What’s normal? Oligosaccharide concentrations and profiles in milk produced by healthy women vary geographically

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Study Justification:
This study aimed to investigate the variability of human milk oligosaccharide (HMO) profiles in diverse populations of healthy women. The researchers wanted to determine if there were differences in HMO concentrations and profiles based on geographic location and to explore the potential role of genetic and environmental factors in these differences.
– The study involved 410 healthy, breastfeeding women from 11 international cohorts.
– HMO profiles were analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography.
– Results showed that HMO concentrations varied significantly among different populations.
– For example, the concentration of 3-fucosyllactose was 4 times higher in milk collected in Sweden compared to milk collected in rural Gambia.
– Maternal age, time postpartum, weight, and body mass index were correlated with several HMOs.
– Differences in HMOs were observed between ethnically similar populations living in different locations, suggesting the influence of environmental factors.
– The study supports the hypothesis that normal HMO concentrations and profiles vary geographically, even in healthy women.
– Targeted genomic analyses are needed to determine the extent to which genetic variation contributes to the observed differences in HMO profiles.
– Further research should investigate the sociocultural, behavioral, and environmental factors that may regulate the synthesis of HMOs.
– Understanding the factors influencing HMO profiles can have implications for infant health and nutrition.
Key Role Players:
– Researchers and scientists specializing in human milk composition and infant nutrition.
– Healthcare professionals and lactation consultants who work with breastfeeding women.
– Policy makers and government agencies responsible for maternal and child health programs.
– Non-profit organizations and advocacy groups focused on breastfeeding support and education.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Research funding for targeted genomic analyses and further investigations into the factors influencing HMO profiles.
– Resources for data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
– Support for collaboration and knowledge sharing among researchers and institutions.
– Funding for public health initiatives and programs aimed at promoting breastfeeding and supporting lactating women.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 8 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is strong because it is based on a cross-sectional, observational study involving multiple international sites and a large sample size of 410 healthy, breastfeeding women. The study used high-performance liquid chromatography to analyze human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) and found significant differences in HMO profiles among diverse populations of healthy women. The study also identified correlations between HMOs and maternal anthropometric and reproductive indexes, suggesting potential genetic and environmental influences. To improve the evidence, future studies could include targeted genomic analyses to determine the role of genetic variation in HMO differences and further investigate sociocultural, behavioral, and environmental factors.

Background: Human milk is a complex fluid comprised of myriad substances, with one of the most abundant substances being a group of complex carbohydrates referred to as human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs). There has been some evidence that HMO profiles differ in populations, but few studies have rigorously explored this variability. Objectives: We tested the hypothesis that HMO profiles differ in diverse populations of healthy women. Next, we examined relations between HMO and maternal anthropometric and reproductive indexes and indirectly examined whether differences were likely related to genetic or environmental variations. Design: In this cross-sectional, observational study, milk was collected from a total of 410 healthy, breastfeeding women in 11 international cohorts and analyzed for HMOs by using high-performance liquid chromatography. Results: There was an effect of the cohort (P , 0.05) on concentrations of almost all HMOs. For instance, the mean 3-fucosyllactose concentration was .4 times higher in milk collected in Sweden than in milk collected in rural Gambia (mean ± SEM: 473 6 55 compared with 103 6 16 μmol/mL, respectively; P , 0.05), and disialyllacto-N-tetraose (DSLNT) concentrations ranged from 216 ± 14 μmol/mL (in Sweden) to 870 ± 68 μmol/mL (in rural Gambia) (P , 0.05). Maternal age, time postpartum, weight, and body mass index were all correlated with several HMOs, and multiple differences in HMOs [e.g., lacto-N-neotetrose and DSLNT] were shown between ethnically similar (and likely genetically similar) populations who were living in different locations, which suggests that the environment may play a role in regulating the synthesis of HMOs. Conclusions: The results of this study support our hypothesis that normal HMO concentrations and profiles vary geographically, even in healthy women. Targeted genomic analyses are required to determine whether these differences are due at least in part to genetic variation. A careful examination of sociocultural, behavioral, and environmental factors is needed to determine their roles in this regard. This study was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT02670278.

This investigation took place between May 2014 and April 2016 and was carried out as a cross-sectional, epidemiologic cohort study that involved multiple international sites. To be eligible for participation, women had to be breastfeeding or pumping ≥5 times/d (to ensure adequate milk production), have self-reported having healthy and nursing healthy infants, be ≥18 y of age, and be between 2 wk and 5 mo postpartum. Women did not need to be exclusively breastfeeding. Exclusion criteria included a current indication of a breast infection or breast pain that the woman did not consider normal for lactation, the maternal use of antibiotics in the previous 30 d, or the nursing of a child with signs or symptoms of an acute illness in the previous 7 d or having taken antibiotics in the previous 30 d. Our sample included 2 European (Spanish and Swedish), 1 South American (Peruvian), 2 North American, and 6 sub-Saharan African (rural and urban Ethiopian, rural and urban Gambian, Ghanaian, and Kenyan) populations and cohorts. Spanish subjects were recruited in Madrid, Zaragoza, Huesca, and Vizcaya with no additional requirements in terms of ethnicity. Swedish subjects were recruited in or near Helsingborg and had self-reported as Nordic (both parents and all grandparents were self-described as having only Swedish, Finnish, Danish, Icelandic, or Norwegian heritage). Peruvian subjects resided in a peri-urban area of Lima. North American subjects were recruited in Southeastern Washington and Northwestern Idaho [United States–Washington (USW)] and Southern California [United States–California (Hispanic) (USC)]; the former group was of unspecified ethnicity, and the latter group was self-identified as Hispanic. Both rural and urban Ethiopian subjects were self-identified as Sidama and were assumed to be genetically similar. Rural Ethiopian participants resided in the highlands of the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ Region, whereas urban participants resided in Hawassa, which is also in the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ Region. Rural and urban Gambian subjects had self-identified as Mandinka and were assumed to be genetically similar. Urban Gambian participants resided in the Bakau region, whereas the rural cohort stemmed from the West Kiang region. Ghanaian subjects were Krobo or Dangme and lived in southeastern Ghana. Kenyan subjects were recruited from the multiethnic city of Nakuru. Our goal was to obtain data and human milk samples from 40 women in each cohort, which was a number that was primarily chosen to fit within the available resources and time. On enrollment, each woman completed several questionnaires including one questionnaire that ensured eligibility and another questionnaire that was related to general maternal and infant health and anthropometric measures. Ethics approvals were obtained for all procedures from each participating institution and with overarching approval from the Washington State University Institutional Review Board (13264). After being translated from English (when needed), informed, verbal, or written consent (depending on the locale and the subject’s literacy level) was acquired from each participating woman. With the use of gloved hands, research personnel or the mother (depending on cultural acceptability) cleaned the study breast (chosen by the subject) twice with the use of prepackaged castile soap towelettes (Professional Disposables International Inc.) and with a newly opened package each time. When deemed appropriate, this step was preceded by a general cleansing with water (and soap if needed) to remove noticeable soil. In the cohorts in Peru, Sweden, USC, and USW, ≤200-mL (typically 40–60-mL) milk samples were collected into a single-use, sterile, polypropylene milk-collection container with a polybutylene terephthalate cap (Medela Inc.) with the use of an electric breast pump. In Spain, milk samples were collected via manual expression (with the use of a gloved hand) into single-use, sterile, polypropylene milk-collection containers with polybutylene terephthalate caps (Medela Inc.). At the remaining sites, milk was manually expressed (with the use of a gloved hand) into sterile, polypropylene specimen containers with polyethylene caps (VWR International LLC.). When necessary to collect the desired volume or because the mother requested to switch breasts, milk was expressed from both breasts; when this occurred, the previously detailed methods were repeated with the other breast. To help control for known and unknown biases that might have been introduced through the use of different materials, all milk-collection supplies (e.g., gloves, wipes, and collection containers) were standardized and provided to study personnel at each site. In all sites except rural Ethiopia (ETR) and Peru, milk was immediately placed in ice or in a cold box (4°C) where it remained until it was partitioned, within 1 h, into aliquots. Milk was frozen (−20°C), shipped on dry ice (if necessary; −78.5°C), and again frozen (−20°C) until it was analyzed. In Peru, milk was immediately partitioned into aliquots and frozen (−20°C), shipped on dry ice, and again frozen (−20°C) until it was analyzed. Because the ETR site did not have consistent access to electricity, milk that was collected in this cohort was preserved with a milk-preservation solution (one-to-one ratio) that was contained in a Milk DNA Preservation and Isolation Kit (Norgen Biotek Corp.); this preserved milk was stored at an ambient temperature for ≤1 wk after which it was transferred to a freezer (−20°C), shipped on dry ice, and again frozen (−20°C) until it was analyzed. Unpublished data from our research group confirmed that the use of this preservation method did not influence the HMO analysis (L Bode, MK McGuire, June 2016). HPLC was used to characterize HMO in breast milk as previously described (33). Briefly, human milk (20 μL) was spiked with raffinose (a non-HMO carbohydrate) as an internal standard to allow for absolute quantification. Oligosaccharides were extracted with the use of high-throughput solid-phase extraction over C18 and carbograph microcolumns (Thermo Scientific HyperSep) and fluorescently labeled with 2-aminobenzamide. Labeled oligosaccharides were analyzed with the use of HPLC on an amide-80 column with an ammonium formate–acetonitrile buffer system at a concentration of 50-mmol/L. Separation was performed at 25°C and was monitored with the use of a fluorescence detector at a 360-nm excitation and 425-nm emission. The peak annotation was based on standard retention times and a mass spectrometric analysis with the use of a duo ion-trap mass spectrometer (Thermo LCQ) that was equipped with a nano-electrospray ionization source. Absolute concentrations were calculated on the basis of standard response curves for each of the annotated HMOs. The following 19 HMOs were identified and quantified: 2′-fucosyllactose, 3-fucosyllactose, 3′-sialyllactose, 6′-sialyllactose, difucosyllactose, difucosyllacto-N-hexaose, difucosyllacto-N-tetrose (DFLNT), disialyllacto-N-hexaose (DSLNH), disialyllacto-N-tetraose (DSLNT), fucodisialyllacto-N-hexaose (FDSLNH), fucosyllacto-N-hexaose (FLNH), lacto-N-fucopentaose (LNFP) I, LNFP II, LNFP III, lacto-N-hexaose, lacto-N-neotetraose (LNnT), lacto-N-tetrose (LNT), sialyl-lacto-N-tetraose b (LSTb), and sialyl-lacto-N-tetraose c (LSTc). HMOs were also grouped according to common structural elements. Secretor milk was defined as having a 2′-fucosyllactose concentration that was greater than a natural, very low break in the data. The total concentration of HMOs was calculated as the sum of the annotated oligosaccharides. The proportion of each HMO that made up the total HMO concentration was also calculated. HMO concentrations were analyzed with the use of both a molar-based unit of measure (nanomoles per milliliter) and a weight-based unit of measure (micrograms per milliliter). However, in the interest of space and coherence, only the molar data are presented and discussed in this article. Data that were analyzed on a weight basis (micrograms per milliliter) are shown in Supplemental Tables 1–9. All exploratory and descriptive statistical analyses were performed with the use of R software (version 3.3.2; R Foundation for Statistical Computing) (34). To correct for nonnormal (right-skewness) distributions, HMO quantities were log transformed before analyses. The effect of the cohort on total, individual, and grouped HMO concentrations was tested via 1-factor ANOVA procedures with the use of the AOV option in the stats package in R software. Multiple comparisons were carried out with the use of Bonferroni adjustment [LSD.test in the agricolae package (35)] to assess differences in populations. Differences in proportions of each cohort that were characterized as being secretors were tested with the use of a chi-square post hoc procedure in the NCStats package (36) with Benjamini and Hochberg false-discovery-rate corrections (37). α-Diversity metrics including richness, the Shannon diversity index, the inverse Simpson index, Shannon evenness, Simpson evenness, and Pielou evenness were computed (38). The AOV procedure was also used to examine the effect of the cohort on richness, evenness, and diversity indexes and to examine the effect of the cohort on selected metadata [maternal age, parity, time postpartum, and BMI (in kg/m2)]. To visualize and characterize associations between individual HMO or HMO profiles and selected metadata, heat maps of Spearman-rank correlation coefficients were constructed with the use of the corrplot package (39). To help control for the many correlations in which we were interested while also wanting to fully explore the many relations that might have been of interest in this exploratory component of our data analysis, associations were deemed significant with the assumption of α = 0.01. Multivariate analyses to explore patterns and similarities in complex HMO profiles were followed and included nonmetric multidimensional scaling analyses with the use of a Bray-Curtis dissimilarity matrix [metaMDS procedure in the vegan package (38) and ggplot2 package (40) and a principle components analysis princomp procedure in the stats base package of R software]. Within these analyses, potential groupings of HMO profiles by cohort, continent and ethnicity, BMI, time postpartum, parity, and maternal age were examined. In this evaluation, continuous variables were categorized as follows: BMI (<18.5, 18.5–24.9, and ≥25); time postpartum (quartiles: 20–46, 47–63, 64–78, and 79–161 d); parity (1, 2, and ≥3 children); and maternal age (quartiles: 18–22, 23–27, 28–32, and 33–46 y). Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) was also used to discern potential patterns in the HMO profile data (41). In this set of analyses, data were processed with the use of the Brunet method (42), and 6 basis components were retained on the basis of the rank estimate that was determined from the same package. Heat maps of the NMF feature scores were created with the heatmap.2 procedure in the gplots package (43) to look for patterns within the data structure (distinct from the correlation maps and shown in Supplemental Figures 1 and 2).


Based on the provided information, it appears that the study focused on analyzing the concentrations and profiles of human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) in breast milk produced by healthy women in different geographic locations. The study found that there were variations in HMO profiles among the different populations studied, suggesting that geographic location may play a role in regulating the synthesis of HMOs.

In terms of potential innovations to improve access to maternal health, here are some recommendations:

1. Research and Development: Further research and development can be conducted to better understand the impact of HMO profiles on maternal and infant health. This can involve studying the specific health benefits associated with different HMO profiles and identifying ways to optimize HMO synthesis in breast milk.

2. Education and Awareness: Efforts can be made to educate healthcare professionals, mothers, and the general public about the importance of breastfeeding and the role of HMOs in maternal and infant health. This can help increase awareness and promote breastfeeding as the preferred method of infant feeding.

3. Support for Breastfeeding: Policies and programs can be implemented to provide support for breastfeeding mothers, including access to lactation consultants, breastfeeding-friendly workplaces, and breastfeeding support groups. This can help improve breastfeeding rates and ensure that mothers have the resources they need to successfully breastfeed their infants.

4. International Collaboration: Collaboration between different countries and regions can be encouraged to share knowledge and best practices related to maternal health and breastfeeding. This can help promote the exchange of ideas and strategies for improving access to maternal health services and support.

5. Technology and Innovation: Technological innovations can be explored to improve access to maternal health services, such as telemedicine platforms for remote consultations with healthcare professionals, mobile applications for tracking breastfeeding and infant health, and wearable devices for monitoring maternal and infant health parameters.

These are just a few potential recommendations based on the information provided. It is important to note that further research and evaluation would be needed to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of these recommendations in improving access to maternal health.
AI Innovations Description
The investigation described in the provided text focused on the variability of human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) in healthy women from different geographic locations. The study found that HMO profiles differ among diverse populations of healthy women, suggesting that normal HMO concentrations and profiles vary geographically.

Based on this research, a recommendation to improve access to maternal health could be to develop targeted interventions that address the specific HMO needs of different populations. This could involve:

1. Increasing awareness: Educating healthcare providers, lactation consultants, and mothers about the importance of HMOs and their potential variations based on geographic location. This would help ensure that mothers receive accurate information and support regarding breastfeeding and the potential benefits of specific HMOs.

2. Research and development: Investing in further research to understand the specific HMO profiles and their potential health benefits in different populations. This would involve studying the genetic and environmental factors that contribute to HMO variations and their impact on maternal and infant health.

3. Customized interventions: Developing interventions and strategies that address the specific HMO needs of different populations. This could involve providing targeted nutritional support, such as HMO supplements or specialized breastfeeding support programs, to mothers in areas where HMO profiles are known to differ.

4. Collaboration and knowledge sharing: Encouraging collaboration between researchers, healthcare providers, and policymakers to share knowledge and best practices related to HMOs and maternal health. This would help ensure that the latest research findings are translated into effective interventions and policies that improve access to maternal health.

By implementing these recommendations, it is possible to develop innovative approaches that address the variability of HMO profiles and improve access to maternal health for women in different geographic locations.
AI Innovations Methodology
The study you provided focuses on the variability of human milk oligosaccharide (HMO) profiles in diverse populations of healthy women. The researchers found that HMO concentrations and profiles differ geographically, even among healthy women. To improve access to maternal health, it is important to consider innovations that can address this variability and ensure that all women have access to the necessary nutrients and components in breast milk.

One potential recommendation to improve access to maternal health is the development of personalized nutrition plans for breastfeeding women. By analyzing the HMO profiles of individual women, healthcare providers can tailor their nutritional recommendations to ensure that women are receiving the optimal balance of HMOs for their specific needs. This personalized approach can help address any deficiencies or variations in HMO profiles, ultimately improving maternal health and the health of their infants.

To simulate the impact of this recommendation on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could be developed as follows:

1. Data Collection: Collect data on HMO profiles from a diverse population of breastfeeding women. This data should include information on geographic location, maternal anthropometric and reproductive indexes, and other relevant factors.

2. Analysis: Analyze the collected data to identify patterns and variations in HMO profiles across different populations. This analysis should include statistical tests to determine the significance of any differences observed.

3. Personalized Nutrition Plans: Develop personalized nutrition plans based on the analysis of HMO profiles. These plans should take into account the specific HMO deficiencies or variations identified in each individual woman’s profile.

4. Simulation: Simulate the impact of implementing these personalized nutrition plans on improving access to maternal health. This can be done by comparing the health outcomes of women who receive personalized nutrition plans to those who receive standard nutritional recommendations.

5. Evaluation: Evaluate the effectiveness of the personalized nutrition plans in improving access to maternal health. This evaluation should consider factors such as maternal health indicators, infant health outcomes, and overall satisfaction with the personalized approach.

By following this methodology, researchers and healthcare providers can assess the potential impact of personalized nutrition plans on improving access to maternal health. This approach can help identify the most effective strategies for addressing the variability in HMO profiles and ensuring that all women have access to the necessary nutrients for optimal maternal and infant health.

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