Assessing Very Early Infant Diagnosis Turnaround Times: Findings from a Birth Testing Pilot in Lesotho

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Study Justification:
– Very early infant diagnosis (VEID) combined with rapid treatment initiation can reduce early infant mortality.
– Evaluating turnaround time (TAT) for HIV test results and ART initiation in HIV-exposed infants is crucial to identify delays in the process.
– The study aims to assess the effectiveness of adding VEID to existing overburdened early infant diagnosis (EID) systems.
Study Highlights:
– Data from facility records and national databases were collected for 12 facilities offering VEID and 10 noncohort facilities.
– Median TAT from blood draw to caregiver result receipt was 76.5 days at birth and 63 and 70 days at six weeks at cohort and noncohort facilities, respectively.
– Infants tested at birth received results approximately one month earlier than those tested at six weeks.
– Infants diagnosed at birth initiated ART about two months earlier than those identified at six weeks.
– Prolonged TAT for testing at both birth and six weeks highlights the need to improve specimen transport and result return processes.
– Improve specimen transport and result return processes to reduce TAT.
– Strengthen coordination between district laboratories, national reference laboratories, and health centers/hospitals.
– Enhance training and capacity-building for healthcare staff involved in VEID.
– Increase resources and support for VEID implementation in overburdened EID systems.
Key Role Players:
– District laboratories
– National reference laboratory
– Health centers
– Hospitals
– Cohort study nurses
– HIV counselors
– Maternal-child health (MCH) clinic staff
– Community health workers
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Training and capacity-building programs for healthcare staff
– Transportation costs for specimen transport (e.g., motorbike)
– Equipment and supplies for VEID implementation
– Information system upgrades for improved result delivery
– Additional staffing and resources for enhanced coordination and support

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is moderately strong, but there are some areas for improvement. The study design is observational and prospective, which adds credibility to the findings. The data collection methods are clearly described, including the sources of data and the procedures used. The sample size is not explicitly stated, which could be improved. Additionally, the abstract does not mention any statistical analyses conducted to support the findings. Including information on the statistical tests used and the significance of the results would strengthen the evidence. Overall, the evidence could be improved by providing more details on the sample size and statistical analyses conducted.

Very early infant diagnosis (VEID) (testing within two weeks of life), combined with rapid treatment initiation, could reduce early infant mortality. Our study evaluated turnaround time (TAT) to receipt of infants’ HIV test results and ART initiation if HIV-infected, with and without birth testing availability. Data from facility records and national databases were collected for 12 facilities offering VEID, as part of an observational prospective cohort study, and 10 noncohort facilities. HIV-exposed infants born in January-June 2016 and any cohort infant diagnosed as HIV-infected at birth or six weeks were included. The median TAT from blood draw to caregiver result receipt was 76.5 days at birth and 63 and 70 days at six weeks at cohort and noncohort facilities, respectively. HIV-exposed infants tested at birth were approximately one month younger when their caregivers received results versus those tested at six weeks. Infants diagnosed at birth initiated ART about two months earlier (median 6.4 weeks old) than those identified at six weeks (median 14.8 weeks). However, the long TAT for testing at both birth and six weeks illustrates the prolonged process for specimen transport and result return that could compromise the effectiveness of adding VEID to existing overburdened EID systems.

Birth DNA-PCR testing was added prospectively to the standard EID testing algorithm at ages 6 and 14 weeks at 13 facilities in three districts of Lesotho. These facilities were participating in an observational prospective cohort study evaluating the effectiveness of PMTCT service delivery. DBS collection was conducted at birth and 6 and 14 weeks using similar procedures. Infant blood collection took place at delivery wards and maternal-child health (MCH) clinics at health centers and hospitals. If the district lab and MCH clinic were located on the same hospital campus, nurses would hand-deliver specimens to the district lab; for most health centers, specimens were transported to district laboratories via motorbike. Because district laboratories do not perform DNA-PCR testing, district laboratories registered specimens and compiled them with others, before transporting the samples to the national reference laboratory (NRL). Specimens were tested at NRL as they were received, without prioritizing samples based on date of blood draw. Printouts of test results generated by the laboratory information system were then returned to district laboratories and then transported back typically by motorbike to health centers. Cohort study nurses or HIV counselors delivered results to caregivers. Results were often delivered at the next postnatal visit for infants with HIV-negative test results. For infants with HIV-positive test results, MCH staff and community health workers contacted women by phone or home visit to invite them back to the clinic to receive the results. The study to evaluate test turnaround time took place in 12 out of 13 cohort facilities (excluding one which was no longer operational at the time of this study) and 10 noncohort facilities in three out of 10 districts of Lesotho. The three districts represented the geographical regions of the country: highlands (Thaba-Tseka), foothills (Butha-Buthe), and lowlands (Mohale’s Hoek). All five hospitals in the three districts and seven medium- and high-volume lower level health centers that participated in the cohort were included in this study. All of the remaining 10 medium-volume health centers that conducted only standard-of-care six-week testing in the same districts were also included in the study (the noncohort facilities). We included noncohort facilities to determine if there was shorter TAT at cohort facilities due to the additional support from cohort study nurses who may have conducted more follow-up on results than what might typically be done. All HIV-exposed infants in the 12 cohort facilities with documentation of a birth or six-week test and in the 10 noncohort facilities with documentation of a six-week test born between January and June 2016 were included in the analysis. A birth test was defined as testing before two weeks of life and a six-week test was defined as testing between four and nine weeks of age. Data were collected from July to September 2016 using paper-based forms. Trained study staff abstracted data from study and facility records related to infants’ birth and six-week DNA-PCR tests including dates of blood draw, dates results were returned to the facility, dates results were returned to the caregiver, HIV test results, and dates of ART initiation (HIV-infected infants only). Additional data were extracted from national EID and laboratory databases, including dates the specimen was received and tested at the NRL. Infants’ records were included even if their information was missing from the national database. Because information contained in the EID database was limited, any infants in the database who could not be located in facility records and verified with clinic staff were excluded. Because so few HIV-infected infants were captured during the January–June 2016 timeframe, we also collected the same data for all live-born infants enrolled in the cohort who were diagnosed as infected at birth (N = 5) or six weeks (N = 2) from the start of the cohort in July 2014 to contribute additional data to the time to ART initiation outcome. All completed data were reviewed by the study coordinator before entry into an MS Access database. Total TAT from blood draw to caregiver result receipt or ART initiation for HIV-exposed and infected infants, respectively, was calculated. Infant age at the time the caregiver received the results or at the time of ART initiation and the length of time (in days) it took to complete interim steps along the V/EID pathway were also determined. Interim steps were as follows: (1) from blood draw to specimen receipt at NRL; (2) from receipt of specimen at NRL to testing at NRL; (3) from testing at NRL to result receipt at facility; (4) from result receipt at health facility to receipt by caregiver; and (5) from result receipt by caregiver to treatment initiation. Infants’ data were included if dates were available to calculate at least one step; the number of infants contributing to each step varied as some dates were not available to calculate all steps for each infant. Using SAS/STAT software, descriptive statistics were calculated for all variables of interest using frequencies and percentages for categorical variables and medians (interquartile ranges) and minimum and maximum ranges for continuous variables. Wilcoxon rank sum tests were used to examine differences in TAT from blood draw to caregiver result receipt between cohort and noncohort facilities and TAT from blood draw to caregiver result receipt between infants tested at birth and infants tested at six weeks at study facilities. Differences in the number of days for the interim steps (1–4 above) between three groups (birth test/cohort facility, six-week test/cohort facility, and six-week test/noncohort facility) were examined with Kruskal-Wallis tests. Ethical approvals were received from the institutional review boards of the Lesotho Ministry of Health and the George Washington University. We received a waiver of informed consent. All study staff involved in data collection were trained in human subjects’ research ethics and signed a research confidentiality agreement.


Based on the provided description, here are some potential innovations that could improve access to maternal health:

1. Implementing Point-of-Care Testing: Introducing point-of-care testing for very early infant diagnosis (VEID) could significantly reduce turnaround times for receiving HIV test results. This would involve equipping health facilities with portable testing devices that can provide rapid results, eliminating the need for specimen transportation to centralized laboratories.

2. Strengthening Specimen Transport Systems: Improving the efficiency and reliability of specimen transport systems is crucial for reducing turnaround times. Innovations such as using drones or other unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to transport specimens from health facilities to laboratories could help overcome geographical barriers and expedite the testing process.

3. Mobile Technology for Result Delivery: Utilizing mobile technology, such as SMS or mobile apps, to deliver test results to caregivers could significantly reduce the time it takes for caregivers to receive the results. This would involve securely transmitting test results to caregivers’ mobile devices, ensuring timely access to critical information.

4. Integrated Health Information Systems: Developing integrated health information systems that connect different levels of healthcare facilities and laboratories can streamline the process of result reporting and follow-up. This would enable real-time data sharing, reducing delays in result delivery and improving coordination between healthcare providers.

5. Task Shifting and Training: Training and empowering healthcare workers at various levels to perform VEID testing and result delivery could help alleviate the burden on centralized laboratories and improve access to timely testing. Task shifting involves delegating specific responsibilities to lower-level healthcare workers who have received appropriate training.

6. Community-Based Testing and Counseling: Bringing VEID testing and counseling services closer to communities through mobile clinics or community health workers could increase access to maternal health services. This approach would involve conducting testing and counseling sessions in community settings, reducing the need for caregivers to travel long distances to health facilities.

7. Public-Private Partnerships: Collaborating with private sector entities, such as telecommunications companies or logistics providers, could leverage their resources and expertise to improve access to maternal health services. This could involve utilizing existing infrastructure or services to support specimen transport, result delivery, or data management.

It’s important to note that these recommendations are based on the information provided and may need to be tailored to the specific context and resources available in Lesotho.
AI Innovations Description
Based on the description provided, the following recommendation can be developed into an innovation to improve access to maternal health:

Implement a streamlined and efficient system for specimen transport and result return: The study identified that the prolonged process for specimen transport and result return contributed to the long turnaround time (TAT) for testing. To address this, an innovation could be developed to improve the transportation of specimens from health centers to district laboratories and from district laboratories to the national reference laboratory (NRL). This could involve exploring alternative transportation methods such as using drones or establishing dedicated transportation routes to ensure timely delivery of specimens. Additionally, implementing a digital system for result delivery could reduce the time it takes for results to reach caregivers. This could involve sending results directly to caregivers’ mobile phones or using electronic medical record systems to provide instant access to results for healthcare providers.

Enhance communication and follow-up mechanisms: The study found that there were delays in delivering results to caregivers, particularly for infants with HIV-positive test results. To address this, an innovation could be developed to improve communication and follow-up mechanisms. This could involve implementing a system to automatically notify caregivers of their infants’ test results through SMS or phone calls. Additionally, establishing a dedicated team of healthcare workers or community health workers to provide personalized follow-up and support to caregivers of HIV-positive infants could help ensure timely initiation of antiretroviral treatment (ART).

Integrate very early infant diagnosis (VEID) into existing maternal and child health services: The study highlighted the importance of VEID in reducing early infant mortality. To improve access to VEID, an innovation could be developed to integrate VEID into existing maternal and child health services. This could involve training healthcare providers on VEID and incorporating VEID testing into routine antenatal and postnatal care visits. By integrating VEID into existing services, more pregnant women and infants could be reached and tested, leading to earlier diagnosis and treatment initiation.

These recommendations, if implemented as innovations, have the potential to improve access to maternal health by reducing turnaround time for test results, enhancing communication and follow-up mechanisms, and integrating VEID into existing services.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the provided description, here are some potential recommendations to improve access to maternal health:

1. Strengthen specimen transport and result return: Implement a more efficient and reliable system for transporting specimens from health centers to district laboratories and from district laboratories to the national reference laboratory. This could involve improving transportation infrastructure, such as using dedicated vehicles or establishing partnerships with courier services.

2. Enhance laboratory capacity: Invest in expanding the testing capacity of district laboratories to perform DNA-PCR testing for Very Early Infant Diagnosis (VEID). This would eliminate the need to transport specimens to the national reference laboratory, reducing turnaround time.

3. Implement electronic result delivery: Introduce a digital system for delivering test results to caregivers, such as SMS notifications or secure online portals. This would eliminate the need for physical transportation of result printouts and enable faster and more convenient access to results.

4. Strengthen communication and follow-up: Improve communication between healthcare providers and caregivers by implementing a system for proactive follow-up on test results. This could involve training healthcare workers to provide timely and accurate information to caregivers and ensuring that caregivers are contacted promptly in case of positive test results.

Methodology to simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health:

1. Define key performance indicators: Identify specific metrics to measure the impact of the recommendations, such as turnaround time from blood draw to caregiver result receipt, proportion of infants initiating ART within a specific timeframe, and caregiver satisfaction with the testing process.

2. Collect baseline data: Gather data on the current performance of the system, including turnaround times, transportation methods, and communication processes. This will serve as a baseline for comparison.

3. Develop a simulation model: Create a simulation model that incorporates the various components of the testing process, including specimen transport, laboratory testing, result delivery, and caregiver follow-up. The model should consider factors such as distance, transportation infrastructure, laboratory capacity, and healthcare worker capacity.

4. Input data and parameters: Input the baseline data into the simulation model, along with parameters related to the recommendations, such as improved transportation times, increased laboratory capacity, and enhanced communication processes.

5. Run simulations: Run multiple simulations using different scenarios, varying the parameters related to the recommendations. This will allow for the evaluation of different combinations of interventions and their potential impact on access to maternal health.

6. Analyze results: Analyze the results of the simulations to determine the potential impact of the recommendations on key performance indicators. Compare the outcomes of different scenarios to identify the most effective interventions.

7. Refine and validate the model: Refine the simulation model based on the analysis of the results and validate it using real-world data. This will ensure that the model accurately represents the system and can be used to make informed decisions.

8. Implement and monitor: Based on the findings from the simulation, implement the recommended interventions and closely monitor their impact on access to maternal health. Continuously evaluate and adjust the interventions as needed to optimize their effectiveness.

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