Determinants of contraceptive use among postpartum women in a county hospital in rural Kenya

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Study Justification:
– There is a high unmet need for limiting and spacing child births during the postpartum period.
– Closely spaced births have negative consequences, while longer pregnancy intervals have benefits.
– Targeted activities are needed to reach postpartum women and address their contraceptive needs.
Study Highlights:
– 86.3% of postpartum women used contraceptives within 1 year of delivery.
– Government facilities were the most common source of contraceptives.
– Factors associated with contraceptive uptake included lower age, being married, higher education level, being employed, and getting contraceptives at a health facility.
– One third of women who did not want more children were not using contraceptives.
– Women perceived the quality of services at public facilities to be relatively good compared to local chemist shops.
Study Recommendations:
– Increase access to family planning methods for postpartum women, especially long-acting reversible contraceptives.
– Address stock outs of contraceptives in government health facilities.
– Improve counseling services at local chemist shops to increase trust and experience.
Key Role Players:
– Maternal and child health clinics
– Government health facilities
– Family planning clinic staff
– Research assistants
– Mothers
– Key informants
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Procurement of contraceptives
– Training and staffing of service providers
– Counseling services at local chemist shops
– Monitoring and evaluation of family planning programs
– Public awareness campaigns on postpartum family planning

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 7 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is relatively strong, but there are some areas for improvement. The study utilized a mixed method approach, including both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. The sample size was adequate, with 365 mothers participating in the study. The study also included focus group discussions and in-depth interviews to gather qualitative data. The statistical analysis used chi-square tests to determine the relationship between postpartum family planning uptake and various factors. However, there are a few areas for improvement. First, the abstract does not provide information on the response rate or any potential biases in the sample. Second, the abstract does not mention any limitations of the study. It would be helpful to include information on any potential limitations, such as generalizability or confounding factors. Lastly, the abstract does not provide any recommendations for future research or implications for practice. It would be beneficial to include actionable steps based on the study findings, such as improving access to contraceptives for women who desire no more children.

Background: There is a high unmet need for limiting and spacing child births during the postpartum period. Given the consequences of closely spaced births, and the benefits of longer pregnancy intervals, targeted activities are needed to reach this population of postpartum women. Our objective was to establish the determinants of contraceptive uptake among postpartum women in a county referral hospital in rural Kenya. Methods: Sample was taken based on a mixed method approach that included both quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection. Postpartum women who had brought their children for the second dose of measles vaccine between 18 and 24 months were sampled Participants were interviewed using structured questionnaires, data was collected about their socio-demographic characteristics, fertility, knowledge, use, and access to contraceptives. Chi square tests were used to determine the relationship between uptake of postpartum family planning and: socio demographic characteristics, contraceptive knowledge, use access and fertility. Qualitative data collection included focus group discussions (FDGs) with mothers and in-depth interviews with service providers Information was obtained from mothers’ regarding their perceptions on family planning methods, use, availability, access and barriers to uptake and key informants’ views on family planning counseling practices and barriers to uptake of family planning Results: More than three quarters (86.3%) of women used contraceptives within 1 year of delivery, with government facilities being the most common source. There was a significant association (p ≤ 0.05) between uptake of postpartum family planning and lower age, being married, higher education level, being employed and getting contraceptives at a health facility. One third of women expressing no intention of having additional children were not on contraceptives. In focus group discussions women perceived that the quality of services offered at the public facilities was relatively good because they felt that they were adequately counseled, as opposed to local chemist shops where they perceived the staff was not experienced. Conclusion: Contraceptive uptake was high among postpartum women, who desired to procure contraceptives at health facilities. However, there was unmet need for contraceptives among women who desired no more children. Government health facility stock outs represent a missed opportunity to get family planning methods, especially long acting reversible contraceptives, to postpartum women.

This cross sectional study was conducted at maternal and child health clinics at Kisii level 5 hospital. This hospital is the largest government owned facility in the county of approximately 1.2 million population residing in the following 9 sub counties Kitutu Chache North, Kitutu Chache South, Nyaribari Masaba, Nyaribari Chache, Bomachoge Borabu, Bomachoge Chache, Bobasi, South Mugirango and Bonchari. The respondents were randomly selected from the clinic. Structured questionnaires were used to collect quantitative data and focus group discussions and in-depth interviews to gather qualitative data. Between April and May 2015, we recruited 365 mothers who had brought their children aged between 18 and 24 months for the second dose of measles vaccine at the maternal and child health clinics. Mothers whose children were aged below 12 months and more than 24 months were excluded from the study. Family planning clinic staff were also recruited for key informant interviews. At enrollment, we administered coded questionnaires to mothers, and collected information on maternal socio-demographic characteristics, knowledge (type of family planning known to the mothers), use (type of family planning used during postpartum period) and access (sources of contraceptives) to selected contraceptive methods (see Additional file 1). Mothers self-reported their contraceptive use. We defined postpartum family planning as being the uptake of modern contraceptives within a year of delivery. Research Assistants purposively recruited a subset of 20 participants who met the study criteria to participate in FGDs (see Additional file 2). We conducted two FGDs with each FGD having 10 mothers. Each FGD lasted between 45 and 60 min. Demographic characteristics of mothers who participated in the FGDs were captured. The FGD guide focused on mothers’ perceptions of FP methods, use, availability, access and barriers to uptake. Three KII were purposively recruited but one declined. The interviews were based on a discussion guide that covered availability of contraceptives, training and staffing of service providers, barrier and general uptake of family planning (see Additional file 3). Both key informant interviews (KII) and FGDs were moderated by the principal investigator, with the help of a research assistant who took notes and kept time. The KIIs were conducted in English while FDGs were conducted in both Swahili and English and the conversations were digitally recorded. Descriptive Statistics as percentages for the categorical variables are shown for selected predictors. (Table ​(Table1)1) Bivariate analysis were performed to examine the relationship between PPFP and the selected predictors. We used chi square tests to evaluate the relationship between the dependent variable (uptake of postpartum family planning) and the key independent variables (contraceptive knowledge, use, access and fertility). P value <0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. The tape recorded discussions and interviews were transcribed and translated into English. Manual content analysis was carried out and aligned to the main study themes. The relevant quotes have been highlighted in the text to illustrate the major findings. Socio-demographic characteristics of postpartum women

Based on the provided information, here are some potential innovations that could improve access to maternal health:

1. Mobile clinics: Implementing mobile clinics that travel to rural areas, including the 9 sub counties mentioned, to provide maternal health services, including family planning counseling and contraceptive distribution.

2. Community health workers: Training and deploying community health workers in rural areas to provide education, counseling, and access to contraceptives for postpartum women.

3. Telemedicine: Establishing telemedicine services to connect postpartum women in rural areas with healthcare providers who can provide counseling and prescriptions for contraceptives remotely.

4. Supply chain management: Improving the supply chain management system to ensure consistent availability of contraceptives in government health facilities, reducing stockouts and missed opportunities for postpartum women.

5. Peer support groups: Creating peer support groups for postpartum women where they can share experiences, receive information, and support each other in accessing and using contraceptives.

6. Training for healthcare providers: Providing training for healthcare providers on postpartum family planning counseling and services, ensuring they have the knowledge and skills to effectively meet the needs of postpartum women.

7. Public-private partnerships: Collaborating with private sector organizations, such as local chemist shops, to improve the quality of services and increase access to contraceptives for postpartum women.

These innovations aim to address the determinants of contraceptive use among postpartum women in rural Kenya, as identified in the study, and improve access to maternal health services.
AI Innovations Description
Based on the study titled “Determinants of contraceptive use among postpartum women in a county hospital in rural Kenya,” the following recommendation can be developed into an innovation to improve access to maternal health:

1. Strengthening Family Planning Services: The study found that government facilities were the most common source of contraceptives for postpartum women. To improve access, it is recommended to further strengthen family planning services in government health facilities, ensuring a consistent supply of contraceptives and trained staff to provide counseling and support.

Innovation: Develop a mobile application or online platform that allows postpartum women to easily access information about family planning methods, locate nearby government health facilities that provide contraceptives, and schedule appointments for counseling and contraceptive procurement.

2. Addressing Stock Outs: The study identified stock outs of contraceptives as a barrier to access for postpartum women. To address this issue, it is recommended to improve supply chain management and coordination between government health facilities to ensure a continuous availability of contraceptives.

Innovation: Implement a real-time inventory management system that tracks contraceptive stock levels in government health facilities and automatically generates alerts when stock levels are low. This system can be integrated with the existing health information system to facilitate timely procurement and distribution of contraceptives.

3. Targeted Counseling and Education: The study found that women who desired no more children were not using contraceptives. To address this unmet need, it is recommended to provide targeted counseling and education to postpartum women, emphasizing the benefits of longer pregnancy intervals and the importance of family planning for maternal health.

Innovation: Develop a community-based intervention program that utilizes trained community health workers to provide personalized counseling and education on family planning to postpartum women. This program can include home visits, group discussions, and educational materials to raise awareness and improve knowledge about contraceptive options.

By implementing these recommendations and innovations, access to maternal health can be improved by increasing contraceptive uptake among postpartum women, reducing unintended pregnancies, and promoting better birth spacing for improved maternal and child health outcomes.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the provided information, here are some potential recommendations for improving access to maternal health:

1. Strengthening family planning services: Given the high unmet need for contraceptives among postpartum women, it is important to prioritize and enhance family planning services. This can be done by ensuring the availability of a wide range of contraceptive methods, including long-acting reversible contraceptives, at government health facilities.

2. Improving quality of counseling: Women in the study perceived that the quality of services offered at public facilities was relatively good because they felt adequately counseled. Therefore, it is crucial to invest in training and capacity building for healthcare providers to improve their counseling skills and knowledge about family planning methods.

3. Addressing stockouts: The study identified government health facility stockouts as a missed opportunity to provide family planning methods to postpartum women. It is important to address supply chain management issues to ensure consistent availability of contraceptives at health facilities.

4. Targeted outreach and education: To reach postpartum women who desire no more children but are not using contraceptives, targeted outreach and education programs can be implemented. These programs should focus on raising awareness about the benefits of family planning and addressing misconceptions or barriers to uptake.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could include the following steps:

1. Baseline data collection: Collect data on the current access to maternal health services, including contraceptive uptake among postpartum women, at the selected healthcare facility or community.

2. Intervention implementation: Implement the recommended interventions, such as strengthening family planning services, improving counseling, addressing stockouts, and conducting targeted outreach and education programs.

3. Monitoring and evaluation: Continuously monitor the implementation of the interventions and collect data on key indicators, such as contraceptive uptake, stock availability, and quality of counseling.

4. Data analysis: Analyze the collected data to assess the impact of the interventions on improving access to maternal health. This can be done by comparing the baseline data with the post-intervention data and conducting statistical tests to determine the significance of any observed changes.

5. Feedback and adjustment: Based on the findings from the data analysis, provide feedback to relevant stakeholders and make adjustments to the interventions as needed. This iterative process allows for continuous improvement and optimization of the interventions.

By following this methodology, it is possible to simulate the impact of the recommended innovations on improving access to maternal health and make evidence-based decisions for further implementation and scale-up.

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