Longitudinal mediation analysis of the factors associated with trajectories of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms among postpartum women in Northwest Ethiopia: Application of the Karlson-Holm-Breen (KHB) method

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Study Justification:
– The study addresses a gap in the literature by investigating the trajectories of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms among postpartum women in Northwest Ethiopia.
– Childbirth is recognized as a potentially traumatic experience, and understanding the factors associated with PTSD symptoms in this population is important for improving maternal mental health.
– The study aims to identify the predictors of PTSD symptoms and the mediating relationships between variables, providing valuable insights for developing interventions and support programs.
Study Highlights:
– The study recruited 775 postpartum women and followed them at the 6th, 12th, and 18th week of the postpartum period.
– Four distinct trajectories of PTSD symptoms were identified, indicating variations in symptom severity and recovery patterns among the participants.
– Factors such as perceived traumatic childbirth, fear of childbirth, depression, anxiety, psychological violence, higher WHODAS 2.0 total score, multigravidity, stressful life events of health risk, relational problems, and income instability were found to be predictors of PTSD with recovery and chronic PTSD trajectory group membership.
– Depression and anxiety not only directly influenced the trajectories of PTSD symptoms but also mediated the effects of other factors on these trajectories.
– Multiparity and higher mental quality of life scores were protective factors against belonging to the PTSD with recovery and chronic PTSD trajectory group membership.
Recommendations for Lay Readers:
– Women with symptoms of depression, anxiety, fear of childbirth, and perceived traumatic childbirth are at increased risk of belonging to the recovered and chronic PTSD trajectories.
– Postnatal screening and treatment of depression and anxiety may help decrease PTSD symptoms in the postpartum period.
– Providing adequate information about birth procedures and responding to mothers’ needs during childbirth, as well as training healthcare providers to be mindful of factors that contribute to negative appraisals of childbirth, are essential for reducing fear of childbirth and traumatic childbirth to prevent PTSD symptoms.
Recommendations for Policy Makers:
– Implement postnatal screening programs to identify women at risk of developing PTSD symptoms and provide appropriate mental health support and treatment.
– Develop interventions that target depression and anxiety in the postpartum period, as these factors have a significant impact on PTSD symptom trajectories.
– Improve childbirth education and support services to ensure that women receive accurate information, feel empowered, and have their needs met during childbirth.
– Enhance training programs for healthcare providers to increase their awareness and sensitivity to factors that contribute to negative childbirth experiences and PTSD symptoms.
Key Role Players:
– Healthcare professionals (doctors, nurses, midwives) for postnatal screening, mental health support, and treatment.
– Maternal health organizations and NGOs for implementing interventions and support programs.
– Policy makers and government agencies responsible for developing and implementing policies related to maternal mental health.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Training programs for healthcare providers on mental health screening and support: budget for organizing training sessions, materials, and trainers’ fees.
– Implementation of postnatal screening programs: budget for screening tools, data collection, and analysis.
– Development and implementation of interventions and support programs: budget for program design, materials, training, and monitoring.
– Awareness campaigns and educational materials for women and families: budget for developing and disseminating information materials.
– Research and evaluation: budget for data collection, analysis, and publication of findings.
Please note that the cost items mentioned above are hypothetical and should be determined based on the specific context and resources available.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 8 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is strong, but there are some areas for improvement. The study design is robust, with a large sample size and a longitudinal follow-up period. The use of group-based trajectory modeling and mediation analysis adds depth to the findings. However, the abstract could benefit from providing more specific details about the statistical methods used and the results obtained. Additionally, it would be helpful to include information about potential limitations of the study and suggestions for future research. Overall, the evidence is strong, but these improvements would enhance the clarity and completeness of the abstract.

Introduction In recent years, literatures identified childbirth as a potentially traumatic experience resulting in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), with 19.7 to 45.5% of women perceiving their childbirth as traumatic. A substantial variation in PTSD symptoms has been also indicated among women who experience a traumatic childbirth. However, there has been no research that has systematically investigated these patterns and their underlying determinants in postpartum women in Ethiopia. Objective The aim of this study was to investigate the trajectories of PTSD symptoms and mediating relationships of variables associated with it among postpartum women in Northwest Ethiopia. Methods A total of 775 women were recruited after childbirth and were followed at the 6th, 12th and 18th week of postpartum period during October, 2020 -March, 2021. A group-based trajectory modeling and mediation analysis using KHB method were carried out using Stata version 16 software in order to determine the trajectories of PTSD symptoms and mediation percentage of each mediator on the trajectories of PTSD symptoms. Results Four distinct trajectories of postpartum posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms were identified. Perceived traumatic childbirth, fear of childbirth, depression, anxiety, psychological violence, higher WHODAS 2.0 total score, multigravidity, stressful life events of health risk, relational problems and income instability were found to be predictors of PTSD with recovery and chronic PTSD trajectory group membership. Depression and anxiety not only were strongly related to trajectories of PTSD symptoms directly but also mediated much of the effect of the other factors on trajectories of PTSD symptoms. In contrast, multiparity and higher mental quality of life scores were protective of belonging to the PTSD with recovery and chronic PTSD trajectory group membership. Conclusion Women with symptoms of depression, anxiety, fear of childbirth and perceived traumatic childbirth were at increased risk of belonging to recovered and chronic PTSD trajectories. Postnatal screening and treatment of depression and anxiety may contribute to decrease PTSD symptoms of women in the postpartum period. Providing adequate information about birth procedures and response to mothers’ needs during childbirth and training of health care providers to be mindful of factors that contribute to negative appraisals of childbirth are essential to reduce fear of childbirth and traumatic childbirth so as to prevent PTSD symptoms in the postpartum period.

Data used for this study were collected as part of the health facility linked community based prospective follow-up study conducted in Northwest Ethiopia to determine the effect of maternal morbidities on maternal health related quality of life, functional status and mental health problems. The details of the methods were described elsewhere [38]. In brief, postpartum women were recruited in four hospitals of south Gondar zone, Northwest Ethiopia. The data collection took place between October 1, 2020 and March 30, 2021. South Gondar is located at 650 km Northwest from Addis Ababa the capital city of Ethiopia. A total of 775 women consented to participate in the study and participated at the first, second and third follow-up of the study (6th, 12th and 18th week of postpartum period). Recruitment of the study participants was done after child birth and before the time of discharge. Women with any of the direct and indirect maternal morbidities were recruited into the exposed group and those without the direct and indirect maternal morbidities were into the non-exposed group based on the WHO maternal morbidity criteria [39]. Women aged 15 years and above, with preterm, term or post term delivery and with live birth, still birth or fetal death were included in the study. The PTSD criterion A was not considered as an exclusion criterion, because childbirth related negative events and emotions that do not satisfy the criterion A can cause symptoms that could qualify as a PTSD diagnosis [3]. All exposed women with direct maternal morbidity included in the study and non-exposed women without direct maternal morbidities were selected by simple random sampling method using their chart number on daily bases. With 1:2 ratio of exposed to non-exposed mothers, this recruitment procedure continued prospectively until the required sample size was fulfilled. Women were asked for consent to participate in the study and after getting their consent and full address, appointments were made at their home to collect the data for the follow up study. Trajectories of posttraumatic stress disorder was taken as the outcome variable. Direct maternal morbidities(obstetric hemorrhage, hypertensive disorders, obstructed labour, puerperal sepsis, gestational diabetes mellitus, perineal tear), indirect maternal morbidities (anemia, malaria, hypertension, asthma, tuberculosis, HIV), socio-demographic variables (age, educational status, marital status, religion, ethnicity, occupation, monthly expenditure), residence, obstetric variables (parity, mode of delivery, gestational age at birth, birth weight, birth interval, fetal death, unwanted pregnancies, antenatal care visit, history of abortion), health related quality of life and psychosocial factors (social support and fear of child birth) were taken as the main independent variables. functional status, depression and anxiety were taken as mediators of the independent variables associated with the outcome variable. The short version of depression, anxiety and stress scale 21 (DASS-21) questionnaire was used to measure depression, anxiety and stress. The instrument has 21 items with three domains. Each domain comprises seven items assessing symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress. In this study a score ≥ 10 was considered for a mother to have a symptom of depression. A cut-off score of ≥ 8 was considered to have symptoms of anxiety and a score of ≥ 15 was considered to have symptoms of stress. This instrument was validated and used previously in Ethiopia [40,41]. The childbirth stressor was operationalized by using the Traumatic Event Scale (TES) [42,43]. In this scale, the items concerning criterion A (stressor) were formulated as follows: Four alternative answers follow each statement: “not at all,” “somehow,” “much,” and “very much.” Criterion A is fulfilled if either of the alternatives “much” or “very much” on item 1, 2 and/or 3, and 4 is marked [42,43]. After the questions regarding criterion A, we have used the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5) comprising the 20 PTSD symptoms (criterion B, C and D) to measure PTSD. The instrument contains 20 items, including three new PTSD symptoms (compared with the PTSD Checklist for DSM-IV): blame, negative emotions and reckless or self-destructive behavior [44]. A total-symptom score of zero to 80 can be obtained by summing the items. A score of 31–33 is optimal to determine PTSD symptoms and a score of ≥33 is recommended when further psychometric testing is not available [45,46]. Therefore, a score of ≥ 33 was considered to have symptoms of PTSD for this study. The instrument was used previously in Ethiopia [46]. The quality of life was measured by the Amharic version of the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-BREF) instrument [47]. It consists of 24 items to measure perception of quality of life in four domains, including physical health, psychological, social relationships and environment, and two items on overall QOL and general health. The domain scores were transformed into a linear scale between 0 and 100 following the scoring guidelines [47]. A higher score indicated a better quality of life. The WHOQOL-BREF has been previously validated and used in Ethiopia [48]. To measure maternal functional status, the 36-item form of the WHODAS 2.0 instrument was used (the 32-item form was used for participants who were unemployed and no longer in school). The WHODAS has been previously validated and used in Ethiopia [49–52]. The WHODAS 2.0 is designed to measure activity functioning and participation in daily living activities in the previous 30 days. The instrument provides a common way of measuring the impact of any health condition in terms of functioning. It is not targeted to a specific disease, so it can be used to compare disability due to different conditions. The WHODA 2.0 consists of six domains: cognition (understanding and communication), mobility, self-care, getting along with people, life activities and participation in society. Results provided a profile of functioning within the domains as well as overall score. Total WHODAS 2.0 scores can range from zero to 100, with higher numbers indicating greater impairment of day-to-day functioning [53]. The Wijma Delivery Expectation/Experience Questionnaire (W-DEQ) was used to measure fear of child birth. The W-DEQ has been designed specially to measure fear of child birth operationalized by the cognitive appraisal of the delivery. This 33-item rating scale has a 6-point Likert scale as a response format, ranging from ’ not at all’ (= 0) to ’ extremely’ (= 5), yielding a score-range between 0 and 165. The Internal consistency and split-half reliability of the W-DEQ was checked in previous studies in Ethiopia with the Cronbach’s alpha score of 0.932 (54, 55). A score of ≥ 85 was considered to have fear of child birth for this study [54,55]. The Oslo 3-items social support scale with scores ranging from 3 to 14 was used to measure social support. The social support scores were categorized into poor or no social support for scores less than nine. Scores between 9 and 14 were considered moderate to strong support and merged together as “yes” for social support. The Oslo 3-items social support scale was validated and previously used in Ethiopia [56–58]. The List of Threatening Experiences (LTE) was used to measure experience of stressful life events during the six months period [59]. The 12 items were categorized into five categories namely health risks, loss of a loved one, relationship difficulties, income instability and legal problems [60]. The list of threatening experiences (LTE-12) has been used in a population level study in Ethiopia [61,62]. Domestic violence was measured by the WHO (2005) multi country study questionnaire. This questionnaire has four items for psychological violence, six items for physical violence and three items for sexual violence [63]. Administering baseline questionnaire and diagnosis of direct and indirect maternal morbidities using the WHO maternal morbidity working group criteria, were done by health professionals working in the Gynecology and Obstetrics wards of the study Hospitals. The questionnaire consisted of a patient interview and record review. The interview was on socioeconomic status, medical and obstetric history and clinical symptoms. The record review was intended to extract information on selected laboratory tests and results for hemoglobin, HIV, malaria (rapid diagnostic test or smear) and glucometer (random blood sugar). The DASS-21 and PCL-5 were administered by health extension workers at the first, second and third home visit (6th, 12th and 18th week of postpartum period). Training was given for data collectors and supervision was done by the principal investigator. During the training process, data collectors carefully reviewed each question and pretest was done before the study commences. The investigator and data collectors have checked the final version of the questionnaire and update as required based on the pretest. Trajectories of PTSD symptoms were determined by group-based trajectory modeling using the Traj package of Stata 16. The group-based trajectory modeling was used to identify distinct homogenous clusters of postpartum women with similar progressions of PTSD symptoms during the follow up period [64]. A distinct trajectory consists of a group of individuals who share a common underlying pattern of PTSD symptoms change over time [64]. Censored normal finite mixture model was used to estimate trajectories of PTSD symptoms over the postpartum period (at 6th, 12th and 18th week of postpartum period). The identification process of appropriate group trajectories was based on the selection and reporting procedures outlined by Nagin et al [65]. In the model selection process, the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) was used to determine the best model underlying the group selection and functional form. The closer the negative BIC value is to zero, the better is the fit of the model. A difference in the BIC value of at least 10 points between two models indicates that the model with the lower BIC value has a better model fit [65]. We have also assessed the posterior probabilities of group membership and required that average posterior probability reached 0.70 or higher to be a distinct classification group. Entropy, a statistic that ranges from 0.00 to 1.00 which is a summary indicator of the conditional probabilities of individuals’ group membership has been also used. High values of entropy (> .80) indicate that individuals are classified with confidence (i.e., the model is generally pretty sure that persons belong to a particular class) and there is adequate separation between the latent classes [66]. Additionally, we required at least 5% of the sample to be present in a particular group and all trajectories were distinct from one another by visual assessment of trajectory figures looking for nonoverlapping confidence intervals [65,67,68]. The labeling of each trajectory was based on a previous research work [1]. Then, multinomial logistic regression model was carried out to identify factors that were associated with probability of group (trajectory) membership. First, unadjusted bivariable associations between each predictor and trajectory membership were tested in order to identify predictors having a p-value of ≤ 0.2 to enter into the multivariable multinomial logistic regression. Next, multivariable multinomial logistic regression model was fitted to determine factors associated with membership to PTSD symptom trajectories. We report the odds ratio of group membership with 95% CI and a p-value of ≤ 0.05 for statistical significance. Prior to fitting the Structural Equation Model (SEM), a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted to test the model fit of the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5) scores. We estimated the model fitness by using the comparative fit index (CFI), Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI) and the root-mean-square error of approximation (RMSEA). Both the TLI and CFI should be greater than 0.90, but the RMSEA value should be less than 0.08 to judge the model as reasonably fitting the data [3,69]. The direct, indirect, and total effects of independent variables were reported in the form of standardized beta coefficients. Estimated effects for which p <0.05 were considered as being statistically significant. Finally, the direct and indirect effects of independent variables on the postpartum PTSD trajectories were assessed using the recently developed Karlson-Holm-Breen (KHB) method, which is appropriate for mediation analyses in nonlinear models [70,71]. The KHB decomposition method has been found to keep the features of decomposing a linear model [72] and permits a vector of mediators to be analyzed even in a nonlinear model [71]. This method allows researchers to examine multiple mediators simultaneously [73]. It also enables to decompose the total effect of a key independent variable in a logistic regression model into the sum of the direct and indirect effects. The KHB method also estimates all effects (i.e., overall, direct, and indirect) on the same scale, making comparisons across different mediators or coefficients reliable. It also allows for the calculation of the mediated percentage, which is interpreted as the percentage of the main association that can be explained by the mediator. The mediated percentage was only considered significant when the total and indirect effects were significant [74]. Moreover, the KHB method allows researchers to include other confounding variables (as concomitants) into the models without the scale identification issue to control the decomposition of any potential confounding factors. The KHB method was implemented by a user-written KHB command in Stata 16.0. which applies decomposition properties of linear models to the logit model [71]. This study was approved by the institutional review board of Bahir Dar University. Each study participant has given written informed consent before participating in the study. Assent was also obtained from teenage mothers whose age is less than 18 years, in addition to informed consent from their care givers. Using codes, passwords and limiting access to the data only for the investigators were the measures taken to ensure the confidentiality of the data. Data collectors read out and assisted participants to fill out the consent form if participants were unable to read and write.

Based on the provided information, it appears that the study focuses on investigating the trajectories of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms among postpartum women in Northwest Ethiopia. The study aims to identify the factors associated with these trajectories and explore potential mediators. The following innovations could be considered to improve access to maternal health:

1. Telemedicine: Implementing telemedicine services can improve access to mental health support for postpartum women, including those experiencing PTSD symptoms. This technology allows remote consultations and counseling sessions, reducing the need for in-person visits and increasing accessibility, especially in rural areas.

2. Mobile Health (mHealth) Applications: Developing mobile applications specifically designed for postpartum women can provide information, resources, and support for mental health issues. These apps can offer self-help tools, educational materials, and connections to healthcare professionals, enhancing access to maternal health services.

3. Community-Based Interventions: Establishing community-based programs that focus on mental health awareness and support for postpartum women can improve access to care. These interventions can include support groups, peer counseling, and community outreach initiatives to reduce stigma and increase knowledge about mental health.

4. Training Healthcare Providers: Providing comprehensive training to healthcare providers on identifying and addressing mental health issues in postpartum women is crucial. This training should include screening protocols, evidence-based interventions, and appropriate referrals to mental health specialists.

5. Integration of Mental Health Services: Integrating mental health services into existing maternal health programs and facilities can enhance access to care. This integration ensures that mental health support is readily available during routine antenatal and postnatal visits, reducing the need for separate appointments and improving overall accessibility.

6. Policy and Advocacy: Advocating for policies that prioritize maternal mental health and allocate resources for mental health services is essential. This includes advocating for increased funding, improved insurance coverage, and the inclusion of mental health services in national healthcare plans.

It is important to note that these recommendations are general and may need to be tailored to the specific context and resources available in Northwest Ethiopia.
AI Innovations Description
Based on the information provided, the study conducted in Northwest Ethiopia aimed to investigate the trajectories of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms among postpartum women and identify the factors associated with these trajectories. The study used group-based trajectory modeling and mediation analysis to analyze the data.

The study found four distinct trajectories of postpartum PTSD symptoms among the participants. Factors such as perceived traumatic childbirth, fear of childbirth, depression, anxiety, psychological violence, higher WHODAS 2.0 total score, multigravidity, stressful life events of health risk, relational problems, and income instability were identified as predictors of PTSD with recovery and chronic PTSD trajectory group membership. Depression and anxiety were not only directly related to trajectories of PTSD symptoms but also mediated the effect of other factors on these trajectories. On the other hand, multiparity and higher mental quality of life scores were found to be protective factors against belonging to the PTSD with recovery and chronic PTSD trajectory group membership.

Based on these findings, the study recommends several strategies to improve access to maternal health and reduce PTSD symptoms among postpartum women. These recommendations include:

1. Postnatal screening and treatment of depression and anxiety: Identifying and treating symptoms of depression and anxiety in the postpartum period can contribute to reducing PTSD symptoms among women. Healthcare providers should be trained to screen for and address these mental health issues.

2. Providing adequate information about birth procedures: Ensuring that women have access to accurate and comprehensive information about childbirth procedures can help reduce fear of childbirth and traumatic childbirth experiences. This can be achieved through childbirth education programs and counseling services.

3. Responding to mothers’ needs during childbirth: Healthcare providers should be trained to be mindful of factors that contribute to negative appraisals of childbirth and to respond to the individual needs and preferences of women during the childbirth process. This can help create a supportive and empowering birthing environment.

4. Training of healthcare providers: Healthcare providers should receive training on trauma-informed care and the identification and management of PTSD symptoms in the postpartum period. This can help improve the quality of care provided to women and ensure that their mental health needs are addressed.

5. Strengthening social support networks: Enhancing social support systems for postpartum women can help reduce the risk of PTSD symptoms. This can be achieved through community-based interventions, support groups, and involving family members and friends in the postpartum care process.

It is important to note that these recommendations are based on the findings of the specific study conducted in Northwest Ethiopia. Further research and contextual adaptation may be needed to implement these recommendations in different settings.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the provided information, here are some potential recommendations for improving access to maternal health:

1. Increase awareness and education: Implement comprehensive education programs to raise awareness about maternal health, including the potential for traumatic childbirth and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. This can help women and their families recognize the signs and seek appropriate support and care.

2. Strengthen mental health support: Enhance mental health services for postpartum women, particularly focusing on screening, diagnosis, and treatment of depression, anxiety, and PTSD. This can involve training healthcare providers to identify and address mental health issues, as well as ensuring access to counseling and therapy services.

3. Improve childbirth experiences: Enhance the quality of childbirth experiences by providing adequate information, support, and respectful care during the birthing process. This can involve training healthcare providers to be mindful of factors that contribute to negative appraisals of childbirth and promoting patient-centered care.

4. Enhance social support: Implement interventions to enhance social support for postpartum women, as social support has been shown to be protective against PTSD symptoms. This can involve community-based programs that provide emotional, practical, and informational support to women during the postpartum period.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could be developed as follows:

1. Define outcome measures: Clearly define the outcome measures that will be used to assess the impact of the recommendations, such as the reduction in PTSD symptoms, improvement in mental health, and increased utilization of maternal health services.

2. Collect baseline data: Collect baseline data on the current status of maternal health, including the prevalence of PTSD symptoms, access to mental health services, and childbirth experiences. This can involve surveys, interviews, and medical record reviews.

3. Develop a simulation model: Develop a simulation model that incorporates the recommendations and their potential impact on the outcome measures. This can be done using statistical software or specialized simulation tools.

4. Input data and parameters: Input the baseline data and relevant parameters into the simulation model. This can include data on the population, healthcare infrastructure, resources, and the effectiveness of the recommendations.

5. Run simulations: Run multiple simulations using different scenarios, such as varying levels of implementation of the recommendations or different target populations. This can help assess the potential impact of the recommendations under different conditions.

6. Analyze results: Analyze the results of the simulations to determine the potential impact of the recommendations on improving access to maternal health. This can involve comparing the outcomes of different scenarios and identifying key factors that contribute to the desired improvements.

7. Refine and validate the model: Refine the simulation model based on the analysis of the results and validate it using additional data or expert input. This can help ensure the accuracy and reliability of the simulation findings.

8. Communicate findings: Communicate the findings of the simulation study to relevant stakeholders, such as policymakers, healthcare providers, and community organizations. This can help inform decision-making and guide the implementation of the recommendations.

By following this methodology, researchers and policymakers can gain insights into the potential impact of innovations and recommendations on improving access to maternal health and make informed decisions to address the challenges in this area.

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