Objectives: To determine risk factors for GBS colonisation in Gambian mothers and in their infants from birth to day 60-89 of age. Methods: Swabs and breastmilk from mothers/infant pairs were collected and cultured on selective agar. Negative samples were analysed for GBS DNA via real-time PCR. Positive isolates were serotyped using multiplex PCR and gel-agarose electrophoresis. Results: Seven hundred and fifty women/infant pairs were recruited. 253 women (33.7%) were GBS-colonised at delivery. The predominant serotypes were: V (55%), II (16%), III (10%), Ia (8%) and Ib (8%). 186 infants were colonised (24.8%) at birth, 181 (24.1%) at 6 days and 96 at day 60-89 (14%). Infants born before 34 weeks of gestation and to women with rectovaginal and breastmilk colonisation at delivery had increased odds of GBS colonisation at birth. Season of birth was associated with increased odds of persistent infant GBS colonisation (dry season vs. wet season AOR 2.9; 95% CI 1.6-5.2). Conclusion: GBS colonisation is common in Gambian women at delivery and in their infants to day 60-89 and is dominated by serotype V. In addition to maternal colonisation, breastmilk and season of birth are important risk factors for infant GBS colonisation.
We undertook a prospective longitudinal cohort study in two government health centres offering antenatal care to women in the Fajara area of costal Gambia, a low-income country with an annual birth rate of 43.1/1000 population, neonatal sepsis rate of 4.42/1000 live births7 and neonatal mortality rate of 28/1000 live births.8 The combined birth rate of these two health centres is approximately 12,500 births annually. The health centres were selected to be representative of the level of care usually available to Gambian women. The eligibility criteria for maternal participation in the study included all pregnant women over the age of 18 years who had a negative HIV test and were deemed to be at low risk for pregnancy complications (no evidence of pre-eclampsia, cardiomyopathy, maternal gestational diabetes, placenta praevia, twin pregnancy). Women were invited to deliver at the health centre and offered a confirmatory HIV test prior to enrolment. Women found to be HIV positive were referred for specialist ongoing care. Mothers were excluded if they were not planning to breastfeed or were unable to remain in the Fajara area for the first three months postpartum. Healthy infants over 32 weeks of gestation assessed using the Ballard score and weighing over 2.5 kg were included. Infants were excluded if they had obvious congenital abnormalities or required resuscitation at the time of delivery requiring transfer to a neonatal unit. Mother and infant pairs were recruited to the study between 1st January 2014 and 31st December 2014 if both mother and infant met the inclusion criteria. All eligible women and infants were recruited until the pre-defined sample size was reached. Participants were followed up daily at home until day 6 and then asked to return to clinic when the infant 60−89 days old for final follow up visit and vaccinations. If an infant died during the study a verbal autopsy was carried out to assess the potential cause of death. Field workers explained the purpose of the study to eligible participants in their local language (Mandinka, Wolof, Fula, Jolla, Mangago) and each participant signed an informed consent form, or in case of illiteracy, thumb-printed and the consent form was signed by an impartial witness. The study was approved by the joint Gambian Government/Medical Research Council Research Ethics Committee, SCC 1350 V4. Rectovaginal swabs were taken from enrolled women presenting in labour to one of the health centres and cord blood was taken after delivery but prior to separation of the placenta. A screening questionnaire was completed after four hours postpartum and the infant checked for any abnormalities requiring medical intervention. The questions included ethnic origin, gravida, parity, maternal weight, blood pressure, haemoglobin concentration, use of medication/traditional medicines/antibiotics and vaccination in pregnancy, any illnesses in pregnancy, number of antenatal attendances, HIV status, education, diet, compound location and presence of cattle at the compound. Nasopharyngeal and rectal swabs were taken from all eligible infants at four hours after birth. Mothers were provided with soap and asked to wash their hands and wipe their breasts with alcohol wipes before hand expressing colostrum/milk within the first 12 h after birth, at day 6 and between days 60 and 89. Nasopharyngeal and rectal swabs were also taken from infants at day 6 of life and again at 60–89 days of life. Infants who were unwell before day 6 were assessed at home and referred for treatment as necessary. All sick infants had a blood culture taken on admission to hospital. At each visit a standardized questionnaire was completed in the local language documenting infant anthropometry, feeding, vaccinations, signs and symptoms of infant illnesses, use of antibiotic/traditional medicine and vital signs. Copan (for rectal and rectovaginal samples) and Dacron (for nasopharyngeal samples) swabs were collected in skim-milk tryptone glucose glycerol (STGG) transport medium, stored at 4 °C and transported to the Medical Research Council laboratories, The Gambia within 4 h of collection. On arrival the samples were vortexed briefly and immediately frozen at −70 °C until processing. All swab specimens were inoculated into Todd–Hewitt broth supplemented with colistin and nalidixic acid and were processed for isolation of GBS using standard laboratory procedures.1 Presumptive positive GBS samples were identified by latex agglutination (Oxoid). Five colonies from positive samples were harvested into phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and subjected to real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR).9 Negative samples were also subjected to confirmation by real-time PCR. All GBS positive isolates were then serotyped using conventional PCR and identified using gel PCR and agarose electrophoresis.10 The primary outcome was prevalence of ST-specific GBS colonisation in mothers and infants at birth, six days and between days 60–89 using microbiological culture and molecular techniques. Secondary outcomes were detection of GBS in breastmilk; infant acquisition and loss of GBS colonisation during the study follow up period and infant GBS disease (sample obtained from sterile site), as ascertained by positive microbiological culture and confirmatory PCR. Swabs were considered negative if no GBS was evident by culture and PCR and positive if GBS was found on culture and PCR. If swabs were negative on culture but positive on PCR, conventional PCR was performed to determine serotype. If the second PCR resulted in the identification of a GBS serotype the samples were deemed positive. If no serotype was identified or the DNA did not amplify, samples were deemed negative. Calculated on the basis of the previously observed 24% colonisation rate,11 the intended sample size was 750 mothers, to provide at least 180 colonised women for serotype analysis (95% confidence interval (CI) 150–202 women) and 90 colonised infants (95% CI 72–107 infants). The sample size of 180 colonised women was chosen to ensure at least 10 samples of the least prevalent ST based on historical data from The Gambia (ST III (6%)),11 in order to allow longitudinal colonisation analysis. Statistical analyses were completed using STATA version 12 (StataCorp 2013, Texas) and GraphPad Prism version 6.0 (GraphPad Software Inc, La Jolla, California). Descriptive statistics included the prevalence of colonisation at individual time points expressed as a proportion of the total number of participants. Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated to determine risk of maternal and infant colonisation at birth in a single variable analysis. Adjusted odds ratios were then calculated using any variables from the single variable analysis with a p-value <0.2 using a backwards-stepwise procedure. Analyses of the changes in infant colonisation over time were undertaken using longitudinal logistical regression. Adjusted odds ratios were then calculated using any variables from the single variable analysis with a p-value <0.2 using a backwards-stepwise procedure. New acquisition of GBS was defined as detection of a new serotype by culture or PCR that was not previously present. Clearance of colonisation was defined as a negative GBS culture or PCR for a specific serotype following a positive sample at the previous visit for the same ST. The log-rank test was used to examine differences in duration of colonisation between serotypes. Using an expected vertical transmission rate of 50%1 we calculated observed vs. expected statistics for risk of infant colonisation by ST. For comparison between our study and the study conducted in 1994, we calculated 95% confidence intervals for both studies. P-values <0.05 were considered significant. The funders had no role in study design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, or writing of the report. All authors had full access to all the data and the corresponding author had final responsibility for the decision to submit for publication.