Background: The World Health Organisation reported that 45% of global acute respiratory infection (ARI) deaths in children under five years are attributable to household air pollution, which has been recognised to be strongly associated with solid biomass fuel usage in domestic settings. The introduction of legislative restrictions for charcoal production or purchase can result in unintended consequences, such as reversion to more polluting biomass fuels such as wood; which may increase health and environmental harms. However, there remains a paucity of evidence concerning the relative health risks between wood and charcoal. This study compares the risk of respiratory symptoms, ARI, and severe ARI among children aged under five years living in wood and charcoal fuel households across 30 low-and middle-income countries. Methods: Data from children (N = 475,089) residing in wood or charcoal cooking households were extracted from multiple population-based Demographic and Health Survey databases (DHS) (N = 30 countries). Outcome measures were obtained from a maternal report of respiratory symptoms (cough, shortness of breath and fever) occurring in the two weeks prior to the survey date, generating a composite measure of ARI (cough and shortness of breath) and severe ARI (cough, shortness of breath and fever). Multivariable logistic regression analyses were implemented, with adjustment at individual, household, regional and country level for relevant demographic, social, and health-related confounding factors. Results: Increased odds ratios of fever (AOR: 1.07; 95% CI: 1.02–1.12) were observed among children living in wood cooking households compared to the use of charcoal. However, no association was observed with shortness of breath (AOR: 1.03; 95% CI: 0.96–1.10), cough (AOR: 0.99; 95% CI: 0.95–1.04), ARI (AOR: 1.03; 95% CI: 0.96–1.11) or severe ARI (AOR: 1.07; 95% CI: 0.99–1.17). Within rural areas, only shortness of breath was observed to be associated with wood cooking (AOR: 1.08; 95% CI: 1.01–1.15). However, an increased odds ratio of ARI was observed in Asian (AOR: 1.25; 95% CI: 1.04–1.51) and East African countries (AOR: 1.11; 95% CI: 1.01–1.22) only. Conclusion: Our population-based observational data indicates that in Asia and East Africa there is a greater risk of ARI among children aged under 5 years living in wood compared to charcoal cooking households. These findings have major implications for understanding the existing health impacts of wood-based biomass fuel usage and may be of relevance to settings where charcoal fuel restrictions are under consideration.
A cross-sectional study across 30 LMIC countries was conducted using data obtained from the most recently available national population-based Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) [31], with LMIC status defined using the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) list 2020 [32]. Criteria for country inclusion included: (i) DHS survey data available from within the last 10 years, (ii) presence of wood and charcoal cooking fuel use (iii) presence of the outcome variables of interest (Appendix A: Figure A1). Each country followed the same two-stage stratified DHS sampling methodology with proportionate random sampling and standardised questionnaires with fieldwork supported by United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Eligible participants were identified through the residential household survey and included ever-married (has been married at least once in their life) women aged 15–49 years and men aged 15–59 years, who resided in the household the night before the survey [33]. Non-response households at the time of data collection and those with institutional living arrangements (e.g., boarding schools, police camps, army barracks, and hospitals) were excluded. All countries followed the standard core questionnaire from Phases VI, VII, and VIII of the DHS Program model, with country-specific modifications to non-core questions to reflect the population and health issues most relevant to that country. USAID standardises and provides training to government agencies and health authorities to complete surveys, with internal training and supervision of local data collectors and data entry. The questionnaire is translated into the main language(s) for each country and validated on approximately 100–200 households. Data for this current analysis were obtained from (i) household dataset containing situational and household characteristics; (ii) woman’s dataset containing maternal characteristics; (iii) children’s dataset containing health and individual characteristics. All primary data collection has ethical approval from the relevant government authority within each country, with all data being anonymised and aggregated for DHS online data archive [31]. The archive is publicly available and authorisation for data access has been gained for this study. The wealth index provided by DHS is calculated through principal component analysis, including cooking fuel as an indicator variable [34], therefore to prevent effect underestimation due to circularity, a modified wealth index was calculated [35] following the DHS provided guide [36] using SPSS [37], to calculate a modified wealth index. The new wealth index included indicator variables for the source of drinking water, house construction material (wall, roof and floor), toilet facility and assets. The assets included vary by country [37] and have been documented in Appendix B: Table A1. The wealth index was then ranked by household to provide tertiles of wealth. Maternal respondents were asked to report the presence of respiratory symptoms (shortness of breath, cough and fever) during the two weeks prior to the survey among all children under the age of five years living in their household. Respiratory symptoms were modelled as binary outcomes (yes, no), included short rapid breaths or difficulty breathing, cough, and fever. These respiratory symptoms were used to form the composite measures for ARI (both shortness of breath and cough [38]), and severe ARI (each of shortness of breath, cough, and fever [39,40,41]). Composite measures for ARI and severe ARI were then modelled as binary (yes, no) outcomes. Cooking fuel use was recorded from self-report for each household that undertook cooking activities. Fuels were categorised as “Cleaner fuels” (electricity, LPG, natural gas, biogas) and “Solid biomass fuels and kerosene” (kerosene, coal/lignite, charcoal, wood, straw/shrubs/grass, agricultural crop, animal dung). Wood and charcoal cooking household fuels were extracted and modelled as a binary variable. Individual child characteristics included child’s age (0–11, 12–23, 24–35, 36–48, 48–59 months), sex (male, female), mode of delivery (caesarean, vaginal), birth order (first, not first born), breastfeeding status (ever, never), vitamin A supplementation in the last 6 months (yes, no), iron supplementation (yes, no). Maternal characteristics included age of mother (15–24, 25–35, 36–49 years), mother’s highest attained educational level (none, primary, secondary/higher). Household characteristics included: number of household members (≤6, >6), household smoking (yes, no), cooking location (indoor, outdoor), and modified wealth index (lowest, low, middle, high, highest) [34]. Situational variables included geographical region of residence and area of residence (rural, urban). All co-variates were modelled as categorical variables. Data that were identified to be missing at random with less than 50% missing data [42,43] underwent multiple imputations of 50 iterations [44,45], at a country level, using the MICE package [46] in R studio [47]. Using R studio [47], descriptive statistics were tabulated with the number of cases (n), and percentage (%) for categorical outcome variables within the combined dataset. The association between the health outcome variables and exposure to HAP was assessed using a multivariable logistic regression using the Survey package [48] in R to account for the sampling strategy. Adjusted odds ratios (AOR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) for each country were obtained and presented on a forest plot, with a summary result for the combined dataset. Additional exploratory analyses of a subset of countries were undertaken, incorporating breastfeeding, birthweight, and household smoking, which were missing or incomplete in a number of countries. Stratified analyses were undertaken to investigate the association in rural and urban settings, indoor and outdoor cooking status, geographic location and before or after 2014 (mid-time point of included studies), separately.