Study of congenital heart defects among neonates in Jos, Nigeria: prevalence and spectrum

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Study Justification:
– There is a lack of information on the prevalence of congenital heart defects (CHD) in the neonatal period in sub-Saharan Africa.
– The previous study conducted in Nigeria was done before the widespread availability of echocardiography, which is a crucial diagnostic tool for CHD.
– Understanding the prevalence and spectrum of CHD among neonates in Nigeria is important for improving access to early diagnosis and appropriate management.
Study Highlights:
– The study enrolled 3,857 neonates less than one week of age from the two largest hospitals in Jos, Nigeria.
– The male-to-female ratio was 1.1:1.
– The prevalence of CHD among neonates was found to be 28.8 per 1,000.
– Mild CHD had a prevalence of 16.6 per 1,000, while moderate and severe CHD had prevalences of 7.0 per 1,000 and 5.2 per 1,000, respectively.
Study Recommendations:
– Advocacy is needed to improve access to early diagnosis of CHD at birth for appropriate management.
– Efforts should be made to increase the availability of echocardiography in Nigeria to aid in the diagnosis of CHD among neonates.
Key Role Players:
– Researchers and healthcare professionals specializing in paediatrics and cardiology.
– Hospital administrators and policymakers.
– Advocacy groups and organizations focused on child health.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Procurement of echocardiography machines and equipment.
– Training and capacity building for healthcare professionals in paediatric echocardiography.
– Awareness campaigns and educational materials for parents and caregivers.
– Development and implementation of protocols for early CHD diagnosis and management.
– Infrastructure improvements to support CHD diagnosis and treatment services.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is relatively strong, but there are some areas for improvement. The study was conducted in two tertiary health institutions, which adds to the credibility of the findings. The study population included neonates delivered or attended to within the first week of life, which is a relevant and specific group for studying congenital heart defects. The prevalence and spectrum of CHD were determined through echocardiograms, which is a reliable diagnostic tool. However, the abstract does not provide information about the sample size or the methods used for data analysis. Including these details would strengthen the evidence. Additionally, it would be helpful to provide information about the limitations of the study, such as any potential biases or confounding factors. This would allow readers to better interpret the findings and understand the generalizability of the results.

Background: There are few reports of the prevalence of CHD in the neonatal period in sub-Saharan Africa. The only available study in Nigeria was carried out before the widespread availability of echocardiography in the country. We sought to determine the prevalence and spectrum of congenital heart defects (CHD) among neonates in Jos, Nigeria. Methods: This cross-sectional study enrolled neonates less than one week of age from the two largest hospitals and their immunisation centres. Relevant information was obtained and an echocardiogram was performed on each neonate. Results: There were 3 857 neonates recruited over a two-year period; male-to-female ratio was 1.1:1. A total of 111 babies had CHD, with a prevalence of 28.8 per 1 000. Sixty-four neonates had mild CHD, with a prevalence of 16.6 per 1 000, while moderate and severe CHD were found in 27 (7.0 per 1 000) and 20 (5.2 per 1 000), respectively. Conclusion: CHD is prevalent in Nigerian neonates and there is therefore a need for advocacy to improve access to its diagnosis at birth for appropriate management.

The study was conducted in two tertiary heath institutions: the Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH) and the Plateau State Specialist Hospital (PSSH) in Jos, north-central Nigeria. They are the two largest hospitals in the city, which has a population of about 816 000 people.11 The two hospitals together handle an average of 30 to 40 deliveries weekly. Neonates are usually discharged 24 hours after uncomplicated vaginal delivery unless they are sick and admitted for in-patient care. Sick neonates born elsewhere may also be admitted for in-patient care in these hospitals, both of which have functional immunisation units that are equally accessible to neonates born elsewhere. The delivery, postnatal and immunisation units of the two hospitals served as recruitment points for the neonates in this study. This was a cross-sectional study to determine the prevalence and spectrum of CHD among neonates in the immediate postnatal period (first week of life) over a period of two years from February 2017 to January 2019. The study population included neonates delivered or attended to within the first week of life in JUTH and PSSH and their affiliated immunisation centres. All babies aged one week or younger, delivered or provided with treatment or immunisation services in JUTH and PSSH were eligible for the study as long as their mothers or caregivers provided written informed consent. A total-population approach to sampling was employed in this study where all babies who met the inclusion criteria in the two health institutions were recruited and sampled within the study period upon consent. The neonates were recruited on weekdays before their discharge from the hospital or before routine vaccinations at the immunisation centres. Approval for the study was obtained from the Institutional and Health Research Ethics Committee of JUTH, while permission was obtained from PSSH and the affiliated immunisation centre before the study commenced. Written informed consent was also obtained from each neonate’s mother or primary caregiver. Five residents in paediatrics at JUTH served as research assistants and were trained by the lead investigator for two days on the study protocol, administration of questionnaires, the required clinical examination, and documentation of findings, including echocardiogram findings. A semi-structured proforma developed specifically for this study was used to obtain clinical and demographic information about the neonates and their parents, from mothers/caregivers. Physical examination findings of the neonates were also documented in the proforma, which was pre-tested on 34 babies to identify and address ambiguities, determine ease of administration, appropriateness of the questions, and to estimate the average duration of data collection. Demographic and clinical information about every neonate was documented by the trained research assistants. Demographic data such as maternal parity, age and educational status of parents, the neonate’s gender, postnatal age, as well as gestational age at the time of delivery, were recorded. The neonates’ birth weights (taken immediately after birth) were obtained from their delivery records. Their crown-to-sole lengths and occipitofrontal circumferences (OFC) were measured in centimetres using an infantometer and non-stretchable tape, respectively, according to standard methods.12 Three measurements of each were taken and the average (to the nearest 0.1 cm) was determined and recorded. A transthoracic Doppler echocardiogram was performed by the lead researcher, who has been trained in and routinely performs paediatric echocardiography, on all the enrolled neonates using a Vivid e® portable echo machine (GE, China, May 2016). A diagnosis of CHD was made in any newborn with single or multiple structural heart defects. The diagnosis of the various types of CHD was made based on the ICD-10 diagnostic codes.13 The CHD were classified as cyanotic or acyanotic defects, based on the presence or absence of cyanosis, and also as mild, moderate or severe lesions.5,10-13 Mild lesions included small atrial septal defects (ASD) 3–5 mm in diameter, and small ventricular septal defects (VSD) < 3 mm in diameter. Other mild lesions included pulmonary stenosis (PS) with peak gradient < 30 mmHg, and bicuspid aortic valve without aortic stenosis or incompetence. Although patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) < 1.5 mm in diameter after the first week of life was also considered a mild lesion, since the study was carried out in the first week of life, PDA 5 mm in diameter, moderate-sized PDA and VSD measuring 1.5–3 mm and 3–6 mm, respectively, complex forms of VSD associated with other CHD, non-critical coarctation of the aorta, moderate pulmonary stenosis with peak gradient of 30–60 mmHg, and mild-tomoderate aortic stenosis with ≤ 50 mmHg peak gradient. Severe lesions included all cyanotic CHD, as determined by the presence of central cyanosis, which was defined as oxygen saturation 6 mm, large PDA > 3 mm, atrioventricular septal defects (AVSD), severe pulmonary stenosis with peak gradient > 60 mmHg, severe aortic stenosis > 50 mmHg peak gradient, and any critical CHD such as severe duct-dependent lesions requiring urgent surgical intervention for survival. These included hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), critical coarctation of the aorta (CoA), critical aortic stenosis, tricuspid atresia without shunt defects, total anomalous pulmonary venous connection (TAPVC) and severe tetralogy of Fallot (TOF).15 Septal defects were further classified based on the location of the defect in the septum: ostium primum, ostium secundum and sinus venosus defects for ASDs and peri-membranous, inlet, outlet and muscular defects for VSDs.16 Newborns found to have CHD were referred to the Paediatric Cardiology unit in JUTH for in-patient care or out-patient follow up, depending on the infant’s clinical condition. Pre-term neonates with PDA were managed according to the hospital’s protocol.


Based on the provided information, here are some potential innovations that can be used to improve access to maternal health:

1. Telemedicine: Implementing telemedicine services can allow healthcare professionals to remotely provide consultations, diagnosis, and treatment for pregnant women, including screening for congenital heart defects. This can help reach women in remote areas who may not have easy access to healthcare facilities.

2. Mobile clinics: Setting up mobile clinics equipped with necessary medical equipment and staffed with healthcare professionals can bring healthcare services directly to communities, making it more convenient for pregnant women to access prenatal care, including screening for congenital heart defects.

3. Community health workers: Training and deploying community health workers who can provide basic prenatal care and education, including screening for congenital heart defects, can help improve access to maternal health services in underserved areas.

4. Awareness campaigns: Conducting awareness campaigns about the importance of prenatal care and early detection of congenital heart defects can help educate pregnant women and their families, encouraging them to seek appropriate healthcare services.

5. Strengthening healthcare infrastructure: Investing in improving healthcare infrastructure, particularly in rural areas, by building and equipping healthcare facilities can help ensure that pregnant women have access to quality prenatal care, including screening for congenital heart defects.

6. Collaboration with local organizations: Partnering with local organizations, such as non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and community-based groups, can help leverage existing resources and networks to improve access to maternal health services, including screening for congenital heart defects.

7. Training healthcare professionals: Providing training and continuing education opportunities for healthcare professionals, particularly in the field of maternal health and congenital heart defects, can enhance their skills and knowledge, leading to improved screening and management of these conditions.

8. Health information systems: Implementing robust health information systems that can track and monitor maternal health indicators, including the prevalence and spectrum of congenital heart defects, can help identify areas of need and inform targeted interventions to improve access to maternal health services.
AI Innovations Description
Based on the provided description, the recommendation to improve access to maternal health would be to advocate for the implementation of routine screening for congenital heart defects (CHD) in neonates in Nigeria. This can be achieved through the following steps:

1. Awareness and Education: Conduct awareness campaigns to educate healthcare providers, parents, and caregivers about the importance of early detection and diagnosis of CHD in neonates. This can be done through workshops, seminars, and informational materials.

2. Training and Capacity Building: Provide training programs for healthcare professionals, particularly those working in delivery, postnatal, and immunization units, on how to perform basic screening for CHD using echocardiography. This will help increase the number of healthcare providers who can identify potential cases of CHD.

3. Infrastructure and Equipment: Ensure that healthcare facilities, especially tertiary health institutions, have the necessary infrastructure and equipment, such as echocardiography machines, to perform screenings for CHD. This may require investment in healthcare infrastructure and procurement of appropriate medical equipment.

4. Collaboration and Referral Systems: Establish collaboration between primary healthcare centers, secondary healthcare facilities, and tertiary health institutions to ensure a smooth referral system for neonates identified with CHD. This will ensure that affected neonates receive appropriate care and follow-up.

5. Policy and Guidelines: Develop and implement national policies and guidelines that mandate routine screening for CHD in neonates. This will provide a framework for healthcare providers to follow and ensure consistent and standardized screening practices across the country.

By implementing these recommendations, access to early detection and diagnosis of CHD in neonates can be improved, leading to better management and outcomes for affected infants.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the provided information, here are some potential recommendations to improve access to maternal health:

1. Increase awareness and education: Implement community-based programs to raise awareness about the importance of maternal health and the available services. This can include educational campaigns, workshops, and outreach programs targeting pregnant women and their families.

2. Strengthen healthcare infrastructure: Invest in improving healthcare facilities, especially in rural areas, by providing necessary equipment, supplies, and trained healthcare professionals. This can include establishing or upgrading maternity clinics, ensuring availability of essential medicines, and providing training for healthcare workers.

3. Mobile health (mHealth) solutions: Utilize mobile technology to improve access to maternal health services. This can include mobile apps for appointment scheduling, reminders for prenatal care visits, access to educational resources, and telemedicine consultations for remote areas.

4. Community health workers: Train and deploy community health workers who can provide basic maternal health services, including prenatal care, health education, and referrals to healthcare facilities. These workers can bridge the gap between communities and healthcare facilities, especially in underserved areas.

5. Financial incentives and support: Implement financial incentives or subsidies to encourage pregnant women to seek and continue receiving maternal health services. This can include providing free or reduced-cost prenatal care, delivery services, and postnatal care.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could include the following steps:

1. Define the indicators: Identify specific indicators that measure access to maternal health, such as the number of prenatal care visits, percentage of deliveries attended by skilled birth attendants, or maternal mortality rate.

2. Collect baseline data: Gather data on the current status of the selected indicators in the target population or area. This can be done through surveys, interviews, or analysis of existing data sources.

3. Define the intervention scenarios: Develop different scenarios based on the recommendations mentioned above. Each scenario should outline the specific changes or interventions that will be implemented to improve access to maternal health.

4. Simulate the impact: Use modeling or simulation techniques to estimate the potential impact of each scenario on the selected indicators. This can involve mathematical models, statistical analysis, or computer simulations.

5. Analyze and compare results: Evaluate the simulated impact of each scenario and compare the results to determine which recommendations are most effective in improving access to maternal health. Consider factors such as cost-effectiveness, feasibility, and scalability.

6. Refine and implement the chosen recommendations: Based on the analysis, refine the recommendations and develop an implementation plan. Monitor and evaluate the progress of the implemented interventions to ensure their effectiveness and make adjustments as needed.

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