Cord blood hepcidin: Cross-sectional correlates and associations with anemia, malaria, and mortality in a tanzanian birth cohort study

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Study Justification:
– The study aims to investigate the role of hepcidin, a key regulator of iron levels, in relation to anemia, malaria, and mortality in a Tanzanian birth cohort.
– Understanding the relationship between hepcidin levels and these health outcomes can provide valuable insights into early indicators of iron regulation and susceptibility to anemia and infection in children.
Study Highlights:
– Cord hepcidin levels were measured in a birth cohort of 710 children followed for up to 4 years in a region with high malaria transmission.
– Lower hepcidin levels were found in children born to anemic mothers, while higher levels were found in children exposed to placental malaria.
– Children with higher cord hepcidin levels had lower hemoglobin levels, increased risk of anemia and severe anemia, and decreased risk of malaria and all-cause mortality.
– Longitudinal measurements of hepcidin and iron stores are needed to establish causal relationships, but these results suggest that hepcidin may serve as a biomarker for susceptibility to anemia and infection in early life.
– Further research should be conducted to investigate the causal relationship between hepcidin levels and iron regulation, anemia, malaria, and mortality.
– Longitudinal studies should be conducted to track hepcidin and iron levels over time to strengthen causal inference.
– The utility of hepcidin as a biomarker for susceptibility to anemia and infection should be explored in other populations and settings.
Key Role Players:
– Researchers and scientists specializing in iron metabolism, anemia, malaria, and child health.
– Healthcare providers and clinicians involved in maternal and child health.
– Ethical review boards and regulatory authorities overseeing research and clinical practices.
– Policy makers and public health officials responsible for implementing interventions related to anemia, malaria, and child mortality.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Research funding for conducting longitudinal studies, laboratory measurements, and data analysis.
– Personnel costs for researchers, scientists, healthcare providers, and support staff.
– Equipment and supplies for sample collection, storage, and analysis.
– Ethical review and regulatory compliance costs.
– Communication and dissemination costs for sharing research findings with the scientific community and policy makers.

Hepcidin, the master regulator of bioavailable iron, is a key mediator of anemia and also plays a central role in host defense against infection. We hypothesized that measuring hepcidin levels in cord blood could provide an early indication of interindividual differences in iron regulation with quantifiable implications for anemia, malaria, and mortality-related risk. Hepcidin concentrations were measured in cord plasma from a birth cohort (N = 710), which was followed for up to 4 years in a region of perennial malaria transmission in Muheza, Tanzania (2002-2006). At the time of delivery, cord hepcidin levels were correlated with inflammatory mediators, iron markers, and maternal health conditions. Hepcidin levels were 30% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 12%, 44%) lower in children born to anemic mothers and 48% (95% CI: 11%, 97%) higher in placental malaria-exposed children. Relative to children in the lowest third, children in the highest third of cord hepcidin had on average 2.5 g/L (95% CI: 0.1, 4.8) lower hemoglobin levels over the duration of follow-up, increased risk of anemia and severe anemia (adjusted hazard ratio [HR] [95% CI]: 1.18 [1.03, 1.36] and 1.34 [1.08, 1.66], respectively), and decreased risk of malaria and all-cause mortality (adjusted HR [95% CI]: 0.78 [0.67, 0.91] and 0.34 [0.14, 0.84], respectively). Although longitudinal measurements of hepcidin and iron stores are required to strengthen causal inference, these results suggest that hepcidin may have utility as a biomarker indicating children’s susceptibility to anemia and infection in early life.

The U.S. National Institutes of Health International Clinical Studies Review Committee of the Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases approved the study procedures, and the institutional review boards of the Seattle Biomedical Research Institute and the National Institute for Medical Research in Tanzania provided ethical clearance. Participating mothers provided written informed consent for themselves and their newborn child. Mothers enrolled during labor were reconsented at the first follow-up visit. Prompt care was provided to sick children in accordance with Tanzanian Ministry of Health protocols. Blood smear results and hemoglobin concentrations were evaluated during the study visits, and health workers had full access to the results for clinical decision-making. All subsequent laboratory measurements were performed on deidentified samples. The Mother-Offspring Malaria Study, initiated in 2002 as a prospective birth cohort study of malaria, has been described in detail previously.22 A total of 1,045 pregnant women (1,075 offspring) between the ages of 18 and 45 years who presented for delivery at the Muheza Designated District Hospital in the Tanga region of Tanzania between September 9, 2002, and October 13, 2005, were invited to participate in the investigation; children were followed up until May 18, 2006. To be eligible for this study, children had to be 1) born to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)–negative mothers, 2) sickle cell disease free, 3) a singleton birth, and 4) followed for a minimum of 28 days (Figure 1 ). At the time of hepcidin measurement, plasma samples were no longer available for 20% of the originally recruited sample. However, no substantial differences in baseline variables were found between children with and without measured hepcidin; this suggests that, although the missing hepcidin measurements decreased statistical power, their absence was unlikely to bias results (Supplemental Table 1). Selection of the study sample. Trained project nurses and assistant medical officers administered questionnaires to mothers and collected clinical information using standardized forms. Maternal peripheral blood samples and placentas were collected at delivery, and placental blood was extracted from placental tissue by mechanically pressing full-thickness placental tissue. Cord blood samples were collected immediately after parturition from venous umbilical blood vessels using routine procedures for cord clamping and vessel cannulation. Blood samples were collected in ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid for anticoagulation and fractionated by centrifugation at 3,000 g for 3 minutes. Plasma samples were frozen at −70°C until the immunoassays were performed. Clinicians monitored children’s health statuses during sick visits and at routine visits occurring on a biweekly basis during the first 12 months of life and a monthly basis for any follow-up beyond the first year. Children’s hemoglobin was measured at sick visits and during routine visits at approximately 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, and 48 months of age. Parasitemia by P. falciparum was determined after counting 200 leukocytes on Giemsa-stained thick blood smear of a sample collected by heel or finger prick during child visits. In both the children under 4 years of age and pregnant women, all-cause anemia and severe anemia were defined as hemoglobin concentrations < 110 and < 70 g/L, respectively.23 Malaria was defined as the detection of P. falciparum parasitemia in peripheral blood. Severe malaria was identified clinically as a P. falciparum-positive blood smear with one or more of the following symptoms: severe anemia (i.e., hemoglobin concentration 50 breaths/minute in neonates and > 40 breaths/minute in older children with two of the following: nasal flaring, intercostal indrawing, subcostal recession, and grunting), > 1 convulsion episode in 24 hours, coma (i.e., Blantyre score < 3), prostration (i.e., inability to sit upright in a child normally able to do so or drink in a child too young to sit), hypoglycemia (i.e., blood glucose < 40 mg/dL), renal failure (i.e., urine output < 12 mL/kg/day), hemoglobinuria, jaundice, and shock (i.e., cold extremities, rapid heart rate, and/or systolic blood pressure 15%) between duplicates, they were rerun, and the new value was substituted. Soluble inflammatory and iron markers in cord, maternal peripheral, and placental blood plasma were measured using commercially available multiplex, bead-based platforms (BioPlex®; BioRad, Irvine, CA) and custom-made assay kits as previously described.25 Samples that did not produce detectable concentrations of a given marker were assigned a value of half the limit of detection of that marker. Sickle cell trait was determined by cellulose acetate paper electrophoresis (Helena Laboratories, Beaumont, TX), and α-thalassemia was determined by polymerase chain reaction.26 The statistical approach used to describe the cross-sectional correlates of hepcidin was adapted from the methodology used by the Fibrinogen Studies Collaboration.27 Positively skewed continuous variables were loge-transformed before analysis. Cross-sectional correlations between hepcidin and continuous traits were first quantified by Pearson’s r. Mean levels of loge-transformed cord hepcidin were plotted against the mean for each eighth (i.e., corresponding to approximately one half of a standard deviation) of continuous traits. This approach allowed assessment of the shape of any association with cord hepcidin without assuming linearity a priori. Univariate linear regressions were then used to evaluate mean percent differences in hepcidin per level of categorical variables and by standard deviation of continuous variables; the mean percent differences were estimated with the formula (eβ − 1) × 100%, where the β coefficient represents the mean difference in loge-transformed hepcidin level. The coefficient of determination (r2) from a linear regression was used to quantify the proportion of variance in cord hepcidin explained by the measured correlates. For the prospective analyses, the primary exposure was hepcidin measured from cord plasma, which was evaluated both continuously and in tertiles (histogram provided in Supplemental Figure 1; cutoffs provided in Supplemental Table 2). Associations of cord hepcidin with repeated measurements of hemoglobin (N = 6,121 visits) and parasitemia (N = 5,493 visits with ≥ 1 parasite per 200 white blood cells) were evaluated using linear mixed-effects models with village- and child-specific random effects, quadratic time trends, and adjustment for placental malaria status, cord blood levels of loge ferritin and loge C-reactive protein, and concurrent malaria infection status. Fractional polynomial models of best fit were used to visualize the nonlinear associations between hemoglobin concentrations and age for children with above and below median cord hepcidin levels. For survival analyses, Cox proportional hazard models were used to calculate the hazard ratios (HRs) for the times to the first episode of anemia, severe anemia, malaria, severe malaria, and child death. Models were adjusted for potential confounders, including village of residence, placental malaria status, and cord blood levels of loge ferritin and loge C-reactive protein. To allow HRs to be compared informatively across any pair of hepcidin tertiles and without depending on the precision within any arbitrarily selected baseline group, 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated from floated variances.28 All statistical analyses were performed using Stata, version 12 (StataCorp LP, College Station, TX). P values were from two-sided tests.

The study titled “Cord blood hepcidin: Cross-sectional correlates and associations with anemia, malaria, and mortality in a Tanzanian birth cohort study” explores the potential of measuring hepcidin levels in cord blood to provide early indications of iron regulation differences and their implications for anemia, malaria, and mortality-related risk in children.

Some potential innovations that can be derived from this study to improve access to maternal health include:

1. Hepcidin as a biomarker: The study suggests that hepcidin levels in cord blood can serve as a biomarker indicating children’s susceptibility to anemia and infection in early life. This innovation can be used to develop simple and cost-effective diagnostic tests that measure hepcidin levels, allowing for early identification and intervention in at-risk populations.

2. Integrated screening programs: The study highlights the importance of measuring hepcidin levels in conjunction with other markers such as inflammatory mediators and iron markers. Integrating these screening programs into routine antenatal care can help identify pregnant women at risk of anemia and malaria, allowing for targeted interventions and improved maternal health outcomes.

3. Targeted interventions: The findings of the study suggest that children with higher cord hepcidin levels have a decreased risk of malaria and all-cause mortality. This information can be used to develop targeted interventions, such as providing iron supplementation or malaria prophylaxis, to high-risk populations identified through hepcidin screening.

4. Health worker training: The study emphasizes the importance of health workers having access to laboratory results for clinical decision-making. Training health workers on the interpretation of hepcidin levels and their implications for maternal and child health can improve the quality of care provided and ensure appropriate interventions are implemented.

5. Longitudinal monitoring: The study acknowledges the need for longitudinal measurements of hepcidin and iron stores to strengthen causal inference. Implementing longitudinal monitoring programs that track hepcidin levels and iron status throughout pregnancy and early childhood can provide valuable data for research and inform targeted interventions.

It is important to note that these recommendations are based on the findings of the study and should be further evaluated and adapted to specific healthcare settings and resource constraints.
AI Innovations Description
The study titled “Cord blood hepcidin: Cross-sectional correlates and associations with anemia, malaria, and mortality in a Tanzanian birth cohort study” explores the potential use of measuring hepcidin levels in cord blood to improve access to maternal health. Hepcidin is a key regulator of iron availability and plays a role in anemia and host defense against infection.

The study found that cord hepcidin levels were correlated with inflammatory mediators, iron markers, and maternal health conditions. Children born to anemic mothers had lower hepcidin levels, while placental malaria-exposed children had higher hepcidin levels. Higher levels of cord hepcidin were associated with lower hemoglobin levels, increased risk of anemia and severe anemia, and decreased risk of malaria and all-cause mortality.

Based on these findings, the study suggests that hepcidin may serve as a biomarker to indicate children’s susceptibility to anemia and infection in early life. This information can be used to develop innovative approaches to improve access to maternal health. For example, healthcare providers could measure hepcidin levels in cord blood as part of routine prenatal care to identify high-risk pregnancies and provide targeted interventions to prevent anemia and infection in newborns. Additionally, research could be conducted to develop interventions that specifically target hepcidin regulation to improve maternal and child health outcomes.

It is important to note that further research is needed to establish causal relationships and validate the utility of hepcidin as a biomarker. However, the study provides valuable insights into the potential use of hepcidin in improving access to maternal health.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the provided description, the study focuses on the role of cord blood hepcidin levels in predicting anemia, malaria, and mortality risk in a Tanzanian birth cohort. The study aims to determine if measuring hepcidin levels in cord blood can provide early indications of iron regulation differences and their implications for maternal and child health.

To improve access to maternal health, the following innovations could be considered:

1. Mobile Health (mHealth) Solutions: Developing mobile applications or text messaging services to provide pregnant women with information on prenatal care, nutrition, and reminders for appointments. These solutions can also facilitate communication between healthcare providers and pregnant women, allowing for remote monitoring and support.

2. Telemedicine: Implementing telemedicine services to provide remote consultations and medical advice to pregnant women in remote or underserved areas. This can help overcome geographical barriers and improve access to specialized care.

3. Community Health Workers: Training and deploying community health workers to provide maternal health education, antenatal care, and postnatal support in underserved communities. These workers can bridge the gap between healthcare facilities and pregnant women, ensuring that they receive the necessary care and support.

4. Maternal Health Vouchers: Introducing voucher programs that provide pregnant women with financial assistance to access maternal health services. These vouchers can cover the cost of antenatal care, delivery, and postnatal care, making healthcare more affordable and accessible.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could include the following steps:

1. Define the target population: Identify the specific population or region where the recommendations will be implemented. Consider factors such as geographical location, socioeconomic status, and existing healthcare infrastructure.

2. Collect baseline data: Gather data on the current state of maternal health in the target population. This may include information on maternal mortality rates, access to prenatal care, and utilization of healthcare services.

3. Define indicators: Determine the key indicators that will be used to measure the impact of the recommendations. These may include metrics such as the number of prenatal care visits, percentage of women receiving skilled birth attendance, and reduction in maternal mortality rates.

4. Simulate scenarios: Use modeling techniques to simulate the potential impact of the recommendations on the defined indicators. This can involve creating different scenarios based on the implementation of specific innovations, such as the introduction of mHealth solutions or community health worker programs.

5. Analyze results: Evaluate the simulated results to assess the potential impact of the recommendations on improving access to maternal health. Compare the outcomes of different scenarios to identify the most effective strategies.

6. Refine and iterate: Based on the analysis, refine the recommendations and simulate additional scenarios if necessary. Continuously iterate and improve the methodology to ensure accurate and reliable results.

It is important to note that the specific methodology for simulating the impact of these recommendations may vary depending on the available data, resources, and context of the target population.

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