Viability of diagnostic decision support for antenatal care in rural settings: Findings from the Bliss4Midwives Intervention in Northern Ghana

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Study Justification:
The study aimed to assess the viability of using the Bliss4Midwives (B4M) diagnostic decision support device for decentralized screening of pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, and anemia during antenatal care (ANC) in rural settings. This is important because in low-resource settings, access to comprehensive antenatal screening is limited, and diagnostic referrals incur additional costs for pregnant women.
– The B4M device was piloted in seven health facilities in Northern Ghana over a ten-month period.
– Health workers conducted 1323 antenatal screenings on 940 women, providing decision support for 835 beneficiaries.
– Diagnostic referral was eliminated for 708 beneficiaries, including 335 from facilities without on-site diagnostic alternatives.
– The device helped decentralize ANC screening and decrease unnecessary referrals.
– Implementation strategy, technical features, and user behavior influenced project outcomes.
– Expand the use of the B4M device to more health facilities in rural settings to improve access to antenatal screening.
– Provide training and support to health workers on the proper use of the device and interpretation of diagnostic results.
– Conduct further research to assess the long-term impact and cost-effectiveness of implementing the B4M device in antenatal care.
Key Role Players:
– Health workers: They will be responsible for using the B4M device and conducting antenatal screenings.
– Technical support personnel: They will provide assistance and troubleshooting for the device.
– Program officers: They will oversee the implementation and coordination of the B4M device in health facilities.
– Researchers: They will conduct further studies to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of the device.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Training: Budget for training health workers, technical support personnel, and program officers on the use of the B4M device.
– Device procurement: Allocate funds for purchasing additional B4M devices to be distributed to health facilities.
– Maintenance and support: Include costs for device maintenance, repairs, and technical support.
– Monitoring and evaluation: Set aside a budget for monitoring and evaluating the implementation and impact of the B4M device.
– Research: Allocate funds for conducting further research to assess the long-term cost-effectiveness of the device.
Please note that the provided cost items are general suggestions and may vary depending on the specific context and requirements of the implementation.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is moderately strong. The study conducted a pilot of the Bliss4Midwives (B4M) device in seven health facilities in Northern Ghana, assessing its viability for decentralized screening of pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, and anemia during antenatal care. The study analyzed B4M usage behavior, diagnostic and referral outcomes, and observed wide variations between high and low adopting facilities. The study provides quantitative data on the number of screenings conducted, beneficiaries, and referral rates. However, the abstract does not mention any statistical analysis or significance testing. To improve the evidence, the study could include statistical analysis to determine the significance of the findings and provide more details on the implementation strategy, technical features, and behavioral dispositions of users and beneficiaries.

Background Antenatal screening is useful for early identification and management of high-risk pregnancies. In low-resource settings, provision of the full complement of tests is limited and diagnostic referrals incure additional costs for pregnant women. We assessed the viability of Bliss4Midwives (B4M) – a point-of-care diagnostic decision support device for decentralized screening of pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes and anaemia during antenatal care (ANC). Methods The device was piloted in seven health facilities across two districts in Northern Ghana over a ten-month period. Health workers were expected to screen women at each ANC visit till delivery. All screening records from the device were automatically archived digitally and later downloaded. After removing duplicates or invalid entries, descriptive quantitative analysis was carried out with IBM SPSS Statistics (version 23). B4M usage behavior, diagnostic and referral outcome were analyzed. Results Health workers conducted 1323 partial or full antenatal screening on 940 women, resulting in decision support for 835 (88.8%) B4M beneficiaries. Diagnostic referral was eliminated for 708 (84.7%) beneficiaries, with 335 (40.1%) of these from facilities without on-site diagnostic alternatives. Of visits with complete data, 92/559 (16.4%) women were screened in their first trimester, 28/940 (2.9%) had 4+ B4M visits and 107/835 (12.8%) women were recommended for urgent referral to a higher-level facility on the first visit. Follow-up screenings flagged an additional 17 women for urgent referral with 10 cases of repeated alerts in five women. Wide variations between high (9 months use) and low adopting (1.5 months use) facilities were observed, with some similarities in usage trend. Conclusions B4M helped decentralize ANC screening and decrease unnecessary referrals. Project outcomes were influenced by implementation strategy, technical features and behavioural dispositions of users and beneficiaries.

Seven prototype B4M devices were assembled (Figure 1). Each device is composed of three diagnostic and two supportive components. B4M device. 1 – Portable water and heat resistant dustproof case; 2 – Automated blood pressure cuff; 3 – Urinary glucose and protein Chemistrips; 4 – Urisys 1100® Urine Analyzer; 5 – Pronto-7® Rainbow Pulse CO-Oximetry device; 6 – Android tablet with decision support algorithms; 7 – Traffic-signaling alert system; 8 – Unique QR code for easy tracking and recall of patient records; 9 – AC adapter for charging the device. Diagnostic components meet requirements of the Food and Drug Administration or European Standard of Electronic Engineering and conform to standards for developing medical prototypes- ISO 13485 [16]. Diagnostic data were automatically or manually (only hemoglobin) uploaded to the tablet. In addition to updating clinical history and hemoglobin (Hb) results manually, B4M users were expected to input delivery date and outcome as well as summarized notes on their observations or actions. Devices could be locked and transported between locations. Except for the haemoglobinometer that used disposable batteries, a rechargeable lithium battery powered all prototype components. When fully charged, components could operate without electricity for up to seven hours. Consumables (Chemstrip®, disposable batteries, finger sensors) were replenished by the project on request. Other technical details of the device are beyond the scope of this paper. The device was implemented in the Upper East Region (UER) and Northern Region (NR) of Ghana. All intervention sites are predominantly rural and about half of the population is illiterate [17-19]. Five health facilities per region were enrolled, but technical and implementation challenges such as defective devices and transfer of trained staff reduced the total number to seven- four health facilities (facilities A-D) from UER and three facilities (facilities E-G) from NR. Because it was a pilot, B4M was used in addition to the pre-existing paper-based ANC routine and health workers were expected to screen all women who came for ANC at each visit till delivery. Three devices were situated in each region and one device reserved for backup. Facility selection was largely guided by high ANC-load per facility, remote distance from referral hospital and possibility that more women would benefit from the device. Devices were assigned to facilities on a fixed or rotational basis. Higher caseload facilities such as hospitals had a fixed device. Where a facility was too remote for convenient rotation (eg, facility G), it had a fixed device. Each B4M visit ideally involved a systematic step-wise process starting with enrolment of first time beneficiaries using their data and history, followed by presenting complaints, diagnostic screening and referral decision. Client counselling concluded each visit. Based on pre-intervention estimates, 100 pregnant women per health facility were expected to be screened in a year, with 40 women completing at least four ANC visits between early pregnancy and delivery [16]. Twenty-five midwives and community health workers received two-days training on B4M. This included refresher training on managing pregnancy complications and principles of quality ANC. Three field personnel with technical backgrounds, and two program officers (one in each region) were also trained to provide technical support. The Android tablet was programmed to automatically archive all screening records and usage information in a downloadable repository. Such information included: kit number, B4M visit date, B4M visit number and QR code, mother’s name, parity, expected date of delivery, gestational age, delivery date and outcome of delivery, patient history, presenting complaints, diagnostic decisions, action (ie, counseling, testing and treatment) and referral recommendations. The study sample was limited to all women who were screened with the device; therefore excluding those who attended ANC visits during the project period without being screened with B4M. A member of the project team downloaded the repository from each device. Records were de-identified, cleaned and sorted for duplicates or invalid entries (eg, records from training or trial sessions) using Excel. Descriptive quantitative analysis of records archived over a 10-month period (15th June 2016 to 18th April 2017) was carried out using IBM SPSS Statistics (version 23) (IBM Inc, Armonk, NY, USA). Navrongo Health Research Centre Institutional Review Board (Approval ID: NHRCIRB18) and EMGO+ Scientific Committee of the Amsterdam Public Health Institute (Reference Number: WC2017-026), granted study approval. Most information collected in the B4M repository represented data that should also be recorded in the paper-based maternal health record books at each facility. This includes the name, address, parity, age and gestational age of women. Because record books are not necessarily stored securely, they pose a higher privacy risk as anyone could easily access information on ANC attendees. To ensure data protection and privacy, the personal data of women were linked through the anonymised QR code, each with a unique alphanumeric project label (see Figure 1, item 8). Furthermore, each B4M user was assigned a username and password and only personnel with access could assign or scan QR codes, view personal and clinical data and conduct the tests with the device. Prior to assigning QR codes to ANC attendees at their first B4M screening, health workers were trained to enrol pregnant women into the study using a structured information sheet that explained the study procedure, benefits, risks and confidentiality. Women confirmed consent with a signature or thumbprint. The device was introduced as an additional station in the existing ANC workflow and could be locked and securely stored when not in use.


Based on the provided information, here are some potential innovations that can be used to improve access to maternal health:

1. Point-of-care diagnostic decision support device: The Bliss4Midwives (B4M) device mentioned in the description is an example of a point-of-care diagnostic decision support device. This device allows health workers in rural settings to conduct antenatal screening for pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, and anemia. It provides decision support based on the screening results, eliminating the need for diagnostic referrals in many cases.

2. Portable and durable device components: The B4M device is designed with portable and durable components, such as a water and heat resistant case, automated blood pressure cuff, urine analyzer, and pulse CO-Oximetry device. These components are designed to withstand the challenging conditions of rural settings and ensure reliable performance.

3. Digital archiving of screening records: The B4M device automatically archives all screening records digitally. This allows for easy access and retrieval of patient records, eliminating the need for paper-based record keeping. It also ensures that the records are securely stored and protected.

4. Traffic-signaling alert system: The B4M device includes a traffic-signaling alert system, which helps health workers identify and prioritize urgent referral cases. This system ensures that women with high-risk pregnancies receive timely and appropriate care.

5. Unique QR codes for patient tracking: Each patient is assigned a unique QR code, which allows for easy tracking and recall of patient records. This helps health workers efficiently manage and monitor the care of pregnant women throughout their antenatal period.

6. Rechargeable battery-powered components: The B4M device is powered by a rechargeable lithium battery, allowing it to operate without electricity for up to seven hours. This is particularly beneficial in rural settings where access to reliable electricity may be limited.

7. Training and technical support: Health workers and project personnel received training on the use of the B4M device and were provided with technical support. This ensures that they are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively use the device and address any technical challenges that may arise.

These innovations contribute to improving access to maternal health by decentralizing antenatal screening, reducing unnecessary referrals, and providing timely and accurate diagnostic support in low-resource settings.
AI Innovations Description
The recommendation to improve access to maternal health is the use of the Bliss4Midwives (B4M) intervention in rural settings. The B4M is a point-of-care diagnostic decision support device that allows for decentralized screening of pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, and anemia during antenatal care (ANC).

The B4M device consists of several components, including a portable water and heat resistant dustproof case, an automated blood pressure cuff, urinary glucose and protein Chemistrips, a Urine Analyzer, a Rainbow Pulse CO-Oximetry device, an Android tablet with decision support algorithms, a traffic-signaling alert system, a unique QR code for easy tracking and recall of patient records, and an AC adapter for charging the device.

During the pilot implementation of the B4M device in Northern Ghana, health workers conducted 1323 partial or full antenatal screenings on 940 women. The device provided decision support for 835 beneficiaries, eliminating the need for diagnostic referrals for 708 beneficiaries. This was particularly beneficial for facilities without on-site diagnostic alternatives.

The B4M device helped decentralize ANC screening and decrease unnecessary referrals. The success of the project was influenced by the implementation strategy, technical features of the device, and the behavior of users and beneficiaries.

Overall, the recommendation is to further develop and implement the B4M intervention in rural settings to improve access to maternal health by providing decentralized screening and reducing the need for diagnostic referrals.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the provided description, one potential innovation to improve access to maternal health is the use of telemedicine. Telemedicine involves the use of technology to provide remote healthcare services, allowing pregnant women in rural areas to access specialized care without the need for travel.

To simulate the impact of this recommendation on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could be developed as follows:

1. Define the target population: Identify the specific rural areas or regions where access to maternal health services is limited.

2. Collect baseline data: Gather information on the current state of maternal health in the target population, including statistics on maternal mortality rates, availability of healthcare facilities, and access to antenatal care.

3. Design the telemedicine intervention: Determine the specific telemedicine technologies and services that will be implemented, such as remote consultations, remote monitoring of vital signs, and access to educational resources.

4. Implement the telemedicine intervention: Roll out the telemedicine services in the target population, ensuring that healthcare providers and pregnant women are trained on how to use the technology effectively.

5. Monitor and collect data: Track the usage of telemedicine services, including the number of remote consultations conducted, the types of services provided, and the outcomes of these consultations. Also, collect data on the number of pregnant women who are able to access antenatal care through telemedicine.

6. Analyze the data: Use statistical analysis to evaluate the impact of the telemedicine intervention on improving access to maternal health. Compare the baseline data with the data collected after the implementation of telemedicine to identify any significant changes or improvements.

7. Assess the outcomes: Evaluate the outcomes of the telemedicine intervention, such as changes in maternal mortality rates, increased access to antenatal care, and improved health outcomes for pregnant women in the target population.

8. Adjust and refine the intervention: Based on the findings from the analysis, make any necessary adjustments or refinements to the telemedicine intervention to further improve access to maternal health.

By following this methodology, it will be possible to simulate the impact of telemedicine on improving access to maternal health in rural areas and make informed decisions on its implementation.

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