Iyeza Maduze: I-DIMA SafePassage: Ukuthutha Okuthembekile Kwempilo Yomama I-DIMA SafePassage iyethula maduze ukuze ihlinzeke ngezinto zokuhamba eziphephile, ezithengekayo, nezithembekile komama abakhulelwe e-Afrika eseningizimu ye-Sahara. Le nsizakalo izosebenzisa ubuchwepheshe bendawo obuhlangene nobuchwepheshe obuthuthukisiwe ukwenza ngcono imiphumela yezempilo kamama. Bhalisa idolobha lakho, idolobha, noma idolobhana manje ukuze uhlale unolwazi lwakamuva ngokuqaliswa kwethu futhi ube ngowokuqala ukuzuza kusevisi yethu.

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