Spatial variation and inequities in antenatal care coverage in Kenya, Uganda and mainland Tanzania using model-based geostatistics: a socioeconomic and geographical accessibility lens

Study Justification:
– Pregnant women in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) have high levels of maternal mortality and stillbirths due to avoidable causes.
– Antenatal care (ANC) can prevent, detect, alleviate, or manage these causes.
– However, coverage of the recommended minimum of four ANC visits (ANC4+) remains low and inequitable in SSA.
– This study aims to assess the spatial variation and inequities in ANC4+ coverage in Kenya, Uganda, and mainland Tanzania using model-based geostatistics.
– The findings will provide valuable information for policymakers to allocate resources and reduce maternal deaths and stillbirths.
Study Highlights:
– Approximately six in ten women reported ANC4+ visits, meaning that around 3 million women in the three countries had fewer than four ANC visits.
– The majority of districts in the three countries had ANC4+ coverage of 50-70%.
– In Kenya, 13% of districts had less than 70% coverage, compared to 10% in Uganda and 27% in mainland Tanzania.
– Only one district in Kenya and ten districts in mainland Tanzania were likely to meet the target coverage of 70%.
– In many districts, ANC4+ coverage and likelihood of attaining the target coverage were lower among the poor, uneducated, and those geographically marginalized from healthcare.
– Increase ANC4+ coverage: Efforts should be made to improve ANC4+ coverage in districts with low coverage, especially among the poor, uneducated, and geographically marginalized populations.
– Target resources: Policymakers should allocate resources to districts with low coverage to ensure access to quality ANC services.
– Improve equity: Strategies should be implemented to address the inequities in ANC4+ coverage, focusing on reducing disparities among different socioeconomic groups and geographically marginalized populations.
Key Role Players:
– Ministry of Health: Responsible for overall healthcare planning and implementation of policies.
– District Health Management Teams: Responsible for healthcare planning and implementation at the district level.
– Health Facility Managers: Responsible for ensuring the availability and quality of ANC services at health facilities.
– Community Health Workers: Involved in community outreach and education on ANC services.
– Non-Governmental Organizations: Provide support and resources for ANC services.
Cost Items for Planning Recommendations:
– Training and Capacity Building: Budget for training healthcare providers on ANC guidelines and best practices.
– Infrastructure Development: Budget for improving healthcare facilities and infrastructure in districts with low coverage.
– Outreach and Awareness Programs: Budget for community outreach programs to increase awareness and utilization of ANC services.
– Health Workforce: Budget for recruiting and retaining skilled healthcare providers to ensure adequate ANC service delivery.
– Monitoring and Evaluation: Budget for monitoring and evaluating the impact of interventions on ANC4+ coverage and equity.
Please note that the cost items provided are general categories and may vary based on the specific context and needs of each country and district.

The strength of evidence for this abstract is 8 out of 10.
The evidence in the abstract is strong, as it is based on data from nationally representative surveys in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. Geostatistical models were used to predict ANC4+ coverage and compute exceedance probability for target coverage. The abstract provides specific results and findings, including the percentage of women with ANC4+ visits, coverage by district, and the number of pregnant women without ANC4+ visits. The abstract also highlights the inequities in ANC4+ coverage among different socioeconomic and geographical groups. To improve the evidence, the abstract could include more details on the sampling strategy, data collection methods, and statistical analysis techniques used in the study.

Background: Pregnant women in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) experience the highest levels of maternal mortality and stillbirths due to predominantly avoidable causes. Antenatal care (ANC) can prevent, detect, alleviate, or manage these causes. While eight ANC contacts are now recommended, coverage of the previous minimum of four visits (ANC4+) remains low and inequitable in SSA. Methods: We modelled ANC4+ coverage and likelihood of attaining district-level target coverage of 70% across three equity stratifiers (household wealth, maternal education, and travel time to the nearest health facility) based on data from malaria indicator surveys in Kenya (2020), Uganda (2018/19) and Tanzania (2017). Geostatistical models were fitted to predict ANC4+ coverage and compute exceedance probability for target coverage. The number of pregnant women without ANC4+ were computed. Prediction was at 3 km spatial resolution and aggregated at national and district -level for sub-national planning. Results: About six in ten women reported ANC4+ visits, meaning that approximately 3 million women in the three countries had <ANC4+ visits. The majority of the 366 districts in the three countries had ANC4+ coverage of 50–70%. In Kenya, 13% of districts had < 70% coverage, compared to 10% and 27% of the districts in Uganda and mainland Tanzania, respectively. Only one district in Kenya and ten districts in mainland Tanzania were likely met the target coverage. Six percent, 38%, and 50% of the districts had at most 5000 women with 20,000 women having <ANC4+ visits were 38%, 1% and 1%, respectively. In many districts, ANC4+ coverage and likelihood of attaining the target coverage was lower among the poor, uneducated and those geographically marginalized from healthcare. Conclusions: These findings will be invaluable to policymakers for annual appropriations of resources as part of efforts to reduce maternal deaths and stillbirths.

Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania are located in East Africa and share national borders (SI Fig. 1). Each country is subdivided into districts that are used for healthcare planning, 47 in Kenya (counties), 135 in Uganda (districts) and 184 in mainland Tanzania(councils) (SI Fig. 1). Population, health, socioeconomic and demographic indicators for each country are presented in SI Table 1. The healthcare system in the three countries is decentralized, running a hierarchical referral system from primary to tertiary level health facilities with both public and private health facilities [21, 22, 24]. These health facilities are expected to serve ANC clients through a recommended package of interventions [8, 9, 11]. The health sector financing in the three countries is mainly dependent on funds from the government, donors, and out-of-pocket payments [35–37]. Over time, these countries have put in place policies to make maternal health services, including ANC, affordable and accessible through subsidies, incentives, partial or full removal of user fees, vouchers, conditional cash transfers and insurance programs [29, 38–42]. ANC guidelines monitored ANC4+ coverage at the time of the survey in the three countries [21–24]. Percentage of pregnant women with at least 4 ANC visits based on the pregnancy preceding their most recent live birth during the 3 years preceding the survey. Empirical observations (A), predicted surfaces at 3 km spatial resolution (B) aggregated at district level (C) and exceedance probability for a 70% target in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania mainland We used data from the most recent nationally representative Malaria Indicator Surveys (MIS) in Kenya 2020 [43], Uganda 2018/19 [44], and Tanzania 2017 [45]. MIS are stand-alone cross-sectional household surveys which collects data on key indicators of malaria and population health, including that of pregnant women. The sampling strategy is detailed in supplementary information 1 (SI) section A2. Our study sample included ANC history of 10,237 women of reproductive age (15–49 years) for their most recent live birth in the 3 years preceding the surveys. The women belong to randomly selected households within sampled enumeration areas (EAs)/clusters. Each cluster is represented by a displaced geographical coordinate to protect respondent confidentiality [46]. Urban and rural clusters are displaced by up to 2 and 5 km, respectively while remaining within boundaries of the district or region considered in the survey. Further, 1% of the rural clusters are displaced by up to 10 km [46]. The outcome variable was the percentage of women who reported receiving ANC4+ visits. Women were asked how many visits they received during pregnancy, and during those visits, to list all types of health providers/professionals they saw. We defined doctors, nurses, midwives, medical assistants, clinical officers, assistant clinical officers, assistant nurses, maternal and child health aides as qualified health professionals for the purpose of ANC provision. Women reporting ANC visits but not listing at least one of these providers were categorized as not receiving ANC. Although the study surveys were conducted during the first phase of implementing the new WHO recommendation of at least eight ANC contacts (ANC8+), none of the three countries had transitioned to the ANC8+ model at the time of data collection or had explicit policy targets for its coverage [21–24]. Further, the observed ANC8+ coverage based on the study surveys was very low (3.5% in Kenya, 1.4% in Uganda, and 1.2% in mainland Tanzania) insufficient for robust geostatistical modelling at high spatial resolution. As such, analyses in this study were based on the previous WHO recommendation of ANC4+ and in line with the EPMM targets [11, 19]. Study variables were based on factors known to influence ANC use [47–49] and data available from the three MIS (Table 1). The outcome and covariates based on Malaria Indicator Survey in Kenya (2020), Tanzania (2017) and Uganda (2018/19). Travel time was modelled while nighttime lights were derived from satellite imagery. Geographical coordinates were available at the cluster level, and all data were resolved at this level Two factors not sourced from the MIS were nighttime lights (NTL) and travel time to the nearest health facility. NTL is a proxy for urbanization, gross domestic product, population density and economic activity [52, 53]. Its inclusion alongside other covariates (Table 1) correlated with the urban/rural clusters in geostatistical models for disease mapping accounts for the sampling design implicitly [54, 55]. Annual NTL, temporally matched to survey year, produced using monthly cloud-free radiance averages, made from low light imaging day/night band data collected by the NASA/NOAA Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite was used [56]. We extracted NTL per cluster within a buffer to minimize the effect of displaced cluster coordinates in ArcMap version 10.5 (ESRI Inc., Redlands, CA, USA). We modelled travel time to the nearest health facility (spatial access) using approaches that combine several modes of transport in a single journey [57, 58] based on a least-cost path algorithm implemented in AccessMod software alpha version 5.7.8 (WHO, Geneva, Switzerland) [59]. We accounted for the road network, land use, topography, and transport barriers except where a road intersected a barrier [57–59]. We leveraged the SSA master health facility list (MHFL) comprising public health facilities managed by the government, local authority, faith-based and non-governmental organizations capable of offering ANC [57, 60, 61]. The SSA MHFL reflects facilities available around 2015–2018. However, the Kenyan list had been updated (2020) by incorporating data from Kenya’s routine data reporting system and Kenya’s MHFL [62]. We extracted the mean travel time for each cluster as done for the NTL gridded surfaces. Equity stratifiers were based on factors known to influence ANC4+ coverage, within EPMM recommendations, based on data availability and in WHO’s list of the main barriers to receiving or seeking care during pregnancy [7, 18, 19, 26, 47–49]. They included maternal education, household wealth and travel time to the nearest healthcare facility and were stratified as shown in Table 1. The stratification followed a pragmatic approach, with a policy interpretation, supported by literature and ensuring each arm had a considerable number of observations to allow for robust inference using MBG. Districts were then used as the unit of aggregation. Data on maternal autonomy (decision to seek ANC services) were only collected on the Kenya MIS, while data on ANC initiation was not reported on the Tanzania MIS. Women who attended ANC but had a “don’t know” response for the number of ANC visits or when they initiated their first visit were recoded as missing (1.4% in Kenya, 0.6% in Uganda, and 2.1% in mainland Tanzania). However, the three variables with missing data did not exceed 2.1% of the total sample size by country and were excluded from the analysis (SI section A2). Exploratory analysis is the first stage of geostatistical analysis [54]. It entails visualizing the spatial distribution of sampled clusters (Fig. 1A), examining the correlation between covariates, assessing the relationship between ANC4+ and covariates, and testing for residual spatial correlation [54]. We undertook these steps as detailed in SI section A3. Briefly, Pearson’s correlation was implemented in corrplot package in R [63] while empirical logit [64] was used to assess the association between ANC4+ coverage and the covariates and visualized with scatter plots. To select a set of parsimonious predictors used as fixed effects during geostatistical modeling, we used a non-spatial generalized linear model relating the covariates with ANC4+ coverage. The selection was done by country and equity stratifier resulting in 21 models. Finally, we assessed the evidence of spatial correlation after accounting for fixed effects (parsimonious predictors) through an empirical variogram (S1 Section A3). Separate Bayesian geostatistical models were used to model ANC4+ coverage for each country and equity strata. Each model contained explained factors (fixed effect) and unexplained factors (random effect). The fixed effect was modelled using the predictors denoted as d'(x)β, where d(x) is the vector of parsimonious predictors with the corresponding coefficient β. The random effect was modelled using two terms, S(x) to account for the spatial residual variation and Z to account for the measurement error or small-scale variation that is not captured in S(x). Specifically, the variation in ANC4+ coverage P(x) at location x was modelled using a binomial geostatistical model (Eq. 1). S(x)was modelled as a zero-mean discretely indexed Gaussian Markov Random Field (GMRF) with Matérn correlation function [65]. All fixed and random effect parameters were estimated using the integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA) and Stochastic Partial Differential Equation (SPDE) implemented in INLA package [65, 66]. Prediction of ANC4+ coverage was obtained using the simulation from posterior distributions of all the parameters and summarized using the mean, standard error and 95% confidence interval (CI) at 3 × 3 km spatial resolution. The high-resolution surfaces were aggregated by district. Additional details about geostatistical models are provided in SI section A4. We assessed the likelihood (exceedance probability-EP) that each pixel and district had ANC4+ coverage above 70%, the target coverage based on EPMM strategy [19] (SI section A5). An EP value close to 100% indicates that ANC4+ coverage is highly likely to be above the target; if close to 0%, ANC4+ coverage, is highly likely to be below the target; if close to 50%, ANC4+ coverage, is equally likely to be above or below the target. We validated our models by checking if the fitted correlation function was compatible with the data using a variogram-based procedure [67, 68] detailed in SI section A6. It entailed simulating many variograms from the fitted model and then comparing them with the estimated empirical variogram from the data. We concluded that the adopted correlation function is compatible with our data if the estimated empirical variogram lies entirely in the 95% confidence interval of the simulated empirical variograms. We estimated the number of pregnant women with ANC4+ visits by multiplying the 3 km gridded surfaces showing ANC4+ coverage from geostatistical models and population gridded surfaces of pregnant women obtained from the WorldPop portal [69]. The number of pregnant women with fewer than four visits (<ANC4+) was obtained by subtracting those with ANC4+ visits from the total number of pregnant women. The results were aggregated by country and district. Briefly, to construct the population density maps, mid-year population of under 1 year (corrected for mortality and migration) were extrapolated by Worldpop based on United Nations (UN) data on births and WorldPop’s estimates of children under 1 year to estimate total annual births. The births were adjusted to match the UN total births by country. The Guttmacher birth to pregnancy rate was used to compute the number of annual pregnancies. Gridded pregnancy surfaces were available for 2020 in Kenya and 2017 for Uganda and mainland Tanzania at 1 km spatial resolution [69]. STATA (StataCorp. 2015. Stata Statistical Software: Release 14. College Station, TX: StataCorp LP.) was used for descriptive analysis, R statistical software [70] for geostatistical modelling and ArcMap version 10.5 (ESRI Inc., Redlands, CA, USA) for all cartographies.

Based on the information provided, here are some potential innovations that could be used to improve access to maternal health:

1. Mobile Health (mHealth) Solutions: Develop mobile applications or text messaging services that provide pregnant women with information and reminders about antenatal care visits, nutrition, and other important aspects of maternal health.

2. Telemedicine: Implement telemedicine programs that allow pregnant women in remote or underserved areas to consult with healthcare providers through video calls or phone calls, reducing the need for travel and improving access to medical advice.

3. Community Health Workers: Train and deploy community health workers to provide antenatal care services, education, and support to pregnant women in their communities. This can help bridge the gap between healthcare facilities and pregnant women in hard-to-reach areas.

4. Transportation Solutions: Develop transportation initiatives, such as mobile clinics or ambulance services, to ensure that pregnant women can easily access healthcare facilities for antenatal care visits and emergency obstetric care.

5. Financial Incentives: Implement financial incentive programs that provide pregnant women with financial support or vouchers for antenatal care visits, transportation, and other related expenses. This can help alleviate financial barriers to accessing maternal health services.

6. Public-Private Partnerships: Foster collaborations between public and private sectors to improve access to maternal health services. This can involve leveraging private healthcare providers and facilities to expand service coverage and reduce waiting times.

7. Health Education and Awareness Campaigns: Conduct targeted health education campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of antenatal care and address cultural or social barriers that may prevent pregnant women from seeking care.

8. Strengthening Health Systems: Invest in strengthening healthcare infrastructure, staffing, and supply chains to ensure that healthcare facilities are adequately equipped to provide quality antenatal care services.

9. Data-driven Decision Making: Utilize data and geospatial analysis to identify areas with low antenatal care coverage and inequities, allowing for targeted interventions and resource allocation.

10. Policy and Advocacy: Advocate for policy changes and increased funding to prioritize maternal health and improve access to antenatal care services at the national and regional levels.

These innovations can help address the challenges identified in the study and contribute to improving access to maternal health services in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania.
AI Innovations Description
The study described in the provided text focuses on the spatial variation and inequities in antenatal care (ANC) coverage in Kenya, Uganda, and mainland Tanzania. The goal of the study is to improve access to maternal health by identifying areas with low ANC coverage and targeting resources to reduce maternal deaths and stillbirths.

The study used model-based geostatistics to analyze data from malaria indicator surveys conducted in the three countries. The researchers modeled ANC4+ coverage (at least four ANC visits) and the likelihood of attaining a district-level target coverage of 70%. They also examined the factors that influence ANC4+ coverage, including household wealth, maternal education, and travel time to the nearest health facility.

The findings of the study revealed that approximately 3 million women in the three countries had less than four ANC visits. The majority of districts had ANC4+ coverage between 50% and 70%. Only a few districts met the target coverage of 70%. In many districts, ANC4+ coverage was lower among the poor, uneducated, and those living far from healthcare facilities.

Based on these findings, policymakers can use the study’s recommendations to allocate resources and develop innovative strategies to improve access to maternal health. Some potential recommendations could include:

1. Strengthening healthcare infrastructure: Invest in the construction and improvement of health facilities, particularly in areas with low ANC coverage. This can include building new facilities, upgrading existing ones, and ensuring they are adequately staffed and equipped to provide ANC services.

2. Enhancing transportation options: Improve transportation networks and services to reduce travel time to the nearest health facility. This can involve building and maintaining roads, providing public transportation options, and implementing mobile health clinics or outreach programs to reach remote areas.

3. Increasing awareness and education: Conduct targeted awareness campaigns to educate communities, especially those with low ANC coverage, about the importance of ANC and the available services. This can include community outreach programs, health education sessions, and the use of local media channels to disseminate information.

4. Addressing financial barriers: Implement policies and programs to make ANC services more affordable and accessible, particularly for disadvantaged populations. This can include subsidies, incentives, partial or full removal of user fees, vouchers, conditional cash transfers, and insurance programs.

5. Strengthening data collection and monitoring: Improve the collection and analysis of data on ANC coverage and other maternal health indicators. This can help identify areas with low coverage, track progress over time, and inform evidence-based decision-making.

By implementing these recommendations, policymakers can work towards reducing maternal deaths and stillbirths by improving access to quality ANC services for all women, regardless of their socioeconomic status or geographical location.
AI Innovations Methodology
Based on the provided information, here are some potential recommendations for improving access to maternal health:

1. Strengthening healthcare infrastructure: Invest in the development and improvement of healthcare facilities, particularly in rural and marginalized areas. This includes ensuring the availability of skilled healthcare professionals, necessary medical equipment, and essential supplies for maternal health services.

2. Enhancing transportation systems: Improve transportation networks and accessibility to healthcare facilities, especially in remote areas. This can involve building roads, bridges, and transportation hubs, as well as implementing transportation services such as ambulances or mobile clinics to facilitate the transportation of pregnant women to healthcare facilities.

3. Promoting community-based interventions: Implement community-based programs that focus on raising awareness about the importance of maternal health, providing education on pregnancy care, and offering support to pregnant women within their communities. This can be done through the establishment of community health workers or volunteers who can provide basic antenatal care services and refer women to healthcare facilities when necessary.

4. Addressing socioeconomic barriers: Implement policies and programs that address socioeconomic barriers to accessing maternal health services. This can include providing financial assistance or subsidies for maternal health services, removing user fees, and implementing conditional cash transfer programs to incentivize pregnant women to seek antenatal care.

To simulate the impact of these recommendations on improving access to maternal health, a methodology could be developed as follows:

1. Data collection: Gather data on the current state of maternal health access, including information on healthcare facilities, transportation infrastructure, socioeconomic factors, and demographic indicators. This can be done through surveys, interviews, and existing data sources such as national health surveys or administrative records.

2. Modeling: Develop a geostatistical model that incorporates the collected data to predict the current coverage of antenatal care (ANC4+) and the likelihood of attaining the target coverage of 70% at the district level. This model should consider factors such as household wealth, maternal education, travel time to the nearest health facility, and geographical location.

3. Simulation: Use the geostatistical model to simulate the impact of the recommended interventions on improving access to maternal health. This can be done by adjusting the relevant variables in the model, such as increasing the number of healthcare facilities, improving transportation infrastructure, or implementing community-based interventions. The model can then predict the potential increase in ANC4+ coverage and the number of pregnant women with access to adequate antenatal care.

4. Evaluation: Assess the simulated results to determine the effectiveness of the recommended interventions in improving access to maternal health. This can be done by comparing the predicted coverage and number of pregnant women with ANC4+ visits before and after implementing the interventions. Additionally, evaluate the equity of access by analyzing the impact on different socioeconomic groups and geographical areas.

5. Policy recommendations: Based on the simulation results, provide policymakers with evidence-based recommendations on the most effective interventions to improve access to maternal health. Consider the feasibility, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability of the recommended interventions in the specific context of Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania.

It is important to note that the methodology described above is a general framework and may need to be adapted and refined based on the specific data availability, context, and objectives of the study.

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