Does frequency of supportive supervisory visits influence health service delivery?—Dose and response study

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Study Justification:
– High quality care requires both tangible resources and a capable and motivated health workforce.
– Supportive supervision has been suggested as a way to improve the performance and motivation of health workers and the quality of care.
– This study aims to assess the number of visits and time between visits needed to bring about improvements in health service delivery.
– The study used a primary health care performance improvement framework and longitudinal program outcome monitoring data.
– Analysis of 3,080 visits to 1,479 health centers showed a significant dose-response relationship.
– Consistent and significant improvement in service delivery was observed from the first to the fifth visit.
– The optimal number of visits to improve service delivery at the health center level was found to be five, with visits made between 6 to 9 months showing more significant contributions.
– Implement a supportive supervision program with five visits to health centers, each separated by 6 to 9 months.
– Emphasize the importance of regular visits to maintain and improve service delivery.
– Provide training for supervisors on the supportive supervision checklist and techniques.
– Ensure the availability of necessary resources for health centers to implement improvements identified during supervision visits.
Key Role Players:
– Supervisors: First degree graduates in health studies with experience at the primary level of care and supervision technique training.
– Health Center Staff: Medical doctors, BSc and diploma level health science graduates, clinical officers, nurses, midwives, and lab technicians.
– Management of Health Facilities: Collaborate with supervisors to implement improvements identified during visits.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Training for supervisors on the supportive supervision checklist and techniques.
– Resources for health centers to implement improvements identified during supervision visits.
– Travel and logistics for supervisors to visit health centers.
– Data collection and entry systems, such as online electronic systems and tablets.
– Monitoring and evaluation of the supportive supervision program.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is moderately strong. The study employed a primary health care performance improvement conceptual framework and used longitudinal program outcome monitoring data. The analysis was based on a large number of visits made to health centers in the intervention districts. The study used multilevel linear mixed model (LMM) with maximum likelihood (ML) estimation to assess the effects of the visits. However, the abstract does not provide information on the sample size, representativeness of the health centers, or potential confounding factors. To improve the strength of the evidence, future studies could include a larger and more diverse sample, consider potential confounding factors, and provide more details on the methodology and data collection process.

High quality care—at a minimum—is a combination of the availability of tangible resources as well as a capable and motivated health workforce. Researchers have suggested that supportive supervision can increase both the performance and motivation of health workers and the quality of care. This study is aimed at assessing the required number of visits and time between visits to bring about improvements in health service delivery. The study employed a primary health care performance improvement conceptual framework which depicts building blocks for improved health service delivery using longitudinal program outcome monitoring data collected from July 2017 to December 2019. The analysis presented in this study is based on 3,080 visits made to 1,479 health centers in the USAID Transform: Primary Health Care project’s intervention districts. To assess the effects of the visits on the repeated measure of the outcome variable (Service-Delivery), multilevel linear mixed model (LMM) with maximum likelihood (ML) estimation was employed. The results showed that there was a significant dose-response relationship that consistent and significant improvement on Service-Delivery indicator was observed from first (β = -26.07, t = -7.43, p < 0.001) to second (β = -21.17, t = -6.00, p < 0.01), third (β = -15.20, t = -4.49, p < 0.02), fourth (β = -12.35, t = -3.58, p < 0.04) and fifth (β = -11.18, t = -2.86, p < 0.03) visits. The incremental effect of the visits was not significant from fifth visit to the sixth suggesting five visits are the optimal number of visits to improve service delivery at the health center level. The time interval between visits also suggested visits made between 6 to 9 months (β = -2.86, t = -2.56, p < 0.01) showed more significant contributions. Therefore, we can conclude that five visits each separated by 6 to 9 months elicits a significant service delivery improvement at health centers.

USAID Transform: Primary Health Care covers a total of 396 districts in the four largest regions of Ethiopia (Amhara, Oromia, SNNP, and Tigray) where a total of 1,880 health centers provide health care to 53 million people. A health center is a health facility at the primary level of the health care system which provides promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative outpatient care including basic laboratory and pharmacy services with a capacity for 10 beds for emergency and delivery services. It is staffed with medical doctors, BSc as well as diploma level health science graduates including clinical officers, nurses, midwives, and lab technicians. On average a health center can have 35 direct service providers, and support staff [9]. On average, a health center is designed to provide health care services to 25,000 people residing in its catchment area. A supportive supervision checklist is a set of questions related to reproductive, maternal and child health and health system interventions which was developed by the USAID Transform: Primary Health Care project to guide field level support. The checklist is organized to frame a two-way discussion between the supervisor and the health worker at each institution. Each question has a definition, decision point and a response documentation section for improvement plan. The supervisors responsible for conducting the supervisions and providing technical guidance are—at a minimum- a first degree graduates in health studies, have experience of working at the primary level of care, and have attended a supervision technique training. During each visit, a supervisor is expected to spend at least half a day in the facility. When a supervisor goes to the institutions, s/he is expected to follow the checklist and record the findings and work with the staff and management of the health facility to bring about improvements on the identified problems. During facility support, data collection and entry is conducted onsite using an online electronic system and tablets. The system allows the questionnaires to be programmed and follow skip patterns based on previous responses. On a few occasions, the visit may be carried out by other experts who will use a paper format and then transfer the data to the online system. The study employed a retrospective cohort study. For assessment purposes, a primary health care performance improvement conceptual framework for primary health care (Fig 1) was used to categorize the questions into the major domain. The framework considers the role of service organization and quality of care as important drivers for primary health care performance [10]. As the supportive supervision is targeted to improve service delivery and its management, the Service-Delivery component of the framework was considered. A total of 30 questions were categorized into the five Service-Delivery components—access, availability of effective PHCs, high quality primary health care, population health management, and facility organization and management. The study uses a longitudinal program outcome monitoring data collected from July 2017 to December 2019. The USAID Transform: Primary Health Care project monitoring data is collected from the project intervention woreda health offices, primary hospitals, health centers, health posts, and households during routine and random supportive supervision visits with the objective of providing onsite technical support and producing unbiased data for decision making. During this period, a total of 1,322, 499, 3,080, 4,741, and 23,151 visits were made to woreda health offices, primary hospitals, health centers, health posts, and households respectively. The analysis presented in this study is based on the 3,080 supportive supervision visits made to 1,479 health centers in the project’s intervention districts. The composite measure of the service delivery of primary health care which was the average of the five Service-Delivery components of the PHCPI framework—access, service availability, patient centered care, population health management, and service organization and management—was considered as the outcome variable (Service-Delivery). A high score of this variable suggested the availability of better facility services. The number of visits to health facilities and the interval between consecutive visits were accounted as exposure variable for this study. The study had two levels of control variables. The first group includes the organization of the project support structure—facility distance from cluster office (CLO), average number of woreda per cluster staff, number of low performing woreda in the CLO and region, and the second level was related to health facility factors—number of technical staff, facility infrastructure (water and electricity), catchment population size, facility distance from woreda capital, and facility head’s experience in years. Data were managed using a web-based system, DHIS2 [11], and exported to SPSS version 25 for statistical analysis. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were applied. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the five service-delivery components. To assess the effect of the control variables on the repeated measure of the outcome variable (service-delivery), multilevel linear mixed model (LMM) with maximum likelihood (ML) estimation was employed. In addition, the effects of access to roads on frequency of visits was also tested using multinomial logistics regression. Since the data had unequal sample sizes, inconsistent time interval, and missing data, applying univariate and multivariate tests of statistics was not recommended [12]. LMM is an appropriate approach when studying individual change as it creates a two-level hierarchical model that nests time within individual [13]. In addition, the study’s interest was on the subject-specific (facilities) interpretation of effects and identifying group variance sources, therefore, LMM was preferred over a generalized estimation equation to fit the data. The overall effect of each control variable on the Service-Delivery was tested through an F-test, while the effect of each category of each factor was tested through t-test with the respective degrees of freedom. To determine the best fit model, first, an unconditional mean model was used. In this model, no predictor was included. This model served as a baseline model to examine individual variation in the outcome variable without regard to time [14]. The model assesses the differences between the observed mean value of each facility and the true mean from the population. If the variation is high, it suggests that certain amount of outcome variation could be explained by the predictors at that level. Then a model containing time (number of visits) as a fixed and random effect was applied. This model tests if time (number of visits) is significant by examining the presence of interindividual difference in trajectory change over time. Finally, a model containing the fixed effects of variables of interest, the random intercept, and the random slopes were fitted. To select the best model, -2 log likelihood ratio test and Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) were used. Generally, the smaller the statistical value, the better the model fit into the data. In all the statistical tests, significance was refereed at p < 0.05. The study considered aggregate secondary program data. The JSI Institutional Review Board (IRB) has determined that the study does not constitute “human subjects research” under US HHS regulation 45 CFR 46.102(f).

Based on the information provided, here are some potential innovations that could be used to improve access to maternal health:

1. Telemedicine: Implementing telemedicine services can help improve access to maternal health by allowing pregnant women to consult with healthcare providers remotely. This can be particularly beneficial for women in rural or remote areas who may have limited access to healthcare facilities.

2. Mobile health (mHealth) applications: Developing mobile applications that provide information and resources related to maternal health can help educate and empower pregnant women. These apps can provide access to prenatal care information, appointment reminders, and emergency contact numbers, among other features.

3. Community health workers: Training and deploying community health workers who can provide basic maternal health services and education in underserved areas can help improve access to care. These workers can conduct home visits, provide prenatal and postnatal care, and refer women to healthcare facilities when necessary.

4. Transportation services: Establishing transportation services specifically for pregnant women can help overcome barriers related to distance and transportation. This can include providing free or subsidized transportation to healthcare facilities for prenatal visits, delivery, and postnatal care.

5. Maternal health clinics: Setting up dedicated maternal health clinics in areas with limited access to healthcare facilities can ensure that pregnant women have access to comprehensive prenatal care, delivery services, and postnatal care.

6. Health education programs: Implementing targeted health education programs that focus on maternal health can help raise awareness about the importance of prenatal care, nutrition, and safe delivery practices. These programs can be conducted in schools, community centers, and through mass media campaigns.

7. Partnerships with local organizations: Collaborating with local organizations, such as non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and community-based groups, can help improve access to maternal health services. These partnerships can provide additional resources, funding, and expertise to support maternal health initiatives.

It’s important to note that the specific context and needs of the target population should be considered when implementing these innovations. Additionally, ongoing monitoring and evaluation should be conducted to assess the effectiveness and impact of these interventions on improving access to maternal health.
AI Innovations Description
Based on the provided description, the recommendation to improve access to maternal health is to implement a supportive supervision program. This program involves conducting regular visits to health centers by trained supervisors to provide technical guidance and support. The study found that there is a significant dose-response relationship between the frequency of supportive supervisory visits and the improvement in health service delivery.

The study suggests that five visits, each separated by 6 to 9 months, are the optimal number of visits to improve service delivery at the health center level. The visits should focus on addressing the five components of service delivery: access, service availability, patient-centered care, population health management, and service organization and management.

The supervisors responsible for conducting the visits should be trained first-degree graduates in health studies with experience working at the primary level of care. During each visit, the supervisors should use a supportive supervision checklist to guide their discussions with health workers and identify areas for improvement. Data collection and entry should be conducted onsite using an online electronic system and tablets.

To ensure the success of the supportive supervision program, it is important to have a well-structured project support system, including adequate staffing, infrastructure, and support from the cluster office. Additionally, access to roads should be considered to facilitate the frequency of visits.

By implementing a supportive supervision program based on these recommendations, access to maternal health can be improved by enhancing the performance and motivation of health workers and improving the quality of care provided at health centers.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the provided description, here are some potential recommendations to improve access to maternal health:

1. Increase the frequency of supportive supervisory visits: The study found that there was a significant dose-response relationship between the number of visits and improvements in health service delivery. Increasing the frequency of supportive supervisory visits can help monitor and improve the quality of care provided to pregnant women, ultimately improving access to maternal health services.

2. Implement a standardized checklist for supportive supervision: The study mentioned the use of a supportive supervision checklist to guide discussions between supervisors and health workers. Implementing a standardized checklist can ensure that key areas related to reproductive, maternal, and child health are addressed during supervisory visits, leading to improved access to maternal health services.

3. Utilize online electronic systems for data collection and entry: The study mentioned the use of an online electronic system and tablets for data collection and entry during supervisory visits. Implementing such systems can streamline data collection processes, reduce errors, and provide real-time data for decision-making, ultimately improving access to maternal health services.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could be developed as follows:

1. Define the indicators: Identify key indicators that measure access to maternal health services, such as the number of pregnant women receiving antenatal care, the number of deliveries attended by skilled birth attendants, or the availability of essential maternal health supplies.

2. Collect baseline data: Gather data on the selected indicators before implementing the recommendations. This will serve as a baseline for comparison and evaluation.

3. Implement the recommendations: Roll out the recommended interventions, such as increasing the frequency of supportive supervisory visits and implementing a standardized checklist.

4. Monitor and collect data: Continuously monitor the implementation of the recommendations and collect data on the selected indicators. This can be done through routine data collection systems, surveys, or other data collection methods.

5. Analyze the data: Use statistical analysis techniques to analyze the collected data and assess the impact of the recommendations on the selected indicators. This could involve comparing the baseline data with the data collected after the implementation of the recommendations.

6. Evaluate the results: Evaluate the findings to determine the effectiveness of the recommendations in improving access to maternal health services. This evaluation can help identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for further improvement.

7. Adjust and refine the interventions: Based on the evaluation results, make any necessary adjustments or refinements to the interventions to optimize their impact on improving access to maternal health services.

It is important to note that the specific methodology for simulating the impact may vary depending on the context and available data. The methodology outlined above provides a general framework for evaluating the impact of the recommendations on improving access to maternal health.

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