Individual and institutional determinants of caesarean section in referral hospitals in Senegal and Mali: A cross-sectional epidemiological survey

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Study Justification:
This study aimed to assess the non-financial factors associated with caesarean section (CS) in women managed by referral hospitals in Senegal and Mali. The study was conducted two years after implementing the free-CS policy in these countries. The goal was to identify individual and institutional determinants of CS rates in order to improve the understanding of the factors influencing the mode of delivery.
– The study included data from a cluster-randomized controlled trial (QUARITE trial) in referral hospitals in Senegal and Mali.
– The trial aimed to assess the effectiveness of the Advances in Labour and Risk Management (ALARM) International Program in reducing maternal mortality.
– The study analyzed data from 41 referral hospitals and included a total of 86,505 women.
– The main maternal risk factors associated with CS were previous CS, referral from another facility, suspected cephalopelvic-disproportion, vaginal bleeding near full term, hypertensive disorders, and premature rupture of membranes.
– Access to adult and neonatal intensive care, a 24-hour anaesthetist, and the number of annual deliveries per hospital were institutional factors that affected CS rates.
– The presence of obstetricians and/or medical-anaesthetists was associated with an increased risk of elective CS.
Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations can be made:
1. Improve access to prenatal care and early identification of maternal risk factors to reduce the need for emergency CS.
2. Enhance resources at the institutional level, including adult and neonatal intensive care, anaesthetists, and adequate staffing, to ensure appropriate management of CS cases.
3. Implement guidelines and protocols to ensure appropriate decision-making regarding CS, particularly for elective cases.
4. Provide training and support for healthcare providers to improve their knowledge and skills in managing CS cases.
Key Role Players:
To address the recommendations, the following key role players are needed:
1. Healthcare providers: Obstetricians, gynecologists, general practitioners, midwives, and nurse-anaesthetists.
2. Hospital administrators: Responsible for allocating resources and implementing guidelines and protocols.
3. Policy makers: Responsible for developing and implementing policies to improve maternal healthcare services.
4. Training institutions: Provide training and support for healthcare providers to enhance their skills and knowledge.
Cost Items:
While the actual cost of implementing the recommendations is not provided, the following cost items should be considered in planning:
1. Infrastructure: Upgrading and maintaining hospital facilities, including operating rooms and intensive care units.
2. Equipment and supplies: Procurement of medical equipment, instruments, medications, and other necessary supplies.
3. Staffing: Recruitment and training of healthcare providers, including obstetricians, gynecologists, midwives, and nurse-anaesthetists.
4. Training programs: Development and implementation of training programs for healthcare providers to improve their skills and knowledge.
5. Guidelines and protocols: Development and dissemination of guidelines and protocols for appropriate decision-making regarding CS.
6. Monitoring and evaluation: Establishing systems for monitoring and evaluating the implementation and impact of the recommendations.
Please note that the provided information is a summary of the study and may not include all details. For a comprehensive understanding, it is recommended to refer to the original publication in BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, Volume 12, Year 2012.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 8 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is strong because it is based on a secondary analysis of data extracted from a cluster-randomized controlled trial. The trial protocol was approved by ethics committees in multiple countries, and data collection procedures were published. The study included a large sample size of 86,505 women and used hierarchical logistic mixed models to determine individual and institutional factors associated with different types of caesarean sections. The study provides valuable insights into the factors influencing caesarean section rates in referral hospitals in Senegal and Mali. To improve the evidence, the abstract could provide more details on the specific findings and implications of the study.

Background: Two years after implementing the free-CS policy, we assessed the non-financial factors associated with caesarean section (CS) in women managed by referral hospitals in Senegal and Mali.Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional survey nested in a cluster trial (QUARITE trial) in 41 referral hospitals in Senegal and Mali (10/01/2007-10/01/2008). Data were collected regarding women’s characteristics and on available institutional resources. Individual and institutional factors independently associated with emergency (before labour), intrapartum and elective CS were determined using a hierarchical logistic mixed model.Results: Among 86 505 women, 14% delivered by intrapartum CS, 3% by emergency CS and 2% by elective CS. For intrapartum, emergency and elective CS, the main maternal risk factors were, respectively: previous CS, referral from another facility and suspected cephalopelvic-disproportion (adjusted Odds Ratios from 2.8 to 8.9); vaginal bleeding near full term, hypertensive disorders, previous CS and premature rupture of membranes (adjusted ORs from 3.9 to 10.2); previous CS (adjusted OR=19.2 [17.2-21.6]). Access to adult and neonatal intensive care, a 24-h/day anaesthetist and number of annual deliveries per hospital were independent factors that affected CS rates according to degree of urgency. The presence of obstetricians and/or medical-anaesthetists was associated with an increased risk of elective CS (adjusted ORs [95%CI] = 4.8 [2.6-8.8] to 9.4 [5.1-17.1]).Conclusions: We confirm the significant effect of well-known maternal risk factors affecting the mode of delivery. Available resources at the institutional level and the degree of urgency of CS should be taken into account in analysing CS rates in this context. © 2012 Briand et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

This secondary analysis included data extracted from a cluster-randomized controlled trial (QUARITE trial) in referral hospitals in Senegal and Mali. The protocol of the trial was approved by the ethics committee of Sainte-Justine Hospital in Montreal, Canada, and by the national ethics committees in Senegal and in Mali. The study protocol of the QUARITE trial and data collection procedures have already been published [15]. Briefly, the trial aimed to assess the effectiveness of the multifaceted Advances in Labour and Risk Management (ALARM) International Program – based on maternal death reviews – to reduce maternal mortality. Secondary goals included evaluation of the relationships between effectiveness and resource availability, service organization, medical practices that included CS rates, and satisfaction among health personnel. The trial was conducted in 46 out of a total of 49 eligible referral hospitals – 26 in Senegal and 23 in Mali – spread across both countries. A hospital was eligible for the trial if it had functional operating rooms and carried out >800 deliveries annually. Three eligible hospitals were excluded for the trial: two already had a structured programme for carrying out maternal-death audits before the project began, and the other hospital did not receive written consent from the local authorities. For the current analysis, we used the data collected during the first year of the trial – from October 2007 to October 2008 – when the ALARM intervention had not yet been implemented (i.e. pre-intervention phase of the trial). Therefore, there were no constraints or guidelines regarding investigations, treatments, admission and discharge decisions. Five hospitals out of the 46 included in the trial were excluded because four did not carry out any CS during the study period, and one only had data from mid-2008 (Figure ​(Figure1).1). All women who delivered in the 41 centres during the study period were included in the analyses, except those who lived outside Senegal or Mali, had a spontaneous abortion, and if the delivery date or mode of delivery was unknown. Flow chart. A total of 91,028 women delivered in the 46 referral hospitals selected for the QUARITE trial during the first year of the trial (from October 2007 to October 2008). Five hospitals were excluded from the analysis: four did not carry out any caesarean deliveries during the study period and one had data from mid-2008 only. $ Spontaneaous abortion was defined as birth weight less than 500 grams. Trained midwives who were supervised by the national coordinators of the survey collected data from medical records. In each country, data were collected on a daily basis on every woman who gave birth in every selected facility. It included: maternal demographic characteristics, obstetric history, prenatal care, management of labour and delivery, complications, and the vital status of both mother and child until hospital discharge. Pathologies during the current pregnancy and CS indications were reported using open questions and a pre-defined list of diagnoses or CS indications. The national coordinators of the study regularly verified that data collection was exhaustive (by comparing the number of eligible patients on the hospital’s birth register with the number of forms collected) and also checked data quality in a random sample of forms [15]. Between October 2007 and October 2008, 99% of the eligible women were included in the trial. The concordance rate – defined as the proportion of patient forms whose information was concordant with the hospital registers and medical records – was of 88% during the study period. Missing data for all variables accounted for <1% of cases, except for oxytocin use, which was missing for 5% of cases. For each institution, available resources were recorded in September 2007 and October 2008. A standardized inventory, developed by Villar [16], based on the WHO’s Complexity Index was used. This reflects the availability of different categories of resources required to provide high quality emergency obstetric care: basic services, screening tests, basic emergency obstetric resources, intrapartum care, general medical services, anaesthesiology resources, human resources, academic resources, and clinical protocols. Because resources changed during the study period, we split the study into period 1, from October 2007 to March 2008, and period 2, from April to October 2008. Women who delivered during periods 1 and 2 were assumed to have access to resources recorded in the first and second inventories, respectively. Regarding human resources, we created a categorical variable to distinguish between four different levels based on the number and qualifications of the medical staff: level I (‘reference’ group): general practitioners (GPs) trained in obstetrics, with nurse-anaesthetist(s) and two or less midwives; level II: trained GP(s), with nurse-anaesthetist(s) and three or more midwives; level III: at least one obstetric/gynaecology specialist, +/− trained GP(s), with nurse-anaesthetist(s) and three or more midwives; level IV: at least one obstetrics/gynaecology specialist, +/− trained GP(s), with at least one medical anaesthetist and three or more midwives. Mode of delivery was the main outcome of interest. Because the factors associated with CS differed according to the degree of urgency [14], we performed three distinct analyses, i.e. (i) emergency CS before labour (referred to as “emergency”) vs. all other deliveries, (ii) emergency intrapartum CS (“intrapartum”) vs. all vaginal deliveries, and (iii) elective CS vs. all delivery births with a trial of labour, which included both vaginal and intrapartum caesarean deliveries. No distinction was made between spontaneous vs. operative vaginal deliveries. For each type of CS, analysis was performed using a two-step procedure. As the first step, we assessed only individual factors, as they were expected to have the highest impact on CS likelihood. Potential individual risk factors were selected according to results obtained from previous studies in low- and middle-income countries [11,16-19]: age, parity, previous CS, multiple pregnancy (vs. single pregnancy), hypertensive disorders, vaginal bleeding near full term, suspected cephalopelvic-disproportion, suspected intrauterine death, premature rupture of the membranes, referral from another hospital, premature labour and oxytocin use. We considered that women did not have a condition if it had not been reported by a midwife. Obstetric complications that occurred during labour (i.e. obstructed labour or foetal distress) were not included in the analyses because they closely affected the decision regarding CS. Referral from another hospital was considered as a potential marker for more severe conditions because of delays due to large travel distances or lack of transportation. Both tri-variate (i.e., adjusted for the country and the period) and multi-variable analyses were performed. All variables, regardless of their association with CS in tri-variate analyses, were included in the multivariable model. They were all kept in the final model as they were independent and highly significant determinants of outcome (P<0.01). We used a conservative significance level to account for multiple analyses, and a very large sample size implied that any clinically relevant association was very significant. As the second step of analyses, we assessed which institutional factors were independently associated with CS, while adjusting for individual factors that were selected into the final multivariable model of the first step. Institutional factors considered for analysis were all items recorded in the standardized inventories (see the list of factors in Additional file 1). We did not use the Complexity Index, which aggregates the information on all available resources, but we tested each factor to determine which specifically influenced the decision for CS. Then, as in step one, all variables, regardless of their association with CS in tri-variate analysis, were considered for the multivariable analysis. In the final model, only those variables with a P<0.01, after a forward-stepwise procedure, were selected. We used a forward elimination procedure to account for very high sample size and high correlation between institutional variables. The level of qualification of the medical staff and the time period were forced into the final multivariable model. We used a logistic mixed model to account for the dependence of observations within hospital [20]. Indeed, including a random intercept to the model, assumed that women who delivered in the same hospital were more likely to have the same mode of delivery – because of common individual characteristics and shared institutional resources – than women who delivered in different hospitals. Also, we estimated the relative contribution of individual and institutional factors to the variability of each outcome (i.e., elective, emergency and intrapartum CS) between hospitals. In that purpose, we used the ratios of the random intercept variances [21]. To determine the effect of medical-staff configuration, we calculated the variation of elective CS rates between hospitals in women with either a low risk for CS (primiparous, 35 years old, with previous caesarean section and hypertensive disorders) in level I and IV hospitals [22]. All statistical analyses were performed using SAS system software (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). Hierarchical logistic mixed-regression models were estimated using the PROC NLMIXED procedure.

Based on the information provided, it appears that the study focused on identifying individual and institutional factors associated with caesarean section (CS) rates in referral hospitals in Senegal and Mali. The goal was to understand the non-financial determinants of CS and their impact on maternal health.

To improve access to maternal health, some potential innovations and recommendations could include:

1. Strengthening referral systems: Enhancing the coordination and communication between primary healthcare centers and referral hospitals to ensure timely and appropriate referrals for pregnant women in need of specialized care.

2. Improving transportation services: Developing or improving transportation systems to facilitate the transfer of pregnant women from remote areas to referral hospitals, especially in emergency situations.

3. Enhancing availability of resources: Ensuring that referral hospitals have adequate resources, including medical equipment, medications, and trained healthcare professionals, to provide comprehensive maternal health services.

4. Implementing evidence-based guidelines: Promoting the use of evidence-based guidelines for maternal health care, including guidelines for determining the appropriate mode of delivery, to ensure consistent and high-quality care across healthcare facilities.

5. Strengthening healthcare workforce: Investing in the training and capacity building of healthcare professionals, particularly midwives and obstetricians, to improve their skills in managing complicated pregnancies and deliveries.

6. Promoting community engagement: Engaging communities in maternal health initiatives through awareness campaigns, education programs, and community-based interventions to increase knowledge and utilization of maternal health services.

7. Utilizing technology: Exploring the use of telemedicine and digital health solutions to provide remote consultations, support, and monitoring for pregnant women in underserved areas, reducing the need for unnecessary travel to referral hospitals.

These innovations and recommendations aim to address the individual and institutional factors identified in the study and improve access to maternal health services in Senegal and Mali.
AI Innovations Description
The recommendation that can be developed into an innovation to improve access to maternal health based on the described study is to implement a multifaceted intervention program that addresses both individual and institutional factors associated with caesarean section (CS) rates in referral hospitals in Senegal and Mali.

The study found that individual factors such as previous CS, referral from another facility, and suspected cephalopelvic-disproportion were associated with higher CS rates. Institutional factors such as access to adult and neonatal intensive care, a 24-hour anaesthetist, and the number of annual deliveries per hospital also influenced CS rates.

To improve access to maternal health, the innovation could include the following components:

1. Training and education: Provide training and education to healthcare providers on evidence-based practices for managing labor and delivery, including appropriate indications for CS. This can help reduce unnecessary CS procedures.

2. Strengthening referral systems: Improve the coordination and communication between primary healthcare facilities and referral hospitals to ensure timely and appropriate referrals for high-risk pregnancies. This can help ensure that women who require CS receive the necessary care in a timely manner.

3. Enhancing resources: Increase the availability of resources in referral hospitals, such as adult and neonatal intensive care units, 24-hour anaesthetists, and adequate staffing levels. This can help improve the capacity of hospitals to handle complicated deliveries and reduce the need for emergency CS.

4. Quality improvement initiatives: Implement quality improvement initiatives in referral hospitals to ensure adherence to evidence-based practices and reduce variations in CS rates. This can include regular audits and feedback on CS rates, as well as the development and implementation of clinical protocols and guidelines.

5. Community engagement: Engage with communities to raise awareness about maternal health and the importance of appropriate care during pregnancy and childbirth. This can help empower women to make informed decisions about their care and reduce unnecessary CS procedures.

By implementing these recommendations, it is possible to improve access to maternal health and reduce unnecessary CS procedures, leading to better outcomes for both mothers and babies.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the provided description, the study aims to assess the non-financial factors associated with caesarean section (CS) in women managed by referral hospitals in Senegal and Mali. The study collected data on individual and institutional factors and their impact on CS rates. To improve access to maternal health, the study recommends considering the following innovations:

1. Improve access to adult and neonatal intensive care: Ensuring that referral hospitals have the necessary resources and facilities for adult and neonatal intensive care can help improve access to maternal health. This includes having trained staff, equipment, and protocols in place to provide high-quality care for women and newborns.

2. Increase availability of 24-hour anesthesia services: Having access to a 24-hour anesthesia service is crucial for emergency CS cases. This ensures that anesthesia can be administered promptly and safely, reducing the risk of complications and improving maternal outcomes.

3. Strengthen obstetrician and medical-anaesthetist presence: The presence of obstetricians and medical-anaesthetists in referral hospitals can contribute to improved access to maternal health. These specialists have the expertise to handle complex cases and perform CS when necessary.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could be developed as follows:

1. Define the baseline: Collect data on the current access to maternal health services, including CS rates, availability of intensive care, anesthesia services, and presence of obstetricians and medical-anaesthetists in referral hospitals.

2. Identify the target population: Determine the population that would benefit from improved access to maternal health, such as pregnant women in Senegal and Mali who require CS or specialized care.

3. Develop a simulation model: Create a mathematical model that incorporates the identified innovations and their potential impact on access to maternal health. This model should consider factors such as population size, resource availability, and the relationship between the innovations and CS rates.

4. Input data: Input the baseline data into the simulation model, including CS rates, availability of resources, and presence of specialists.

5. Simulate the impact: Run the simulation model with the proposed innovations to assess their impact on improving access to maternal health. This could involve adjusting variables such as the availability of intensive care, anesthesia services, and the presence of obstetricians and medical-anaesthetists.

6. Analyze the results: Evaluate the results of the simulation to determine the potential impact of the innovations on access to maternal health. This could include assessing changes in CS rates, reduction in maternal complications, and improvement in overall maternal outcomes.

7. Refine and validate the model: Continuously refine and validate the simulation model based on real-world data and feedback from healthcare professionals. This will ensure the accuracy and reliability of the model in predicting the impact of the innovations on improving access to maternal health.

By following this methodology, policymakers and healthcare providers can gain insights into the potential benefits of implementing the recommended innovations and make informed decisions to improve access to maternal health.

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