Resilience in maternal and child nutrition outcomes in a refugee-hosting community in Cameroon: A quasi-experimental study

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Study Justification:
The study aimed to investigate the relationship between the presence of refugees and the resilience of a host community in nutrition outcomes in Cameroon. This is important because refugees are often perceived as a burden to their host communities, and nutrition insecurity is a critical area of concern. By examining the impact of refugees on nutrition outcomes, the study aimed to challenge the common perception that refugees negatively impact hosting communities.
– The study used data from repeated cross-sectional Demographic and Health Surveys in Cameroon, data on refugee movement, and data on extreme climatic events, epidemics, and conflicts from multiple sources.
– Outcome variables included maternal underweight, maternal anaemia, and child underweight, anaemia, stunting, and wasting.
– The study used a genetic matching algorithm to select control groups from the rest of the country, excluding areas experiencing concurrent shocks.
– Findings showed that, apart from anaemia, which decreased in both the refugee-hosting community and the rest of the country, other indicators (wasting, underweight, and stunting) increased in the refugee-hosting community but decreased in the rest of the country.
– Controlled comparisons showed no evidence of an association between changes in nutrition outcomes and the presence of refugees.
– The study highlighted the importance of using a difference-in-differences analysis and an improved matching technique to explore the resilience of communities to shocks.
Based on the study findings, the following recommendations can be made:
1. Challenge negative perceptions of refugees: The study’s findings contest the common perception that refugees negatively impact hosting communities. It is important to disseminate these findings to policymakers, community leaders, and the general public to challenge negative stereotypes and promote a more inclusive approach towards refugees.
2. Strengthen community resilience: The study highlighted the importance of community resilience in mitigating the impact of shocks on nutrition outcomes. Policymakers should prioritize interventions that enhance community resilience, such as improving access to healthcare, education, and livelihood opportunities.
3. Improve data collection and monitoring: The study relied on secondary data sources, which may have limitations. Policymakers should invest in robust data collection systems to monitor nutrition outcomes and the impact of various factors, including refugee presence, on host communities.
Key Role Players:
1. Ministry of Public Health: Responsible for disseminating the study findings to the population of Cameroon, especially the refugee-hosting communities.
2. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR): Provides support for refugees in Cameroon and plays a key role in coordinating efforts to address the impact of refugee presence on host communities.
3. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): Organizations working on nutrition and community development can play a crucial role in implementing interventions to improve nutrition outcomes and enhance community resilience.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
1. Data collection and monitoring systems: Investment in robust data collection systems to monitor nutrition outcomes and the impact of various factors, including refugee presence, on host communities.
2. Healthcare infrastructure and services: Improving access to healthcare facilities and services, including maternal and child healthcare, to address nutrition insecurity.
3. Education and livelihood programs: Investing in education and livelihood programs to enhance the resilience of host communities and improve their socio-economic conditions.
4. Awareness and advocacy campaigns: Funding for awareness and advocacy campaigns to challenge negative perceptions of refugees and promote a more inclusive approach towards them.
Please note that the cost items provided are general categories and not actual cost estimates. The actual costs will depend on the specific context and implementation strategies.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is based on a quasi-experimental study design using data from repeated cross-sectional surveys and multiple sources. The study employed a genetic matching algorithm to select controls and conducted a difference-in-differences analysis. While the study design is robust, there are some limitations that could be addressed to improve the evidence strength. First, the abstract does not provide information on the sample size of the exposed and control groups, which is important for assessing the statistical power of the study. Second, the abstract does not mention any potential confounding factors that were controlled for in the analysis. It would be helpful to include a list of covariates used for matching and any sensitivity analyses conducted. Third, the abstract does not provide information on the effect sizes or statistical significance of the findings. Including these details would enhance the interpretability of the results. To improve the evidence strength, the authors could consider addressing these limitations by providing more detailed information in the abstract.

Refugees may be perceived as a burden to their host communities, and nutrition insecurity is a critical area of contention. We explored the relationship between refugee presence and a host community’s resilience in nutrition outcomes in Cameroon. We also tested an analytical framework for evaluating community resilience during shocks. We used data from repeated cross-sectional Demographic and Health Surveys in Cameroon (2004 and 2011), data on refugee movement, and data on extreme climatic events, epidemics, and conflicts from multiple sources. Outcome variables were maternal underweight, maternal anaemia, and child underweight, anaemia, stunting and wasting. The exposure variable was residence within an area in which refugees settled. We used a genetic matching algorithm to select controls from the rest of the country after excluding areas experiencing concurrent shocks. We used a difference-in-differences analysis to compare outcomes between the exposed and control areas. The 2004 survey comprised 10,656 women and 8,125 children, while the 2011 survey comprised 15,426 women and 11,732 children. Apart from anaemia which showed a decreasing trend in both the refugee-hosting community and the rest of the country, all other indicators (wasting, underweight and stunting) showed increasing trends in the refugee-hosting community but decreasing trends in the rest of the country. The matched control group showed a similar trend of decreasing trend for all the indicators. Controlled comparisons showed no evidence of an association between changes in nutrition outcomes and the presence of refugees. These findings contest a common perception that refugees negatively impact hosting communities. The difference-in-differences analysis and an improved matching technique offer a method for exploring the resilience of communities to shocks.

We undertook a secondary data analysis using repeated cross-sectional Demography and Health Surveys (DHS) data (data collected from a new sample of participants at successive time points). We also used data on refugee movement, extreme climatic events, epidemics, and conflicts from multiple sources to examine if residents of a refugee-hosting community in Cameroon experienced changes in nutrition status attributable to refugees. Between 2004 and 2011, Cameroon experienced a rapid inflow of refugees fleeing conflict from the neighbouring Central African Republic. These refugees settled mainly in a geographically circumscribed area in the Eastern region of the country. Using households in the refugee hosting community as the exposure group, we matched households with similar characteristics from the rest of the country as the control group. We used genetic matching algorithms embedded in the Matching R package to select controls with the optimal balance of covariates. Although Cameroon is diverse in terms of culture and climate, we considered our control group appropriate because the central health and development policies apply equally over the national territory. We further undertook an extensive systematic analysis to identify and exclude potential control areas that experienced other shocks, such as political unrest, epidemics, droughts, and floods in the country over the same period (see Supplementary Table S1). We established an exposure and a control group for each study year (2004 and 2011), with 2004 representing the period immediately before the mass migration of refugees and 2011 representing the time after. We conducted a difference-in-differences analysis on nutrition outcomes between the years to estimate the impact of refugees on nutrition outcomes in the refugee-hosting community. We reported this study following the STROBE (STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology) guidelines [14]. Cameroon is a lower-middle-income country in Central Africa, often described as Africa in miniature because of its diverse climate, geography, culture, and politics. The country experiences various shocks, such as intermittent floods, droughts, and epidemic outbreaks, which increase vulnerability to nutrition insecurity, compounding the effects of the low-income status. Until recently, Cameroon has been a peaceful country and has served as a haven for refugees fleeing threats and violence from troubled neighbouring countries. Until 2004, 57000 refugees had settled in three towns in Cameroon (Banyo, Yaoundé and Douala) [15]; the number of settled refugees was relatively stable for a long time before 2004. Nine thousand rural refugees (mainly in Banyo) were from Nigeria. Most of the 49000 urban refugees (mainly in Douala and Yaoundé) were from Chad, the Central African Republic, DRC, Liberia, Rwanda, and Sierra Leone. Since 2006, refugees fleeing the escalating conflict in the Central African Republic have settled in communities on the eastern borders of Cameroon. By 2011, the country’s total number of refugees doubled the 2004 estimate (Figure 1) [16]. The refugee settlement area was largely rural, with few small towns. The small cities rapidly grew as the refugees settled and economic activities increased. While some refugees lived in camps, most lived within the community; they had access to over 2000 ha of arable land offered by the government and local authorities. Support for the refugees was mainly from the Cameroonian government, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and other NGOs [17]. Based on the 2011 UNHCR report [16], most refugees settled in a well-defined geographical area; their interaction seems to have been with a distinct group. Therefore, we can estimate the impact of their interaction with the host community. Figure 2 shows the UNHCR geolocation of refugee settlement sites in Cameroon in 2011. The trend of refugees in Cameroon (data source: Refugee settlement in Cameroon (extracted from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees report, 2011). Our primary data came from Cameroon’s Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) of 2004 and 2011 [18]. The DHS is a quinquennial national household survey in over 90 countries sponsored by USAID; it is representative at different subnational levels, thus allowing for varying levels of within-country subgroup analyses. The surveys employ rigorous standardised methodologies, with only minor contextual adaptation, and indicators are comparable across multiple levels. The indicators captured include alcohol consumption, anaemia levels, anthropometry, blood pressure, domestic violence, HIV behaviour, HIV knowledge, HIV status, malaria status, maternal mortality, and tobacco use. Data are accessible on request from the DHS programme. In addition to the DHS data, we used data from the Emergency Events Database (EM-DAT), which maintains an accessible record of emergency events in countries [19], as well as published reports, grey literature and expert knowledge of the context to identify other shocks that occurred in Cameroon around 2004 and between 2004 and 2011. Participants analysed in this study were mothers (15–49 years) and children (5 years old and below) who had participated in the 2004 or 2011 DHS. Participants in the 2011 survey were not the same as in 2004 since the DHS uses a repeated cross-sectional design. We focused on mothers and their children because they are more vulnerable to undernutrition during shocks that lead to food and nutrition insecurity. The consequence of undernutrition is most severe in these groups. Refugees were not part of the DHS dataset due to not being Cameroonian nationals. We analysed data from secondary sources and did not initially engage with the public during the study design and planning phases. The output from this analysis will be available to the population of Cameroon, especially the refugee-hosting communities, through the Ministry of Public Health. In addition, publications from the Demographic and Health Surveys are available on the DHS website for dissemination to the surveyed and broader communities. Because this analysis was an ex-post evaluation, the initial sample size constrained the number in the exposed group. We included all individuals surveyed in the refugee area. We increased the total sample size by performing one-exposed to two-control matches. With an average of 800 individuals in the exposed group for each outcome variable, we estimated the average sample of 2400 individuals per outcome. We used a simplistic formula suggested by Hu and Hoover [20] to determine that the sample size had up to 80% power to detect effect sizes as small as 5%. The outcome variables for children were weight-for-height (for wasting, and defined as wasted or not), height-for-age (for stunting, and defined as stunted or not), weight-for-age (for underweight, and defined as underweight or not) [21] and anaemia status (defined as anaemic or not). Because of their clinical and public health relevance, we treated all outcome variables as binary. We considered measurements of weight-for-height, height-for-age or weight-for-age that were less than -2 standard deviations from the reference medians to be malnourished. For mothers, we used the body mass index – BMI (and defined as underweight or not) and anaemia status (defined as anaemic or not) as outcome variables. In mothers, BMI ≤18.5 was considered underweight. Despite the known limitations of using BMI as an indicator of nutritional status in the adolescent population, owing to their rapid growth during this time [22], we judged that it was still suitable for comparing group outcomes [23, 24]. All participants who had any form of anaemia (mild, moderate, or severe) were considered anaemic. Our exposure variable was the place of residence, i.e., in either the refugee-hosting community or elsewhere in the country, with no other identified shock. We delineated the refugee-hosting community based on the UNHCR 2011 report on Cameroon, which described the refugee areas (Figure 2). Participants were assigned to the refugee hosting community using the quantum geographical information system (QGIS) version 2.14. First, we redistributed sample clusters in the datasets over the national territory using cluster GPS coordinates. Then we considered as exposed all clusters falling within the area mapped out as the refugee area in the UNHCR 2011 country report [16]. Similarly, control participants were selected by matching after mapping and subsequently excluding areas that experienced shocks during the time of interest [25]. Our covariates for matching—household characteristics that could predict the outcome—initially included the following: mother’s educational level (no education, primary, secondary, or tertiary education), residence (urban or rural), wealth index (poorest, poorer, middle, richer, or richest), household size, sex of household head (male or female), age of household head, use of bed nets in the household, aridity index and proximity to a water source. These covariates were selected based on literature and a checklist for selecting covariates for difference-in-differences analysis [26, 27]. All selected covariates were initially included for matching, and we subsequently deleted variables that did not help in achieving a balance between the groups in a stepwise manner. The deleted variables were likely to generate a difference in our study groups, but they correlated with other variables. For example, a covariate such as wealth index is from several other potential covariates (including the household’s ownership of selected assets, such as televisions and bicycles; materials used for housing construction; and types of water access and sanitation facilities). These could easily correlate with other variables like household size and the sex of the household head. The final set of covariates ensured that the exposure and control groups had similar background characteristics at baseline and follow-up. These were wealth index, rural/urban residence, household size, mother education, sex of household head, age of household head, aridity index and proximity to a water source. We extracted relevant variables for children and mothers from the respective files of the 2004 and 2011 DHS datasets. We dichotomised outcome variables using public health-relevant cut-off values while maintaining covariates in their original forms. Our exploratory analysis started by evaluating distributions for each numeric variable and frequencies and percentages for each categorical variable. Specifically, we examined numeric variables for normality in distributions and categorical variables for near-zero variance (very few observations in any class) [28]. We explored missing data using a combination of graphical displays and univariate, bivariate and multivariate methods. We used the GenMatch function in the Matching package in the R statistical software to match controls to exposure [29]. This function uses a genetic search algorithm to determine the weight of each covariate and finds optimal balance using multivariate matching. The genetic algorithm thus allowed for optimised one-to-two nearest neighbour matching. We evaluated the balance of covariates between groups for each outcome using a combination of plots and statistical tests (t-test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) bootstrap). Once we found balanced controls, we calculated the difference in the proportion of each outcome between groups using the generalised linear model. We calculated the difference-in-differences of outcomes between 2004 and 2011 in per cent point difference. This was the coefficient of the model’s interaction term between year and exposure (exposure∗year). We used a significance level of p-value less than 0.05 and a 95% confidence interval to interpret statistical tests. For sensitivity analyses, we performed similar calculations in the following instances (i) controls sampled randomly from the rest of the country without matching. Here, we aimed to create comparable groups to evaluate the added value of our matching (ii) by removing the regions with the highest number of disasters from the control pool and (iii) by a stepwise reduction in the number of covariates in the matching. Ethics did not apply to this study since this was a secondary data analysis of anonymised datasets. The DHS programme only provided anonymised datasets on individuals and households. To ensure that we further protected potentially identifiable personal information, we respected the following guidelines during analyses (i) adhered to the DHS data use policy, including sharing data only among registered co-authors and (ii) made no attempt to identify any participant in the anonymised datasets.

Based on the provided information, it seems that the study titled “Resilience in maternal and child nutrition outcomes in a refugee-hosting community in Cameroon: A quasi-experimental study” focuses on examining the impact of refugee presence on nutrition outcomes in a host community in Cameroon. The study uses secondary data analysis from repeated cross-sectional Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) in Cameroon, along with data on refugee movement, extreme climatic events, epidemics, and conflicts. The study employs a difference-in-differences analysis and a genetic matching algorithm to compare nutrition outcomes between the refugee-hosting community and a control group from the rest of the country.

Based on this study, some potential recommendations for innovations to improve access to maternal health in refugee-hosting communities could include:

1. Mobile health clinics: Implementing mobile health clinics that can reach remote areas where refugee communities are settled. These clinics can provide essential maternal health services, such as prenatal care, postnatal care, and family planning, directly to the refugee population.

2. Telemedicine services: Introducing telemedicine services that allow pregnant women in refugee-hosting communities to access healthcare professionals remotely. This can help overcome barriers to accessing maternal health services, such as distance and transportation challenges.

3. Community health workers: Training and deploying community health workers within the refugee-hosting communities to provide education, support, and basic maternal health services. These community health workers can act as a bridge between the refugee population and formal healthcare systems.

4. Collaborative partnerships: Establishing partnerships between local healthcare providers, NGOs, and international organizations to improve access to maternal health services in refugee-hosting communities. These partnerships can leverage resources, expertise, and funding to address the specific needs of the refugee population.

5. Culturally sensitive care: Ensuring that maternal health services provided in refugee-hosting communities are culturally sensitive and respectful of the diverse backgrounds and beliefs of the refugee population. This can help build trust and improve the utilization of maternal health services.

6. Health education programs: Implementing health education programs that focus on maternal health and nutrition in refugee-hosting communities. These programs can empower women with knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about their health and the health of their children.

7. Strengthening healthcare infrastructure: Investing in the improvement and expansion of healthcare infrastructure in refugee-hosting communities. This can include building or renovating healthcare facilities, ensuring the availability of essential medical equipment and supplies, and training healthcare professionals to provide quality maternal health services.

It is important to note that these recommendations are based on the provided study’s focus on nutrition outcomes in a specific refugee-hosting community in Cameroon. The implementation of these innovations should consider the unique context, resources, and needs of each refugee-hosting community.
AI Innovations Description
Based on the provided description, the recommendation to improve access to maternal health in refugee-hosting communities in Cameroon is to implement targeted interventions that address the increasing trends in maternal and child undernutrition. These interventions should focus on improving maternal weight, reducing maternal anemia, and addressing child underweight, anemia, stunting, and wasting.

To develop this recommendation into an innovation, the following steps can be taken:

1. Conduct a needs assessment: Gather data on the specific nutritional needs and challenges faced by pregnant women and children in refugee-hosting communities. This can include conducting surveys, interviews, and focus group discussions to understand the underlying factors contributing to undernutrition.

2. Design context-specific interventions: Based on the needs assessment, develop innovative interventions that are tailored to the unique challenges faced by refugee-hosting communities in Cameroon. These interventions can include targeted nutrition education programs, provision of nutrient-rich food supplements, and access to quality antenatal and postnatal care services.

3. Collaborate with stakeholders: Engage with local communities, healthcare providers, NGOs, and government agencies to ensure the successful implementation of the interventions. Collaborative efforts can help mobilize resources, build capacity, and ensure sustainability of the innovation.

4. Monitor and evaluate: Establish a monitoring and evaluation framework to track the impact of the interventions on maternal and child nutrition outcomes. Regular data collection and analysis will provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of the innovation and allow for necessary adjustments and improvements.

5. Scale-up and replicate: If the innovation proves successful, consider scaling up the interventions to reach a larger population of refugee-hosting communities in Cameroon. Additionally, share the findings and lessons learned with other countries facing similar challenges to promote replication and adaptation of the innovation.

By following these steps, the recommendation can be transformed into an innovative approach that addresses the specific needs of refugee-hosting communities and improves access to maternal health services.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the provided description, here are some potential recommendations to improve access to maternal health:

1. Strengthen healthcare infrastructure: Invest in improving healthcare facilities, including hospitals, clinics, and maternity centers, in refugee-hosting communities. This will ensure that pregnant women have access to quality maternal healthcare services.

2. Increase healthcare workforce: Train and deploy more healthcare professionals, such as doctors, nurses, midwives, and community health workers, to refugee-hosting communities. This will help address the shortage of skilled healthcare providers and ensure that pregnant women receive adequate care.

3. Enhance transportation services: Improve transportation infrastructure and services in refugee-hosting communities to facilitate access to healthcare facilities. This can include providing ambulances or other means of transportation for pregnant women who need to travel to receive maternal healthcare services.

4. Promote community-based healthcare: Implement community-based healthcare programs that focus on maternal health education, awareness, and support. This can involve training community health workers to provide basic prenatal care, conduct health education sessions, and connect pregnant women with healthcare services.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could be developed as follows:

1. Define indicators: Identify specific indicators that measure access to maternal health, such as the number of pregnant women receiving prenatal care, the percentage of births attended by skilled healthcare providers, or the maternal mortality rate.

2. Collect baseline data: Gather data on the selected indicators before implementing the recommendations. This can be done through surveys, interviews, or existing data sources.

3. Implement interventions: Implement the recommended interventions in refugee-hosting communities. Ensure that the interventions are well-documented and monitored for effectiveness.

4. Collect post-intervention data: After a sufficient period of time, collect data on the selected indicators again. This will provide information on the impact of the interventions on improving access to maternal health.

5. Analyze and compare data: Compare the baseline and post-intervention data to assess the changes in the selected indicators. This can be done using statistical analysis techniques, such as descriptive statistics, regression analysis, or difference-in-differences analysis.

6. Evaluate the impact: Evaluate the impact of the interventions on improving access to maternal health based on the analysis of the data. This evaluation can involve assessing the magnitude of the changes, identifying any significant differences between the intervention and control groups, and considering any contextual factors that may have influenced the results.

7. Refine and iterate: Based on the evaluation, refine the interventions as needed and iterate the process to continuously improve access to maternal health in refugee-hosting communities.

It is important to note that the specific methodology may vary depending on the available data, resources, and context. Consulting with experts in the field of maternal health and utilizing appropriate statistical methods will help ensure the accuracy and validity of the impact assessment.

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