Economic evaluation of provision of postpartum intrauterine device services in Bangladesh and Tanzania

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Study Justification:
– Postpartum family planning is important for improving health outcomes for women and children in low- and middle-income settings.
– The study aimed to assess the cost-effectiveness of an immediate postpartum intrauterine device (PPIUD) initiative compared to standard practice in Bangladesh and Tanzania.
– The findings would inform resource allocation decisions for governments and donors regarding postpartum family planning services.
– The PPIUD program in both countries resulted in cost-effectiveness ratios, indicating that it was a highly cost-effective intervention.
– In Bangladesh, the PPIUD program was cheaper and more effective than standard practice, resulting in long-term savings in direct healthcare costs.
– In Tanzania, the PPIUD program was highly cost-effective, with a favorable incremental cost-effectiveness ratio.
– The study provided a compelling case for national governments and international donors to invest in PPIUD as part of their family planning strategies.
– The study recommended the national scale-up of the PPIUD initiative in both Bangladesh and Tanzania.
– Governments and donors were encouraged to invest in PPIUD as a cost-effective strategy for improving postpartum family planning services.
– The findings highlighted the potential long-term cost savings in direct healthcare costs associated with PPIUD implementation.
Key Role Players:
– National governments of Bangladesh and Tanzania
– International donors
– National professional societies
– Facility coordinators and deputy facility coordinators
– Project staff
– Trainers and clinical staff
– Providers (doctors, nurses, nurse-midwives)
– Postpartum contraceptive counselors
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Recruitment costs
– Project staff costs
– Meeting costs
– Equipment costs
– Training costs
– Development of information, education, and communication materials costs
– Clinical supervision costs
– Data sharing and learning costs
– Overhead costs (10% rate)
– Costs for postpartum contraception counseling sessions
– Costs for follow-up visits
– Reimbursements for uptake of long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs)
– Costs associated with international, donor-funded project and research component (excluded from analysis)
– Costs to treat complications (not included in analysis)
– Costs to women or society (not included, except for fees charged to women offsetting government costs)
Please note that the above information is a summary of the study and its findings. For more detailed information, please refer to the publication “Global Health Science and Practice, Volume 9, No. 1, Year 2021.”

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 8 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is strong, as it presents the results of a decision analysis comparing the cost-effectiveness of a postpartum intrauterine device (PPIUD) initiative with standard practice in Bangladesh and Tanzania. The analysis includes estimates of cost per couple-years of protection (CYP) and cost per disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) averted. The results show that the PPIUD initiative is highly cost-effective in both countries, with incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) ranging from $14.60 to $91.13 per CYP and $67.67 to $91.13 per DALY averted. The evidence is supported by data from the FIGO PPIUD initiative, demographic and health surveys, and economic evaluations using the Impact 2 tool. To improve the evidence, it would be helpful to provide more details on the methodology used in the decision analysis and sensitivity analyses, as well as the limitations of the study.

Introduction: Postpartum family planning is an effective means of achieving improved health outcomes for women and children, especially in low- and middle-income settings. We assessed the cost-effectiveness of an immediate postpartum intrauterine device (PPIUD) initiative compared with standard practice in Bangladesh and Tanzania (which is no immediate postpartum family planning counseling or service provision) to inform resource allocation decisions for governments and donors. Methods: A decision analysis was constructed to compare the PPIUD program with standard practice. The analysis was based on the number of PPIUD insertions, which were then modeled using the Impact 2 tool to produce estimates of cost per couple-years of protection (CYP) and cost per disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) averted. A micro-costing approach was used to estimate the costs of conducting the program, and downstream cost savings were generated by the Impact 2 tool. Results are presented first for the program as evaluated, and second, based on a hypothetical national scale-up scenario. One-way sensitivity analyses were conducted. Results: Compared to standard practice, the PPIUD program resulted in an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of US$14.60 per CYP and US$91.13 per DALY averted in Bangladesh, and US$54.57 per CYP and US$67.67 per DALY averted in Tanzania. When incorporating estimated direct health care costs saved, the results for Bangladesh were dominant (PPIUD is cheaper and more effective versus standard practice). For Tanzania, the PPIUD initiative was highly cost-effective, with the ICER (incorporating direct health care costs saved) estimated at US$15.20 per CYP and US$18.90 per DALY averted compared to standard practice. For the national scale-up model, the results were dominant in both countries. Conclusions/implications: The PPIUD initiative was highly cost-effective in Bangladesh and Tanzania, and national scale-up of PPIUD could produce long-term savings in direct health care costs in both countries. These analyses provide a compelling case for national governments and international donors to invest in PPIUD as part of their family planning strategies.

The target population was women in Tanzania and Bangladesh attending the facilities participating in the FIGO PPIUD initiative for delivery (6 facilities in each country). All the participating facilities were large tertiary teaching and referral hospitals. In both countries, counseling on postpartum contraception was offered when women were admitted for delivery, as well as during antenatal care at these facilities. In Tanzania, it was also offered during antenatal care at 26 satellite facilities linked to the participating hospitals. The most recent Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) found that in Bangladesh, 12% of married women of reproductive age have an unmet need for family planning and 52% use modern contraception.38 In Tanzania, 22% of married women have an unmet for family planning and just 32% use a modern contraceptive method.39 In both countries, less than 1% of women choose to use an IUD (Table 1).38–42 Most women in both countries receive at least one antenatal care visit, and almost half of women in Bangladesh and two-thirds of women in Tanzania deliver at a health facility. Country Demographic and Health Dataa The economic evaluation focused on the second phase of the FIGO PPIUD initiative, which ran from January 2015 to June 2018. Full details of the FIGO PPIUD initiative were published previously.33 In short, the PPIUD initiative included training on and the provision of PPFP counseling (on all postpartum methods), PPIUD insertion (if eligible and voluntarily chosen), and follow-up at 6 weeks. Each country established a central project team at national professional societies to develop and roll out the PPIUD initiative at 6 large tertiary teaching and referral hospitals. In both countries the national teams consisted of 6 project staff, although not all were employed full-time by the PPIUD project. One facility coordinator and one deputy facility coordinator, both clinicians, oversaw the project at each participating facility in each country. Based on shared lessons learned among the 6 countries involved in the PPIUD initiative, an initial “training of trainer” session was held, after which all training of trainer and cascade trainings were conducted by national staff on the PPIUD project team. Existing clinical staff at the participating facilities were trained on PPFP counseling and immediate PPIUD insertion. In Bangladesh, 1,160 providers (predominantly doctors) were trained in PPIUD insertion and training lasted 1 day (note this number includes some providers who were trained more than once). Due to the high flow of clients in the Bangladesh facilities, 28 dedicated postpartum contraceptive counselors were also recruited and received an initial 2.5-day training followed by a half-day refresher training the following year. In Tanzania, 1,113 providers received a 3-day PPIUD insertion training, and 1,515 received a 3-day PPFP counseling training. The health care providers trained in PPIUD insertion in Tanzania were a mix of doctors, nurses, and nurse-midwives, and the training content was adapted to suit all cadres and to align with national requirements. No community-level demand generation activities were included as part of the initiative in these 2 countries, although leaflets and informative videos were produced as an adjunct to counseling in the hospitals as part of the PPIUD initiative. Voluntary insertion of a Copper T 380A IUD was available to any woman who was medically eligible, voluntarily consented to receive an IUD, and attended a PPIUD initiative facility for delivery. For the initiative and this evaluation, a PPIUD was defined as an IUD inserted immediately following delivery, before the woman was discharged. This could be within 10 minutes of delivery of the placenta (post placental) or between 10 minutes and 48 hours following placental delivery (immediately postpartum). Ethical approval for the overall FIGO PPIUD initiative was obtained in both countries and from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine for overall analysis of the data. Standard practice PPFP in both countries was assumed to be no provision of immediate PPFP. The only immediate postpartum contraceptive method available at the facilities during the timeframe of the initiative was tubal ligation during cesarean delivery, which was not routinely available to all women (and very rare in Tanzania). Where PPFP counseling was provided, it typically occurred at the 6-week follow-up postnatal care visit (i.e., outside the defined period of immediate postpartum contraception). The governments of both countries have expressed official support for increasing access to postpartum contraception, for example, through the 2017 National Action Plan for Family Planning in Bangladesh43 and the 2015 Postpartum Family Planning Action Plan and 2019 National Family Planning Costed Implementation Plan in Tanzania.44,45 However, a shortage of trained providers, inconsistent availability of products, and poor infrastructure limit the extent to which these services can be accessed. Immediate PPFP, including provision of IUDs at or around the time of delivery, is not currently standard practice in government health facilities in either country. Immediate PPFP, including provision of IUDs at or around the time of delivery, is not currently standard practice in government health facilities in Bangladesh or Tanzania. Although no immediate PPFP (within 48 hours of delivery) is routinely available in either country, PPFP from 6 weeks onwards is offered and it is likely that some of the women who adopted a PPIUD would otherwise have taken up an alternate method during the extended postpartum period. Due to the lack of direct comparators and a lack of available data on uptake of other PPFP in the extended postpartum period, we did not include any alternate methods as the comparator in our main analysis. We have instead included a sensitivity analysis testing the impact of different proportions of women taking up alternate PPFP methods, based on the national uptake rate of PPFP. See the Supplement for full details. The economic evaluation involved a decision analysis that compared the new PPIUD initiative with standard practice. A decision analysis was used because it was able to reflect whether women voluntarily accept contraception provided in the immediate postpartum period. The economic evaluation was composed of the incremental costs of the PPIUD initiative (relative to standard practice) and uptake of the PPIUD. This included costs for recruitment; project staff; meetings; equipment; training; development of information, education, and communication materials; clinical supervision; and sharing of data and learning. Full details can be found in the Supplement. For each country we defined an initial setup period of 4 months; March to June 2015 in Bangladesh and December 2015 to March 2016 in Tanzania. The setup period included 3 months of initial project establishment and 1 month in which the first training of trainers was conducted. The setup period thus included fixed costs but no impact (no PPIUDs inserted). The implementation period, based on the actual timing of the PPIUD initiative, was July 2015 to June 2018 for Bangladesh (36 months) and April 2016 to June 2018 for Tanzania (27 months); the implementation period included ongoing costs of implementation as well as impact (number of PPIUDs inserted). The analyses were conducted from the government’s perspective. Cost-effectiveness was reported within the time frame of program operation and was also modeled using the existing Impact 2 tool (Figure 1).46,47 In brief, the Impact 2 tool uses national- and regional-level data on typical pregnancy rates and rates of maternal deaths, unsafe abortions, child deaths, and similar outcomes to estimate the impact on key health outcomes of contraceptive services delivered, based on the number of pregnancies and pregnancy-related deaths or illnesses that are averted because a woman is using contraception (Figure 1). The Impact 2 tool also estimates the direct cost savings to the health care system as a result of these health outcomes being averted, based on cost of antenatal care, delivery, postabortion care, and treatment of complications that are averted. The estimated impact of the services will occur over the lifetime of the contraceptive method provided. Overview of Impact 2 Tool Used to Assess Cost-Effectiveness of Postpartum Intrauterine Device Initiative Abbreviations: ANC, antenatal care; CPR, contraceptive prevalence rate; DALYs, disability-adjusted life years; FP, family planning; LAPM, long-acting permanent method; PAC, postabortion care; PPIUD, postpartum intrauterine device. Source: Weinberger et al.47 The economic analyses were conducted from the government’s perspective. To maximize the usefulness of the evaluation for national governments, we repeated the economic evaluation based on a hypothetical national scale-up. In Bangladesh, we modeled the cost of scaling up the PPIUD initiative to all 36 Government Medical College Hospitals nationally.48 In Tanzania, we modeled the cost of scaling up the PPIUD initiative to all 28 Regional Referral Hospitals nationally,49 as well as to 140 satellite facilities (assuming an average of 5 per hospital). PPIUD insertion rates for the national scale-up model were based on the insertion rates during the PPIUD initiative. Full details of the adjustments and assumptions made for this analysis can be found in the Supplement. This manuscript has been prepared in accordance with the Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards (CHEERS).50 The measure of effectiveness of the PPIUD initiative was based on the number of immediate PPIUDs inserted, taken directly from the recorded data in the 2 countries, during implementation of the initiative. This measure is relevant for family planning and as an input to the existing Impact 2 tool, which quantifies the relationship between number of insertions, couple-years of protection (CYP), health outcomes, and future costs averted. The primary outcomes for this economic evaluation are cost per PPIUD inserted, cost per CYP,51 and cost per disability-adjusted life year (DALY) averted. Costs that were provided in local currencies were first adjusted to 2018 local currency costs based on available national inflation data.52,53 The resulting 2018 local currency costs were then converted to US$ using the average exchange rate for the year. Costs that were provided in US$ were adjusted to 2018 US$ using the annual average US inflation rates.54 No discount rate was applied to the costs of conducting the PPIUD program or its associated uptake due to the short timeframe of the initiative. A bottom-up, micro-costing approach was used with inputs as described in the Supplement. Data on costs and PPIUD insertions were primarily sourced from existing project narrative and financial reports, with additional cost data collected as needed from the national project teams. The economic evaluation included the following costs: A 10% overhead rate was applied, as per the overhead rate used by the government in each country. See the Supplement for further information on costs included. We included costs for all postpartum contraception counseling sessions delivered at the participating facilities during the initiative, regardless of whether the counseled woman adopted a PPIUD, because more women will need to receive counseling than eventually receive a PPIUD. We included costs for people to attend 1 follow-up visit at a health facility, using an attendance rate of 25%, based on follow-up rates achieved during the initiative. The Government of Bangladesh pays reimbursements for uptake of LARCs; part of the reimbursement is paid to the woman and part to the provider. For IUDs (including PPIUD), up to US$6.24 is available as reimbursement (email communication, July 13, 2020). However, due to administrative challenges, payment of these reimbursements was not consistent during the evaluation timeframe. No reimbursements are paid to women or providers for attendance at follow-up visits in either country. Costs associated with the initiative being an international, donor-funded project and the costs of the research component of the initiative were excluded from the analysis since these are not reflective of the true cost of government-led introduction of PPIUD. Costs to the women or to society were not included, other than where fees charged to women offset the cost to the government. Consistent with sector standards, costs to treat complications are not included in the analysis.55 Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) were generated for the PPIUD initiative as it was conducted in the 6 facilities in each country compared with standard practice using the formula below. The PPIUD initiative was considered as standard postpartum practice plus PPFP counseling and PPIUD service delivery, meaning that the cost of standard practice can be estimated as 0 for both the initiative and for standard practice alone. ICERs are reported both with and without the estimated direct health care savings from the Impact 2 tool factored in; when these estimated savings from the Impact 2 tool are factored in, we refer to “ICER with cost offset.” The incremental costs and incremental benefits (outcomes) of the PPIUD initiative can be interpreted through a cost-effectiveness plane representing the 4 potential outcomes of the analyses (Figure 2).56 Cost-Effectiveness Plane Representing 4 Potential Outcomes of Cost-Effectiveness Analyses of Postpartum Intrauterine Device Initiative Abbreviation: ICER, incremental cost-effectiveness ratio. Source: Cost-effectiveness plane figure adapted from Cohen et al.56 One-way sensitivity analyses were conducted to test the robustness of estimates included in the economic evaluations and describe the impact of uncertainty on parameter values (costs of direct service delivery and training costs, and varying the proportion of government reimbursements paid in Bangladesh).

The innovation described in the title and description is the provision of postpartum intrauterine device (PPIUD) services in Bangladesh and Tanzania. This initiative aims to improve access to maternal health by offering immediate postpartum family planning counseling and PPIUD insertion to women after delivery. The economic evaluation conducted in this study assessed the cost-effectiveness of the PPIUD initiative compared to standard practice in both countries. The results showed that the PPIUD program was highly cost-effective in both Bangladesh and Tanzania, with potential long-term savings in direct healthcare costs. The analysis provides a compelling case for national governments and international donors to invest in PPIUD as part of their family planning strategies.
AI Innovations Description
The recommendation to improve access to maternal health is to implement the provision of postpartum intrauterine device (PPIUD) services. This recommendation is based on an economic evaluation conducted in Bangladesh and Tanzania, comparing the cost-effectiveness of the PPIUD initiative with standard practice.

The evaluation found that the PPIUD initiative was highly cost-effective in both countries. In Bangladesh, the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) was US$14.60 per couple-years of protection (CYP) and US$91.13 per disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) averted. In Tanzania, the ICER was US$54.57 per CYP and US$67.67 per DALY averted. When incorporating estimated direct health care costs saved, the PPIUD initiative was dominant in Bangladesh (cheaper and more effective than standard practice) and highly cost-effective in Tanzania.

The PPIUD initiative involves training on and provision of postpartum family planning counseling, PPIUD insertion, and follow-up at 6 weeks. The initiative was implemented in large tertiary teaching and referral hospitals in both countries. The target population was women attending these facilities for delivery.

The economic evaluation was conducted from the government’s perspective and included costs such as recruitment, project staff, meetings, equipment, training, and development of information materials. The measure of effectiveness was the number of PPIUD insertions, which were used to estimate CYP and DALYs averted using the Impact 2 tool.

To maximize the usefulness of the evaluation, a hypothetical national scale-up was also modeled. In Bangladesh, the cost of scaling up the PPIUD initiative to all 36 Government Medical College Hospitals was estimated. In Tanzania, the cost of scaling up the initiative to all 28 Regional Referral Hospitals and 140 satellite facilities was estimated.

The recommendation to implement the provision of PPIUD services is supported by the cost-effectiveness analysis, which demonstrates the potential for long-term savings in direct health care costs. This recommendation can inform resource allocation decisions for governments and donors, and contribute to improving access to maternal health.
AI Innovations Methodology
The study you provided focuses on the economic evaluation of providing postpartum intrauterine device (PPIUD) services in Bangladesh and Tanzania to improve access to maternal health. The goal of the study was to assess the cost-effectiveness of the PPIUD initiative compared to standard practice in order to inform resource allocation decisions for governments and donors.

The methodology used in the study involved a decision analysis to compare the PPIUD program with standard practice. The analysis was based on the number of PPIUD insertions, which were then modeled using the Impact 2 tool to estimate the cost per couple-years of protection (CYP) and cost per disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) averted. A micro-costing approach was used to estimate the costs of conducting the program, and downstream cost savings were generated by the Impact 2 tool.

The study considered the target population of women in Tanzania and Bangladesh attending the facilities participating in the FIGO PPIUD initiative for delivery. The participating facilities were large tertiary teaching and referral hospitals. The study also took into account the demographic and health data of both countries, including the percentage of women with an unmet need for family planning and the use of modern contraception.

The economic evaluation focused on the second phase of the FIGO PPIUD initiative, which ran from January 2015 to June 2018. The costs included in the evaluation were recruitment, project staff, meetings, equipment, training, development of information materials, clinical supervision, and data sharing. The costs were adjusted to 2018 local currency costs and then converted to US dollars.

The effectiveness of the PPIUD initiative was measured based on the number of immediate PPIUD insertions during the implementation of the initiative. The primary outcomes of the economic evaluation were the cost per PPIUD inserted, cost per CYP, and cost per DALY averted.

The study also conducted a hypothetical national scale-up analysis to assess the cost of scaling up the PPIUD initiative to all government medical college hospitals in Bangladesh and all regional referral hospitals and satellite facilities in Tanzania.

One-way sensitivity analyses were conducted to test the robustness of the estimates and assess the impact of uncertainty on parameter values.

Overall, the study found that the PPIUD initiative was highly cost-effective in both Bangladesh and Tanzania, and national scale-up of the initiative could result in long-term savings in direct healthcare costs. These findings provide a compelling case for national governments and international donors to invest in PPIUD as part of their family planning strategies.

Please note that the information provided is a summary of the study’s methodology and findings. For more detailed information, please refer to the original study.

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