Stated job preferences of three health worker cadres in Ethiopia: A discrete choice experiment

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Study Justification:
– Attracting, training, and retaining high-quality health workers is crucial for a well-functioning health system.
– Previous studies on health worker preferences have focused on doctors and medical students, neglecting lower-skilled cadres.
– This study aimed to understand the job preferences of community health workers, nurses and midwives, and non-patient-facing staff in Ethiopia.
– Non-financial factors were important to all three cadres, including supportive management, training opportunities, and good facility quality.
– Salary, training, workload, facility quality, management, and opportunities to improve patient outcomes were the key attributes influencing job choices.
– A combination of financial and non-financial incentives should be considered to motivate health workers in Ethiopia.
– Provide supportive management to all health worker cadres.
– Enhance training opportunities for community health workers, nurses, and midwives.
– Improve facility quality to attract and retain health workers.
– Implement a combination of financial and non-financial incentives to motivate health workers.
Key Role Players:
– Ministry of Health: Responsible for policy development and implementation.
– Regional Health Bureaus: Coordinate health services at the regional level.
– Health Facility Managers: Oversee the functioning of health facilities.
– Training Institutions: Provide training programs for health workers.
– Professional Associations: Advocate for the interests of health workers.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Training Programs: Budget for the development and implementation of training programs.
– Facility Improvement: Allocate funds for improving the quality of health facilities.
– Incentives: Set aside a budget for financial and non-financial incentives to motivate health workers.
– Management Support: Allocate resources for providing supportive management to health workers.
– Monitoring and Evaluation: Budget for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the implemented recommendations.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 8 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is strong because it presents a well-designed study that used a discrete choice experiment to estimate the job preferences of different health worker cadres in Ethiopia. The study collected data from a stratified random sample of 401 workers across three cadres and used a multinomial logistic regression model to analyze the data. The findings highlight the importance of both financial and non-financial factors in influencing job choices. To improve the evidence, the abstract could provide more details on the sampling strategy and the statistical analysis methods used.

Attracting, training and retaining high-quality health workers are critical for a health system to function well, and it is important to know what health workers value in their roles. Many studies eliciting the labour market preferences of health workers have interviewed doctors or medical students, and there has been little research on the job preferences of lower-skilled cadres such as community health workers, mid-skilled clinical care staff such as nurses and midwives, or non-patient facing staff who manage health facilities. This study estimated the job preferences of public health sector community health extension workers (HEWs), care providers including nurses and midwives, and non-patient-facing administrative and managerial staff in Ethiopia. We used a discrete choice experiment to estimate which aspects of a job are most influential to health worker choices. A multinomial logistic regression model estimated the importance of six attributes to respondents: salary, training, workload, facility quality, management and opportunities to improve patient outcomes. We found that non-financial factors were important to respondents from all three cadres: e.g., supportive management [odds ratio (OR) = 2.96, P-value = 0.001] was the only attribute that influenced the job choices of non-patient-facing administrative and managerial staff. Training opportunities (OR = 3.45, P-value < 0.001), supportive management (OR = 3.26, P-value < 0.001) and good facility quality (OR = 2.42, P-value < 0.001) were valued the most amongst HEWs. Similarly, supportive management (OR = 3.22, P-value < 0.001), good facility quality (OR = 2.69, P-value < 0.001) and training opportunities (OR = 2.67, P-value < 0.001) influenced the job choices of care providers the most. Earning an average salary also influenced the jobs choices of HEWs (OR = 1.43, P-value = 0.02) and care providers (OR = 2.00, P-value < 0.001), which shows that a combination of financial and non-financial incentives should be considered to motivate health workers in Ethiopia.

The study was conducted in Ethiopia, which is divided into nine regions and two city administrations. In each region, woredas (districts) are administrative units, managed by decentralized councils of elected members (Workie and Ramana, 2013). The Ethiopian healthcare delivery system, referred to as the three-tiered system, provides healthcare services to people at primary, secondary and tertiary levels (Alebachew and Waddington, 2015). The primary level, where this study operated, consists of three service delivery points: health post, health centre and primary hospital (Figure 1). Ethiopia health system (reproduced with permission from Alebachew and Waddington, 2015) The primary healthcare workforce includes facility- and community-based health workers supported by non-patient-facing management and administrative staff (World Health Organization, 2020). HEWs are assigned to health posts as salaried government employees following a 12-month training programme (Assefa et al., 2019). They are usually hired as Level 3 health workers and have the opportunity to upskill and be redeployed to higher positions in the health system after taking a competitive exam. The average attrition rate of HEWs is around 3% per year with some evidence suggesting a continuing rise since the start of the Health Extension Programme (HEP) (Arora et al., 2020). Evidence suggests that around 70% of HEWs have a desire to upgrade as a nurse, although to what extent that is possible is not clear (Teklehaimanot et al., 2007). Yet, factors affecting the retention of HEWs are largely due to non-material factors, such as community acceptance or acknowledgement from supervisors and senior managers (Arora et al., 2020). In contrast, factors affecting the retention of public sector nurses and midwives are a mix of financial and material incentives (e.g. better remuneration and improved infrastructure), whereas one recent study in Ethiopia found that around 50% of nurses and midwives intended to leave their current job in the following year (Ayalew et al., 2015; Muluneh et al., 2021). Some evidence also suggests that access to a large labour market with competing salaries and infrastructure quality (e.g. in non-governmental organizations, the private sector and international labour market) was also another reason for the high turnover of government-employed nurses and midwives in Ethiopia (Mariam, 2013; Ayalew et al., 2015; Muluneh et al., 2021). To our knowledge, there is no published evidence of retention among non-patient-facing staff or the factors influencing retention of non-patient-facing staff in public sector health facilities, despite their essential role in overseeing the functioning of the healthcare delivery system. The DCE was embedded within a baseline data collection of a survey conducted as part of the process evaluation of a quality improvement (QI) programme implemented by the Institute of Healthcare Improvement and the Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Health. At the time of data collection, no participants had been exposed to the QI programme. Data were sampled from four out of the nine Ethiopian regions for this study. Using a random number generator, we randomly selected one QI programme woreda per region from Oromia, Amhara, Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ Region (SNNPR) and Tigray. We added one additional randomly selected woreda in Amhara since the first randomly selected woreda in Amhara had too few health facilities to reach the sample size. We further purposively sampled two additional woredas from Oromia and SNNPR (Bunno Bedelle and Chencha, respectively) where other evaluative work was also taking place. For each of the seven QI programme woreda chosen for data collection, we chose one matched woreda from the same region which was not subject to QI activities, resulting in 14 woredas in total. The woredas were matched using service utilization data from the last three Ethiopia Demographic and Health Surveys (2005; 2011; 2016). In each woreda, we sought to interview 30 participants across a range of health worker and management cadres, where the latter included facility heads alongside woreda and regional health office managers. Senior non-patient-facing staffs in each woreda were not randomly sampled due to their small number, but staff at primary hospitals, health centres and health posts were randomly sampled. The heads or clinical directors of each woreda (one), primary hospital (one) and health centre (three) were interviewed. Four maternal and child health clinical care providers and two from each health centre were interviewed in the hospital. One HEW was interviewed from each health post under each health centre. The baseline survey was conducted from April 15 to May 10, 2018. We obtained a stratified random sample of 401 workers in the Ethiopian health system across three cadres: 202 (50.4%) HEWs, 155 (38.7%) care providers (including 100 midwives) and 43 (10.7%) non-patient-facing administrative and managerial staff. A team of seven trained research assistants from the authors’ institute implemented a face-to-face survey administered in English, Amharic and Oromifa languages using Open Data Kit ( software on tablet computers. Informed consent was obtained from all participants before data were collected. The attributes and findings of published DCEs conducted in east Africa were analysed to inform the development of our DCE (Mangham and Hanson, 2008; Blaauw et al., 2010; Kolstad, 2011; Rockers et al., 2012; Mandeville et al., 2014; 2016). A shortlist of potential attributes was generated and reduced to six using the findings of a qualitative study conducted 1 year previously, assessing the motivation of HEWs in Ethiopia (Tesfaye, 2017). As there is some debate on the use of text or images to represent attributes and levels in DCEs, we opted to display choice tasks as text since pictures can convey their own meanings, sometimes different from the text, which can cause confusion (Veldwijk et al., 2015). We displayed two job profiles in each choice task using an unlabelled design where each alternative represents a generic health worker’s job, within which all selected characteristics change as prescribed by the statistical design. Participants were asked the following question: ‘Here are two jobs described by some of their characteristics. Compared to your current job, please choose which you would prefer’. To increase realism and allow for the estimation of unconditional demand, a generic opt-out alternative was included to represent their current job. The final six attributes of the DCE and their levels are shown in Table 1, and Figure 2 shows an example of how choice tasks are presented to respondents. The final design incorporated seven choice tasks. Choice experiment attributes and levels Example of choice task presented to study participants The DCE was piloted among 19 woreda health office staff in December 2017. No changes were made to the DCE between piloting and the final survey as it was understood well by participants. Priors from analysis of pilot data (n = 19) were used in NGENE software ( to generate a single D-error minimizing design with 10 tasks, which avoided dominant or duplicated alternatives with the aim of improving precision in the final model estimates. Choices were modelled based on McFadden’s random utility theory (McFadden, 1973). This assumes that respondent will choose alternative in choice set if that alternative provides the most satisfaction out of all other alternatives. This is shown in the following Equation (1): where is the utility function of individual from choosing alternative in choice set ; signifies the observable element for choosing alternative and represents the random, unobservable element for choosing alternative . Equation (2) represents the ‘indirect utility function’ of Equation (1). where represents a linear specification of the DCE attributes, as shown in Equation (3). The probability of choosing alternative is captured by a set of observable attributes, , which takes the following form: where represents the constant, and salary, impact, management, facility, training and workload were the attributes used in the DCE. This is underpinned by Lancaster’s consumer behaviour theory, which assumes that utility is derived from the characteristics of a certain good (Cascetta, 2009; Lagarde and Blaauw, 2009; Mandeville et al., 2014; Lancsar et al., 2017). Using specifications from Equation (3), Equation (1) was estimated using a multinomial logit (MNL) model, which generally assumes that the stochastic term, , is independently and identically distributed (IID). The IID assumption assumes that unobserved effects are not related in any systematic way with the observed effects and in practice assumes preference homogeneity across individuals (Hensher et al., 2005). Standard errors were clustered at the facility level, relaxing the IID assumption by allowing for intra-group correlation. This meant that observations from the same facility were not independent, but observations remained independent across groups (Lancsar et al., 2017; StataCorp, 2019). Preference heterogeneity was explored by cadre. We conducted a subgroup analysis of the main effects by running separate regressions on three sub-groups of health workers to reveal any variation in preferences. This included HEWs, care providers such as nurses and midwives, and non-patient-facing administrative and managerial staff. The same attributes were used across the three cadres to allow us to make comparisons between each cadre’s trade-offs. Individual characteristics were not adjusted for in the model due to the small sample size of some of the sub-groups and the presence of multicollinearity. Stata 15 was used to estimate the MNL models, and odds ratios (ORs) used to estimate the relative importance of each attribute; the attributes were dummy coded and standard errors were clustered at the facility level. Utility was estimated as a measure of choice. ORs that are larger than one indicate positive impact on utility whereas those below one indicate disutility attached to the attribute level. Face validity was assessed by checking if ORs were of the expected sign (de Bekker‐Grob et al., 2012). Additional robustness checks were carried out to check if the results changed by adjusting the standard errors at the individual level or removing the cluster adjustment altogether. A goodness-of-fit model was estimated using log pseudolikelihood and pseudo R-squared (Hauber et al., 2016). Only ORs that are statistically significant at either the 5% or 1% level are reported.


The study mentioned in the description focused on understanding the job preferences of different health worker cadres in Ethiopia, including community health workers, nurses, midwives, and non-patient-facing administrative and managerial staff. The study used a discrete choice experiment (DCE) to estimate the importance of various job attributes to these health workers. The attributes that were found to be influential in their job choices included salary, training opportunities, workload, facility quality, management support, and opportunities to improve patient outcomes.

Based on the findings of this study, here are some potential recommendations for innovations to improve access to maternal health:

1. Improve salary and financial incentives: The study found that earning an average salary influenced the job choices of health workers. Therefore, providing competitive salaries and financial incentives could help attract and retain qualified health workers in maternal health services.

2. Enhance training opportunities: Training opportunities were highly valued by health workers in the study. Investing in continuous professional development programs and offering opportunities for career advancement and upskilling can help improve the quality of maternal health services.

3. Supportive management: Supportive management was found to be an important factor for job choices, particularly for non-patient-facing administrative and managerial staff. Implementing supportive management practices, such as providing mentorship, feedback, and recognition, can contribute to a positive work environment and improve retention rates.

4. Improve facility quality: Good facility quality was valued by health workers in the study. Investing in infrastructure, equipment, and resources for maternal health facilities can enhance the working environment and attract health workers to provide services.

5. Address workload issues: Workload was identified as an influential factor in job choices. Implementing strategies to address workload challenges, such as workload redistribution, task shifting, and workload management systems, can help alleviate the burden on health workers and improve their job satisfaction.

6. Focus on patient outcomes: Opportunities to improve patient outcomes were valued by health workers. Implementing quality improvement initiatives and providing resources for evidence-based practices can contribute to better maternal health outcomes and motivate health workers.

These recommendations are based on the specific findings of the study conducted in Ethiopia. It is important to consider the local context and adapt these recommendations to the specific needs and challenges of each setting.
AI Innovations Description
The recommendation that can be developed into an innovation to improve access to maternal health based on the study is to focus on improving non-financial factors that are important to health workers. The study found that factors such as supportive management, training opportunities, and good facility quality were valued the most by health workers. Therefore, implementing strategies to enhance these aspects of the job can help attract and retain high-quality health workers in the maternal health sector.

Some specific actions that can be taken include:

1. Enhancing supportive management: Implementing training programs for managers to improve their leadership and communication skills can create a supportive work environment for health workers. This can include regular feedback and recognition for their work, as well as opportunities for professional development.

2. Providing training opportunities: Investing in continuous training and upskilling programs for health workers can improve their job satisfaction and motivation. This can include specialized training in maternal health care, as well as opportunities for career advancement within the health system.

3. Improving facility quality: Ensuring that health facilities have the necessary resources, equipment, and infrastructure to provide quality maternal health care is crucial. This can involve renovating and upgrading facilities, ensuring a reliable supply of essential medicines and equipment, and maintaining a clean and safe environment for both patients and health workers.

By focusing on these non-financial factors, along with a combination of financial incentives, such as competitive salaries, the innovation can help create a more supportive and attractive work environment for health workers in Ethiopia. This, in turn, can improve access to maternal health services and ultimately contribute to better maternal health outcomes.
AI Innovations Methodology
The study mentioned in the description focuses on understanding the job preferences of different health worker cadres in Ethiopia, including community health workers, nurses, midwives, and non-patient-facing administrative and managerial staff. The goal is to identify the factors that influence their job choices and to determine which aspects of a job are most influential to health worker preferences.

To simulate the impact of recommendations on improving access to maternal health based on the study findings, a methodology could be developed as follows:

1. Identify the key recommendations: Based on the study findings, identify the key recommendations that could improve access to maternal health. For example, if the study found that supportive management and good facility quality were important factors for health workers, a recommendation could be to improve management practices and invest in upgrading healthcare facilities.

2. Define the indicators: Determine the indicators that will be used to measure the impact of the recommendations on improving access to maternal health. These indicators could include metrics such as the number of maternal health visits, the availability of skilled birth attendants, or the reduction in maternal mortality rates.

3. Collect baseline data: Gather baseline data on the current state of access to maternal health in the target area. This data will serve as a reference point for comparison after implementing the recommendations.

4. Implement the recommendations: Put the identified recommendations into action. This could involve implementing training programs for health workers, improving management practices, or investing in infrastructure upgrades.

5. Monitor and evaluate: Continuously monitor and evaluate the impact of the implemented recommendations on access to maternal health. Collect data on the defined indicators and compare them to the baseline data to assess the effectiveness of the recommendations.

6. Analyze the data: Analyze the collected data to determine the extent to which the recommendations have improved access to maternal health. This could involve statistical analysis, such as comparing pre- and post-intervention data or conducting regression analysis to identify the factors that have the greatest impact on access.

7. Adjust and refine: Based on the analysis of the data, make any necessary adjustments or refinements to the recommendations. This could involve scaling up successful interventions, addressing any challenges or barriers identified during the evaluation, or exploring additional strategies to further improve access to maternal health.

By following this methodology, it would be possible to simulate the impact of the identified recommendations on improving access to maternal health. The data collected and analyzed throughout the process would provide valuable insights for policymakers and stakeholders to make informed decisions and allocate resources effectively.

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