Environmental heat stress on maternal physiology and fetal blood flow in pregnant subsistence farmers in The Gambia, west Africa: an observational cohort study

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Study Justification:
This study aimed to investigate the impact of environmental heat stress on pregnant subsistence farmers in The Gambia, West Africa. With the increasing threat of climate change and extreme temperatures, it is crucial to understand the physiological mechanisms and potential adverse health outcomes for both mothers and fetuses. This study provides valuable data to improve understanding and develop effective interventions to reduce the risk of adverse birth outcomes.
– The study recruited 92 pregnant subsistence farmers in West Kiang, The Gambia.
– Participants were exposed to frequent extreme heat, with average wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) of 27.2°C and universal thermal climate index (UTCI) equivalent temperature of 34.0°C.
– Maternal heat strain, measured by modified physiological strain index, was associated with increased fetal strain.
– Each 1°C increase in UTCI resulted in a 17% increased odds of fetal strain.
– Maternal heat strain also had a direct effect on fetal strain, with a 20% increased odds for each unit increase.
– Decreasing maternal exposure to heat stress and heat strain is likely to reduce fetal strain and potentially reduce adverse birth outcomes.
– Further research is urgently needed to explore the association between heat stress and pregnancy outcomes in different settings and populations.
– Effective interventions should be developed to decrease maternal exposure to heat stress and heat strain during pregnancy.
Key Role Players:
– Researchers and scientists specializing in maternal and fetal health, climate change, and occupational health.
– Medical professionals, including obstetricians, gynecologists, and midwives.
– Public health officials and policymakers.
– Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working in maternal and child health and climate change adaptation.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Research funding for conducting further studies and interventions.
– Equipment and technology for measuring heat stress and physiological responses.
– Training and capacity-building programs for healthcare professionals and researchers.
– Awareness campaigns and educational materials for pregnant women and communities.
– Implementation and monitoring of interventions to reduce heat stress exposure for pregnant women in agricultural settings.
Please note that the cost items provided are general suggestions and may vary depending on the specific context and resources available.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 8 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is strong because it is based on an observational cohort study conducted in a specific location with a large sample size. The study used multiple measurements and statistical analyses to evaluate the association between heat stress and fetal strain. The findings are supported by significant results and adjusted odds ratios. To improve the evidence, future studies could consider including a control group for comparison and conducting the study in multiple locations to enhance generalizability.

Background: Anthropogenic climate change has caused extreme temperatures worldwide, with data showing that sub-Saharan Africa is especially vulnerable to these changes. In sub-Saharan Africa, women comprise 50% of the agricultural workforce, often working throughout pregnancy despite heat exposure increasing the risk of adverse birth outcomes. In this study, we aimed to improve understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms responsible for the adverse health outcomes resulting from environmental heat stress in pregnant subsistence farmers. We also aimed to provide data to establish whether environmental heat stress also has physiological effects on the fetus. Methods: We conducted an observational cohort study in West Kiang, The Gambia, at the field station for the Medical Research Council Unit The Gambia at London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (named the MRC Keneba field station). Pregnant women who were aged 16 years or older and who were at 160 beats per min [bpm] or <115 bpm, or increase in umbilical artery resistance index) were measured at rest and during the working period. Multivariable repeated measure models (linear regression for FHR, and logistic regression for fetal strain) were used to evaluate the association of heat stress and heat strain with acute fetal strain. Findings: Between Aug 26, 2019, and March 27, 2020, 92 eligible participants were recruited to the study. Extreme heat exposure was frequent, with average exposures of WBGT of 27·2°C (SD 3·6°C) and UTCI equivalent temperature of 34·0°C (SD 3·7°C). The total effect of UTCI on fetal strain resulted in an odds ratio (OR) of 1·17 (95% CI 1·09–1·29; p24·8°C).11, 18 An updated sample size calculation that included an increased exposure level and that assumed an unexposed incidence risk of fetal strain to be 5% estimated that a sample size of 74 would be needed to detect an exposure incidence risk of 30%, with an α of 0·05 and a power of 80%. All analyses were conducted in R, version 4.1.0. Normally distributed continuous variables are presented as a mean with SD, non-parametric data as median and IQR, and categorical variables as counts. Heat stress exposure variables were analysed as continuous data. Outcome measures of fetal strain were analysed by both FHR as a continuous variable and fetal strain as a binary variable as defined in the Procedures and outcomes section. Initial data exploration assessed changes in mean temperature and heart rate from baseline to working state using Wilcoxon signed-rank tests. The correlation between multiple similar variables (eg, WBGT, UTCI, and air temperature) were evaluated using Pearson’s correlation. Univariable analysis of maternal heat strain (PSIMOD), fetal strain by FHR (continuous variable and linear regression), and fetal strain (binary variable and logistic regression) were conducted to explore risk factors. Final datasets in multivariable analyses were complete. The association between heat stress and maternal heat strain (by PSIMOD) was explored using linear and non-linear models.31 Non-linear models with natural and logarithmic splines with knots placed at the 50th and 90th centiles were evaluated, in keeping with other studies on the association between temperature and health outcomes. The linear model had the lowest Akaike information criterion and was used in the subsequent repeated measures multivariable models. To explore the effect of heat stress and maternal heat strain on the fetus, we used two multivariable repeated measures models with FHR (model A, linear regression) and fetal strain (model B, logistic regression) as outcomes. All variables were decided a priori on the basis of biological plausibility and directed acyclic graphs (appendix pp 13–14). Model 1 shows the total effect of heat stress on fetal strain or FHR: wherein fetal strain or fetal heart rate for individual i at time j (Y) and heat stress exposure for individual i at time j are represented. Model 1 gives the estimate of effect (model A) and the odds ratio (OR; model B) for each 1°C increase in heat stress on fetal strain to give the total effect of heat stress. Model 2 gives the direct effect of heat stress on fetal strain while controlling for maternal heat strain: wherein FHR or fetal strain for individual i at time j (Y), UTCI or WBGT for individual i at time j (heat stress), PSIMOD of individual i at time j (heat strain), estimation of cardiovascular fitness determined by distance travelled in standardised 6 min walk test for individual i at time j (fitness), and measurement of body fat (as BMI is not useful in pregnancy) for individual i at time j (% fat mass) are represented. Model 2 gives the estimate of effect (model A) and the OR (model B) for each 1°C increase in heat stress on fetal strain, controlling for maternal heat strain. This model estimates the effects of heat stress on fetal strain due to other mechanisms outside of maternal heat strain. Model 3 gives the direct effect of maternal heat strain on fetal strain while controlling for heat stress, cardiac fitness, percentage of fat mass, and gestational age: wherein FHR or fetal strain for individual i at time j (Y), UTCI or WBGT for individual i at time j (heat stress), PSIMOD of individual i at time j (heat strain), estimation of cardiovascular fitness determined by distance travelled in standardised 6 min walk test for individual i at time j (fitness), and measurement of body fat (as BMI is not useful in pregnancy) for individual i at time j (% fat mass) are represented. Full details of all models and analysis code can be found in the appendix (pp 19–22). The final models were assessed for violation of model assumptions by assessing the linearity of residuals, homoscedasticity by Levene’s Test, and the normal distribution of residuals. The funder of the study had no role in study design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, or writing of the report.

Based on the information provided, here are some potential innovations that could improve access to maternal health:

1. Development of heat stress monitoring devices: Create wearable devices specifically designed to monitor heat stress in pregnant women working in agricultural settings. These devices could measure factors such as wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) and universal thermal climate index (UTCI) to provide real-time data on heat exposure.

2. Mobile health (mHealth) applications: Develop mobile applications that provide educational resources and guidance on managing heat stress during pregnancy. These apps could include information on heat stress prevention strategies, hydration reminders, and access to healthcare professionals for remote consultations.

3. Training programs for healthcare providers: Implement training programs for healthcare providers in rural areas to increase their knowledge and skills in managing maternal health issues related to heat stress. This could involve workshops, online courses, or mentorship programs to ensure that healthcare providers are equipped to address the specific needs of pregnant women working in hot environments.

4. Community-based interventions: Establish community-based interventions that focus on raising awareness about the risks of heat stress during pregnancy and promoting supportive measures within the community. This could involve organizing educational campaigns, providing access to cooling stations or shaded areas, and encouraging employers to implement heat stress prevention measures for pregnant workers.

5. Policy advocacy: Advocate for policies that prioritize the protection of pregnant women working in hot environments. This could involve working with government agencies, non-profit organizations, and international bodies to develop and enforce regulations that ensure safe working conditions for pregnant women, including provisions for heat stress prevention.

It’s important to note that these recommendations are based on the specific context of the study mentioned and may need to be adapted to suit different regions and populations.
AI Innovations Description
The recommendation that can be developed into an innovation to improve access to maternal health based on the described study is to develop interventions that focus on reducing maternal exposure to heat stress and heat strain during pregnancy. This can be achieved through various strategies, such as:

1. Education and awareness: Provide pregnant women with information about the risks of heat exposure during pregnancy and the importance of taking precautions to minimize heat stress. This can include educating women about the signs and symptoms of heat-related illness and the importance of staying hydrated and taking breaks in shaded or cool areas.

2. Workplace adaptations: Implement measures in agricultural and other work settings to reduce heat exposure for pregnant women. This can include providing access to shaded areas, allowing for more frequent breaks, and adjusting work schedules to avoid the hottest parts of the day.

3. Access to cooling measures: Ensure that pregnant women have access to cooling measures, such as fans or air conditioning, especially in areas with high heat exposure. This can be particularly important for women living in rural areas with limited access to electricity or piped running water.

4. Supportive policies: Advocate for policies that protect the rights and health of pregnant women working in hot environments. This can include regulations that require employers to provide appropriate accommodations for pregnant workers and ensure access to adequate breaks and hydration.

5. Further research: Conduct additional research to better understand the specific effects of heat stress on maternal and fetal health, as well as the effectiveness of different interventions. This can help inform the development of evidence-based guidelines and interventions.

By implementing these recommendations, it is possible to reduce the adverse effects of heat stress on maternal and fetal health, ultimately improving access to maternal health and reducing the risk of adverse birth outcomes.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the information provided, here are some potential recommendations for improving access to maternal health:

1. Increase access to antenatal care: Ensure that pregnant women have access to regular antenatal check-ups, including screenings, vaccinations, and nutritional support. This can be achieved by establishing more healthcare facilities in rural areas and providing transportation services for pregnant women to reach these facilities.

2. Improve infrastructure: Enhance the infrastructure in rural areas by providing gridded electricity and piped running water. This will facilitate the provision of quality healthcare services, including access to clean water, sanitation facilities, and medical equipment.

3. Implement heat stress management strategies: Develop and implement strategies to manage heat stress in pregnant women working in agricultural settings. This can include providing shaded areas, rest breaks, and appropriate protective clothing to minimize heat exposure and reduce the risk of adverse birth outcomes.

4. Increase awareness and education: Conduct awareness campaigns to educate pregnant women and their families about the risks of heat stress during pregnancy and the importance of seeking appropriate healthcare. This can be done through community health workers, local media, and educational materials.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could be developed as follows:

1. Define the indicators: Identify specific indicators that will be used to measure the impact of the recommendations, such as the number of antenatal care visits, the percentage of pregnant women with access to clean water and sanitation facilities, and the incidence of heat-related complications during pregnancy.

2. Collect baseline data: Gather baseline data on the current status of maternal health access in the target population. This can be done through surveys, interviews, and existing health records.

3. Develop a simulation model: Create a simulation model that incorporates the identified indicators and factors that influence access to maternal health, such as geographical location, infrastructure, and awareness levels. This model should be based on available data and evidence-based assumptions.

4. Input data and run simulations: Input the baseline data into the simulation model and run multiple simulations to assess the impact of the recommendations. Vary the input parameters to explore different scenarios and their potential outcomes.

5. Analyze results: Analyze the simulation results to determine the potential impact of the recommendations on improving access to maternal health. This can include quantifying changes in the identified indicators and assessing the cost-effectiveness of the interventions.

6. Refine and validate the model: Refine the simulation model based on the analysis results and validate it using additional data and feedback from experts in the field. This will ensure that the model accurately represents the real-world situation and can be used for future decision-making.

By following this methodology, policymakers and healthcare providers can gain insights into the potential impact of different interventions and make informed decisions to improve access to maternal health.

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