the potential role of host-parasite genetics and interactions in disease progression. Additionally, the development of simpler tests, such as full blood counts and patient clinical assessment, in conjunction with the WB test could further enhance its affordability and accessibility in resource-limited settings.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the information provided, here are some potential recommendations for improving access to maternal health:

1. Develop a simple and affordable disease monitoring tool: Expensive CD4 count and viral load tests have limited accessibility in poor resource settings. There is a need to develop a simple and affordable tool that can complement clinical staging efforts and be used by inexperienced health personnel. This tool could potentially be used to monitor disease progression and guide treatment decisions.

2. Utilize Western blot (WB) band profiles: The study suggests that the sequential appearance of specific bands in the WB test could be used as a surrogate marker for HIV disease progression and predictors of vertical transmission. Further research and development could focus on utilizing WB band profiles as a less subjective tool for monitoring maternal health.

3. Combine WB test with simpler tests: The WB test could be used in conjunction with simpler tests like full blood counts and patient clinical assessment. This combination of tests could provide a relatively cheaper and more accessible disease monitoring tool for poor resource settings.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could be developed as follows:

1. Define the target population: Identify the specific population or region where the recommendations will be implemented. Consider factors such as the prevalence of HIV infection, availability of healthcare resources, and existing maternal health programs.

2. Collect baseline data: Gather data on the current state of maternal health in the target population. This could include information on HIV infection rates, access to healthcare services, and maternal health outcomes.

3. Develop a simulation model: Create a mathematical or computational model that simulates the impact of the recommendations on improving access to maternal health. This model should consider factors such as the cost and availability of the new disease monitoring tool, the training required for healthcare personnel, and the potential impact on disease progression and vertical transmission.

4. Input data and run simulations: Input the baseline data into the simulation model and run multiple simulations to assess the potential impact of the recommendations. This could involve varying parameters such as the coverage of the new tool, the effectiveness of the interventions, and the resources available for implementation.

5. Analyze results: Analyze the results of the simulations to evaluate the potential impact of the recommendations on improving access to maternal health. Consider factors such as changes in HIV infection rates, improvements in disease monitoring, and potential cost savings.

6. Refine and validate the model: Refine the simulation model based on feedback and additional data. Validate the model by comparing the simulated results with real-world data, if available.

7. Communicate findings and recommendations: Present the findings of the simulation study to relevant stakeholders, such as policymakers, healthcare providers, and community organizations. Use the results to inform decision-making and advocate for the implementation of the recommendations.

It is important to note that this methodology is a general framework and may need to be adapted based on the specific context and resources available for the simulation study.

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