Participatory learning and action cycles with women’s groups to prevent neonatal death in low-resource settings: A multi-country comparison of cost-effectiveness and affordability

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Study Justification:
– The study aims to analyze the cost-effectiveness and affordability of participatory learning and action cycles with women’s groups in preventing neonatal deaths in low-resource settings.
– The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends this strategy, but there is limited understanding of why cost-effectiveness estimates vary significantly.
– The study reanalyzes primary cost data from six trials in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Malawi to explore resource use, reasons for cost differences, and model the cost of scale-up.
– The average cost per live birth for the intervention was $203, with a range of $61 to $537.
– Start-up costs were significant, and staff spending was the main cost component.
– The cost per neonatal life-year saved ranged from $135 to $1627.
– The intervention was highly cost-effective when using income-based thresholds.
– Variation in cost-effectiveness across trials was strongly correlated with costs.
– Rolling out the intervention to rural populations would range from 1.2% to 6.3% of government health expenditure in the four countries.
– Women’s groups are a cost-effective and potentially affordable strategy for improving birth outcomes in rural populations.
– Policy makers should consider scaling up the intervention to achieve broader coverage and impact.
– Further research is needed to understand the factors influencing cost-effectiveness and to refine cost estimates.
Key Role Players:
– Researchers and academics in the field of maternal and child health
– Government health departments and ministries
– Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working on maternal and child health
– Community health workers and volunteers
– Health facility staff
– Women’s group facilitators and supervisors
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Staff recruitment and training
– Program implementation and supervision
– Materials and supplies
– Transportation and communication
– Utilities and other recurrent expenses
– Capital costs (equipment, infrastructure)
– Monitoring and evaluation activities
– Research activities (if applicable)
Please note that the cost items listed above are general categories and may vary depending on the specific context and implementation strategy.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 8 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is strong, as it presents a comprehensive analysis of primary cost data from six trials in multiple countries. The study explores reasons for differences in costs and cost-effectiveness ratios, and models the cost of scale-up. The authors also discuss the challenges faced by economic evaluations of community-based interventions. To improve the evidence, the authors could provide more detailed information on the specific interventions implemented in each trial and their impact on neonatal and maternal deaths.

WHO recommends participatory learning and action cycles with women’s groups as a cost-effective strategy to reduce neonatal deaths. Coverage is a determinant of intervention effectiveness, but little is known about why cost-effectiveness estimates vary significantly. This article reanalyses primary cost data from six trials in India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Malawi to describe resource use, explore reasons for differences in costs and cost-effectiveness ratios, and model the cost of scale-up. Primary cost data were collated, and costing methods harmonized. Effectiveness was extracted from a meta-analysis and converted to neonatal life-years saved. Cost-effectiveness ratios were calculated from the provider perspective compared with current practice. Associations between unit costs and cost-effectiveness ratios with coverage, scale and intensity were explored. Scale-up costs and outcomes were modelled using local unit costs and the meta-analysis effect estimate for neonatal mortality. Results were expressed in 2016 international dollars. The average cost was $203 (range: $61-$537) per live birth. Start-up costs were large, and spending on staff was the main cost component. The cost per neonatal life-year saved ranged from $135 to $1627. The intervention was highly cost-effective when using income-based thresholds. Variation in cost-effectiveness across trials was strongly correlated with costs. Removing discounting of costs and life-years substantially reduced all cost-effectiveness ratios. The cost of rolling out the intervention to rural populations ranges from 1.2% to 6.3% of government health expenditure in the four countries. Our analyses demonstrate the challenges faced by economic evaluations of community-based interventions evaluated using a cluster randomized controlled trial design. Our results confirm that women’s groups are a cost-effective and potentially affordable strategy for improving birth outcomes among rural populations.

The systematic review identified seven women’s group trials in six locations across four countries: India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Malawi (Prost et al., 2013). All trials used a cluster randomized controlled design to evaluate the effectiveness of a community participatory learning and action cycle using women’s groups to reduce neonatal and maternal deaths. Although the content of the group discussions was targeted at women of reproductive age, groups were open to all women. All except Malawi-MaiKhanda implemented health service strengthening in both intervention and control areas, but otherwise the control clusters carried on with current practice. More detailed explanations of the intervention and trial characteristics can be found elsewhere: India (Tripathy et al., 2010; More et al., 2012), Nepal (Manandhar et al., 2004), Bangladesh (Azad et al., 2010; Fottrell et al., 2013) and Malawi (Colbourn et al., 2013a; Lewycka et al., 2013). Table 1 explains which of the seven trials have had cost-effectiveness analyses previously published, and which are included in this article. Sensitivity analyses have been conducted for the two trials that published separate cost-effectiveness reports (Borghi et al., 2005; Colbourn et al., 2015). Primary cost data were not collected for the one urban trial located in Mumbai, India (More et al., 2012) and costs could not be estimated retrospectively without introducing significant bias. We therefore excluded it from this analysis. Summary of previously published cost-effectiveness evidence The target population was the same in all six trials: all pregnant women living in the study area. Despite a high degree of similarity in design and implementation sufficient to warrant meta-analysis of effectiveness, there were differences between the trials including: the duration, coverage and intensity of the intervention, and the size of the targeted population. These differences are described in Table 2. For example, in the first trial in Nepal, the intervention period was relatively short (24 months) and the intervention area population relatively small (86 704). Intervention coverage as defined in the systematic review (Prost et al., 2013) was relatively high, at 37% of pregnant women having attended at least one women’s group meeting. Intervention intensity, which can be measured using the number of women’s groups and average length of the intervention cycle, was relatively low (n = 111 groups; 10 meetings per group). By comparison, in the other trials, the intervention period was up to 12 months longer, and coverage ranged from 3% (Bangladesh I) to 51% (Malawi-MaiMwana); intensity was higher (highest in Bangladesh II at 810 groups and 24 meetings per group); and the target area population was larger (largest in Malawi-MaiKhanda at 1.2 million). The trials were of substantially different sizes: the Nepal study had c.3000 live births, compared with 100 000 in Malawi-MaiKhanda. Description and comparison of the interventions The figures are based on published papers (Manandhar et al., 2004; Borghi et al., 2005; Azad et al., 2010; Tripathy et al., 2010; More et al., 2012; Colbourn et al., 2013a, 2013b, 2015; Fottrell et al., 2013; Lewycka et al., 2013; Prost et al., 2013). The WHO recommendation (World Health Organization, 2014) focused on women’s groups to reduce neonatal mortality, as this was supported by the overall meta-analysis (Prost et al., 2013). We therefore focus our analyses of cost-effectiveness on this outcome. We calculated LYS from the reduction in the neonatal mortality rate in each trial as reported in the meta-analysis (see Table 2B in Prost et al., 2013). For Malawi-MaiKhanda, the number of recorded deaths was multiplied by 11 to adjust for the fact that only about 9% of the area was randomly selected to be under surveillance over the intervention periodColbourn et al., 2013b). Neonatal deaths averted were multiplied by 30.81 to generate a measure of LYS. This corresponds to assuming a standard life expectancy of 86 years, a 3% discount rate and no age weighting, as recommended in the 2010 Global Burden of Disease Study (Murray et al., 2012; World Health Organization, 2017). The original economic evaluations for these trials, which are described extensively elsewhere (Borghi et al., 2005; Tripathy et al., 2010; Fottrell et al., 2013; Lewycka et al., 2013; Colbourn et al., 2015), prospectively collected cost data from a provider perspective and applied a step-down costing methodology. For the analyses presented here, we inputted the source cost data from the individual trials into a single, standardized Excel-based tool. Data categories and the procedure for allocating costs between cost centres were harmonized across trials, as we have previously described elsewhere (Batura et al., 2014). The trial designs in Bangladesh and Malawi presented two specific costing challenges that had to be addressed to ensure comparability of estimates across countries. Supplementary Appendix S1 gives further details of how costs were identified in the original evaluations; the costing challenges specific to Bangladesh and Malawi; and the conversion of figures to 2016 international dollars (INT$, henceforth $). We calculated total, annual and unit costs using the parameters shown in Table 2. Total cost of the women’s group intervention was computed as the sum of all start-up and implementation costs over the time horizon used for each trial’s cost-effectiveness analysis. This was consistent with the original evaluations, which conservatively included the costs of all activities during the start-up period (excluding research activities), such as staff recruitment and training, securing community approval and adapting intervention delivery methods, content and materials to the local context. A share of recurrent costs during the implementation period was also included as start-up costs, to reflect the recruitment and training of replacement staff. Total cost was divided by the cost-effectiveness time horizon to compute annual total cost. Implementation cost was divided by the intervention period to compute annual implementation cost. We calculated three different unit cost estimates with reference to population size and the number of women’s groups in the intervention area: cost per live birth, annual cost per person and annual cost per group. Cost per live birth was computed by dividing total cost by the number of live births during the intervention period, which represents the population of potential beneficiaries of the intervention in relation to the main outcome measure, neonatal deaths averted. Annual cost per person and annual cost per group were computed by dividing annual total cost by the total population (all ages) living in the intervention area and the number of women’s groups, respectively. The design of the trials and the characteristics of the women’s group intervention precluded the identification and measurement of resource use on the individual level, and thus the estimation of unit costs at the level of individual intervention participants (Batura et al., 2014). We explored the components of total cost by computing the proportion of total costs for each of the four data categories: staff (including programme staff, women’s group facilitators and supervisors), materials, other recurrent (items such as transportation, communication, utilities, bank charges, etc.) and capital costs. A more detailed break-down was not possible due to differences in the level of detail in the primary cost data. In particular, due to lack of disaggregated data on staff costs from all six trials, we were not able to examine variation in factors such as the number of staff involved in intervention implementation, their remuneration levels and staff productivity. The cost-effectiveness ratio was calculated in the base case as cost per neonatal LYS. We compared the estimates with income-based thresholds that have been recommended by WHO, which suggest in our case that the intervention is ‘very cost-effective’ if the cost per LYS is less than annual gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, and ‘cost-effective’ if it is less than three times per capita GDP (Commission on Macroeconomics and Health, 2001). These thresholds have since come under criticism, and alternative methods for estimating thresholds have been developed (e.g. Bertram et al., 2016; Culyer, 2016; Woods et al., 2016). We used the WHO-recommended thresholds because they are currently the most widely applied. However, we also discuss the implications of a lower threshold. The analytical methods and reporting of the cost-effectiveness results follow the Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards Statement (Husereau et al., 2013). The completed checklist is provided in Supplementary Appendix S2. We explored the possible reasons for variation in cost-effectiveness ratios across countries using simple two-way scatter plots and the Pearson’s correlation coefficient. First, we examined whether cost per neonatal LYS was more strongly associated with effectiveness (the number of LYS) or with unit costs (cost per live birth). Second, we compared unit costs and the cost-effectiveness ratio with coverage, scale and intensity of the intervention. Coverage, defined as the proportion of pregnant women who report having attended at least one women’s group meeting, was previously found to be a significant determinant of effectiveness (Prost et al., 2013). Scale was measured by the number of live births and the total intervention area population. Intensity was measured by the number of women’s groups. A P-value of <0.05 was used to determine significance. The cost, affordability and outcomes of national scale-up in Bangladesh, India, Malawi and Nepal were then estimated to inform national policy. Previously, the affordability of national delivery has been examined only for Malawi (Colbourn et al., 2015). Scale-up analyses assumed delivery of the intervention to the whole rural population, over a 1-year period. Cost was estimated using the average annual cost per person from the trial for that context. Since our own analyses found no conclusive evidence of economies of scale (see Results section), we assumed that cost per person is constant when the intervention is scaled-up. The benefits of intervening at scale were estimated, taking the same approach as in the meta-analysis (Prost et al., 2013), but updating the population parameters with more recent values. As the effectiveness of a trial may not be maintained at scale (Hanson et al., 2015), we provide two estimates of effect at scale, an upper and a lower bound. For the upper bound, we assumed that the scaled-up intervention will have the same effectiveness as reported in the meta-analysis of high coverage trials i.e. a 33% reduction in neonatal mortality. To estimate a lower bound, we assumed a 30% loss of effectiveness when the intervention is implemented at scale. Supplementary Appendix S3 summarizes the population data used for these calculations and describes the methods in more detail. The base case is the ‘best’ estimate of cost-effectiveness, measured with prospective cost and effect data. It is against this base case that the sensitivity of cost-effectiveness to changes in the assumptions and estimated parameters was formally compared using deterministic one-way sensitivity analysis. We first added maternal LYS to the estimated neonatal LYS to explore the resulting effect on the cost-effectiveness ratio. Maternal mortality was not included in our base case because of the lack of statistical significance in the overall meta-analysis (odds ratio 0.77, 95% confidence interval 0.48–1.23). However, limiting the base case to neonatal LYS represents a highly conservative estimate of the health effects of women’s groups. The meta-analysis found that in the four trials where at least 30% of women had attended women’s groups, the intervention had a significant effect on maternal mortality (Prost et al., 2013). We therefore used the adjusted odds ratio for maternal mortality in each trial (Prost et al., 2013), and multiplied the number of maternal deaths averted by the life expectancy that corresponds to the average age at death in each trial (between 26 and 30), to calculate maternal LYS. A 3% discount rate was applied. The meta-analysis also examined effects on stillbirths but found no evidence of a reduction. We therefore did not consider LYS from stillbirths. Second, we reduced the start-up costs of all trials by 50%. This reflects the assumption that while all trials had a relatively long start-up period (as is typical of community interventions), once an intervention has been tested in a context and standardized, it is very likely that the start-up period and associated costs would reduce significantly. Third, we varied the trial-specific joint cost allocation rules that were used in the original economic evaluations. The joint cost allocation rule decides which percentage of common (shared) staff, material, capital and other recurrent costs, should be allocated to the women’s group intervention as opposed to other activities, such as monitoring and evaluation, process evaluation, other interventions or research. We varied the allocated share up and down, by 10 percentage points from the original allocation. Fourth, we conducted a specific sensitivity analysis for the two Malawi trials that tested another intervention alongside women’s groups (see Supplementary Appendix S1 for details). The proportion of women’s group implementation costs allocated to the women’s groups only arm was varied between a 33% lower bound and a 75% upper bound. This can be interpreted as reflecting alternative scenarios regarding economies of scale and scope when two interventions are implemented in the same trial. Finally, we explored two alternatives to the 3% discount rate for both costs and outcomes (NICE International, 2014): a 0% rate for both costs and life years, and a differential scenario of 6% for costs and 3% for life years (Claxton et al., 2011). The funder of the study had no role in study design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation or writing of the report. The corresponding author had full access to all the data in the study and had final responsibility for the decision to submit for publication.

The innovation described in the article is the use of participatory learning and action cycles with women’s groups to prevent neonatal death in low-resource settings. This approach involves organizing women’s groups where women of reproductive age can come together to discuss and learn about maternal and neonatal health. The groups are open to all women and aim to empower them with knowledge and skills to improve birth outcomes.

The article highlights that this approach has been recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a cost-effective strategy to reduce neonatal deaths. The effectiveness of the intervention has been evaluated through cluster randomized controlled trials conducted in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Malawi. The trials have shown that the intervention can lead to significant reductions in neonatal mortality.

The article also discusses the cost-effectiveness of the intervention. The average cost per live birth was found to be $203, with start-up costs being a significant component. The cost per neonatal life-year saved ranged from $135 to $1627, depending on the trial. The intervention was considered highly cost-effective when using income-based thresholds recommended by WHO.

The article emphasizes the importance of coverage, scale, and intensity of the intervention in determining its cost-effectiveness. Higher coverage, larger scale, and greater intensity of the intervention were associated with better cost-effectiveness ratios.

The article concludes that participatory learning and action cycles with women’s groups are a cost-effective and potentially affordable strategy for improving birth outcomes among rural populations. The findings of the study can inform national policies for scaling up the intervention in countries like Bangladesh, India, Malawi, and Nepal.

Overall, this innovation of using women’s groups for maternal health is a promising approach to improve access to maternal health services and reduce neonatal mortality in low-resource settings.
AI Innovations Description
The recommendation to improve access to maternal health is the implementation of participatory learning and action cycles with women’s groups. This strategy has been recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a cost-effective approach to reduce neonatal deaths in low-resource settings.

The strategy involves forming women’s groups where discussions and actions are focused on improving maternal and neonatal health outcomes. These groups are open to all women, and the intervention includes health service strengthening in both intervention and control areas.

A systematic review of seven women’s group trials conducted in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Malawi found that the intervention was highly cost-effective. The average cost per live birth was $203, and the cost per neonatal life-year saved ranged from $135 to $1627. The main cost component was spending on staff, and start-up costs were significant.

The effectiveness of the intervention varied across trials, with factors such as coverage, scale, and intensity influencing the cost-effectiveness ratios. Higher coverage of pregnant women attending women’s group meetings was associated with greater effectiveness.

To scale up the intervention to rural populations in Bangladesh, India, Malawi, and Nepal, the estimated cost ranged from 1.2% to 6.3% of government health expenditure in these countries.

Overall, participatory learning and action cycles with women’s groups have been shown to be a cost-effective and potentially affordable strategy for improving birth outcomes among rural populations. Implementing this recommendation can help improve access to maternal health services and reduce neonatal deaths in low-resource settings.
AI Innovations Methodology
The article you provided describes a study that reanalyzes primary cost data from six trials in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Malawi to explore the cost-effectiveness and affordability of participatory learning and action cycles with women’s groups as a strategy to reduce neonatal deaths in low-resource settings. The study aims to understand the reasons for differences in costs and cost-effectiveness ratios across trials and model the cost of scaling up the intervention.

To improve access to maternal health, the study recommends the use of participatory learning and action cycles with women’s groups. These groups provide a platform for women to come together, learn about maternal and neonatal health, and take collective action to improve their own health and the health of their babies. The study found that this intervention is highly cost-effective and potentially affordable for improving birth outcomes among rural populations.

In terms of simulating the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, the study used a methodology that involved the following steps:

1. Collating primary cost data: The study collected primary cost data from the six trials and harmonized the costing methods to ensure comparability.

2. Calculating cost-effectiveness ratios: The study calculated cost-effectiveness ratios by dividing the total cost of the intervention by the number of neonatal life-years saved. These ratios were compared with income-based thresholds recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) to determine the cost-effectiveness of the intervention.

3. Exploring factors influencing cost-effectiveness: The study explored the associations between unit costs, cost-effectiveness ratios, coverage, scale, and intensity of the intervention. Scatter plots and correlation coefficients were used to analyze these relationships.

4. Modeling the cost of scale-up: The study estimated the cost, affordability, and outcomes of scaling up the intervention to the whole rural population in Bangladesh, India, Malawi, and Nepal. The average annual cost per person from the trials was used to estimate the cost of scaling up, assuming no economies of scale.

5. Sensitivity analysis: The study conducted sensitivity analyses to assess the robustness of the cost-effectiveness results. Various scenarios were explored, including adding maternal life-years saved, reducing start-up costs, varying cost allocation rules, and changing the discount rate for costs and outcomes.

By following this methodology, the study was able to provide insights into the cost-effectiveness and affordability of participatory learning and action cycles with women’s groups as a strategy to improve access to maternal health in low-resource settings.

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