Travel time and perinatal mortality after emergency caesarean sections: An evaluation of the 2-hour proximity indicator in Sierra Leone

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Study Justification:
This study aimed to evaluate the correlation between modelled and patient-reported travel times for emergency caesarean sections in Sierra Leone. The study was conducted because longer travel times have been associated with increased adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes, and geospatial modelling is increasingly used to estimate geographic proximity in emergency obstetric care. The study aimed to assess the clinical relevance of these models and their correlation with patient-reported travel times.
Study Highlights:
– The study compared patient-reported travel times with travel times estimated by two geospatial models.
– The median reported travel time was 60 minutes, while the models estimated travel times of 13 and 34 minutes.
– The 2-hour access threshold correlated with a patient-reported travel time of 5.7 hours for one model and 1.8 hours for the other model.
– Longer travel times were associated with transport by boat and ambulance, visiting multiple facilities before reaching the final facility, lower education, and poverty.
– Lower perinatal mortality rates were found in groups with reported and modelled travel times of 2 hours or less.
Study Recommendations:
– The standard model used to estimate geographical proximity consistently underestimated travel time.
– The conservative travel time model corresponded better to patient-reported travel times.
– The 2-hour threshold, as determined by the Lancet Commission on Global Surgery, is clinically relevant in reducing perinatal death, but it is not a clear-cut cutoff.
Key Role Players:
– Medical doctors and associate clinicians in hospitals
– Anaesthesia team members
– Research nurses
– Primary investigator
– Policy makers and government officials involved in healthcare planning and resource allocation
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Training for anaesthesia team members
– Data collection and supervision during hospital visits
– Database management and data entry
– Follow-up home visits by research nurses
– Geospatial data and geographical information systems (GIS) software
– Open-source WHO tool AccessMod
– Health promotion packages for patients during home visits
– Administrative and logistical support for the study
Please note that the provided cost items are general budget items and may not reflect the actual cost of implementing the study recommendations.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is moderately strong, but there are some areas for improvement. The study design is described, and the methods used to estimate travel times are explained. The results show a correlation between patient-reported and modelled travel times, as well as an association between longer travel times and lower perinatal mortality. However, the abstract does not provide information on the sample size, statistical analysis methods, or potential limitations of the study. To improve the evidence, the abstract could include these missing details and provide a clearer explanation of the study’s implications for clinical practice.

Introduction Longer travel times are associated with increased adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes. Geospatial modelling has been increasingly used to estimate geographic proximity in emergency obstetric care. In this study, we aimed to assess the correlation between modelled and patient-reported travel times and to evaluate its clinical relevance. Methods Women who delivered by caesarean section in nine hospitals were followed up with home visits at 1 month and 1 year. Travel times between the location before the delivery and the facility where caesarean section was performed were estimated, based on two models (model I Ouma et al; model II Munoz et al). Patient-reported and modelled travel times were compared applying a univariable linear regression analysis, and the relation between travel time and perinatal mortality was assessed. Results The median reported travel time was 60 min, compared with 13 and 34 min estimated by the two models, respectively. The 2-hour access threshold correlated with a patient-reported travel time of 5.7 hours for model I and 1.8 hours for model II. Longer travel times were associated with transport by boat and ambulance, visiting one or two facilities before reaching the final facility, lower education and poverty. Lower perinatal mortality was found both in the group with a reported travel time of 2 hours or less (193 vs 308 per 1000 births, p<0.001) and a modelled travel time of 2 hours or less (model I: 209 vs 344 per 1000 births, p=0.003; model II: 181 vs 319 per 1000 births, p<0.001). Conclusion The standard model, used to estimate geographical proximity, consistently underestimated the travel time. However, the conservative travel time model corresponded better to patient-reported travel times. The 2-hour threshold as determined by the Lancet Commission on Global Surgery, is clinically relevant with respect to reducing perinatal death, not a clear cut-off.

Sierra Leone, in West Africa, reports some of the world’s worst maternal and perinatal health outcomes.17 More than half (54.4%) of the deliveries take place in a health facility,18 either in one of the 1160 primary healthcare units, or 24 public or 30 private hospitals.19 The national population caesarean section rate is 2.9%,20 far below the suggested threshold of 10%–19%,21 22 and reflects limited access to emergency obstetric services in the country. Delayed and substandard care results in a perinatal mortality rate after caesarean section of 190 per 1000 births,18 much higher than the national perinatal mortality rate of 39 per 1000 pregnancies.23 This study was part of a prospective multicentre audit comparing outcome of caesarean sections performed by medical doctors and associate clinicians in nine hospitals in Sierra Leone.23 24 The study facilities consisted of four district hospitals, one regional hospital, the national maternity referral hospital and three private non-profit hospitals, located in all geographical regions of Sierra Leone. Women who underwent a planned caesarean section were excluded from the analysis. In each of the participating hospitals, anaesthesia team members were trained to enrol patients and do the in-hospital data collection. Data collection was supervised and reviewed by the primary investigator, during hospital visits at 1–3 weeks intervals, throughout the whole study period. Data were entered into a Microsoft Excel 2016 database in the study facilities and inconsistent or missing data were supplemented from operation logbooks or patient files. During admission, the following data was collected: the patient’s address before coming to the hospital; patient-reported estimated time from the place of stay before the delivery to the facility where the caesarean section was performed; other health facilities visited en route to the hospital; and clinical process and outcome data. Except for clinical data, information was provided by patients and their relatives. Follow-up home visits were conducted at 1 month and 1 year after discharge by four research nurses. During the home visits, data collected while admitted was verified, information regarding the means of transport to the hospital was collected and geolocations were recorded. OpenStreetMap was used to review all geospatial data regarding location before coming to the hospital.25 Two previously published geospatial models were used to create travel time maps. The first (model I) was based on the methods described by Ouma et al11, which overestimated geographical access compared with patient-reported travel time in a recent study.16 Several more conservative national models have been published from Rwanda, Ghana, Tanzania and Zambia.12–15 As a sensitivity analysis, the model from Rwanda (Huerta Munoz et al12, walking and public transport scenario) was applied to our data set as it presented the most conservative travel time estimates. Minor adjustments were made to both models to increase the reproducibility (table 1). Comparison of two geospatial models Comparison of two geospatial models based on the methodology described by Ouma et al11 and “scenario 3” Munoz et al.12 *Walking and public transport scenario. †In this study we extracted the road network from OpenStreetMap while Ouma et al combined the road network from OpenStreetmap and Google Map Maker Project and Munoz et al. obtained the road network from Centre for Geographical Information Systems – National University of Rwanda. ‡In this study we applied a spatial grid of 94 m compared to a spatial grid of respectively 100 m and 90 m in the original articles. DEM, digital elevation model; N/A, not assigned. Based on the two models, two maps were generated for each of the nine study hospitals (see online supplemental figure 1), using the open-source WHO tool AccessMod V.5.6.0,26 freely available geospatial data and geographical information systems (GIS) desktop software (QGIS V.3.12, Open Source Geospatial Foundation Project). The input layers for each map analysis were a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) with a resolution of 94 m and a vegetation map extracted from the 2016 Africa land cover (Contains modified Copernicus data (2015/2016), ESA Climate Change Initiative-Land Cover project 2017). Rivers and road networks, with primary (including trunk roads), secondary and tertiary roads (including unclassified roads for model II), were retrieved from OpenStreetMap.25 The models were based on the assumption that patients would reach the nearest road at walking speed and then continue with other means of transport. Road and non-road speeds varied between the models. For model II, an anisotropic analysis using the DEM was incorporated, implying that travel speeds were affected by the slope of the terrain. For each patient, travel time to the facility was extracted from the facility-specific maps with QGIS V.3.12 software. bmjgh-2020-003943supp001.pdf Univariable linear regression analysis was used to compare patient-reported and geospatial modelled travel times. For each patient, a conversion factor was calculated by dividing the modelled travel time by the patient-reported travel time. Median and IQRs were used to present the non-normally distributed variables travel time and conversion factor. Travel time comparisons were presented using scatter plot with regression line and analysed with correlation coefficients. Statistical analyses were performed with STATA V.16.0 (StataCorp). P values of less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant. For patients that used multiple means of transport, the main mode of transport was presented. Maps were produced with QGIS V.3.12 to illustrate patient-reported and geospatial modelled travel times, using the raw output of the AccessMod tool and an interpolated surface of patient-reported travel times. The interpolation was produced using inverse distance weighting. Written informed consent was obtained from each woman by signature or thumbprint, either before or as soon as possible after surgery. The study is registered in the international clinical trial register (ISRCTN16157971). Patients were involved in the selection of the content of the health promotion packages provided as an incentive during home visits and provided feedback on the burden of the questionnaires.


Based on the provided information, here are some potential innovations that can be used to improve access to maternal health in Sierra Leone:

1. Geospatial Modelling: Use geospatial modelling techniques to estimate travel times between the location before delivery and the facility where caesarean sections are performed. This can help healthcare providers and policymakers understand the geographical proximity and identify areas with longer travel times.

2. Improved Transportation Infrastructure: Invest in improving transportation infrastructure, such as roads and bridges, to reduce travel times for pregnant women seeking emergency obstetric care. This can help ensure timely access to healthcare facilities and reduce adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes.

3. Telemedicine and Mobile Health: Implement telemedicine and mobile health solutions to provide remote consultations, prenatal care, and postnatal follow-up for pregnant women in remote areas. This can help overcome geographical barriers and improve access to healthcare services, especially for those who have limited access to healthcare facilities.

4. Community-Based Maternal Health Programs: Establish community-based maternal health programs that provide education, support, and resources to pregnant women and their families. These programs can help raise awareness about the importance of prenatal care, safe delivery practices, and postnatal care, ultimately improving maternal and perinatal health outcomes.

5. Task-Shifting and Training: Train and empower healthcare workers, including associate clinicians, to perform caesarean sections and provide emergency obstetric care. This can help address the shortage of medical doctors and increase access to life-saving interventions for pregnant women in need.

6. Public-Private Partnerships: Foster collaborations between public and private healthcare providers to expand access to maternal health services. This can involve leveraging the existing private hospitals and clinics to provide affordable and accessible care to pregnant women, especially in underserved areas.

7. Financial Incentives and Insurance Schemes: Implement financial incentives and insurance schemes to reduce the financial burden of maternal healthcare services for pregnant women. This can help increase utilization of healthcare services and improve access to timely and quality care.

8. Strengthening Referral Systems: Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of referral systems by establishing clear protocols and communication channels between primary healthcare units, district hospitals, and referral hospitals. This can ensure seamless and timely transfer of pregnant women requiring emergency obstetric care.

These innovations, when implemented collectively, can contribute to improving access to maternal health in Sierra Leone and reducing maternal and perinatal mortality rates.
AI Innovations Description
Based on the provided information, the recommendation to improve access to maternal health in Sierra Leone is to address the issue of travel time. The study found that longer travel times were associated with increased adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes. Therefore, reducing travel time to healthcare facilities is crucial for improving maternal and perinatal health.

To develop this recommendation into an innovation, the following steps can be taken:

1. Improve transportation infrastructure: Enhance road networks and transportation systems to reduce travel time between communities and healthcare facilities. This can include building new roads, improving existing ones, and ensuring reliable public transportation options.

2. Establish mobile healthcare units: Implement mobile healthcare units equipped with medical professionals and necessary equipment to provide essential maternal health services in remote areas. These units can travel to underserved communities, reducing the need for pregnant women to travel long distances for care.

3. Telemedicine and teleconsultation services: Utilize technology to provide remote healthcare services, including telemedicine and teleconsultation. This allows pregnant women to receive medical advice and consultations without the need for physical travel, especially for non-emergency cases.

4. Community-based healthcare programs: Develop community-based healthcare programs that focus on maternal health education, prenatal care, and early detection of complications. By empowering local communities and training community health workers, access to maternal health services can be improved at the grassroots level.

5. Public-private partnerships: Foster collaborations between the government, non-profit organizations, and private sector entities to invest in and support initiatives aimed at improving access to maternal health. This can involve funding transportation infrastructure, mobile healthcare units, and technology solutions.

6. Data-driven decision-making: Continuously collect and analyze data on travel times, healthcare utilization, and maternal health outcomes to identify areas with the greatest need for intervention. This information can guide the allocation of resources and the implementation of targeted strategies.

By implementing these recommendations and innovations, access to maternal health can be improved in Sierra Leone, leading to better outcomes for both mothers and newborns.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the provided information, one potential innovation to improve access to maternal health in Sierra Leone is the development of a mobile application that provides real-time information on the nearest healthcare facilities, including their services and availability. This application can be designed to be user-friendly and accessible even in areas with limited internet connectivity.

To simulate the impact of this recommendation on improving access to maternal health, a methodology can be developed as follows:

1. Data Collection: Gather data on the current healthcare facilities in Sierra Leone, including their locations, services offered, and availability of maternal health services. This data can be obtained from government health agencies, NGOs, and other relevant sources.

2. Geospatial Mapping: Utilize geospatial mapping techniques to plot the locations of healthcare facilities on a map of Sierra Leone. This will provide a visual representation of the distribution of healthcare facilities across the country.

3. Travel Time Estimation: Estimate travel times from different locations in Sierra Leone to the nearest healthcare facilities using geospatial modeling techniques. This can be done by considering factors such as road networks, transportation options, and average travel speeds.

4. Mobile Application Development: Develop a mobile application that utilizes the collected data and travel time estimates to provide real-time information on the nearest healthcare facilities. The application should be user-friendly and accessible on both smartphones and feature phones.

5. Simulation: Simulate the impact of the mobile application on improving access to maternal health by comparing travel times and access to healthcare facilities before and after the implementation of the application. This can be done by selecting a sample of users and collecting data on their travel times and utilization of healthcare facilities.

6. Evaluation: Analyze the simulation results to assess the effectiveness of the mobile application in improving access to maternal health. This can be done by comparing travel times, utilization rates of healthcare facilities, and maternal health outcomes before and after the implementation of the application.

By following this methodology, it will be possible to assess the potential impact of the recommended innovation on improving access to maternal health in Sierra Leone. The simulation results can then be used to inform decision-making and guide the implementation of the mobile application.

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