How maternity waiting home use influences attendance of antenatal and postnatal care

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Study Justification:
– Access to quality nursing and midwifery care is crucial for promoting maternal-newborn health and survival.
– Maternity waiting homes (MWHs) are an intervention aimed at improving maternal-newborn health and reducing underutilization of pregnancy services.
– The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of the Core MWH Model on antenatal care (ANC) and postnatal care (PNC) attendance, family planning use, and vaccination rates in rural Zambia.
Study Highlights:
– A quasi-experimental controlled before-and-after design was used to evaluate the impact of the Core MWH Model.
– The study included 40 healthcare facilities in three provinces and seven districts in Zambia.
– Data were collected before and after implementation of the Core MWH Model.
– The sample consisted of 4711 mothers who met specific inclusion criteria.
– Mothers who used the Core MWH Model had better ANC and PNC attendance, family planning use, and vaccination rates compared to those who did not use a MWH.
– The study found an association between Core MWH Model use and improved ANC and PNC attendance, family planning use, and newborn vaccination outcomes.
– Maternity waiting homes may serve as a catalyst to improve the use of facility services for vulnerable mothers.
Recommendations for Lay Reader and Policy Maker:
– Promote the construction and utilization of maternity waiting homes to improve maternal-newborn health outcomes.
– Increase access to quality nursing and midwifery care in rural areas through the implementation of the Core MWH Model.
– Support initiatives that aim to reduce underutilization of pregnancy services and improve ANC and PNC attendance, family planning use, and vaccination rates.
– Allocate resources to train healthcare providers and research assistants in human subjects’ protection and data collection methods.
– Implement design-adjusted analytic techniques to account for clustering within districts when evaluating the impact of interventions.
Key Role Players:
– Ministry of Health: Responsible for policy development and implementation of interventions related to maternal-newborn health.
– Healthcare Facilities: Involved in the construction and management of maternity waiting homes.
– Nursing and Midwifery Associations: Provide guidance and support for nursing and midwifery care in maternity waiting homes.
– Research Institutions: Conduct studies to evaluate the impact of interventions and provide evidence-based recommendations.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Construction and maintenance of maternity waiting homes.
– Training programs for healthcare providers and research assistants.
– Data collection and analysis.
– Monitoring and evaluation of the impact of interventions.
– Public awareness campaigns to promote the use of maternity waiting homes and facility services.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is based on a quasi-experimental controlled before-and-after design, which provides a moderate level of evidence. The study includes a large sample size of 4711 mothers and uses multivariable logistic regression to assess associations between the Core MWH Model and ANC and PNC attendance, family planning use, and vaccination rates. The study also obtained ethical approval and used random sampling procedures. To improve the strength of the evidence, the study could have included a control group that did not receive the Core MWH Model to better assess the impact of the intervention. Additionally, the abstract could provide more details on the specific results and effect sizes observed in the study.

As highlighted in the International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife, access to quality nursing and midwifery care is essential to promote maternal-newborn health and improve survival. One intervention aimed at improving maternal-newborn health and reducing underutilization of pregnancy services is the construction of maternity waiting homes (MWHs). The purpose of this study was to assess whether there was a significant change in antenatal care (ANC) and postnatal care (PNC) attendance, family planning use, and vaccination rates before and after implementation of the Core MWH Model in rural Zambia. A quasi-experimental controlled before-and-after design was used to evaluate the impact of the Core MWH Model by assessing associations between ANC and PNC attendance, family planning use, and vaccination rates for mothers who gave birth to a child in the past 13 months. Twenty health care facilities received the Core MWH Model and 20 were identified as comparison facilities. Before-and-after community surveys were carried out. Multivariable logistic regression were used to assess the association between Core MWH Model use and ANC and PNC attendance. The total sample includes 4711 mothers. Mothers who used the Core MWH Model had better ANC and PNC attendance, family planning use, and vaccination rates than mothers who did not use a MWH. All mothers appeared to fare better across these outcomes at endline. We found an association between Core MWH Model use and better ANC and PNC attendance, family planning use, and newborn vaccination outcomes. Maternity waiting homes may serve as a catalyst to improve use of facility services for vulnerable mothers.

A quasi-experimental controlled before-and-after design was used to assess associations between ANC and PNC attendance, family planning use, and vaccination rates for mothers who gave birth to a child in the past 13 months. Mothers birthed in 40 healthcare facilities in three provinces (Eastern, Luapula, and Southern) and seven districts (Chembe, Choma, Kalomo, Lundazi, Mansa, Nyimba, and Pemba) that were part of the SMGL initiative [24–26]. Twenty health care facilities received the minimum Core MWH Model and 20 were identified as comparison facilities [24, 25]. Population-level data were collected before implementation of the Core MWH Model in 2016 and after implementation in 2018. Specific details outlining the research methodology and survey are described in previous publications [23–25]. Institutional review board (IRB) ethical approval was obtained from the University of Michigan, Boston University, and the ERES Converge IRB in Zambia. For the before-and-after cross-sectional survey evaluating the impact of the Core MWH Model (clinical trial #{“type”:”clinical-trial”,”attrs”:{“text”:”NCT02620436″,”term_id”:”NCT02620436″}}NCT02620436) multi-stage random sampling procedures were used with probability proportionate to population size [24]. The sample consisted of mothers who met the following inclusion criteria: (1) had given birth in the last 13 months (to obtain recent birth data and reduce recall bias), (2) 15 years of age or older, and (3) lived in a village that was 9.5 km or farther from one of the health care facilities included in our sample [24]. Details of the primary impact study including sampling frame, selection, assignment of study clusters, and protocol are reported elsewhere [23–26]. Locally trained research assistants recruited, consented, and enrolled participants from eligible households in the study [23]. Participants provided written informed consent, which was documented in writing or with a fingerprint and witness signature prior to beginning the survey [23]. For participants under the age of 18 years, child assent and guardian or husband (if over the age of 18 years) was obtained [23]. Research assistants were literate in the appropriate local languages and English. All had previous experience collecting quantitative data for research studies. Research assistants were trained in human subjects’ protection and qualitative and quantitative data collection methods during a 5-day training [23–25]. Each household survey took approximately 45 minutes. Data were captured electronically on encrypted tablets using SurveyCTO Collect Software [23]. An in-depth description of measures used to assess change in use of the Core MWH Model, ANC and PNC attendance, family planning use, and vaccination rates is reported elsewhere [25]. In acknowledgment of their time, participants received a piece of local fabric as a token of appreciation [23]. Table 1 shows the measures used to construct the variables in our analysis. The analysis is divided into two major sections. First, descriptive statistics are provided to assess differences (using Rao-Scott chi-square tests) between baseline and endline with respect to the dependent variables (ANC and PNC, family planning use, and vaccination rates), independent variable (i.e., use of the Core MWH Model), and control variables (i.e., household size, marital status, number of births, age, and educational level). Second, multivariable logistic regression were used to assess the association between use of the Core MWH Model and ANC and PNC. Additionally, these models also focus on differences between the baseline and endline cohorts with respect to the ANC and PNC. Accordingly, unadjusted odds ratios (OR), adjusted odds ratios (AOR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were provided to show these associations (i.e., differences between groups). Finally, all analyses use design-adjusted analytic techniques to account for clustering within each of the seven districts where the sample of participants were obtained. All analyses use Stata 15.0.

Title: Impact of Maternity Waiting Homes on Maternal Health Services: A Study in Rural Zambia
Description: This study, published in PLoS ONE, aimed to evaluate the impact of implementing the Core Maternity Waiting Home (MWH) Model on access to maternal health services in rural Zambia. The study utilized a quasi-experimental controlled before-and-after design and collected data from 40 healthcare facilities in three provinces and seven districts. The findings showed that mothers who used the Core MWH Model had better attendance for antenatal care (ANC) and postnatal care (PNC), higher rates of family planning use, and improved vaccination rates for newborns compared to mothers who did not use a MWH. The study recommends the implementation of the Core MWH Model to improve access to maternal health services. The steps for implementation include identifying suitable locations, constructing MWHs near healthcare facilities, providing necessary amenities, training healthcare staff, raising awareness, and monitoring and evaluating the impact of the model. The study was published in January 2021 in PLoS ONE.
AI Innovations Description
The recommendation based on the study is to implement the Core Maternity Waiting Home (MWH) Model to improve access to maternal health services. The study found that mothers who used the Core MWH Model had better attendance for antenatal care (ANC) and postnatal care (PNC), higher rates of family planning use, and improved vaccination rates for newborns compared to mothers who did not use a MWH.

The Core MWH Model involves the construction of maternity waiting homes near healthcare facilities. These homes provide a safe and comfortable place for pregnant women to stay as they approach their due date, especially if they live far from the healthcare facility. By staying at the MWH, women have easier access to ANC and PNC services, reducing barriers such as distance and transportation.

The study used a quasi-experimental controlled before-and-after design to evaluate the impact of the Core MWH Model. Data was collected from 40 healthcare facilities in three provinces and seven districts in rural Zambia. The study found a significant association between the use of the Core MWH Model and improved attendance for ANC and PNC, family planning use, and vaccination rates.

To implement the Core MWH Model, healthcare facilities should consider the following steps:

1. Identify suitable locations: Determine areas where pregnant women face challenges in accessing healthcare facilities due to distance or transportation limitations.

2. Construct maternity waiting homes: Build MWHs near healthcare facilities to provide a safe and comfortable environment for pregnant women to stay before and after giving birth.

3. Provide necessary amenities: Ensure that MWHs have basic amenities such as beds, clean water, sanitation facilities, and electricity to meet the needs of pregnant women.

4. Train healthcare staff: Provide training to healthcare staff on the importance of MWHs and how to effectively support pregnant women staying at the MWHs.

5. Raise awareness: Conduct community outreach programs to educate pregnant women and their families about the benefits of using MWHs and encourage their participation.

6. Monitor and evaluate: Regularly monitor and evaluate the impact of the Core MWH Model on ANC and PNC attendance, family planning use, and vaccination rates to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments.

By implementing the Core MWH Model, healthcare facilities can improve access to maternal health services, reduce underutilization of pregnancy services, and ultimately promote maternal-newborn health and survival.
AI Innovations Methodology
The methodology used in the study to simulate the impact of the recommendations on improving access to maternal health is a quasi-experimental controlled before-and-after design. The study was conducted in rural Zambia, specifically in three provinces (Eastern, Luapula, and Southern) and seven districts (Chembe, Choma, Kalomo, Lundazi, Mansa, Nyimba, and Pemba) that were part of the Saving Mothers, Giving Life (SMGL) initiative.

The study included 40 healthcare facilities, with 20 facilities receiving the Core Maternity Waiting Home (MWH) Model and 20 facilities serving as comparison facilities. Data was collected before and after the implementation of the Core MWH Model in 2016 and 2018, respectively.

To evaluate the impact of the Core MWH Model, a before-and-after cross-sectional survey was conducted. Multi-stage random sampling procedures were used, with probability proportionate to population size. The sample consisted of mothers who met the inclusion criteria of having given birth in the last 13 months, being 15 years of age or older, and living in a village that was 9.5 km or farther from one of the healthcare facilities included in the sample.

Locally trained research assistants recruited, consented, and enrolled participants from eligible households. Participants provided written informed consent, and for participants under the age of 18, child assent and guardian or husband consent were obtained. Data were collected using electronic tablets and SurveyCTO Collect Software.

Descriptive statistics were used to assess differences between baseline and endline with respect to the dependent variables (attendance for antenatal care and postnatal care, family planning use, and vaccination rates), independent variable (use of the Core MWH Model), and control variables (household size, marital status, number of births, age, and educational level).

Multivariable logistic regression was used to assess the association between the use of the Core MWH Model and attendance for antenatal care and postnatal care. The models also focused on differences between the baseline and endline cohorts with respect to antenatal care and postnatal care. Unadjusted odds ratios (OR), adjusted odds ratios (AOR), and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were provided to show these associations.

Design-adjusted analytic techniques were used to account for clustering within each of the seven districts where the participants were obtained.

The study was published in PLoS ONE, Volume 16, No. 1 in January of the year 2021.

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