Background:South Africa is increasingly focused on reducing maternal mortality. Documenting variation in access to maternal health services across one of the most inequitable nations could assist in re-direction of resources.Methods:Analysis draws on a population-based household survey that used multistage-stratified sampling. Women, who in the past two years were pregnant (1113) or had a child (1304), completed questionnaires and HIV testing. Distribution of access to maternal health services and health status across socio-economic, education and other population groups was assessed using weighted data.Findings:Poorest women had near universal antenatal care coverage (ANC), but only 39.6% attended before 20 weeks gestation; this figure was 2.7-fold higher in the wealthiest quartile (95%CI adjusted odds ratio = 1.2-6.1). Women in rural-formal areas had lowest ANC coverage (89.7%), percentage completing four ANC visits (79.7%) and only 84.0% were offered HIV testing. Testing levels were highest among the poorest quartile (90.1% in past two years), but 10% of women above 40 or with low education had never tested. Skilled birth attendant coverage (overall 95.3%) was lowest in the poorest quartile (91.4%) and rural formal areas (85.6%). Around two thirds of the wealthiest quartile, of white and of formally-employed women had a doctor at childbirth, 11-fold higher than the poorest quartile. Overall, only 44.4% of pregnancies were planned, 31.7% of HIV-infected women and 68.1% of the wealthiest quartile. Self-reported health status also declined considerably with each drop in quartile, education level or age group.Conclusions:Aside from early ANC attendance and deficiencies in care in rural-formal areas, inequalities in utilisation of services were mostly small, with some measures even highest among the poorest. Considerably larger differences were noted in maternal health status across population groups. This may reflect differences between these groups in quality of care received, HIV infection and in social determinants of health. © 2013 Wabiri et al.
This paper is a sub-analysis of the third South African National HIV Prevalence, Incidence, Behaviour and Communication Survey [6]; data available from This cross-sectional population-based household survey was conducted from May 2008 to March 2009, using multistage stratified sampling by: province; locality (urban formal, urban informal, rural formal including commercial farms, and rural informal or tribal areas); and predominant racial groups. Sampling frames were based on enumerator areas (EA) used in the national census, updated to reflect changes in the socio-demographic profile of the country since 2001. A total of 1000 EAs were selected from a database of 86,000 EAs as the primary sampling units; 15 households within each EA constituted the secondary sampling unit (15,000 households) and four eligible individuals selected within households formed the final sampling unit. Only one person in each age group (0–1, 2–11, 12–14, 15–24, 25 or more years) was selected in each household. If a household contained two or more persons in an age category, such a two children under the age of two years, a Kish table was used for selecting one person in each age group per household [7]. Any person who slept in the household on the night preceding the survey (including visitors) was considered a household member. All household members in the selected households were eligible to participate, including those living in hostels, but people staying in educational institutions, old-age homes, hospitals and uniformed-service barracks, as well as homeless people, were excluded from the survey. Study activities were approved by the Human Science’s Research Council’s Research Ethics Committee and Human Subjects Review from the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention’s Global AIDS Programme. Dried blood spot (DBS) specimens were used for HIV antibody testing. An algorithm of three HIV enzyme immunoassays was used to test for HIV antibodies [6]. Full details of the survey methodology, including sample weighting, fieldwork procedures and quality control measures are described elsewhere [6], [8]. Based on the multistage stratified sampling described above, this study draws on data collected from two groups of women aged 15–55: those who had been pregnant in the past two years and those interviewed as the parent or guardian of a child under 2 years. Data are drawn from four face-to-face questionnaires, specifically: a household-level questionnaire; a children below 2 years (reported by mother or guardian) questionnaire; a female youth aged 15–24 years questionnaire; and a women aged 25 to 55 years questionnaire. Socio-economic quartiles (SEQ) were derived from measures of household-living standards, such as infrastructure and housing characteristics (source of drinking water, access to electricity, main source of energy for cooking, and type of toilet used) and household ownership of durable assets (presence of a working refrigerator, radio, television, cell phone and landline phone) captured in the household questionnaire. Quartiles were generated using multiple correspondence analysis [9], [10]. Socio-economic quartile groups were used instead of the more widely used quintiles because women overwhelmingly predominated in the poorer households, with few in the richer groups. For example, households in the 5th quintile contained only 61 (0.8%) of the total 8859 women aged 15 years and above, too low a frequency for meaningful analysis. Also, the socio-economic differentials between groups in rural communities are very narrow, given similar income-generation activities in these areas [11]. Hence, we deemed it most appropriate to use four socio-economic groups to differentiate households. Study outcomes are drawn from two different study instruments: a health questionnaire completed by women aged 15–55 years who had been pregnant in the past two years (N = 1113), and women interviewed as the parent of a child born in the past two years (N = 1304). Only 632 women fell into both groups (only one respondent was selected for each questionnaire among all eligible household respondents). Women who had been pregnant in the past two years provided information on their general health status, whether their pregnancy had been planned, HIV testing in the past two years and their parity. Those who had a child under two gave data on their utilization of antenatal clinic services and delivery with a skilled birth attendant. Survey instruments had not been specifically designed to measure maternal health status, thus available proxy indicators had to be used as measures of maternal health access and maternal health outcomes. Measures of access to health services were utilisation of antenatal clinics, HIV testing and having a skilled attendant at birth. In the absence of better indicators, having a doctor present at birth was included as a measure of health service access, even though interpretation of this indicator, like caesarean section rate, is not straightforward. The outcome HIV infection is included as a health status outcome, but we also examined whether there were systematic differences in access to services between those with and without HIV infection. Women responding with fair or poor to the question “In general, would you say that your health is excellent, good, fair or poor?”, were categorised as having a lower self-assessed health status and compared with those reporting good or excellent health. We included planned pregnancy and multiparity (five or more children) as measures of overall maternal health status, given their well-recognised links with health outcomes in pregnancy [12]. Distribution of access to services and of self-assessed health status was assessed across the following PROGRESS-Plus equity analysis groups: Place of Residence (province; locality as urban formal and informal, and rural formal and informal), Race, Occupation, Education, Socioeconomic Status (employment of the mother and being the household head), and age and HIV status representing the Plus category [13]. Maps were developed to show the distribution of antenatal and skilled birth coverage across districts of the country, using ArcGIS Desktop Version 10.0. Data were analysed using Stata version 11.0 (College Station, Texas, United States), taking into account the complex multilevel sampling design and participant non-response. Weighting of the sample by age, race group and province was applied to ensure the study estimates are representative of the general population. Summary indices for descriptive analysis are weighted percentages, and unweighted counts are provided. Clustering was not accounted for given that the large number of primary sampling units (1000) in the study is comparable to respondent number, diminishing such effects. Additionally, clustering at the household level was rare. Only 40 (3.6%) of the 1113 women, who had been pregnant in the past two years, were from the same household (one selected from women in the household 15–24 years and another from women 25–55 years). In univariable analysis, the distribution of maternal health outcomes across population groups were compared using the Rao-Scott F statistic to determine P values [14]. Multivariate logistic regression analysis, using backward fitting, was used to identify factors associated with utilisation of ANC before 20 weeks, SBA and having a doctor present at birth. These indicators of access to services were selected for further analysis as they have critical implications for outcomes of pregnancy and childbirth in this setting. An absolute indicator of inequality (difference between QIV and QI) was calculated to measure inequalities in health access and status. Also, we used the slope index of inequality (SII) the relative index of inequality (RII) and the concentration index [15], [16]. These have the following desirable characteristics, they reflect: the socio-economic dimensions of health inequalities; the experience of the entire population rather than only that of Q1 and QIV; and changes in the distribution of the population across socio-economic groups [16]. SII is a measure of absolute effect, while the RII measures relative effects. Both measures are interpreted as the effect on health access or status of moving from the lowest to the highest socio-economic group (QI to QIV). We followed standard methods for the calculation of equity indicators [15], [16]. Briefly, to calculate SII and RII, quartile groups were ordered from lowest to highest. The population of each quartile group is given a rank score based on the midpoint of its range in the cumulative distribution in the population. For example, biological mothers with four or more children in QI constituted 35.8% of the population, followed by 32.4% in the next highest quartile. QI was assigned a rank score of [0+ (0.358–0)/2] = 0.178, and next highest quartile a score of [0.358+ (0.680–0.358)/2) = 0.518 and so on. SII is then calculated as a weighted regression [16], of the health outcome and the rank of SEQ distribution, with weights as the number of individuals in the socio-economic quartile group. By weighting the quartile groups by their population share, the SII incorporates changes in the distribution of social groups’ that affect the population health burden of health disparities. The SII is the regression coefficient of the weighted regression model in Equation (1). Where is the population size of QI, is the estimated health status of a hypothetical person at the bottom quartile and , represents the SII, and is the absolute difference in health status between the bottom and top of the quartile, and is the rank score. A unit change in relative rank is equivalent to moving from the bottom to the top of the quartile distribution. RII is calculated using Equation (2), with the population average of the specific health outcome. The concentration curve plots the cumulative proportion of health outcome against the cumulative proportion of the population, ranked by SEQ [17]. If health access is equally distributed across SEQ, concentration curves coincide with the diagonal line of equality. Concentration index- twice the area between the concentration curve and line of equality- ranges from –1 to 1. Zero represents perfect equality, while positive values indicate richer individuals have greater coverage (or worse health outcomes) than poorer individuals [17].